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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest jleemba

Katrina Abdul Talib said: Reason why writer banished SN from Palace probably to give her some time with WY, together to explain, console, reflect, mourn and together come to terms over the death of MAHA and their feelings... 
Just in case, get yrourself ready with some tissues alright?

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Guest claracinny

I just watched ep48 without subs, and even without knowing exactly what they're saying, I know for sure that when the last couple episodes comes out, I'm probably going to come here and make sure that TT doesn't die before watching. If TT dies, my mom is going to freak out hearing her daughter bawling her eyes out at 2 am in the morning (cause that's when I usually watch my dramas) and then I'll probably go on a rampage (which isn't a good thing since I have an awful lot of tests and projects this week). TT cannot die. He has gone through a lot of pain to get past ep48. He's literally my favorite character right now, and not just because of TT being portrayed by JYH. It'll be hard finishing the drama if he dies.I've already cried all over the place when I finished the Divergent book series this morning at 5am. I believe that's enough tears for these coming weeks.

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EP 48 C-subs to English summary/translations.

Cruella is about to tell TH that MaHa is SN and WY's son (you can tell from her look that was what she was going to do.  Before she could start, SN arrives, SN is thankful that TH has woken up.  Instead of revealing MaHa's birth secret, Cruella says that MaHa has passed.  Both TH and SN are shocked at the news.

PBH escorts Cruella out of the palace and tells her he'll 'shred her to pieces' of she dares to come back to the palace again.
TH says MaHa must have resented him, and asks SN if she's ok.  HD comes in with medicine for TH, TH didn't want to take it, but SN says he needs to take his medicine.  Immediately after taking the medicine TH says he feels sleepy and passes.  
GT asks what SN did to TH, SN tells him not to be so alarmed, it's just medicine that will put him to sleep and calls her people in to bring TH to her quarters.  GT asks why, he's the one who cares for TH, SN says so she can care for him personally.
GT tries to stop her, but PBH calls GT by his title (in an none respective tone), GT goes 'what!' and PBH tells him to shut his face, has he forgotten that he's now the commander, no matter who, anyone who disobeys Gwibi mama's orders will not be forgiven.
GT tries to stop them again, and asks why she's taking TH to her quarters, SN tells him it's non of his business.
Over at SN's quarters, SN tells PBH she needs to be the one to revenge Byul, to go kill KT with the death tonic, to kill the primary culprit.  They need to capture El Plague, and to increase the reward by 10 times for finding El Plague.
SN goes to 'see' Byul, and EB brings to her Byul's remains.  SN is sobbing uncontrollably while hugging Byul's urn.
PBH has KT dragged out of her home, KT screams and yells that even if she's a deposed Empress, she's still Dae Seung Sang's niece.  PBH tells her Gwibi mama has ordered to have her killed, KT is in disbelief and asks if they're not worried about the consequences.  PBH says to pry her mouth open as he forces the tonic down her throat.  PBH tells her 'how dare you make Gwibi mama shed tears!'
Back at the monastery SN says to herself "Bayan, even your worthless life is not enough to repay the crime you have committed"
TT brings KT's body back to BA and tells him she was killed by the death tonic.  BA is saddened, and says he brought this upon her, it was him who brought her to the palace, he was the one who killed her.  BA vows to get back at SN for this.
As BA enters the palace, ED stops him and tells him SN has brought TH to her quarters.  ED tells BA that they need to get TH out of SN's hands.
GT is there watching from the sides, and TT sees him and has a suspicious look on his face.
GT tells the guard now all they need is for BA to carry out their plan.  GT tells the guard BA is different from ET.  BA has the Emperor's trust, and has the support of many troops and soldiers.  Even if Gwibi has control of the palace and capital troops, they're still no match for BA if BA is to raise a battle against them.
TH wakes up again.
SN: How are you feeling?TH: Where is this place?SN: It's Heung Deog Jeon (her quarters).TH: What...what's going on?SN: I brought you here.  You shouldn't move around yet.  Until you recover, just lean on me.
HD tells SN that BA is here to see her.  SN sends everyone away and tells HD that she needs to be the one to take care of TH.  HD asks if TH has awoken, SN tells her yes, but except for her and PBH, no one else is to know about it.  
BA is clashing with PBH and says to PBH he's forgotten his place no that he's a eunuch in a guards uniform, and tells him to get out of the way.  PBH tells him only takes orders from Gwibi mama, BA threatens to kill him just as SN appears.
BA: I've come to request for PaehaSN: You should return.BA: Gwibi...SN: I'm regent now, have you forgotten who's the ruler of this country?BA: I need to see Paeha with my own eyes to ensure that he's safe.SN: Paeha is very well.  I've been taking good care of him.BA: Tal Tal, clear the way for me.  What is the meaning of this?SN: Paeha is currently struggling between life and death, you being Dae Seung Sang of this country is still occupied with suppressing foreign tribes, breaking up the people and the country.  From what I can see, now's the time to worry about the country's fame and wealth (not really sure, maybe she means, now's not the time?)BA: Gwibi!SN: Because of that I've taken the appropriate measures. Dae Seung Sang should not make any rash decisions.BA: If anything happens to Paeha, Heung Deog Jeon will turn to ashes.  Not only Gwibi, even Taeja will not be spared.  Do you understand?SN: I will remember your words.
TH gets up and he's looking for GT.  SN comes in and tells him GT's not here.  TH says he wants to return to his quarters as he's not used to being at her quarters (so I guess he only likes to spend certain nights there, tsk, tsk, tsk).  SN asks him to just stay.
TH insists on leaving, so SN hugs him.
SN: You can't leave, you can't go back now.TH: Nyangyi-ah, did something happen in the palace while I was unconscious?SN: Nothing, not yet.TH: Not yet? what do you mean?SN: Don't ask now, just let me handle it/trust me.
TT stops the doctor and takes him away, DM sees this.
The doctor is brought to ED and BA.  ED asks the doctor what medication he's been sending to Heung Deog Jeon.  The doctor fesses up is tonic that consists of certain herbs, herbs that will harm TH due to his heart condition.  In fact, he hasn't seen Paeha once since he's been transferred to Heung Deog Jeon.  All he's done is deliver the tonic, and Gwibi has been bringing it in herself.  He's asked to check up on Paeha, but Gwibi tells him she'll call for him when he's needed.
He also tells that Gwibi has been handling all the food arrangements personally as well.
BA is shocked that no one else has seen Paeha since he's moved to Heung Deog Jeon, doctor adds the eunuch guards are not even allowed get close to Paeha.  Jang says Paeha's illness must be really serious, and ED says he might already be dead.  
ED sends the doctor away, and BA's man arrives to tell him that Gwibi is meeting with all the army commanders and general.
Over at SN's meeting, the general asks what orders she has for them, but SN tells him she just wanted to have tea with them.  It's a trap.
Back at ED and BA, ED is saying how Gwibi has started to use the army, she's outright planning to eliminate her and BA.  Again Jang repeats ED's idea, if Paeha's dead, Ayu will become Emperor, Gwibi will continue to be regent, ED and BA will be her biggest obstacles.
ED here is trying to get the dumb man to do the dirty work.  She tells BA that they have to take action first to get rid of Gwibi.
BA asks TT how many guards are at Heung Deog Jeon.  TT tells him there should be no more than 200 guards there.  BA makes a decision to remove Gwibi and Ayushiridara tonight.  ED again tells BA they need to act quick, and BA tells TT to get their private troops ready. Oh that wicked smile on ED's face.
SN explains to DM that consumed the tonic brought by the doctor.  They have arranged for another doctor within the quarters to look after Paeha.  DM asks what is she planning on doing, before SN answers, HD comes in to announce that TT is here to see her.  PBH wants to send him away, but SN says she'll see him.
SN meets TT in the gardens.
TT: Gwibi mama, you wouldn't harm Paeha?SN: Dae Seung Sang says I would harm Paeha?TT: What kind of a plan do you?SN: You know it, either I die, or Dae Seung Sang dies.  Amongst the two of us, one of us must die to end this war.  There are dangers of riots everywhere, they're living in such harsh conditions all because of us.  Even if it's just for the innocent people, I need to quickly end this battle.TT: Ita Wei Gwa (this is the same plan SN used against Tana, basically it's to bait the person to commit a fault so that they can use that fault as a reason for attack).  Let Dae Seung Sang commit a fault is Gwibi mama's plan.  Seems like you've half succeeded.  SN: What about the other half?TT: The other half is dependent on me.  If I reveal this plan to Dae Seung Sang, then it'll fail.  Has Paeha awaken yet?  If he hasn't awaken yet, Gwibi mama and Taeja Jeonha will not escape death.SN: Seems like something big will happen tonight.TT: Is he up?SN: In this war, I also need to hold back some of my pawns as well.TT: I've already told you everything.SN: The results of this war, half of it is dependent on you, Sabu.  At this moment, I can only put half my trust in you.PBH: He knows our plan inside out, can continue to we leave him like this?SN: I trust Tal Tal Sabu.
BA goes to see TT and puts a sword to him.
BA: Tal Tal, I can kill you for this country.  Tell the truth, why did you go see Gwibi?  Have you told her our plans?TT: Even if she knows our plans, nothing will change.  Because once you are determined, they will all be killed tonight.BA: Then...TT: I went to spy on themBA: Then what did you find out?TT: They have less than 200 guards, of that, 50 of them are archers.  The main gates to Heung Deog Jeon are guarded by 100 guards, there are 30 guards situated in the backyard.BA: What are your thoughts?  Do you think Paeha is still alive?TT: I couldn't tell from Gwibi mama's face.  I really couldn't find anything.BA: Tal Tal, even thought we have different views of the world, but our heart is the same.  You are the nephew I cherish most, and my only successor.  So, I hope you won't hold any regrets towards me.TT: Why must you always take the wrong path?  Why can't you see the correct path, uncle?
Back at SN's quarters, TH is throwing a fit because he's not allowed to leave.  He's telling them to get out of his way, and asking if they're trying to put him under house arrest.  TH starts to threaten them.
SN comes in just in time and tells everyone to leave.
TH: Why are you locking me in here?  What are you planning?SN: Tonight, Dae Seung Sang will bring his troops her to kill me and Ayu Taeja.TH: What, Dae Seung Sang?SN: Yes, Paeha.  If this isn't treason, then what is it?TH: That can't be it.  Dae Seung Sang will never commit treason.SN: Stay here tonight and you'll see the truth.  Can't you trust me?TH: What happens if what you said is false?SN: Then I will go be a nun at Gam Eob Tsa.  I will not leave the temple for the rest of my life, and I will end my life there.
BA leads his men to attack SN's quarters.  As the attack starts, BA orders his men to kill anyone who gets in their way.
And there we have ED praying as Jang update her on the attack.
SN is waiting for BA outside of her living quarters.
BA: Gwibi.SN: In the end, you've still decided to revolt.  The thing I was worried about has happened.BA: Where is Paeha?SN: It doesn't matter where, I've already said Paeha is well.BA: That's enough!  How dare you hold Paeha hostage for your own greed for power.  I'll kill you to save the our suffering country.SN: You want to save the country?  Then you should kill yourself.BA: I will personally send Gwibi on her way, everyone stay out of it.SN: Paeha!DM: Paeha...TH: Dae Seung Sang...BA: Paeha, you're still alive...TH: What is going on here?  That sword, why are you trying to kill Gwibi with that sword?SN: Quickly put down the sword, Dae Seung Sang.GT: You need to kill Gwibi now.TT: Shut your mouth!GT: We've already taken over Heung Deog Jeon, if you don't kill Gwibi now you'll regret it for the rest of your life.TT: If you do that, you'll really become a rebel.GT: Quickly, give the orders to attack, Dae Seung Sang.SN: What is it Dae Seung Sang?  Must you kill me to be satisfied?  If that's it, then do it, you've always done as you wished anyway.TH: Dae Seung Sang, I'm asking you, what's going on right now?TT: Uncle...GT: Dae Seung Sang, hurry...
Finally BA decides to put down his sword and pleas to TH that he had committed an act of disloyalty to him, and asks to be punished.  TT and his men plea the same.
SN asks to have BA sent to jail, and orders to have BA taken away.
Over at the merchant group, ML gives orders for DK to support the Han (Chinese) rebel army.  DK is shocked, and ML says he likes to do out of war.
WY asks if they can get their hands on ML's mask.  He says their enemy's biggest weakness is that no one knows what he looks like.  He asks SL (Bi-Soo's men) if he's able to get his hands on the mask, or at least what it looks like.
WY carries out a meeting with all the branch leaders from the Eagle Merchant Group.  EB notices DK in the crowd and informs WY, MS says tonight's the night to kill him, but WY says now's not time.
WY disguised as ML gives out the orders for all the branch leaders to trade all their gold and merchandise for currency.  El Plague asks why, and MS says they'll know later.
DK tests him and asks 'what about the plans to offer support to the White Lotus Cult?' (ML told them to support the rebel army, two different groups).  WY has MS respond to say that they are to cease that operation for now.  
At the palace, Jang is telling ED that Gwibi has summoned all the officials and governors to meet in the grand hall.  Immediately she realizes that Gwibi wants to kill BA, and she tries to go save her only ally with power.  Before she can even leave, Gwibi enters.
SN: Where are you going?ED: I need to see Hwang Sang.SN: You wouldn't be trying to plea for Dae Seung Sang's life to be spared?ED: Not only that, I will also reveal all of your evil deeds.SN: Taehu mama, right now I'm trying to tolerate, can you not tell?ED: Tolerating?SN: Dae Seung Sang's rebellion, Taehu mama clearly took part in it.ED: What rebellion, Dae Seung Sang was trying to stop your tyranny...SN: I haven't finished yet.  Before Dae Seung Sang's execution is taken care of, you are not to step foot out of this place.ED: Are you planning on keeping me under locked up in here?SN: Didn't I just say I'm tolerating right now?  If this tolerance disappears, I can't guaranteed what disasters will fall upon Taehu mama.  Dok Man.DM: Yes, mama.SN: Have guards stand guard outside to keep Taehu mama for doing anything rash, and keep a good watch on her.DM: I understand, mama.
TH goes to see BA.  BA tells him that it was a trap sent by Gwibi, TH tells BA if only he had trusted Gwibi, this wouldn't have happened.  GT tries to chime in, but TH tells him to stay out of it.
TH goes on to say how both BA and Gwibi are precious people to him, but BA continues to plea for TH to depose Gwibi, it's the only way to restore the country.
TH asks that BA do something for him, to step back, it's not an order, but a request, it's the only way for him to live.
SN enters the grand hall and tells all the governors and generals there that she will not forgive the person who tried to kill her and Ayu.   It won't end with just removing him from his position, he needs to be given the extreme punishment (execution I guess?).  SN then asks if there is anyone who opposes.  The primary governors tell her that what BA committed was an act of treason, there's no reason for them not to agree with her, and they will submit the request to Paeha.  SN tells them she will not forget their loyalty.
Suddenly TH enters, with no one other than BA, and worst of all, the man who just tried to kill his wife and child, is carrying that same child he wanted to kill.  WTF!!! I don't get why they had to have him carry Ayu...doesn't make any sense at all.
SN: Paeha...why is Dae Seung Sang who is suppose to be in prison...TH: Dae Seung Sang said he'll pledge his loyalty to Gwibi.SN: Dae Seung Sang's loyalty...I don't need it.TH: Gwibi...SN: Me and Dae Seung Sang, you can only choose one of of the two, please make your decision here.  If we can't send away Dae Seung Sang, then I will not hesitate to leave this place.  Please make your decision.  Me, or Dae Seung Sang.TH: Then you leave together.BA: Paeha...TH: If I need to choose one of the two, I'd rather lose both.  In any case, my position has always been lonely.  Thanks to Gwibi and Dae Seung Sang I had once forgotten about this loneliness (WTF?? What did BA do for you?  Did he have a kid with you??), but why is it that you can't understand my heart?GT: Paeha...TH: You decide, are you both going to stay together, or will you leave together?BA: I, Baek Anh will guard Gwibi mama and Taeja with the rest of life.  Please accept my loyalty, Gwibi mama.
Everyone is shocked, and TT has a knowing look on his face, this isn't the end of it.
BA is drinking back at his quarters, he's upset that he had to kneel before SN.
BA: Baek Anh, I, Baek Anh, actually knelt before Gwibi.  It wasn't even for Paeha, but for a worthless wench who was brought from Goryeo as a tribute woman.  I even had to pledge my loyalty to her!TT: This was a wise decision you made for Paeha.BA: Life, it was so I can linger onTT: Uncle...BA: It was to survive, despicably, pitifully...I defamed my clan...TT: Please calm downBA: Tal Tal, will you help this one last time.  Help me secretly get Gwibi outside (of the palace).  If it's you, Gwibi will come.TT: What do you have to say to Gwibi?BA: I'm going to kill her.  With my own hands, I'll take her head.TT: Uncle, if Paeha finds out...BA: This is for Paeha, if you refuse my request, I will deploy my the army, and will be forced to bring a bloodshed upon the palace.  I will kill Gwibi and Taeja, and all the officials and governors.  I don't want resort to this either, so I'm asking that you help me.
Messenger TT goes to see Gwibi mama.
TT: What did you need to see me for?SN: No matter how I think about it, there's only one way I can think of.  Sabu, will you help me this one last time?  Please secretly bring Dae Seung Sang out for me.  I need to kill him myself.  My request, will you accept it?TT: Please give me some time to think about it.SN: When will you have an answer for me?TT: Tonight, at 11, at the grand hall.SN: I will be expecting you.
TT tells BA to meeting is at 11 tonight at the grand hall as he wasn't able to get SN outside of the palace.  BA tells him to arrange for his men to be ready at the grand hall.
Both TT and BA head over to the grand hall, before BA enters, he leaves some last words with TT.
BA: In case, if I get executed by Paeha for killing Gwibi, you will be the one to lead this country.TT: Uncle...BA: With you around, I have nothing to be scared of.
SN is already waiting for BA in the grand hall, with her tea ready.
TH wakes up for a drink as GT rushes in to tell him that there's a group of people heading over the grand hall with swords.
SN: Would you like some tea?BA: I can't wait for too long, please give one some (as if she was serious, duh!).SN: When I was first brought to the palace as a tribute woman, the first thing I learned was to make tea (is this something hidden by the writers because they heard how the fans were complaining about SN always making tea as a maid??).  As I made the tea, I was determined to take revenge against the people who killed my parents.  Each time I ran into difficulty, I'd hide away my sword for revenge, but I never let it out of my gripBA: What are you trying to say?SN: You pledged your loyalty to me.  People don't change. Dae Seung Sang hid your sword away and stepped back, did you think I wouldn't know?  Dae Seung Sang is someone who wouldn't give up his beliefs. Am I wrong?BA: This is my answer.  Come out now.SN: Are you looking for your people?  Are you surprised?BA: You lied to me (what?? how??)SN: Eliminate!
Fighting begins, BA is a true warrior, he's fending off all those men.  BA starts to call out to TT for help, but TT is still struggling to make his final decision.
As BA is tries to leave the grand hall, TT comes in and stabs him.  Seems like SN is surprised to see him kill his own uncle.
BA: Tal Tal...why are you...betraying me...TT: Do you remember what you said to me before?  When you become blinded by power and greed, you told me to kill you with my own hands.BA: Is that what I look like now?  Do I look like I've been blinded by power and greed?  What I'm doing is for Paeha and this country...TT: Uncle, within your beliefs...you've left out the peopleBA: Tal Tal...TT: Beliefs that do not consider the people's needs, that's from someone who's blinded by power and greed, uncle...BA: Tal Tal...TT: Please rest in peace...
BA's last words to TH: Paeha, please forgive me as I will no longer be able to guard and protect you...

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Come on... there is no way Ta Hwan can live without Consort Ki. She's his sun.. his power.. his energy. That evil Golta (OMO is he friggin' gay???) might have been whisper and influence him but at the end.. at night.. Ta Hwan will drink him self 'till he passes out (in reality it's with opium). Empress Ki in Yuan history is the motor of the country since the emperor was a weak personality. Even until his death, Ta Hwan still so insecure of Ki's feeling for him. that poor man.. being an Emperor was actually so depressing to him..

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pegster said: Posting EP49 preview translations for now, will be back later tonight with the translations/summaries for EP 48.

TH: You should leave the palace once the sun rises.  Even if you turn into a ghost, you're not step foot into the palace.GT: Paeha's powers will be used by me.  I've served you for all this time, I should be able to take some of this (power) away.ED: Gwibi, how ridiculous you look now.  You may even be granted the death tonic.TH: Even Hwang Taehu's loyal dog has come.  You treacherous officials/ministers, I will kill you all!

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@niknogdagu425 I don't have any more details about that spoiler, I only read it off of another poster on Baidu.  If it does happen I would expect it to happen in EP49 since they're pretty much filming real time now, and really, how much time do they need to put in the episode for SN to travel from the palace to the monastery. SamShop Watch said: TH facial expression when banishing SN, remind me when he's giving death sentence to TN. sad to s the imperial couple like that

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Guest geilbladder

@pegster‌ thanks again!

This line:

SN: "Until your wounds heal, just lean on me."

Seems metaphore. It breaks my heart but somehow it touches my heart. :(

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Thanks to @pegster‌ for the quick resume.

I can see now that SN really love him and want to take over all his burden. "Just trus me" :((

I hope the spoiler about DK attack and TH save her, will be appear at tonight episode or else we`ll be in much suffer until next week along with SN.

TT really a saver for SN-TH relationship by revealing what SN doing all this time to help his people and BA motive, including how BA dealt with eagle house.

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Saw some BTS photos posted on Baidu taken by Korean fans who visited the set.  Apparently these were only taken yesterday...so either this means we're not going to see that saving scene, or it'll be the cliffhanger, or that they're really rushing with filming.



This zoomed in image of the person in the red circle other fans are saying that's TH.

Video, of course the person in white is SN, practising her action scene?

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Guest linhcao

yoonmi66 said: New cast member joining Empress Ki:
Original Article: http://ent.hankyung.com/news/app/newsview.php?aid=2014042209204&nid=000

Choi Hyun(?) will be playing the character of Bolad Temur, a distant relative of Tahwan. 
Kor-Chi translation of above info credit Baidu
Below is just some trivia about the actual historical figure, but with Ayu so young, details are bound to change. I mean, come on - there are only 3 episodes left, and the coronation is nowhere in sight.
This appears to be the writers way of linking up with history and trying, it seems, to end with the retreat of the Yuan Dynasty from Mainland China. However, the writers have not given any links that would lead to this drama ending with the decline of Yuan - unless as someone said previously, the writers turn Golta into a mole for the Han rebels or another time jump occurs.  --------------------------------In history, Bolad Temur was a military general who led several successful campaigns against the Red Turban Rebellions, along with another general Koke Temur. Bolad supported Yuan (namely Tahwan's faction), while Koke supported Crown Prince Ayu (this was set during the time when Ki wanted Ayu to overthrow Tahwan).The two factions kept warring with each other, leading to much internal strife. In 1364, Bolad pleaded with Tahwan to punish Koke for his disloyalty, but was ignored. They clashed again in July, but with Yesu (who once served under Tal Tal - not sure of the Eng. romanisation) supporting him, Bolad succeeded and took control of Dadu (capital) as Right Chancellor. He implemented laws that helped relieve the people's suffering, but his rule was abruptly ended when Yesu surrendered to Ayu in early 1365. In July that year, he was assassinated on the order of Tahwan. 

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@yoonmi66‌ wow, isn`t it bolod temur is TT rival that coused TT exile?

If they gonna take this story also. Wooww kudos to the writer. Making the episode full and tight. With the history detail just within 3 episode left. And ED, YBS, DK still alive. ML haven`t reveal. Why it seems nonsense to me. IDK still scratch my head about the new cast.

@pegster at first i thought the BTS is about SN escort to the monastery if you didn`t say that maybe she practise her martial art

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