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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest lorac

Geez... last night I marked my end of reading at page 1254 and now it's at 1270. I've got a lot of catching up to do.
Skipping to page 1270... Maha, oh geez can I even watch episode 47. The writers have lost their minds. If they kill off Wang Yu I'm washing my hands of MBC dramas.

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said: @Mikiy88,......

so do u guys think WY will come to SN rescue if TH banish her next?

I had totally forgot about the Wy issues when I was talking about Cruella... But for this question no way Wy will rescue her this time he would be blaming her for Maha.. And the fact that she never told him they had a child... But from episode one before Ki's coronation... Th tells Wy he should be happy that Ki save his life and that's the only reason he was allowing Wy to live... 

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@valsava WY doesn't blame SN for Maha happening,and he told PBW to keep it a secret from Sn that Maha died not to make her suffer and to tell her he is safe and sound in Goryo and later in time to tell her he died

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What I loved most about this episode was how SN used Ayu's position and took hold of the throne, and then dealt out some instant reform. I like how SN paid back ED by taking away her treasury seal, and as a bonus took way BA's seal too (this was his punishment for abusing TT lol, BA is really nothing without him). I am sure that the reason they used that style of eyeliner makeup on HJW was to give SN a more wicked feel. Right now she is pouncing on her enemies and giving them retribution, it serves them right for trying to pull down SN while TH is sick.Her relationship with TH is a double edged sword. People in the palace can go on and say what they want about SN not being in TH's heart anymore, but it still doesn't change the fact that he can't let her go. TH is protecting SN with one hand, but at the same time he is strengthening her enemies. TH's behavior seems to contradictory but not really. He wants to keep SN around but he doesn't want her in the political arena. Right now TH feels so lonely he misguidedly, with the help of an evil eunuch, I might add, formed a bromance with BA. Right now he just sees SN as power hungry and using him. Which is a funny thought since there was a time TH didn't care if she used him just as long as he is by her side. However after living a reality where he believed SN loved him and he was happy, the perceived loss of that reality has created a void where he wants that back. That reality falls in line with the belief he can be a strong emperor and is trustworthy, because that is just one of the ways he won her over. Her love is part of his glory days. Unfortunately for TH in order to fill the void, he so deeply submerged himself in alcohol (and GT possibly has been slipping some hallucinogens in his cup), his senses have become obscenely impaired, and he has become unable to decipher friend from foe.TH can't disentangle himself from being a political figure, and he can't contend with the fact SN is one as well. Although SN's every political act is for TH's good, he has other people saying look, she is doing this because she is power hungry. TH has come to a point in shunning reality that he doesn't want to look at SN actions and make speculations at her motives and sincerity out of fear of what he will find. He would rather SN approach him with things of leisure, because then there is no thought of power struggle or his failing in managing the state. There is also no need to mention Goryo or WY. As long as she is in politics people will always link her to Goryo, which is just another reminder of WY. The situation will only escalate more with the whole Maha paternity issue. Honestly did Cruella have to rat SN out, she should be thanking SN for her life, and freedom. SN could have just killed her and set Maha up with someone else. Also secrets are suppose to be spoken in secret/enclosed spaces, spoken about in ambiguous terms, and in hushed tones. It doesn't even make sense that everyone just keeps talking about the secret and in full detail. It is possible that that isolation of the temple may have lulled their senses, and given them the feeling that the area is safe enough, after all, WY-SN had secret meetings in temples but they were actually in the temple. I also wonder if his announcement of Maha's identity was for the world to know i.e Maha is his son, but not mentioning the mother) or was it for his son's ears only. I wonder what TH will do when he finds out the truth, most likely he will conceal it, but will he finally confront SN, or will he forever keep everything bottled up inside until he is at his death bed and he asked her, if he ever loved him. I really wish he could remove the blinders and see the proof of her love. TH needs to accept that his love life is apart of politics and SN is doing all she can to protect him, and he needs to stop fortifying her enemies, because TH and SN are irrefutably linked, if she goes down, so will he and vice-versa.  

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WY said he wanted to go faster to Goryo with Maha so he can call him "son" and also expose it's his son and SN claiming that in Goryo no one will harm them nor the info...quite naive for a person so wise like him i might add

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@lunatiger14,......Welcome good you stop lurking...
I think we all are having a bad day with the death of Maha...
The Big Question Is WHY?
RIP Maha....
This writer has done it with me killing the child off and not letting him find out who his parents is...

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i'm curious at the moment if SN will find out Maha died or she will be keept in the dark...and who will tell her ?if thinking logicly Th doesn't have to blame SN for Maha origin because she wasn't his nor did she betray him...she was a free person i remember when she was with WY and it happened...but i guess Th won't act on logic and will think they made a fool out of him all this time and the letters were trueher only fault if so is that she didn't told him about it and lied about her castity if i can mention it..

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i think SN will know the truth about MAHA died before the coronation, that"s why she seems too sad and  cried, if she loves TH is it logical to have some feelings left for WY ? 

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Finally a moment to breathe and digest...

What if Cruella merely wanted to spill the beans to Ta Hwan ONLY that Wang Yoo was still alive?  We did see her mouth the words "Wang Yoo and Ki's son?", but we don't know what exactly is going through her twisted mind at that moment.  She may bury that fact in defense of Ki, who decided to keep her alive in order to take care of Maha.  I don't think she's that much of a dummy to write her own death warrant because Ki would grind her bones for stew upon finding out Cruella was the one flapping her lips.  Just another cliffhanger red herring, eh PD-nim?

I'm not sure if China had the same rules and regulations in effect, but in Korea up until 1894, eunuchs were considered pretty low on the totem poles when it came to status in their regions.  So low in fact, they had to be buried with their castrated genitals (which were kept in a covered jar at the eunuch headquarters) in order to be "accepted into the kingdom of heaven" upon their deaths (because they were not 'complete persons').  To be a eunuch and cast out of the palace was akin to spending the rest of your life as a slave, since they received no remuneration for their long years of service.  That is why many eunuchs chose to die while still working on the palace grounds, or committed suicide upon learning that they were being removed from their positions for one reason or another.  To be promoted from a eunuch to a palace guard or better was considered the ne plus ultra of your eunuch life... but you could also be taken down in one swoop if you were ever accused (even wrongly) of a transgression.

Saying that, I can see the motives behind Golta wanting to become rich and famous through his machinations, but I question why the writer-nims suddenly (in our eyes) decided to make Golta the ML at this stage of the game wanting to add more $ to his Yuan 401(k) Plan... UNLESS Golta is fronting for YET ANOTHER ML that we have yet to see.  There's got to be SOME WAY to re-introduce Wang Go into the storyline in order for Episode 1 to make any lick of sense.  And sweetie, why did you have to bring Hottie Guard Guksu into your Web of Deceit, hunh?  Poor Juno... he gets a meaty supporting role and will probably not see the light of day once found out.  Just don't take out the other Hottie Guard, okay?  *grrrrrr*

Yay!  El Plague's time is most definitely coming to an end next week.  But when he finally goes down -- and it's going to be in glorious flames with fireworks and flags waving, mind you -- I will be buying the first round of drinks.  Kampai! :D

And people, remember my motto:  Don't feed the trolls.  They'll go away eventually.  'Cause they're trolls.  :P

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WTFish. MAHA IS DEAD?! I was about to sleep but have read that Maha is dead and hurried to this thread to confirm that Maha is reaaly dead! DANG. Now I can't even think I would be able to have a good night's sleep. What's the necessity of killing our poor Maha? Deprived about his true identity; parents & now his own life. UGH.

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Guest kiyokotsubasa

from today onwards, i won't be able to visit the thread often. but when i come back i will post a second version of taltal's voice recording, since i could not post all the extracts from all the episodes in the first version.

meanwhile, i want to comment today's episode by asking questions. not to the writers but to the characters themselves (like a crazy person x)) ).

so here are my questions to :

Cruella : are you sure you did not poison poor maha after learning that he is SN and WY's son ? (in order to avenge TN)

PBW : why didnt you tell gwibi mama that WY is alive ? and how come you dont have any grey hair anymore ?

EB : when you were being tortured in the imperial palace back then in ep 44, they should have cut your toungue instead of beating you up.

Golta : so it was YOU all along... are you acting alone or do you have some other allies in the palace ? what is your ultimate goal ?

Guksoo bodyguard : so you too ? i am speechless.

DK : where have you been and what are you plotting ?

YBS : it is about time you died. But since now PBW is a geobseol, i am sure you will die by his hands.

ED : don't you rely too much on BA.. you are almost out of the game.

BA : you officially have the prime minister disease. ET cursed you, and you are becoming like him... No, you are worse than him and TN reunited. You even inherited the slap :o

TT : how does it feel to be slapped like that by no other than your dae seung sang uncle ? I hope it woke you up. I know you are torn, but you'd better officially change sides and say it out loud. I also feel that you re about to be tricked by lady ki.

SN : the right moves at the right time. So awesome that it becomes scary sometimes. What are you planning ? What are your schemes ? I fear for you because someone is about to report something about your past to the emperor.

TH : beware of BA ang golta. Be a real emperor and remember your past struggles and fights. Be an inspiration to your son. Oh... And you are probably about to have the shock of your life. Please endure it and do not turn against gwibi.

WY : just... So wangyu-ish. Admirable and faithful. But always acting in secret and creating misunderstandings. I cant blame you... It seems that suffering in silence is your fate.

MH : poor kid.

Ayu : so much cuteness !! O:)

We have like 3 or 4 more episodes to go and there are so manyunsolved

issues. I think its because wangyu will solve everything and save everyone.. So he can have his throne back.

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Thank you recapers. My oh my! What kind of episode is 47. Another heartbreaking. The death of maha is really bad. Wy was very sad & lonely. People that he love most are all gone and taken away from him. What a miserable life for Wy. For Th so much heartbreak too. How will you accept the reality when you found out that your wife have son from her ex & her ex is your mortal enemy. What a sad story. Empress Ki is really heavy in many aspect it is good that there are scene in empress ki that really funny specially during the early episode when Th is not emperor. Just remember those scene and our heart will be ok. God bless everyone. Next week will be in the cliff hanger again and shocking revelation.

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Still no attempt at relationship resolution, no letters revealed, and the Maha bomb to be dropped on Ta Hwan. I wondered if it was because of the letter stating that her body was TH's that he forcefully took it or if it would of happened eventually. I'm just so sad that the deterioration in their relationship has come to this extreme because of a lack of communication. I also wonder how much further he will descend with the news about Maha. It's painful to watch him self-destructing. He’s always had nightmares even on Daecho Island. It seems like his whole life has been a nightmare punctuated with brief moments of happiness with Nyang and who has now become a source of his nightmares. He needs to come back to some level of coherence for the coronation. Seung Nyang please help him bring himself back. Yes, I did say I hope he does initiate bringing himself out of this, of course with the help of Nyang. It is my last hope for his character to redeem himself and find some peace but it may not happen with these writers. Sigh... 8-|
I’m also sad and annoyed at Golta turning against Paeha. The eunuch I'm most annoyed at is Bang. I don't know what it is but he always gave me the creeps with his overacting tears and cries, and keeping the secret from WY but telling Ki. Then blabbing out in the open about the secret. Please go away, they should of kept Bi Soo.
After this week’s episodes, I’m SAD, MAD and will be GLAD when this drama is over. Though I loved Ta Hwan’s character, I’m tired. I will need a deep mind cleanse after this.

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