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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Regarding 'coulda, shoulda, did do, didn't do' by any of the characters, the only person who had total autonomy and could do whatever he wanted was El Temur.   No one else had the freedom to choose their actions, without first receiving  approval from El Temur.  (Of course, he used TH as a puppet to issue orders.)

So, WY would have to ask ET for permission to take SN as a concubine, which would probably have gotten her a death sentence because she would be a threat to WY's queen, the Yuan princess.

As for why SN didn't try to let people,especially WY, know of her survival, the Palace is not like the internet.  Information is not disbursed freely, easily or quickly.  People are not allowed free access to roam around the palace without permission.  One is assigned to a certain area and venturing into some other area is an automatic death sentence, if caught.  And, permission is granted only for specific tasks. Example was when Sniffy asked his sister, the Empress, for permission to search the Women's Palace for the masked assassins who rescued Jaeko.  Even in this case, neither he nor his father, ET, could proceed without permission.  With that said, with such restricted access, information is not easily disseminated.  Besides, it is hard to tell who can be trusted to act as a messenger.

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Ha Ji Won Talks About Filming the Difficult Childbirth Scene in “Empress Ki”tumblr_inline_mzrdc8SyAc1rwsbdh.jpg
Actress Ha Ji Won talked about filming the difficult childbirth scene in “Empress Ki” at a press conference for the drama on January 20.
She said, “Rather than the action [being difficult], I got pregnant and had to have a child in a cave. It was the hardest thing for me since I started acting. I almost even passed out.”
“I had to do the scene in a block of ice about 10cm thick. My whole body went numb and I felt like I was turning into ice. When I came out, the staff started massaging my body to get the blood flowing, but it felt like my body was going to shatter, so I told them to stop. Portraying emotions that come from a very extreme situation was very difficult.”
“Seeing that I didn’t have much action, but a pregnancy scene instead, and that I would have to portray the emotions of a woman having a fatherless child all in a single episode, I was really on edge. If my portrayal of anything like morning sickness was poorly done, I worried a lot about how the following episode would come out. As it was my first time acting this sort of scene, older people around me really helped out a lot. I tried my best, and everyone says I did a good job, so I feel good.
Ha Ji Won also mentioned that she’s not feeling her best right now, but that she is determined to get her footing back again and show everyone yet another side of her character. 
“Empress Ki” is a 50-episode historical drama starring Ha Ji Won, Joo Jin Mo, and Ji Chang Wook, and is currently at the lead of the Monday/Tuesday airing dramas..empress-ki-ha-ji-won-399x900.jpg

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@vu_hoa1983 @rinchan76

I'm adding my thoughts on your discussion.

I don't think SN or WY let each other go. They both still have each other in their hearts and in their minds. However, fate has backed them into a corner, and in order to survive, they can only choose one: love or revenge. They can't have both.

In an ideal world, they will most definitely be together. But at the moment, they must face reality, and the reality is, love alone cannot keep them together. They have met so many times, only to be apart again. I guess, that's how their destinies are going to be. They will always meet, but something will always keep them apart.


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Guest hunterdd

After only a couple of scenes with SN, I am surprised at the huge response for Tal Tal. I think this pretty much guarantees he will have many more scenes with SN in the future. 

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@vu_hoa1983 Ok, now I have a better idea about what you mean when you say SN left first.When SN came back, and is at BA's place you are right, she could have sent a message to WY, ( I am not sure she knows that he thinks she is dead) but by the time she came back he was already engaged and this most likely can't be undone. From her stand point, WY has already moved on, whether she knows he thinks she is dead or not. From her point of view in her absence WY has already moved on with plans to get his thrown back, so it could appear to her as though he is no longer holding his hands out to her, although I think we can both agree that this is not true. After reading the letters of the girls, I think she has come to realize that their paths now are different and has accepted that the ship has sailed in regards to their relationship, and she is unable to get that back. There is no point in holding on to a man that is gone. I understand she can become his concubine, but when they first were together and made their promises everything aligned, their goals, their agenda, and wishes. However now the situation has changed, I doubt she will ever be in peace until she gets her revenge. After what happened to her, it was revenge that basically gave her a reason to live. Before she is a wife, I think her love for her son overrides all things, so losing him killed her. Also not much can be accomplished on her end if she is just his concubine, and I don't like the idea of her having to share WY and having ET interfere in WY's relationship with her by holding Goryo or SN hostage. With her understanding of the situation things are over. I can see what you mean by her love towards WY is unfair but her relationship with WY, in the light of her situation and the way she feels, may seem futile. If WY can ever rehabilitate SN, he can always opt to be her lover. Also, I know WY loves her, I said that we have not seen WY ever toss aside his political goals and choose her. In the novel when WY played that instrument, (and please correct me if I am wrong) he said to SN that if it was their fate he would accept it, but I do not rule out that he will stop pursuing SN, I am saying he just hasn't proven it yet. Also, at that point, if he is fighting over her with TH, it won't be a long battle because he is fighting for someone who let go of his hand, because affection is still there, but it is more like he is fighting for someone who will push him away to protect his head.    

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I don't think SN left WY or WY left SN, their circumstances had put them in a position that a choice had to be made and they each choose their own path. WY could have said no and stayed single for the rest of his life, but he wanted more then that, he used the marriage as a stepping stone to his ultimate goal, so for him, marrying not-SN is the only thing he could do left for her. In a way, that is a declaration of eternal love, he will not allow himself happiness because SN was no longer of this world.

SN on the other, was the one with the ultimate decision, had when she found out WY was getting married gone back to look for him, WY would have dropped everything to be with her, she would have that trust in him. However, if she did, WY would in some ways lose his current footing, the Yuan's has been pushing this marriage for a while now, even ED was pushing it. The current SN, is very likely torn between vengeance and her dedication to her king as well as her unborn child, but WY's marriage as well as reading the letters from the dead maids was what gave her the motivation to embrace her hatred and continue on the path she would have chosen in a heartbeat had WY not been the love of her life.

Though it does seem like SN was the one who let go first, but her decision was in character and was also in the best interest at the time.

BTW, I have happily moved my things and settled on the TT-SN ship. I finally found a home after drifting for 24 episodes. I love myself an equal relationship. SN had always had the upperhand in the WY-SN and TH-SN relationship, while the guys wear their hearts on their sleeves and takes every chance to show her they care, SN was the one who had been holding back, hiding behind a curtain of calmness. Hell, the only person that has seen her cry was evil obsessive dude. TT is the calmest male character outside of the eunuchs who can rival SN not just in brains and brawns but also in their deceptively subservient nature.

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Guys...personally, for me TT-SN pair  is an eye candy for this and upcoming episodes where there will be only gloomy things since the revenge has been begun. However if there is a chance for this drama to have a happy ending it would be WY-SN or TH-SN ship. That's why i will not take TT-SN pair seriously.  :PAnyway, this drama is really too complicated, consume my energy and emotional. That's why i balance it by watching You who came from the star. No headache guarantee !

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@illay I don't think any one on the TT-SN ship thinks we're going to dock one day, I don't think we are even going to set sail, but its a place for those of us to take refuge or those like me that did not buy a ticket on the WY or TH ship.

I would watch You who Came from another star if it was more substantial and starred someone else other then JJH.

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wow guys...serious discussions
I have nothing new to say ... you guys are amazing and said all I could think of saying

I'm happy for the ratings ... that's a good sign the new plot for the new SN
is what people wanted to see ... I hope when the evil clan dies the ratings will reach above 30 :))
the cast must be happy now :)

omo at BTS video
Tal Tal is already sailing his own ship and touching SN's cheek to gain shippers hearts :))
such naughty Tal Tal ... and HJW can draw too, as for me all I can draw is the hangman character
I know this Tal Tal-SN pairing is only an alliance and maybe friendship pairing but I actually love it nevertheless...and having tal tal help her all the way cause he was drawn to her thinking and brains without the usual him also falling in love with her we get in other dramas makes it more sexy and interesting for me.......him loving SN and her not loving him will only mean that the ship will fail but when they are friends and he helps her to the end means there interactions will stay till the end and we will see more and more of them together ....okay I have no idea what I'm bluffing here so I should stop :))
this is the effect of having woke up still sleepy :))

I will not talk about the SN and WY much...
cause first, you guys said all I wanted to say and second it's not the best thing I could talk about when my brain is still in sleepy land .... so I will keep it short to avoid my post being a salad with drunk dressing :))
as much as these 2 love each other, fate is against their love :( from the start they were separated more than once, and she was left with TH at those times .... TH will be the one she will be with in the end while her heart will be with WY....it's sad as much as they try all the circumstances are obstacles against their love and I do wish atleast if they want to give us a tragic ending, they will make it that they die together like beside each other...not one dies in the desert while the other dies in alaska kind ....no I mean like die at the same place the same time maybe holding hands too

thanks guys for the pics and videos and info too :)

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Guest niknokdagu425

NICE comments from Knetizen http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.com/2014/01/tv-spoilers-empress-ki.html?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed

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Guest ziimblu

WY married!  SN will become Empress! 
Marriage of convenience!  Then and now!
If it works, it must be the norm? And love is but a nuisance? 
Or, marriage can only "work" if it is for practical alliances?! (And that one has to find love elsewhere?)
Or, love is too unadulterated a  cause  for some transaction called "marriage"? 
Maybe parents pushing for arranged marriages do have a point....after all! 


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thanks for the link :)
poor jeokhu...he is sold to an ajumma and with a crappy price too
atleast that ajumma could have given the poor guy a high price since she will abduct him

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Guest ziimblu

Just "revisited" again the script reading photos.I have same loving feelings looking at JJM pic. Have stronger/more loving feelings for JCW pic.
Now, I look at pic of actor playing TalTal in a rather gentle way.  B-)
Ugh, and you know who else I had the "misfortune" of seeing again?!Of all pics, I focused on pic of  YB, but dressed in modern garb.Actor so outstanding he lost his real identity.  Must give it to the guy! How he makes us all upset! ^:)^I hope Seoul streets won't find him beaten black & blue. 

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Guest anjshin

ATTENTION EmpressKi fans

All shipping lines now are closed. Those who wish or attempting to jump, please put on your life vest to avoid getting drowned. Warning the water is on freezing point because of the approaching iceberg, iceberg, iceberg, politics, politics, vengeance, ugly truth, left and right death, screwed reality, assumptions of nowhere and invariable fate. :| :| >:D<

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