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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest Lyly1430292245

Wang Yoo must be very angry with Ta Hwan for putting Seung Nyang in trouble (since TH asked SN to go out of the palace with him). I wonder what will happen between the two in the next episode. 
It must be quite a humiliating experience for Ta Hwan because he put Nyang in danger but failed to rescue her. And Wang Yoo was faster in coming to save Seung Nyang. 
Gosh... I have to say I want to give Wang Yoo credit for saving my beautiful Seung Nyang. Although I ship TH-SN, so far WY is the true hero who Seung Nyang can rely on. No wonder she believes in him and loves him. 
Sigh... at least Ta Hwan is becoming braver and more mature now. Going out to meet the old servant of the late king himself, he should have been more careful. Seems like it's a long way to go until he can make Nyang look at him as a man. Sigh...

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@lxands - LMAO, new names
TH = Mr. Dim-witWY = Mr Slow-pokeSN = Cinderella
It is gonna be hard to have a week with no episodes but we can hope that JJM, JCW and HJW show up at the MBC awards and win something! jumpy.gif

@orionbynes2010 - Oh, good point! El Terror hasn't murdered any of WY's family but he has used WY's people as slaves and disposed him as King. You are correct that TH would feel a bit more strongly about it since he murdered his Father. :-bd
@cacazeel and @shaym - hi5.gif

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Hi all ~ just a quick drive by before Christmas Lunch Gorge-a-Thon ~  :D
$1,000 Dollar Prediction ~ 
The Blood Letter is encased in Crazy Lady Noh's wooden mirror that she's been clutching in at least two scenes now.
Badda Bing! (what do I get if I'm right?) I request another cast member abdominal scene - Tal Tal it's your turn! hahahah! 

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And add that TH is the Emperior of this powerful empire and yet WY is still a captured man,even if he is alowed to move like that and has his own place and comfort he is still a exiled men  and is Yuan prisioner,so he with all his loss could make a trade with ET and save SN life while he most likely wouldn't be able to do it in his current state and position,that is a blow indeed to him...if WY wouldn't have come in SN was already dead or let's say alive but at DK mercy and TH wouldn't have any power to do anything,a hursh thing but a reality

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Guest orionbynes2010

What I really like about Th is that he see strength in Sn beyond how she dressed. Once Wy found out that sn was a girl, he immediately do not want her to help out in any of his plans. Wy liked sn when he thought she was a boy but still included him/her in his plans.

Although Sn is placed more in danger by volunteering to help out Th, Th sees her more as his equal and is asking her for her strength and support rather than trying to be macho and manly and say no you can't help me because you're my woman. Sn can more than take care of herself. She saved both Th and Wy and helped them so many times. Th & Sn That's a beautiful friendship...and maybe one day beautiful romantic relationship.

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sally_b said: Hi all ~ just a quick drive by before Christmas Lunch Gorge-a-Thon ~  :D
$1,000 Dollar Prediction ~ 
The Blood Letter is encased in Crazy Lady Noh's wooden mirror that she's been clutching in at least two scenes now.
Badda Bing! (what do I get if I'm right?) I request another cast member abdominal scene - Tal Tal it's your turn! hahahah! 

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I know this might sound a little strange but I incredibly sympathize with Dang Ki Se as a tragic character, even with all the horrible things he's done and continues to do. It's even more evident with this episode (18) how his father never praises him or compliments while he admires others (aka Wang Yu), how he doesn't truly understand the meaning of love, how he acts like a puppy sometimes in order to appease his father.
When you think about how DKS was raised by such a father who has probably never showed him affection, it makes sense that he would not be able to give it in return. Some people have commented about how creepy it was that DKS was enjoying Seung-Nyang's torture but I don't think that was what he was feeling. It's great having a good actor playing DKS's role because his character can't just be painted in black or white, and is instead given more dimensions. When he was caressing her face, he had a peculiar expression on his face (something like regret) and he was taking through his teeth. SN was probably the first woman he was truly infatuated with (I won't call what he feels love, really) and he couldn't bear her rejection. Every time he ordered her not to cry because of other men, to only look at him, he did it forcefully--the only way he knew how. 
He doesn't really realize that what he's doing makes it worse actually and that just makes him a more pitiful character. Rejected by his father (who he clearly admires) and by the woman he came to like (though he doesn't understand the concept and thinks of it as wanting to possess her), it's just tragic.
Not that I condone his behavior or give excuses to it. I just find it interesting how much depth there can found in such a "black" character and I hope the writers would actually develop his character more.

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his father never showed him love or proper affection I know like the scene where he tossed the cup on his forehead for showing weakness
so to him SN is a weakness he doesn't wanna show but can't help it it cause he is drawn to her.....as a person who is in charge of a whole troop and is used to playing the strong guy, i think what drew him to her was her strength too and her ability to not be scared of him and make him a weak person for liking her
but because of the distorted way he was raised and being a leader for an evil clan...........he can't accept her to be his soft side not her refusing him and making him look like a pathetic guy who likes her in his point of view at least.........so if she is to be his weak side and not come to him, it is better he destroys her and what better way to prove that he doesn't like her or to force her to be scared of him and come to him than torture while he is there watching....I think the more SN is being rescued from him, the more he wants to catch her and subdue her.......so last ep she wasn't only rescued from him when he had the upper hand to do anything at that moment but also from WY who got the permission from his father which will kill him and he will be more crazy to subdue that girl who dared to escape from his hold more than once and maybe take her with him to make sure no one will rescue her this time...................this isn't a normal personality here, it is a distorted abnormal psychological illness

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Speaking of Dangkise, I wonder if he realized that his habit of comparing things to animals makes him comparable to an animal, too. He often uses animals as a way to expound what he means to his "words". I wonder how he'll react if one of these days Seung Nyang talks back at him and compare himself to an animal, or maybe even calling him as an animal (merely because of his incompetent way of saying and doing things nicely).

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Guest susany2k5_1

Hmmmm didn't realise that we wasn't allowed to express our opinions on this open forum? This drama is called Empress Ki so of course it's about uri SN's rise from goreyo descendant to how she became Empress of Yuan. This drama isn't historically accurate but it does loosely base on the trials and tribulations of Ki Seung Nyang. Maybe that's why it's called Empress Ki? If it wasn't why didn't they just use fictional characters?

If she became Queen of Goreyo then Empress Ki wouldn't have existed in history, that's what I meant but I guess it's not allowed to write my opinion if it upsets WY supporters but WY supporters can take a blow at TH, hypocrisy much??

Wouldn't be much fun if we all shipped the same person now would it ? Lol

Anyways don't be offended as it's just my opinion ;)

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shaym said:

Speaking of Dangkise, I wonder if he realized that his habit of comparing things to animals makes him comparable to an animal, too. He often uses animals as a way to expound what he means to his "words". I wonder how he'll react if one of these days Seung Nyang talks back at him and compare himself to an animal, or maybe even calling him as an animal (merely because of his incompetent way of saying and doing things nicely).

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