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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Hahahaha I watched El Plague's scene with the maid from hell and he totally had a Freudian slip XD They were discussing something serious (about helping each other out or something) and he got closer to whisper in her ear only to notice her eyes and lips (creeeeepy). And what's the first thing he says? 
"Your lips..." Only to be slapped right after. 

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Hi chingus! I've just watched the episode raw entirely and I understood nothing, but still I have some little considerations to do:

- The dresses are usually amazing, but today even more! Only one thing: don't you think the pendants of SN's silver tiara look like insects' antennas??   LOL  Just noticed and started laughing!

- I really liked the hug scene. The camera angles were a bit weird, but, since i'm not an expert, I can't argue about it. I liked the feel and I think SN was a bit moved. She had almost no reaction, but her eyes said something. She was surprised, and understood that TH's love for her is greater than she thought. IMO she always underestimated his feelings, taking them more like a childish crush. Now she saw that he's ready to sacrifice himself - all he's got - for her sake (which she herself knows it's not the best thing ever to do). So she was moved. 
A little step for their relationship :x

- WY is coming! Finally my angsty love triangle can begin again! LOL
In the preview she doesn't call him Jeona anymore, it's Wang Yu-gong, which may sound less formal, but in her case is the contrary. She always called him Jeona (thing that I dind't like), and it demostrated her respect for him as a king too. WY-gong has less internal meaning. Does this mean that now her master is someone else? I hope so as a TH-SN shipper. Just want it's a genuine decision :-w.
Also, I would like Nyang to be a bit angry at WY. I know his marriage is for political reasons and SN did know this, but I'd like she tells him something about it, like any normal woman in love would do, IMO! XD

- TH surely fears WY presence, I would do the same. But I hope Nyang won't give herself to him just to reassure him that she's with him now. I mean, if you watched "Spy Myungwol" you know what I mean :-w It would be really sad.

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Are they going to make Tal tal(Hot Hot) and Bi Soo a couple? OMG! This Bi Soo is one lucky girl, she got 2 of the hottest guys in EK!  Go back to Mr C, TT does not need you. (Or maybe TT just need some tips on drawing a perfect eye liner?) :))
Actually 3 of them can endorse some eye liner together, seriously!

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Well I guess we won't see any more tonic drinking gathering...
While watching and reading your comments this super perv random thought came to mind: WARNING: NOT APPROPRIATE FOR UNDER 18
So SN calls DK to meet in "the library" in order to negotiate the future of his sister. He comes into the room all pumped up. His heart is already racing at the thought of secretly meeting with her...
Suddenly SN appears... their eyes lock into each other. SN takes her whip out of her secret sleeve...
DK faints and dies from a stroke  =))

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@chrissydiva, yeah, I know XD
It's just that in my opinion there's more meaning behind it if she thought that phrase in her mind.
The situation has changed, but her feelings? Jeona was more meaningful between them, notonly because he was the king of her nation, but also because he was her master, the figure she looked up to. In a way was also more intimate, like there was something they shared.
WY-gong is very distant. But I know she is obliged to call him that. Not to think it though.

EDIT, yeah, I said that I didn't like it because she called him TOO MUCH like that XD I know it makes no sense, but she was saying it in a way too much like a subordinate IMO XD

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Guest hunterdd

soojun said: Are they going to make Tal tal(Hot Hot) and Bi Soo a couple? OMG! This Bi Soo is one lucky girl, she got 2 of the hottest guys in EK!  Go back to Mr C, TT does not need you. (Or maybe TT just need some tips on drawing a perfect eye liner?) :))
Actually 3 of them can endorse some eye liner together, seriously!

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Thank you to all who share their thoughts in every episode. In episode 29 for me the best scene is when TH hug SN. I really feel through the acting of TH his love for SN is very sincere full of love and loyalty. For sure everyone was wishing to be SN in that scene. SN is so lucky to have a man who love her so much.

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IMO TalTal should not have a love interest, unless it's his Empress Ki; otherwise, it won't make any sense for him to be all lovey dovey with some random girl, and at the same time meeting in the dark with SN "to plot"
Bi-Soo was brought into the drama to pump ratings... remember?
 I DON'T WANT ANY MORE GIRLS thrown into the mix... Enough Estrogen!!!  :!!

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Guest critics

@babytotoro:  "What happened to promising to be together forever till death".

SN & WY promises were not really meant to come true, it is their fate and so with the shippers.  The truth really hurts even in actual life's experiences.  There are intimate relationships that are not meant to be... there are promises of forever ('til-death-do-us-part) that are made to be broken and SN & WY broken vows are no exemptions.  The only remedy of their relationship is that they truly love each other to the point of sacrificing each others' feelings for their common goal - "the life and safety of Goryeo people".  Having that same ultimate dream, they need to suppress their emotions to carry out their plans and make their sacrifices worth fighting for no matter what the cause.

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Guest ziimblu

SeGafanlady said:

just finished watching ep 29 RAW...

OMG OMG OMG... how I regret to underestimate today's episode based on their -notsoeyechatchy- preview.. Today's episode is sooooooo good OMG I finished a box of chocolate chips cookies without even realising it.. DAEBAK episode with womenhood stole the show!! YIPPIE women rock!! I must say that I even like Tanashiri a lot in this episode.. TBH Baek Jin Hee's acting is getting better and better I think it's also due to Goddess Ha Ji Won's great acting skill that always able to bring out her co star's ability to the max.. But I must say... Ha Ji Won my Goddess... how I'm proud to be your worshipper.

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Guest ziimblu

critics said: @babytotoro:  "What happened to promising to be together forever till death".

SN & WY promises were not really meant to come true, it is their fate and so with the shippers.  The truth really hurts even in actual life's experiences.  There are intimate relationships that are not meant to be... there are promises of forever ('til-death-do-us-part) that are made to be broken and SN & WY broken vows are no exemptions.  The only remedy of their relationship is that they truly love each other to the point of sacrificing each others' feelings for their common goal - "the life and safety of Goryeo people".  Having that same ultimate dream, they need to suppress their emotions to carry out their plans and make their sacrifices worth fighting for no matter what the cause.

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