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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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eunsuhae said: everypart said: I totally agree. He is not perfect by any means (although he is damn close to it, lol) but he learns from his mistakes and ultimately fights for what he believes in. SN was also really important to his character development.. you can see it really shook him when she called him a coward and when she told him several times that the people as a whole are more important than the pride of his clan. 

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Man everytime I give Th props he goes and do something stupid.. I give him brownie points and Th gives them back.. Make up your mind Th what do you want.. ? Was Killing Wy necessary.. I'm steaming ~O) mad at this crap

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This was another packed episode, but I guess with so much story lines to tie up, I guess there is no choice. We have what 1 or 2 story lines to go, with the whole reveal of the merchant leader being GT and the uprising I hope they will finally free us from ED, YBS, and GT. Minor side note: did you guys notice that Jocham presence at the coronation isn't even explained, did he secretly go back to WG and quit eagle house lol. I don't think I saw him following YBS either.
Anyways I wish I could see more of how TH digest Maha's paternity, he didn't even get a chance to (however after talking to Cruella, I guess he would understand SN more...maybe. Since now he knows her complete motive for returning), because he went into instant damage control mode. If he hadn't killed DK at that time SN would definitely die. I am glad that, at least from what it appears like, TH still loves her, and is not obscenely angry over the truth. I also understand, why he went on his little killing spree too. Although I feel WY is trustworthy, for TH, anyone who knows of this info is a threat to SN. After all it was while WY was talking to his men that Cruella found out about Maha's paternity. Enemies are around every corner and it is hard to know half the time who, or where they are. Although WY would never deliberately reveal something, there is still a possibility he may unintentionally do so. Despite his attempt to patch up all the hole/ potential holes in regard to keeping the secret, the rest of WY's men know. I know TH doesn't know that but still it is an oversight on the writers part, I feel like they were just looking for a justifiable reason for TH to kill WY, like in the novel, without appearing to be such a bad guy.
*sigh* but it seemed till the end the writers wouldn't let WY have a happy life. He died a hero, albeit a tragic hero, protecting SN with all he had. It irked me a bit that even though TH knew he would kill WY he gave him back the throne, but WY did save his life (oh the irony) so TH repaid him by giving him back his throne. For TH, WY saving him, and TH saving SN are two different things, and @sally_b you guessed right when WY heard it was to protect SN, he basically gave in. At least now he can be with his son in the afterlife.
I really wanted to enjoy SN being empress more, and catch the high of her being honored, I guess I will have to settle with ED breaking vases. It would be more interesting to see her pull her hair out, but good weave/ extensions don't come cheap, lol. Part of me feels like in the Yuan palace, they have special vases set up with the sole purpose of being used to vent stress. Alas here is to hoping her demise is soon, it really appears as though anyone who has formed a relationship with eagle group is just doomed to die (ex: ET,BA,BS). 
Well I am looking forward to seeing if there will be a coup or if SN can stop it. All in all I hope the writers end this show on a good note. Part of me feels like even though they were to stop GT, the damage on TH's heart is already done, and who knows if it will be reversible so, SN if you really have something to say to TH say it now, tomorrow is not promised.  

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I think Golts was giving Th two different types of drugs.. One of the drugs he was giving him is the one bad for his heart and puts to sleep the other one makes Th act like macho man he can fly.. That's the one I want.. I gotta ask Golts next time he come by for ice cream get it from Golt and then I'll kill him..  

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Guest minnie0103

It's been a long while, everyone. I just dropped by to post my sentiments. 
I had expected WY's death, but not like this. I would have accepted if someone as defiant as DKS or as wise as TT killed him. But he died just because of the psychopath-turned-rapist-turned-murderer's never-ending insecurities and jealousy. 

He killed WY because he wanted to bury Maha's secret, afraid that he might spill the beans. Did that halfwit really think WY would do such a thing that would harm LK? He was using that as an excuse, when in fact, all he wished for was WY's death even before he found out about Maha. 
As of now, I don't have the heart to watch WY's death. =((
Scenes that made me cry over and over and over again:

  1. WY and LK's last meeting before she became EK. When I Love You was suddenly played as the BGM as they both shed tears...
  2. The tears during the coronation
  3. EK's dream... Hearing her calling her child Byul, hearing Byul calling her Omoni, hearing Byul addressing WY Abeoji, hearing her calling WY Cheona, and hearing WY calling her Seung Nyang-ah=(( When WY said that he had no regrets about loving her... when she was about to grab his hand but he disappeared with Byul.........
  4. When EK saw WY's corpse... when she called him Cheona... when she placed his hand on her face and cried... it was almost OK to me. But when I saw the next scene, seeing her being a mother to her beloved's killer, I realized I couldn't feel her pain at all. Recalling how she grieved for WY's death was like crying over spilled milk. See you all around for the finale. :)
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Th killing Wy is to make Ki suffer.. Th suffers for Sn love which he thinks that Sn suffers for Wy love.. I thought he couldn't get enough of her but I guess I was wrong Th means to make Sn life hell for his on sake.. 

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Guest x1102107

i just watched today's episode well part of it to avoid my head from exploding...i'd just like to comment on empress dowager reaction during empress coronation...her dissapointed reaction look like as if she's the one who wanted to became the empress..well hello mama dowager u'r time is over....and the scene where SN unmasked herself in front of merchant leader,that's just beautiful and badass...HJW really is pretty in that scene and i like those eyeliner she looks fierce...rawr...

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Guest emperatriz

Hmm.. It would have been nice to see a gathering of officials in the Grand Hall with ED and all. EK sitting on the throne giving a smug look at ED. I still hope to see some cat fight between the two.. Haha..

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Guest havetostudy

TH has done some pretty incoherent and unreasonable stuff, but honestly, I don't think he should be blamed for what he is doing or what he has done. 
He is the Mandate of Heaven, the one and only ruler, emperor, of the Great Yuan Empire. He could kill any person he wanted to kill by a simple hand gesture. And yet, he doesn't. It is hard for him to control his emotions, but up to now, he has only killed few people. It is no atrocity that an emperor, especially of such a vast state, kills a general due to a failed battle. Neither is it an atrocity to sentence a concubine or consort punishment, because she killed his chancellor who is supposed to expand his empire and ensure that it lives on. Moreover, with Goryeo being more or less a tributary state to Yuan, it is no doubt that the emperor of Yuan would be furious if the king of Goryeo does everything to oppose his political plans, purposely, and if the king of Goryeo commits treason. 
Today as we see it, it is definitely out of the question to kill someone due to anger or such, even for the rulers of nations. But in the 14th century, it would have been completely justified. 

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