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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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EstelleH said: I have to agree with you on that @pegster‌ . Maybe at the moment, she forgot bout or should I say she didn't even think of the promise that nyang made, she knew how twisted the new empress is and knowing that the new empress already found out nyang motives for calling her out for a meeting late at night, I mean she could have been killed right then. I'd be afraid as well and probably bite my tounge and die right there.

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Guest lorac

EstelleH said: ... I've got to admit, the only person I feel bad for in this ep would be el maid, sure she wasn't a good person when she was alive, she acted that way in order to survive in the palace.

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@lorac‌ Idk why but jet at that one moment, my heart squeezed a little when she die, could it be sympathy? She did dig up her own grave, like I've said everyone is pretty messed up. I don't even know what the writers are trying to do anymore since the drama is going to end soon, will they be rushing everything through? I'd hate to see that,

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Guest adjani1430293095

Iorac: totally I don't get the latest moves by the producers or writers for what has been such a great piece of work.
Tessieroo : I always love your comments.
I think now the question is how will they resolve all the all over the place and everyone is an enemy bit.... sigh ...  

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Guest lorac

pegster said: I'm sure if she had run to SN to tell her KT knows what she wants to do, SN would protect her.  Afterall, she is currently the only person SN has to reveal MaHa's identity so that Ayu's crown prince position will be secure.

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@lorac‌ I can not stand ta hwan in the past two eps, as much as I love him, but seriously he clearly showing us how uncapable he is to make his own decision, everything has to go through bayan first, what kind of emperor Is that? I hope he'll change for the better, I'm just very disappointed in him.

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Guest lorac

Urnaa said:Huizong should be like this. Mongolian men raised on the backs of their horses and always went to battles leading their soldiers. 

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I wonder if SN and TH had more children. Ayushiridara  is succeeded by Tögüs Temür his younger brother and son of TH...I found nothing about his mother...so i wonder if  his mom is  also SN or one of his other concubines...

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Guest Nayuki Tran

Hope they have more children. Or Sn might get pregnant and then lose it. That should explain the R scene and follow history that LK has only one son?!! Correct me if im wrong, does the real Ki have one child only?Btw, I have been a crazy fan of Hjw and I love Tanyang couple since the beginning, but Th's behaviors in he last couple eps have bored me. Im quite disappointed since he's cherished Sn so much, how come he hurts her with his words and stresses  her like that? I guess a good spouse should care for his love and respect her, but I losses hope in our emperor now. For the first time I realize Wy would be a better choice for Sn. His love is generous and gentle, I doubt he will ever hurt her mentally or physically no matter what happens. Having said that, Im a fangirl who falls for the eye candy so pleaze do better TH, DONT MAKE ME JUMP SHIPS!!!And hail the crazy psycho  writers,  how dare u make my beloved wonnie suffer like that? I ll sue youuuuu!!!!

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Tal tal eyes are very seductive. I could stare at it forever.

You'll feel like melting. . .


Why don't the writer just add Taltal in the complicated love story since everything now are so complicated. . . :-/

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@Nayuki Tran Agreed...I don't like seeing my perfect Unnie being beaten down so much. Give her break please!

I actually really enjoyed the last two episodes, R and all. I think EK works best when Nyang is fighting as oppose to being sideline.

The writers seems to have a checklist of things to do to get to the next point, Nyang will stay still while others work to set her up, then she would react. If she was really 'ruler' material she would be a lot more proactive instead of reactive. Take out the threat before it builds and not be blindsided by her emotions. But I guess that is what makes her human.

I've never been into WY or TH, but I did enjoy TH and SN more then I did WY and SN, simply for the fact there was a lot more scenes of them and every time Nyang was with WY she seemed so weak, always crying and bowing.

on another note...this thread seems to have two modes only...bash TH and praise WY or bash WY and praise TH. Harmony people harmony!

The best thing about EK so far is really the acting, but even that lately needs to step up.

WY needs to move on from the cold city man archetype and really break loose from his reservation, I want to see him scream, get angry be emotional and fight selfishly and really express his true feelings.

I want to see TH move on from his rich entitled brat role and show maturity and understanding more befitting for someone his age and rank. I want him to blow up at Nyang and force her to choose and face her feelings for him. He needs to ask her straight if she loves him instead of hiding behind he's anger and resentment.

I want to see Nyang break out from her shell and richard simmons slap some people and really bare her fangs. I want her to tell both guys in her life how she feels and choose to let one go already.

I want her to kiss the living day lights out of TT and make him loose his cool but that aint gonna happen.

In my delirious world when TT got angry and told SN to give up on WY was his jealousy speaking.

Knowing that the actors can do this is but its the writers that are confining is what really pisses me off.

They can do more writers!

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I wish he could man up atleast a bit instead of acting all weak. You're the emperor, the father of two kids, you hold the power in your palms, and yet you let others stepping all over you.

Agree on you, . Im a th-sn shipper but paehas attitude and insecurities are driving me nuts this past few episodes. . .

Really i wanna shake THs head and bang it to a wall - sorry , just to wake him up. . . .



HE HAS ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD YOU KNOW, NOT TO SAY EVEN POWER. . . He keeps saying he dont want to loose ek. . . But what is he doing right now? Paeha you're loosing it. . . Please do something brainy in the next episode, will you?

well maybe it's just me. . .

Besides because IT'S A DRAMA as lhk says. . . :D

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