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[Drama 2013] TV Novel: Eun Hee / TV소설 – 은희 티저

Guest reijaye

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@timsha  thanks for that insight I'm hoping for sj to go digging around in her room find those letters and also the keys that she didn't get rid of. i'm looking for him to shows the keys to eh friend, i'm really worried about jt also sg can't have him and the ofcr on the lose. Still not able to watch yet could someone direct me to a site 

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Guest atomickitty

@timsha, I think the bit in the preview we saw of the guy running into the office and yelling might be the classic bait and switch. I think SG is probably having a dream, after having killed, or attempted to kill, that guy. The look on his face with that pipe in hand? I'm going to have nightmares!

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@atomickitty..... I think Yongpal must have gotten away (that man has 9 lives). They cant kill Yongpal off just yet cos he is the only eye witness .... if he dies SG is home free.  I think perhaps JT, who also went looking for Yongpal could be heard approaching and SG fled before being exposed. Hence the scene in LK's office could be as u suggested SG having a nightmarish dream cos Yongpal is still on the loose... have to wait and see tomorrow. 

Has anyone noticed, EH has discarded her skirts and wearing pants now ..... hopefully she will do something about that hair ..... its so unflatteringly, she looked great on Shark, cant they give her that hairstlye again,it was nice and sleek, cant stand this wispy wavy fly away hair it looks as depressing as she looks most times.

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@timsha thanks for the site well sg has done it now i think he is dreaming that if that man is dead  the policeman and jt is next on the list. to much crap point to him but he might make the gangster take the fall for him. he has to rid himself of a few people because it's getting to close to home. Poor grand should be learning about the investigation by now. maybe she will hear about it next week.
@atomickitty just think of the date at the hospital no nightmares we just pass those off to sg i still can't figure out how they sleep at night were is the justice.

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Actually I was thinking that even if Yongpal dies.... at least 3 people are already suspicious of SG.  Remember Insp Jo asking LK who else knew about Yongpal and LK replied Jeongok, JT and SG.  Insp Jo told her that SG and Jaepil has close connections.  LK's first reaction was similar to JT ... disbelief and she brushed if off.  Insp Jo told her not to trust SG.  So even if Yongpal dies after SG attacks him .... hopefully they can find enough evidence this time to arrest him for Yongpal's murder.  It will be a matter of time before everyone including Halmoni finds about that SG is not being the pillar of virtue he potrays himself to be.

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@timsha thx for update/re-cap. I'm just glad that other people are now suspicious of SG, and that YJ knows there is a witness and that EH father may be innocent. That BSC, lying snake YJ will go into overdrive to keep SJ from learning that little tidbit. And you know she will try to get halmoni to help her move up the wedding.

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@kdramafan469 Hi i was thinking the same Yj and her parents will try and push this wedding Sj will be in on it so he could secure his family even if the factory close under his ownership they can reopen using another name. And did grandma turn the house deed over to him. Forgot he made that slush fund. I wonder did he burn the books from the time EH work there. She could be a witness to how much money is missing she no about the daily operation of that factory. Assembly Man Yea Right.

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@valsava "SJ in on it?" SJ would never do that, especially if he knew the truth of the situation (maybe you meant SG). Yes SG did burn all the accounting books, but it had nothing to do with EH or the time she worked there. He not only started the slush fund but he stole money to pay  Jaepil, and the other gangster for their work for him so that it why he burned the books. He made a false set though because I have seen SJ looking over them, and he questioned SG about something in them. The whole purpose of getting rid of the books is so that no one can trace the evil deeds and money losses to him...he has no intention what so ever of turning the factory over to SJ. 

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SJ might put his foot down since he already mentioned twice that he wants to rethink the marriage,  he knows about YJ and her lies to entrap him into marriage and trying to milk him with her injured hand to remain in the relationship.  I am sure JT will keep SJ unpdated about the witness, and if he is a good friend he should warn him about SG too.

I knew Insp Jo had his suspicions about SG and though he seem to be on friendly terms with him he never lost his objectivity .... he wants to put right a case he felt he hastily concluded (all in one day) when he first started out on the police force.  But SG is pals with Police Chief & Assemblyman Shin (???) ... I would not put it past SG to use his connections and force Insp Jo either to be transferred or to take an early retirement...... after all its only the 100th episode tomorrow and SG is still not beaten yet, heck the real fight has not even started.... to keep the position he has been consolidating power and money so that even Halmoni or LK cant take him down.

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@/bkrommo  If that happens it will be the aunt or uncle, they never like him he has already spot him with those big wigs. the aunt comes off rather strong she always home i have a feeling she will over hear one they're conversations
@kdramafan469 I meant Sg and Not Sj I'm guessing that next week scene think this is when she finds out about her dad. She got to help get rid of all the suspicious people got stop Sj from meeting Jt I guessing SJ could frame Jt for murder that's more logical. 

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Opens with a disturbed SG at the breakfast table, he seems rather distracted.  He cant eat his breakfast, leaves and go sits in his office. Flash back to previous nite, good lord SG really whacked Yongpal with that metal rod .... he is lying all bloody and motionless on the ground. Phone rings and SG literally jumps out of his skin, it Jaepil....SG tells Jaepil to stop looking for Yongpal.

Insp Jo visits SG regarding Yongpal's disappearance.  He said according to Yongpal's friend his last wherebouts was Incehon ..... some talk then he questions SG/Gilrye about SG whereabouts the previous night.

LK/JT visit Jaepil demanding where he is holding Yongpal.... Jaepil denies all involvement despite LK showing the lapel pin.  LK instructs JT to keep watch on Jaepil's office, goes to see Insp Jo.... she still does not believe SG is involved so Insp Jo shows her the photo of Jaepil and SG.... she still is not totally convinced saying they could have met for business.

JT left his torn coat jacket with EH for mending, the ring box drops to the floor. At the market MG runs into YJ...usual lies she is worried about rumors blah blah blah......MG set her straight, saying its false and informed about the witness, how LK is looking into it .... news does not go down well with the snake.

SJ drops by EH's shop, she is not around, picks the ring box off the floor, opens it, stares at it, then places its on the table.  As he is about to leave MG enters the shop, he says he will come back later and leaves.

YJ in her room thinking about MG info about EH's dad not being the killer, then she flashes back to Yongpal telling her SG killed someone, she shakes off the thought as too  ridiculous.

EH back at shop picks up ring box ..... MG thinks its from SJ as he was there earlier looking for EH.  EH looks perplexed (usual look....bluuuurrrrr), bad news YJ overhears the conversation and is furious.

SJ sitting by himself thinking back about the ring.... upset YJ rants at him accuses him of giving EH the ring even when he denies doing so. 

JT comes by to pick up his jacket and notices the ring box on the table, tries to explain to bird brained EH but she cuts him short and ask him to return it to SJ for her.

OK that little scene with Yongpal bursting into LK's office ... nightmare SG was having while catnapping in his office. He pays a visit to LK at the hotel....she questions his relationship with Jaepil .... he gives his usual lies claiming Insp Jo misunderstood it. He asks her about the letter and she replied something about keeping it until Yongpal is found. As he left the hotel, he is silently telling 'its all over now noonim, you wont find the witness'.  LK in her room is thinking back to Insp Jo conversation..... about Yongpal being in Incheon and Jaepil/SG's involvement.

That ring is causing alot of confusion..... SJ is getting drunk at some shop thinking about it, JT puts it on EH finger saying its not SJ's and its like finder's keeper .... he denies its his .... she takes it off but has some niggling thought that it is from JT.

Next morning LK who is reviewing Incheon Tofu contract notices the handwriting is similiar to the handwriting in the half burnt letter, flashes back on SG asking her earlier for the letter .... compares the letter against the contract ... and is shocked that the handwriting is the same.  END

Preview:  LK get SJ's verification that his father wrote the contract.  Insp Jo comes upon SG/Yang sajangnim (snooker boss) meeting.  SG gets into an arguement with the Insp ....... accuses Insp Jo of spreading baseless lies to LK about him.  SJ/EH run into Jaepil's thugs at marketplace ... they sort of poke fun at SJ/EH relationship.  Insp Jo tells LK that he has located Yang sajangnim who is the source of the rumors and that SG has been seen meeting this man.

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Well FINALLY someone has connected the dots. I knew LK would be the one to dig into SG, glad she didn't keep brushing it off like everyone else. EH as brainless as ever.I'm really starting to dislike EH for the pure fact that no one can be that Brainless!! Frankly MG is more interesting than EH right now lol. She needs a good slap or something to wake hell up. What I don't understand is that EH originally wanted to go into fashion, but she is SO NOT fashionable. Hell she doesn't even know how to use a comb and brush most days. Am I ranting?  Oh well lol. I'm looking forward to next week since someone other than Gilyre now knows some of the truth.
@timsha  So is Kim Yongpal really dead? Did the police find his body? Why was Ins. Jo questioning them?

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@timsha  thanks for the update
well the last 3 episode has been pretty good the pace has pick up notch more. looks like she will find out next week her dad killed him. i can't believe she still trying to milk that ace bandage so shameless. next week both her and dad will go nuts, both are psychopath. Both Father and Daughter Are Pathetic Loser. Theirs no ending to they're lying. i look for SJ to call off the engagement also. i hope just because he saw the ring he don't make the decision to marry her right away. hopefully LK will stop being so trusting of SG. and realize the wake up call she has just received.

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@kdramafan469 actually I am wondering that too since they only showed SG standing over his bloody motionless body ... so its kind of open.... only SG knows.  He was so confident when he said LK would never find the witness..... which might be another way to say he is dead???

Insp Jo is investigating Yongpal disappearance I think .... cos he was there at the appointed place to meet LK in Incheon than he vanished .... and he can only tie that disappearance with SG/Jaepil.

OK in this episode I am more that pissed with JT..... there was no need to lie about the ring....after clearing up EH's misunderstanding that its not from SJ why didn't this idiot tell her the truth.  That was so pointless, to buy the girl u love a ring, slip onto her fingers but did not have the guts to say he bought it ....SJ being troubled upon seeing it I felt was finally admitting to himself his feelings for EH was still there.  As for YJ....I am gleefully anticipating her horror finding out the truth.

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@kdramafan469  your right i'm getting so sick of her she just stands there looking like she lost life at the anything,  i agree a good slap will wake her up,  hopefully that friend will tell to stop being stupid. and i also was wondering whats up with that 1915 jacket lol  has she ever had a day were the clothes and hair is intact. let's hope MG will be the one to let loose on that snake. what happen to her she always stood up to the VP. i think Kim Youngpal is still alive  if he was dead his body would have been noticed by now i think he laying low next on the list is "Insp Jo SG might frame JT for that.

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SG may have gotten rid of the body. He is confident that LK will never find KYP. Either that or KYP woke up later and went off to lick his wounds and hide for a few episodes. But I do think SG hid or buried the body. He doesn't want the body found because he knows that would bring even more questions and fingers pointed squarely at him. 

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