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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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The rating is dropping; I'm sad that it didn't go beyond 30% as I predicted. I guess the plots need some boosting factors, such as more romantic scenes, less fighting scenes, less villains' on-screen coverage, and the scriptwriters, can you please focus more on TH? I want to see a lot of TH Ji Chang Wook's acting skills. I think he's one of the major factors that make the viewers love watching this drama. In the beginning, it was good. I want some impressive scenes like the horse racing at the beach. At this rate, I think the coronation of Empress Ki will happen near the last episode. 

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@tessieroo - RE: " @sally_b - Gurrrllll, where you been?   "
I've been working like a Palace Maid m'dear -- A Hong Dan type, not the evil-minion, with-slitty-eyes type. :P(been lurking, tho) :D
Also --> hate to admit it, but the luster/sheen has worn off the show for me a bit. It seems like much of the plot is a re-tread of the earlier scenes and the sudden 360-turn of all Seung Nyang's allies really cheesed me off. Oh and then....Ta Hwan (who stood before swords and called everyone down) is suddenly allowing Pimp-Empress to force another John (Jane) on him. 
Seriously - Dowager is the hardest workin' Pimp on the streets of Yuan. (gold chains and a flashy coat, too) All she needs is a teeth-grill and a triple-knuckle-ring with dollar yuan signs/inset diamonds. 
Granted, we're getting more Tal Tal.... and that's a VERY good thing -- but overall, I feel like the writer's have lost their way trying to satisfy the requirements of keeping ALL the major players too long. 
Additionally.... I'm dreading the separation that absolutely must be coming for Seung Nyang and Ta Hwan. It's a classic centerpiece to Kdramas to part the Lovers until the audience is emotionally drained. It completely PEEVES me that Seung Nyang has been written to be so cold to Ta Hwan during her treasure hunting time. It's ludicrous. A woman that smart does not actively promote instability/discomfort to the man she KNOWS will go all wobbly if she's cold to him. It's counter-intuitive and stupidly written (hurrrrumph, grumble)
So, before I go off on a rant....I'll stop here. (but thanks for asking after me :-* )

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C-sub to English translations/summary for EP40.
Ep40 picks up from the end of EP39.
If there's anything that doesn't make sense (grammatically, since I'm typing as I'm watching), let me know.
URGG!!! Spoiler tags aren't working again!!!  Long post ahead, don't read on if you don't want spoilers.

JB runs in to tell WY that he got news from Bi-Soo SN's in danger, so they go running to save SN.
SN and DK battle it out, SN starts to run off from the, DK follows telling his men to stay out, he has to kill her himself.
Conversation between SN and DK before SN pops out his eye:
DK: I should have killed you when you were being brought to the palace.SN: Do it now.  Kill me if you can.DK: So be it!  I'll make sure you die a painful death!
WY's men show up to save SN's men, and they rush to her aid.  
WY asks if SN is ok, and SN tells him she's fine.
El Plague and JC show up to save DK and take him away telling him he has to stay awake.
MS tells WY that DK got away.  WY said to search for DK with his troops, he must still be in the capital and can't get away.
WY proceeds to tell SN that the stash isn't at the mine (I was surprised at SN's shocked look since I thought she already knew it wasn't there, ah well).  WY tells SN he hear a strange song at the mine, and that song is only sang there, it was passed down from a long time again.
SN asks him to give her the lyrics of the song, and EB says he'll write it out for her.
BA asks KT if she remembers what he told her before she returned to the palace.
BA: Why did I make you the Empress?KT: Control the royal family to help uncle build the world of your dreams.BA: What does the world I dream of look like?KT: To make Yuan into the most powerful Empire, bring the world under the Mongols control.BA: I heard your first night with the Emperor didn't work out.KT: Ki Gwibi is much more bewitching than I had expected.BA: Not only the Emperor, everyone in the inner palace is within Gwibi's palms.KT: I understand.BA: First you need to take over control of the royal treasury that controls the royal finances.KT: But all the finances have been used toward the army preparations.  There isn't very much money left in the treasury now.BA: I will take care of replenishing it.KT: I understand uncle.BA: Your opponent is the Gwibi who had removed DS, can you do it?KT: I already have a plan.
* Side note, did anyone notice in this scene SN is wearing the robe that she wore in one of her photo shoots?  
As SN is trying to figure out the clues from the song, HD comes in to tell her that KT is about to start their regular consort meetings.
SN runs into TT on her way to the meeting.
SN: Is there something you'd like to say to me?TT: What's the reason for your interest in the secret treasure?  Someone broke into my quarters and only touched the ledgers related to ET's financials.SN: What's your reason for thinking it was me?TT: Aside from Gwibi mama, no one else would be interested.SN: Then you should already know why I would be interested.TT: I'd like to hear directly from you.SN: As of now, I'm still in charge of the royal treasury, it's money that needs to be returned to the treasury, of course I would be interested.TT: If you are really that curious about the ledgers, next time just ask me.  This I will be able to cooperate with.SN: Of course.
TT's man: Doesn't seem like there are any other reasons.TT: It's too early to conclude.  It's because she's the only person who I can't see through the heart.
PBH: It seems he hasn't noticed yet.SN: He's someone who can even see through a heart made of rock, it's better to be careful.PBH: Yes, mama.
And so the mind games between SN and TT starts.
At the consort meeting KT is telling everyone how she's not a strict person, and ask that every one obey the rules.  No one responds.
SN enters, and all the consorts greet her as if she was their leader.  SN introduces herself to KT.
KT starts with her fake compliments, and starts to talk about how TH only graces SN, who would dare try to get in between.  KT goes on to talk about how SN has control over the royal treasury, then she suggests that going forward SN should take over the responsibilities of running the consort meetings.
SN refuses telling her it's against the rules, but KT insists and tells everyone that SN is in charge and they should listen to her.
Really KT is trying to turn everyone on her by saying those things so they get jealous.
After she leaves, she starts to vent to the evil maids saying how SN is silently threatening her with her looks, and that she's got everyone in the inner palace to single her out.  She's so scared, she might as well give up her Empress title.
Really she knows evil maids were sent by ED, and she's purposely doing this so they'd tell ED about.  Her plan is to get ED to go up against SN, and probably try to turn everyone (including the consorts maybe?) against SN.
It's funny to see that El Maid seems to have become a person with a heart in the last couple episodes now that DS is gone.
EB is singing that song for WY as he's studying it...was it necessary?  WY was just looking at the paper with the lyrics!  
WY asks about Bi-Soo, and EB tells WY that since they've allied with SN, Bi-Soo's attitude has changed.
WY asks about DK, EB tells him they're still searching in the capital.
El Plague sees MS and JB searching for DK.  JC is suggesting they kill DK now because he's just becoming a hindrance to them, but El Plague says now is not the time to kill him.
Bi-Soo finds out that the ML is her and is granting her to see him.  
We see ML for the first time (not his face of course!).  He appears with a huge mask on, and does not utter a single word.  All of his responses/instructions are written on a piece of paper read out by another person next to him who is also wearing a mask.
Bi-Soo kneels down and bow to him, treating him almost like a god.  Bi-Soo tells him what an honour it is to finally be able to meet him.
They tell ML that DK is looking for the secret stash that ET had hidden, and if he knows where it is.  ML responds to say he doesn't know where it is either.
Next they ask what to do with DK, ML says to let him live by writing the character 'live' (活) on the paper.
DK is moaning and groaning about how much his eye hurts, and asks if they've heard back from the ML.  His man tell him they should hear back soon.
Flashbacks to the scene where ET tells him he'll tell him about the secret stash, and DS' execution.  DK once again vows to take revenge on SN.  As if!  The next time you need to lose is your ears!
Back at the palace TH is pacing around in his study, upset at how SN's been treating him lately.  Then he thinks to himself that it's his fault that he was so confident when making the promise to her, and now he's not able to keep it.
TH calls for GT, instead his other two guards show up to say GT will be late returning (so it seems like he is allowed out of the palace, maybe even regularly considering his position...is he late because he is the ML and needs to rush back and change...).
GT rushes in and explains that he was late because his old aged mother is sick.
TH tells him he's been to nice to him these days that he's starting to slack off.
TH tells GT to prepare for the shadow puppet show, he's thought about it, right now the person who is more heartbroken than him is Gwibi, and he wants to cheer her up.
GT tells TH he's already treating Gwibi good enough, this time he should show Gwibi he's the Emperor.  TH tells him to shut it and just do as he's told, but GT says he just feels bad having to see him this way.
SN again is in her room trying to figure out the lyrics.  She thinks there might be hidden riddle within the lyric that they haven't figured out yet.
HD tells her SN ED is here to see her.
ED: What do you think I value the most within the inner palace?SN: Mama values the rules and etiquettes most.ED: Since you already know, why are you still fighting with the Empress for to carry out the morning ceremonies (I'm no really sure what it's called, it's those regular consort meetings).SN: Is that what the Empress told you?ED: Why? What if that was what she said, are you planning on taking revenge on the innocent Empress?SN: It seems Taehu mama is misunderstanding me, I was...ED: You are someone who managed to moved into Heungde Jeon (sorry I translated the name of the place wrong before) as a Gwibi, even a three year old knows what you're capable of.  What's there to misunderstand.  All the responsibilities given to you before, I will transfer it to the Empress.  You are to return the ledgers for the royal treasury and the seal now.SN: Go bring it here.ED: From now on you need to follow all the orders given by the Empress.  You need to treat the Empress with respect, do you understand?SN: Yes mama, I understand.
PBH: It looks like ED has been deceived by the Empress' tricks.  From the outside she looks like a weak and delicate, but she's really a backstabber.  You need to not underestimate her.SN: At this moment, the Empress is not important to me.PBH: But she just took control of the royal treasury away from you.SN: What use is it to have an empty treasury.  Hand an empty shell to her.  The real treasures will be stored in my secret room.
GT shows up to tell SN that TH has prepared a puppet shadow show for her.  SN tried to turn it down saying she's no feeling well, but GT said TH spent a lot of efforts preparing it for her, and that she consider it.  PBH suggests it's better she go.
As SN is heading to meet TH, she runs into KT. SN greets her.
KT: I just met with Taehu mama.  It wasn't what I had intended, but still I feel bad you were treated unfairly because of me.SN: I'm fine, you don't have to worry.KT: As I had expected you'er a person with a broad mind, I knew when I saw you.
TH: You're here!KT: Paeha why are you here?TH: I was worried you wouldn't come, so I was about to come get you.SN: I was just on my way.KT: Paeha...TH: Everything's ready, we can go now.KT: Is there anything special happening today?TH: It's not something you need to know.SN: I think Hwanghu mama will be interested in the puppet shadow show as well.  Let's go watch it together.KT: Paeha, puppet shadow show...TH: I prepared this specially for you Nyangyi.  I will order them to perform it twice, you can come watch it after we're done.
TH walks off with SN.
Evil maids again try to infuse KT with thoughts about being angry and jealous toward SN.  KT tries to make a comeback saying she really doesn't like puppet shows, and El Maid seems to be relieved and tries to cheer her up but Cruella pushes her to reminder her their mission.
El Maid says that if it was DS, she would've thrown a tantrum already.
As KT walks away she thinks to herself how much longer TH will hoover around SN.
SN and TH are at the room waiting for the show to start.
TH: What are you thinking about so seriously?SN: Nothing.TH: Is there anything worrying you that you can't tell me?  It's about to start.
TH holds SN's hand as the show is about to start, SN seems a little shocked, but doesn't refuse.
Throughout the show SN is thinking about the lyrics to the song, and TH is there just staring at her.
TH holds her hands tighter, and SN turns to look at him there are a lot of other people watching.  TH tells SN compared to the show, he thinks she's more interesting and fun, he tells her to pay attention to the show and he'll just look at her.
SN figures out that the lyrics are like the show.  It's like a puzzle where pieces are moved and placed to create an object.  I suppose this is where she figures out how to put the characters of the lyric together to create a different character.
Again BA is in the office looking at something that looks like a map, maybe?  He's trying to figure out where the stash is and asks where TH is.  TT tells him he's watching a show with Gwibi right now.  BA immediately sends his man to tell TH he needs to see him at the grand hall immediately, then he turns to tell TT that he's about to fulfil his dreams.
Back at TH's quarters, SN is still thinking about the lyrics.  TH is not happy.
TH: Does being with me really make you feel this bored?  We watched the show together, ate, and having tea.  Have you not thought about me once in your mind?  Am I just thin air to you now?SN: I'm sorry Paeha, but I'm not feeling well.  I better return now.TH: Have you starting to get tired of me now?  Or is it because you're still angry that I couldn't make you Empress?SN: It's not that...TH: If not that, then what?  Why can't you just say it out?
Before SN can respond, GT interrupts to say BA wants to see him, and TH dismisses SN.  Before SN leaves she overhears where TH is to meet BA.
BA shows up at the grand hall to meet TH in his complete battle outfit and draws his sword.
BA tells TH that he wants him to be a greater Emperor then Ghangkis and Kublai Khan, and he will support him from the side.  TH says it's too much to compare him to the other two.
BA goes to say ET is watching from the underworld, and for him to remove himself from Gwibi's bewitchment.  
TH is upset and says that's too far fetched and that he's current attitude is no different from ET's.
BA says it's been his dream for them to take over these other two countries (or former Mongol tribes?One of them is Iran at the present time).  One of the countries he mentioned is the one where the merchant group is from.
Next they are to conquer Goryeo.
Basically BA is asking for permission to start his mission by battle.  TH tells him how much money they need to support the troops for these battles and right now there are too many hungry citizens out there.  BA reminds TH about ET's treasures, and says he's not doing this for himself, it's for him, he's willing to give up his life in battle.  
TH tells BA that he knows he's his loyal subject, and that they are on the same path. In other words giving him permission to start his mission to conquer.
SN hears this all from the side and realizes how dangerous a plan BA has proposed.
So now we have another reason why SN can't tell TH about her search for the secret stash.  Eventually she knows TH will try to conquer Goryeo, and that is something she can't have happen, at least not at this time.
Back at SN quarters she tells PBH and HD that they can't let BA get his hands on the secret treasures, otherwise even Goryeo will be in danger.
SN is back to trying to figure out the secret behind the lyrics.  At first she writes the character 全(all, entire), which is a combination of  (eight) and 王 (King). PBH says, but there's only one 八 , SN flips the paper and fills in the other  to create the character 金 meaning gold.
PBH tells SN even though they've found the location of the stash, but it won't be easy removing it.
SN asks PBH about one of WY's 'men' who is part of the merchant group.  PBH tells her he knows, she's a 'girl', Yeon Bi-Soo, she's helped WY many times.
SN meets Bi-Soo.  WY and his gang joins the meeting, the rest are suprised to see Bi-Soo there, Sn tells them she invited her.
SN tells them she's found the whereabouts of the treasures, as WY had thought, the answer was hidden in the song.  WY takes a look at the paper SN hands over to him, and he says it'll be difficult to get to it.  (Could it be inside ET's old home?).
SN goes to tell him BA's plans to start war, and Goryeo is within his radar.  WY says even if BA wants to do it, he can't without the Emperor's permission, SN tells him unfortunately TH has the same thoughts.
WY asks why she brought Bi-Soo, SN tells him is because she heard Bi-Soo was against their alliance, and Bi-Soo says it's because that means she'd get a smaller share having to split with someone she doesn't even know.
WY hands the paper over to her, saying SN found the whereabouts of the treasure, now does she qualify to take part.  Bi-Soo is surprised to see what's written on the paper.
WY's gang are amazed at SN for being able to find the treasure, and JB goes to ask where it is (he can't read/write), EB tells him he should learn to write if he's so curious haha.
More flashbacks from Bi-Soo.  It's from the past episodes, no translations required.
The next day Bi-Soo shoots an arrow with a note to BA saying that she has information about the secret treasure.  TT is concerned, but BA tells him not to worry.  Ok...why can't someone just shoot the arrow at his head??
BA goes to meet Bi-Soo.  BA tells her she looks familiar, she tells him they've met a few times.  Wait till he finds out she's the one who captured him back when they were battling at the borders.
Bi-Soo tells him she's offering him an exchange.  She wants to take over as leader of the merchant group.  If he grants her that request, she will tell him the whereabouts of the treasure.
BA asks how can he trust her, and she tells him there are other people within the palace who are interested in the treasure.  BA agrees to give her an agreement with the Emperor's stamp on it, but it'll be hard to take over the merchant group.  Bi-Soo gives him the book containing important information related to the merchant group, one of the listed locations is where DK may be at.
Once they disassemble the merchant group locations, and present the stamped agreement to her, she will give him the information to the treasure.
As TH is having a hard rare family moment with SN and Ayu BA barges in and asks that Gwibi excuse herself.  TH is not happy saying that it's hard for him to have a moment with Gwibi, but BA insists it's an important matter.
Of course SN willingly excuses herself.  As SN is leaving, BA thanks her, and TH asks her to wait outside as he won't be long.
Ok...is it just me, or does it look like neither SN or HD know how to hold a baby properly.
SN tells everyone to leave, and she stays behind to listen in on BA and TH's conversation.
BA tells TH about the treasure, and what Bi-Soo's request is in exchange for information on where the treasure is located.  Bi-Soo's request is for them to grant her sole privileges to sell/trade with the palace.
SN quickly leaves sends to PBH to notify WY about Bi-Soo.
JB brings JK to see WY, JK has returned from the mines.  Again JK mocks him for not knowing how to write.  
WY shows chests of currency to JK, turns out these are the counterfeit they found before.  Their plan is to have JK take these back to the mine.
MS runs in to tell WY the message from SN about Bi-Soo's betrayal.  Compared to his men, WY doesn't seem to be as shocked.  Maybe SN told him the entire plan, he did stay behind to talk to her alone afterwards.
WY orders MS and JB use their special troops to capture people from the merchant group (I guess those that they know of located within the capital).
WY starts raiding all the merchant group quarters.
WY sees BA and tells him that they found DK in the capital, and the merchant group's been protecting him.  He's sent his special troops to capture him.
TT asks how he found out, and WY tells him one of his man got the information, EB hands a book over to TT, TT looks at it and tells BA it's exactly the same as what he got.  BA tells WY he was about to take action, but thanks to him things have gotten easier now.
BA tells TT he's going to get the stamped agreement, and for TT to take care of the merchant group.
SN sees them from the side and makes contact with WY, both nod at each other as if their plan has succeeded.
DK and gang are trying to get out of the capital now.  El Plague is not afraid of DK anymore, DK asks what's happening to the merchant group, and El Plagues says it's probably because they were trying to hide a traitor.  DK is angry.  Suddenly they see Bi-Soo walking by.
They follow her to see where she's going to and end up overhearing her conversation with BA.
BA hands over the stamped agreement granting her sole rights to trade/sell to the palace, and Bi-Soo tells him where the treasure is at - the mines, Chu Seok Gwang, it's in a storage shack there.

El Plague is all upset that the missed it, now they're all rushing back to the mines.  
HD is surprised that the place she thought was the location of the treasures is not it.
Flashback from SN to her conversation with Bi-Soo.
SN: Our plan can only succeed if you become a traitor.BS: Use the location of ET's treasure as the price to become the leader of the Merchant group in the capital, and sole rights to sell to the palace.  It's an advantageous exchange.SN: Will you accept the proposal? 
These two women, if they work together, there is no one who can beat them.  Both are so smart and cunning, and willing to take risks.  


TT: It's that song...JC: The secret stash is at the village at the mines?  It's over there!DK: Break it open!Someone: Please say itED: Because of what happened at the mines, many people have been laughingED: I'm incapable, Gwibi is a succubusTH: Taehu mamaTH: Nyangyi-ah I won't become an Emperor in history to be recognized as dumb.TH: No need to wait, release the troopsBA: There can't be any mistakes.TT: Uncle...WY: Seems like this is the last timeBA: What do you mean last time?WY: I'm thinking of returning to Goryeo soonBA: You're finally going to reclaim your throne?WY: We must burn it all.WY: TT has discovered the plans with the secret stash.SN: We need to handle this quickly!

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So it seems like the fans on EK DC have started to search for the 'matching hands' to see who might be the ML.  So far they've posted DM, GT, and TH's hands.  Of course we know it can't be TH, why in the world would he fund the person who's been terrorizing him and his family all these years.
After watching EP40 with subs, it makes me worry even more about SN's future with her family.
It is quite clear that TH has the same ambitions as BA, to conquer all neighbouring countries, including Goryeo.  That was a shock to me, he didn't even hesitate much, I mean has he forgotten that SN is from Goryeo, and how important Goryeo is to her?  Was he not aware of why he returned to revenge the ET family?  
The preview doesn't help either, I'm scared that TH might end up asking SN to do something against her will to help him succeed his plans.
Well now we know there's no way in hell SN's going to tell TH about her treasure hunt now that she knows what he wants to do.
I guess the TH that was willing to give up his everything for SN is gone...

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Guest hunterdd

sally_b said: @tessieroo - RE: " @sally_b - Gurrrllll, where you been?   "
I've been working like a Palace Maid m'dear -- A Hong Dan type, not the evil-minion, with-slitty-eyes type. :P(been lurking, tho) :D
Also --> hate to admit it, but the luster/sheen has worn off the show for me a bit. It seems like much of the plot is a re-tread of the earlier scenes and the sudden 360-turn of all Seung Nyang's allies really cheesed me off. Oh and then....Ta Hwan (who stood before swords and called everyone down) is suddenly allowing Pimp-Empress to force another John (Jane) on him. 
Seriously - Dowager is the hardest workin' Pimp on the streets of Yuan. (gold chains and a flashy coat, too) All she needs is a teeth-grill and a triple-knuckle-ring with dollar yuan signs/inset diamonds. 
Granted, we're getting more Tal Tal.... and that's a VERY good thing -- but overall, I feel like the writer's have lost their way trying to satisfy the requirements of keeping ALL the major players too long. 
Additionally.... I'm dreading the separation that absolutely must be coming for Seung Nyang and Ta Hwan. It's a classic centerpiece to Kdramas to part the Lovers until the audience is emotionally drained. It completely PEEVES me that Seung Nyang has been written to be so cold to Ta Hwan during her treasure hunting time. It's ludicrous. A woman that smart does not actively promote instability/discomfort to the man she KNOWS will go all wobbly if she's cold to him. It's counter-intuitive and stupidly written (hurrrrumph, grumble)
So, before I go off on a rant....I'll stop here. (but thanks for asking after me :-* )

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@hanaseyes don't make your judgement too soon.
SN's in a pretty awkward position right now, she's loyal to her homeland Goryeo, but her son is the prince of Yuan, who she vows to make the crown prince, and one day Emperor of Yuan.
I wouldn't be upset of they put a spin to her change for the worst, and make it seem legitimate for her change.  I mean to be honest, wouldn't it be odd for SN to just suddenly change to a vicious beyotch and go against Goryeo for no good reason after all this time she's been trying so hard to protect them.
Even if she's able to turn her back on TH now, but in the end of it means hurting her son, she's going to turn her back on Goryeo.  What Bi-Soo said was very true, if it involves her son, she can betray them at any moment.
Right now I'm just really upset at TH, yes I know, I'm bias, so what!  All he can think about is SN being upset because he couldn't make her Empress, but has he thought about other reasons?
She's worried that he won't be able to protect their son?  
Now that BA and ED have turned on her, and openly opposed her being Empress, what's next?  Will they try to get him to banish, or even kill her, and maybe their son?
What about those promises he made to her?
Think back to when they were on the island.  The only thing SN asked from TH if one day he becomes Emperor is to not take anymore tribute women and man from Goryeo.  What was the first thing that happened after they got rid of ET?  He let BA send an order for 300 tribute women from Goryeo!
Great way to build trust!

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@pegster - 
Once again, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to translate the Chinese subs.  >:D< You're a huge gem in this thread, I really enjoy reading your thoughts/insights! 
Interesting - so TH is basically agreeing with BA to flatten Goryeo or is he just going along with it since no one else has approached TH with any "battle" plans? In other words, TH is susceptible to being BA's (and Dowagers) puppets since Ki isn't discussing any plans with him (for anything) and neither is anyone else. I can't believe TH forgot his promise to Ki nor do I believe he's forgotten his son is 1/2 Goryeo so I'm having a hard time believing this sudden change in TH. It makes no sense taking the above into consideration and with him knowing WY was a major contributor in bringing ET down. Color me surprised. 
I also thought Ki was just about to tell TH everything when BA interrupted them.  :-/ Then, of course Ki hears BA's plans. 
EDIT: Oh, thanks @Cherkell! (why did I think it was this Friday?) Brain fart or I'm too anxious/worried about TH and Ki's upcoming "misunderstanding". MEH

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Guest seohaseurri22

My thoughts on SN's involvement to the treasure hunting:
I have this sudden thought as of why SN has this interest on the secret stash because this is the only way that she can think of, so far, to secure Ayu and her in the Palace. Following the attempt of poisoning Ayu, she realized that being a Gwibi is not an assurance of their security, not even the Emperor can be able to fully protect them.
So thinking that SN is becoming greedy to power, I would give it a no-no. For her, becoming the Empress is the best way to secure the future of Ayu and the Goryeo kingdom, at the same time. Somewhat of a win-win situation, perhaps.
As the future episodes begin to unfold, I am now more and more convinced that the coronation scene in Ep 1 is already making sense for me. To those who are saying that TH is losing his love for SN because of her behaviour towards him, the first episode is already the proof of TH's unwavering love for her. No doubt that whatever happens, TH's heart has only SN in it.
But the problem goes to WY. Remembering the lines TH told him before the coronation, "She saved your worthless skin..." This makes me wonder, is it related to his involvement in helping SN become an Empress? That TH caught him together with SN plotting about something behind his back? That because of this, TH ordered to kill WY (??) but SN prevented it? Haha, my apologies to my twisted mind thinking about such things, but I think the next episodes will finalize the gist that will lead to Episode 1, the coronation scene. :>

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Guest critics

I don't know who dies first among the 3 main leads (SN-WY-TH) what I'm so sure of is I'm really dying here waiting for Episode 40 eng sub.  and for tonight's live recaps.  :-?

@richan76:  Is it really possible to hire a eunuch with one eye?

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Oh all these events happening make me depressed haha.
I need to do something to cheer me up. Saw someone on Baidu post this up with dialogues based on Ayu's expressions for the camera, so I thought I'd bring it over with my own English translations:



More in spoiler tag:



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