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[Drama 2013] TV Novel: Eun Hee / TV소설 – 은희 티저

Guest reijaye

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@timsha     i just sick of both of them why give her ring and not her tell what it's for. if he's not man enough to say he likes her just tell her it's a friendship ring. she just stares at SJ every time she sees him it looks creepy. so annoying  and venom girl running around stalking and spying  at every corner wowfeels sorry for him i think she will try to hurt eh she's not dealing with a full deck or as three say 3 fries short of a happy meal.
question do you think halmonia will find out any of whats going on next week.  

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Guest Tamz1430292084

@monalisa. GR in wanting to protect her family, will not reveal the truth, but she will confirm the dots & suspicions that the LK, JT & Insp Jo have connected & uncovered (no other choice and this only for salvation).
JS, after learning  YJ's lies (how she took advantage of his drunken state & orchestrated their stay at a motel & how she lied about the injury to her hand - and it was supported & condoned by her mother, will start to distrust them. He & halmoni had always believed and accepted all that SG tell them. He will not easily & readily believe and accept SG & his GR's words and from their actions, he will begin to connect the dots of how SG is swindling the halmoni. He will work with JT (my fear is that JT may die).


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@valsava you are very right. The only time she show some spiritl and spark within her is when she is with VP. With the rest, she is another listless girl with her tearful mournful face. Fed up of watching sush a heroine. Like the JY in Secret. Like someone say, EH is not an advertisement for her shop. Even MG her asst dress better than her. Shd give her some sparkle with her dressing and hairstyle. She came back from Seoul to open a dress shop, but still dress so plainly. Am looking fwd to SG downfall from hereon. @timsha depending on you to keep me updated. Tqvm.

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@valsava Not really sure.... halmoni is the cheer leader of SG Fan Club, she 100% thinks he is a demi-god ... so maybe she is the last one to find out..... in Incheon Tofu it definitely has to be YJ first, then perhaps SJ, followed by Halmoni.... YJ finding out could be next week Friday's cliff hanger.... just my opionion..... I could be wrong.

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Guest atomickitty

I think halmoni just might find out the way people find things out in Kdrama.. unintended eavesdropping. She just might believe it if she hears while SG is talking to his wife. I think next week cliffhanger is a perfect time for YJ to find out.. that would be around episode 105. I thought they would wait till 110 to let her know, but it seems her dots are connecting and the reveal to YJ will be soon.


I've been waiting for this moment for the past 80 episodes.

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@atomickitty  I would love for the uncle to find out first. Let him be the one to tell her  ( halmonia ) rub all in her face but then again she wouldn't believe him anyway. @atomickitty I've been waiting for this moment for the past 80 episodes.  You and I both about time this drama pick up the pace i was getting ready to give up. I can't wait to see her face when she finds out. But she will milk that Eh father is a murder to the end. I'm wondering when SJ break up with her is she going to try and kill herself or is she going to kill Eh. She might think my dad got away with so can I she's looney like that. Well next week let's see what venom girl and dad  up to can't be good,   

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@valsava  agree SG is definitely accountable for HM death as well. If he hadn't been such a coward and confessed when he heard that someone innocent had been arrested for his crime (and his best friend at that) then HM would still be alive. I don't understand why they needed an extra 30 episodes though. If they are starting to reveal the the crime then they should just do it and not drag this on for another 50 episodes. They could have wrapped the whole thing up by ep. 120, or 130 at the most, but 150 it kind of just dragging things out.

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Ep 101 - focus on LK and Insp Jo trying to gather more information to confirm SG had something to do with Hyeongman being framed as the killer (I was going to stop the recap at this cos there was really nothing new happening .... then having some time to kill decided to elaborate).

*LK goes to Incheon Tofu, confirms with SJ the contract written by SG.  SJ leaves and SG comes in .... LK questions him about the night of the murder .. some talk.... then she questions him where he got the money to pay for his son's hospital bill .... he lies he borrowed from someone he knews.  Halmoni comes in, tense face off between Halmoni/LK .... Halmoni ridicules LK's earlier threat about bringing the witness to her, LK the witness disappeared but she has other evidence she is checking. SG looks worried. LK visits Jeongok asking about SG again, she hears how helpful SG was especially when the rumors started that he even gave her money to leave & open a shop in Seoul.

*YJ in EH shop .... pissed off rant about the ring again but EH tells her its a customer, blah blah blah  YJ says that the witness is fake and EH should not use that to think she could reconcile with SJ.

*Unpleasant encounter for SJ/EH at marketplace with Jaepil's goons.  Later SJ who knows YJ went to see EH clears up the misunderstanding over the ring.  Tells EH that LK was at the factory to see SG regarding witness... he tells EH that even if others dont she must believe in her dad.

*SJ talking with SG about LK and talk about the witness ... SG cut SJ short again as usual that he does have to know/concerned .... and for once SJ stood up to him saying its about my father and I have every right to know.

*Yang Sajang turns up late night at factory gate .... they adjourn for coffee, looks like Yang tired of lying low .... talking and when they left the cafe Insp Jo sees them.  Insp Jo wants to go after Yang but SG prevents it.  SG tells Insp Jo not to pass useless information to LK, he roughly grabs Insp Jo warning him that one more time it happens and he wont it tolerate anymore. They part angrily. 

*Insp Jo calls LK tells her the man responsible for the rumors is Yang and that SG was seen together with him but he has not confirmed yet if SG is responsbile for the rumors.  LK asks JT if he knows about Yang .... JT confirms the man is the source of the rumors. 

*LK confirms with an some expert (???) that the one who wrote the letter and contract was the same person.

*Insp Jo vists Incheon Tofu ... Halmoni asks him about the 'fake' witness and Insp Jo said he is definitely someone from Gaseong but cannot say for sure what he saw ... and when Halmoni asked he said the witness's name is Kim Yongpal.  Halmoni questions Gilrye whether she and SG knew about Yongpal.

*SG talking with clerk in office about accounts/bank passbook (clerk looks unhappy doing this), LK calls to meet up with SG at Hyeongman's grave.  LK at Hyeongman's grave  when SG turns up she faces him saying 'Was it not you who wrote the letter?'  END.

Preview:  Halmoni's voice over ....SJ and EH are meeting again???.... SJ/EH meet at some photo shop.  SJ/YJ another spat about EH.  LK/EH argue about EH not believing her dad is not a killer ....EH saying she would like to believe that ...and runs away.  EH runs into YJ ...YJ ranting again not to misunderstand SJ nice to her

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@timsha   Once again your the best. 
The snake still wearing the ace bandage still spitting her venom at Eh. She could go and stand up to gangster for Sj but when it come to Yj she runs and hide. Just shoot her and the stylist. Also Sg is really making himself looks more guilty and wasn't that obstructing  justice when he was holding insp Jo up.Halmonia fell for it that the witness was after money she should start connecting the dots. 4 clues has been toss at her. I look for one of the two to happen this week.1. The Wedding is called off2. She finds out her dads the real killer.Which one will be Friday's cliffhanger,

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@valsava How about we hope for both to come true this Friday.....SJ sick and tired of YJ's possessive jealousy and lies calls off the wedding, she goes running to her parents and overhears their conversation,  and YJ finally knows its her father who killed SJ's dad ..... double whammy so well deserved :D

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That would be awesome will love for it to happen that way but this drama is 150 episode long so event will happen one thing at a time considering 12 weeks to go. But I believe that her possessiveness is really going to hurt someone. Maybe SJ on the thought if I can't have you nobody can.     

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Ep 102 summary (skipped quite a bit)

*Before Hyeongman's grave .... despite LK giving him a last chance to come clean SG denies till the end to LK he wrote the letter.  LK meets with Insp Jo to get updates.

*YJ visits orphanage introduces herself to Head Nun as SG daughter and SJ fiancee.  Upon leaving seeing SJ/EH with the children....furious goes to Halmoni telling her they are still seeing each other and its not SJ's fault but EH's.  Stupid cow Halmoni goes to EH's shop and verbally abuses her for seeing an engaged man.  Haengja who is at the shop runs home to inform Gilrye/SG. LK walks in and another round of verbal exchange.  SG rushes in.  Halmoni challenging LK to bring the witness/letter to her now.  SG hurriedly gets Halmoni out of the shop but not before LK warns him indirectly to clear misunderstandings.  LK is angry with EH taking all the verbal abuse, EH excuse is that they are the victims.....LK wants EH to believe in her dad's innocence and is furious ...HJ comes in tells EH to apologise to LK ... EH runs out of shop.....goes missing for a long time....MG/JT at shop waiting for her to show up.

*SG tells Gilrye about the letter LK has ... both worried.

*SJ/YJ another spat....he is upset cos of  baseless tales she told Halmoni ....he is worried about EH and YJ says the person u should be worried is me not EH.... SJ walks off.

*EH/SJ meet in front of some photo shop and later part ways ..... YJ waiting for EH at market place, playing goody two shoes apologizes for Halmoni's visit ....EH sees thru her and ask her to state exactly what she has on her mind ....YJ warns EH not to read too much into SJ being nice,  as its only pity that he feels for her.

*SG worried about LK gets in touch with Japeil for some help finding someone connected to Seoul Hotel who might have information about LK...something about LK being just a secretary to the President. (my understanding is that he wants to arrange for LK's downfall). 

*SG with Police Chief .... talking about Insp Jo (??) also asking about something/someone (not to clear about this....I think he was aksing about some handwriting expert ... I could be wrong).  Later he talks to SJ and finds out that LK met him to ask who wrote that contract.  He is seen plotting his next move late nite in his office. Next day goes to visit's LK and says he wants to tell her the truth about the letter.  END  (I am not holding my breath ...  probably say he wrote it on behalf of Hyeongman).

Preview:  SJ carrying camera case in front of some clothing store.  SJ/Halmoni conversation about the witness and Halmoni refuting it saying she saw the murder incident clearly with her own two eyes.  JT/SJ in front of the theatre runs into Japeil/sidekick, JT is surpised when Japeil inquires about SG.  LK's voice over that Yang sajang has been caught.  Insp Jo tailing SG(??) ... later questioning Yang who is in custody about the rumors.  SG on the phone screaming (looks like he is about to burst a blood vessel) and asking to be connected to someone ??? (maybe Police Chief .... not sure but I think he wants to stop Insp Jo questioning Yang).

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Guest katielinhnguyen

Hi everyone.. I am a new comer and I love this sitcom.  However, I don't understand why Eunhui is so dumb... either she is just dumb or innocent.  How can she lets YJ abuses her like that.  YJ is such a bully and not one episode Eunhui says something back to her.  I also think she is not hurting Eunhui but she is also hurting herself with all these insecure thoughts and afraid Eunhui and SJ will get back together.  She might have SJ body but not his heart so what's the point.  I am now afraid for Lora.  I think she will die in  because she is so close to getting the ANSWER.  Maybe they will bring back VP to avenge her death :(

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