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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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lunatiger14 said:


OK long post again, sorry, I have so much on my mind right now... I’ll admit I didn’t think I was going to be this heart-broken over SN and WY’s separation, even knowing the future of their relationship, but I am! I can’t help it! *SOBS* I think I’m gonna need booze, lots and lots of booze to help me get through the rest series. Hopefully whatever life throws at SN and WY they will always hold each other in their hearts till the very end and even in the afterlife. I was kinda peeved at SN for not even trying to contact WY to let him know she’s alright, and for WY accepting SN is dead with no body to show for it. Grrr…yeah…I expected it to happen because they need to further the plot and create more angst but I kinda wanted to bang my head against the table. I’m hoping SN doesn’t have a grudge with WY for marrying someone else. I can’t see that she does. I think she’s so full of sadness that she can’t think straight. After hearing WY’s marriage she feels like she lost everything. I’m sure she understands that WY’s marriage was of political necessity, she just heartbroken that they can’t be together. Like someone said it’s not like WY can back out so easily after the marriage deal has been struck. I think by the time she gets word to WY about her being alive it’s too late, so she doesn’t try.

I hate to say it but I thought SN and TalTal look kinda hot together, maybe because they look deliciously seductive and cool. I see that a lot of people on the board have the same feeling! I can see TalTal and SN scheming up ways to take down ET! That’s not to say I’m jumping from the SN x WY ship because they are my OTP and I will go down with this ship till the very end, but if I had to pick another man for SN it would be TalTal. I don’t know why just looking at the pictures, they seem like they ooze with chemistry. I didn’t even watch the episode yet! Is their chemistry that powerful??? LOL I’m kinda excited to see SN and TalTal interacting. It’s a nice new dynamic. It might calm my shipper nerves now that SN and WY are not together anymore. Shipping doesn’t have to be romance shipping. I’d really like to see SN and TalTal strike up a friendship together.

Even though the story sacrifices SN and WY’s relationship for the revenge plot to occur, I am excited to see badass SN as a royal concubine. She’s not fighting with a sword but with her mind and beauty. It’s gonna be sweet to see ET’s gang taken down. SN is a vicious dragon with her claws ready to strike. After everything that happened to her, she doesn’t give a sh**it about anything anymore. I kinda feel sorry for TH. Even though SN is back, I don’t think she has any room in her heart anymore for his love. She’s cold-blooded now, driven by revenge, emotionless, and backstabbing. TH might be able to warm her heart over time but I feel like SN is unfortunately using him to fuel her revenge. Nothing else matters to her anymore. We’ve seen in Episode 1 that she doesn’t get quite as emotional on being TH’s empress, but then seeing WY in the background made her cry. TH also looks like he still has doubts about SN’s “love” for him.

OK QUESTION: How does Bayan and TalTal pass SN off as a concubine? Everyone knows its SN. They can’t really disguise her as someone else. How does ET’s gang let Bayan get away with that, knowing that SN is a fugitive? SN is not even a part of any sort of noble family. Not really getting how SN can easily stroll in as a candidate to be a concubine…

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I just finished re-watching ep24 raw, the live stream was leggy this morning, I realized I missed a few parts.
I get the feeling from this episode that this is an episode dedicated to officially opening the doors to SN's path to becoming Empress.
We get to see SN display her intelligence and and 'war' (not literally) tactics, thanks to Tal Tal (for you SN and TT shippers, I gotta give him some credit for helping SN display these traits to us :)) )
The fact that she's able to learn all those different 'lady' skills, reading war tactics books, and able to remember the teachings from them.
In the scene when TT was talking to SN about the books she was reading, SN actually explained (from what I understand) her reason for wanting to re-enter the palace and telling TT these are the exact tactics taught in 'The Art of War' hence that surprised look on TT's face.  It shows she's actually already got a plan up her sleeves as to how she wants to go about acting out her revenge.

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TH went into deep depression still unable to come to terms with SN's "death" while here we have WY getting married? Really crazy man even after having slept wth SN he got married that quick? Hishh I am really sore, as a man he can always come up with excuses if forced to marry! Did he even bother to look for SN's "body" to confirm her death before deciding to get married? Neigh? you good for nothing man!
So easy to traffic human those days.. why is Jokko and SN so helpless when they can fight off even DK and the prison guards back in the Palace? This fact I find it hard to swallow.
Anyway for ED to grow back her hair to such length, it may take at least 3yrs (I know because I keep waist length hair). The baby should already be running about (toddler) so if the baby still remains wrapped up, cannot crawl or walk she must definitely be using a wig. How old is the baby when PAPA decide to got married? 
Okay, don't care. Am looking forward to see SN back in action as TH's concubine. 

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anjshin said: SN: how will i unlove you wangyu gu? WY: just use Taltal. TH: i need an explanation. Taltal: i have Tapjhae, mianada. :D =)) <:-P hahaha Th is always needing an explanation ahahha... poor baby

but @anjshin look what this says
sarah.lina said: Brace yourselves SN-TH shippers, k-netizen are all over SN-TT ship now, all the comments are praising how SN was so beautiful and how the new couple scenes (aka SN-TT) were jjang :D :D
ahahha.. you like it huh?? you're proud of Tal Tal now huh??

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ChelseaS said: Baek Anh has been so fatherly to both TH and SN the past few episode that I keep wondering how he'll end up as the main villain. Yes he has been a great person... i like how he repays people for their kind deeds....

Do you think Baek Anh will be seen till the last episode(don't think i saw him during the wedding)?? How do you think he might die?? Saving someone or just getting killed?

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Well Empress Gi was from a Korean aristocratic family ...i guess nobody knew who her dad was when she became maid  ...from the begining she was not supposed to be a servant but a concubine of Toghun Temür....beeing from a Korean aristocratic family she could also become WY wiffe...she wasn't a nobody...now she took her familly name back

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Did the writer just threw us this :


and just after, this :


Just for saying : What? what are you gonna do right know, we've lost you... yeah that was our aim :P :p :P

Yeah Wr-nim that's just awfull, i feel like i'm betraying him, but why does it feel so good ? :-O

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Guest anjshin

@loli: i'm a WY shipper :)) and we the united shippers have nuclear weapon for TalTal,. we have Tapjhae and @petria knows that he is.... ;;) :x ;;) charmed by his beauty. =) more than a goddess,. :bz :x

i guess bayan's death is brain stroke, knowing that his beloved Taltal is married to Tapjhae,. \m/

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hell59 said: lunatiger14 said:

OK QUESTION: How does Bayan and TalTal pass SN off as a concubine? Everyone knows its SN. They can’t really disguise her as someone else. How does ET’s gang let Bayan get away with that, knowing that SN is a fugitive? SN is not even a part of any sort of noble family. Not really getting how SN can easily stroll in as a candidate to be a concubine…

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Ding Lin said: Did anyone know what SN said on her way to the palace?  She was talking to WY.  From the rough translation I read, It seemed to me that she was planning to go back to Goryeo. She said something like this is my last drop of tears shed for you. Please become the King of Goryeo again, for the people of Goryeo.  I will use my way to revenge.  

~~~ I did not feel any sense of feeling betrayed there. Heart broken yes, but not being betrayed.  Somehow, she knew WY must have his reasons.  

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Question: Yes i know if TH keep acting like a fool, ET will lower his guard and then TH can attack ET when he is vulnerable, Which is good and i like it... but when TH actually come out of his closet and fight like a man? I want to see his other side like Yuwen Yong from Prince of Lan Ling

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Guest lunatiger14

pegster said: hell59 said: lunatiger14 said:

OK QUESTION: How does Bayan and TalTal pass SN off as a concubine? Everyone knows its SN. They can’t really disguise her as someone else. How does ET’s gang let Bayan get away with that, knowing that SN is a fugitive? SN is not even a part of any sort of noble family. Not really getting how SN can easily stroll in as a candidate to be a concubine…

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Guest anjshin

@petria: aigooo i'll be force to use the drooling saliva of eunuch bang then,. =)) =)) 8-} ,. remembering that scene makes me realize how funny jeombakyi and the gang made of EB while crying :)) :)) :))

or do you want me to use the addicting handkerchief of SN,.:)) :D

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After she's heard that WY was getting married, that was her point of no return, she knew, that she couldn't come back anymore to Goryo ! ultimately the drama is pretty much following the novel, they have just extented it but the outlines are there, the way they execute it is slightly different though. If so, the main OTP are clearly SN and WY,but TH will always be in the middle of them, yet they have one thing in common they are all tragic character in their own way :
- SN will live without her son and the father's son,
- WY will live without his son and the mother's son,
- and TH will live with the love of his life but he will never be happy (one sided love)

And i don't think it was mentionned on this forum but Empress Ki Tome 2 is first in the top selling books, Empress Tome 1 is second, that's an all kill for Empress Ki fighting =D> =D> =D>

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