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@ilovemyrabbit really? like really really? i'm being teased once again, now i'm imagining it :wub:

actually i've been thinking about it. there's a chance they're in a relationship because of their connection (similar neighbourhood, acquaintance). and if they're really date each other, they'll likely spend their time at each other houses. isn't it safer for idol to date at their houses? (i mean from media and fans) 

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33 minutes ago, pastelcheeks said:

@ilovemyrabbit really? like really really? i'm being teased once again, now i'm imagining it :wub:

actually i've been thinking about it. there's a chance they're in a relationship because of their connection (similar neighbourhood, acquaintance). and if they're really date each other, they'll likely spend their time at each other houses. isn't it safer for idol to date at their houses? (i mean from media and fans) 


Yup! I couldn't see the IG story anymore because it's past 24 hours, but yup she did. :) 


I would highly suggest following this fellow shawol @vidyatheshawol on Insta, she's really good at all the updates with SHINee variety programs. I got the sources from her posts too. Oh she just updated again, the members were talking about sleeping in the waiting room while waiting for the chance to perform, and then Key said Taemin brings a PINK pyjama around! 


See below, and click right for more pics, Taemin also said he wants to work hard and do whatever that he wants right now. 



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32 minutes ago, ilovemyrabbit said:


Yup! I couldn't see the IG story anymore because it's past 24 hours, but yup she did. :) 


I would highly suggest following this fellow shawol @vidyatheshawol on Insta, she's really good at all the updates with SHINee variety programs. I got the sources from her posts too. Oh she just updated again, the members were talking about sleeping in the waiting room while waiting for the chance to perform, and then Key said Taemin brings a PINK pyjama around! 


See below, and click right for more pics, Taemin also said he wants to work hard and do whatever that he wants right now. 


really Taemin, what is it with you and pink lol. awwww, he once said he wants to be happy and i hope he's enjoying whatever he's doing.

i've seen Naeun's IG story about soccer game but Taemin watching it at home is news for me so thank you for telling us this and giving us the IG source. brb follow that so i can keep up with SHINee lol

i really wish we can see their interaction very soon in July music shows or at least in august because i'm craving Taeun moments now :tears:

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@ilovemyrabbit @pastelcheeks

I only know they are both from Seoul. I didn't know they have the same neighborhood. Thanks anyways. 


I don't know about how SHINee chooses their fabrics in the dorm but didn't Taemin have a pink bedsheet way before? In WGM he had a pink bed already. Naeun even said his bed was girlier than hers. Do their coordi noonas choose it? Taemin has quite been into pink these days. Pink lunchbox, loves to associate things with pink. The pink balloon long before but still he protected that pink balloon! LOL. :P if Key wasn't messing around he sure has pink pyjamas too! ;)

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8 hours ago, ilovemyrabbit said:

On tonight's Kangta's Starry Night Radio - they were talking about the soccer match last night. 

Taemin said he watched the soccer game in his own home. Naeun posted a picture of the game on her IG story. 



I've been thinking about something for a really long time. Taemin and Naeun's respective families live in the same neighbourhood right? And like their mothers have mutual friends? Probably they spend a lot of time at each other's houses and their family members are close as well? 


I have been thinking the same. If wuri taeun have been dating for a while without caught, they either date at home or in the car.  So he drives and they hold hands (aigooo) :) 

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1 hour ago, chantaljaey said:

@ilovemyrabbit @pastelcheeks

I only know they are both from Seoul. I didn't know they have the same neighborhood. Thanks anyways. 


I don't know about how SHINee chooses their fabrics in the dorm but didn't Taemin have a pink bedsheet way before? In WGM he had a pink bed already. Naeun even said his bed was girlier than hers. Do their coordi noonas choose it? Taemin has quite been into pink these days. Pink lunchbox, loves to associate things with pink. The pink balloon long before but still he protected that pink balloon! LOL. :P if Key wasn't messing around he sure has pink pyjamas too! ;)

In that WGM ep when naeun visited his form, I think it was the cleaning lady or whoever’s idea to change his bedsheet to pink because he had no idea it was changed to pink. He was surprised too. He also said it was his first time seeing it. But this pajama is for sure a close influence of someone. Even thou naeun likes black or gray and never the girly pink but his love will forever be linked with pink what can’t he do what abt it hahahahaha. 


Remember he tease Minho abt his pink outfit at a live stream (music box or something?) 

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On 6/26/2018 at 9:47 PM, chantaljaey said:

LOL :D if you back read this thread you will learn a lot... really a lot. The timelines were on point. Compared it to broadcasting dates, it made sense. I have been a kpop lover for a decade now but this is the very first time that I ship a couple this hard, the more I read and watch vids of them the more I learn how a rookie I am. These very small details that I noticed? All because senior Taeunians know a lot more and shared it to people like me. I am new too. Just 6 months old. As you keep following this couple's updates you will eventually learn how to keep an eye even on the tiniest details. Soon enough you will observe it yourself if you keep watching vids about them. And since we're talking about the nail color, have u noticed Naeun's nail color during their first meet? It was a pearl aqua. Naeun also wore the same color during the time when Apink asked the items of her wallet. It was the same wallet she used in their WGM.


Yes, there is. It's a lovely YouTuber of TaEun. She went to Chile to watch Taemin's performances. She brought a signboard saying, TaEun I will protect you (not sure of this, what I remember is that there was a 'protect' in her signboard). And she said Taemin looked at it many times smiling. Basing from her fancam she was close to the stage. Also during (I think) WGM (after the cursing incident) SHINee had a performance in Korea, a single fan brought a signboard in yellow coloured that indicated, TaEun fighting! (not sure but something like that). It was kinda special that time because that was the time that Naeun was bashed so hard for the cursing incident. Note, I forgot some events too so I can't name it all. I'll post it here for you if I happen to remember some of it. 



Which episode?

@chantaljaey @Angelanyto hello guyss! sorry for the late lemme join the spazz! beside that owner taeun.couple ig, i knew someone too. shes also the owner of a Taeunians fanacc in IG + youtube her uname is "ohmytaeun" and her youtube ch is "TAEUNFOREVER". I think she live in US. She personally went to met Naeun there while in NY, if u remember in the past Naeun has a job to attend (club monaco collab) 2017 NY Fashion Week. That taeunian did make an IG stories and so I ask her via DM, she said she wait her in front of the building show so when Naeun came she gave her a fan-write letter. I ask if any chances she mention about 'our Taeun' or not? she said she cant because of the timing but she success hand that letter personally to Naeun, naeun smile then rushed to enter the building. In that letter she said she did mention our Taeun a lot that she shouldnt give up cause a lot of ppl are supports them. I bet by now Naeun already read that letter:D

Another else, I knew it from this forum, but idk if theres still any pic left or not.. someone said that when they got the chances attend show together in 2015 MuBank in Hanoi. Some shawol/panda also brought a signboard with "TAEUN" names on it also if u search for Taeun hanoi mubank moment there r many fancam atm.


I guess many Inter-Shawols/Pandas r more open and supportive for their relationship rather than the korean fans one.:wub::wub:  (like us...?) Thats why im sooo curious, by chances, do we hv a korean Taeunshipper in this thread? pls raise ur handd! i wanna know their current situation in korea and how ppl thought about "Taeun" now.. ?

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12 hours ago, ilovemyrabbit said:

I'm not sure if anyone posted this before? Taemin's performance on The Call - Pinocchio, I was just paying attention to the lyrics just now. 



"Real intentions hidden under a smiling mask, My gaze has gone cold. The lies I tell you expressionless, I'm used to this. My BLACK lies beyond my white smile. I pretend as if it's the truth, as if I'm sincere. I conceal the truth even deeper inside me. I'D RATHER WANT SOMEONE TO SEE RIGHT THROUGH ME."


Then Bewhy came in with "My expressions and attitude lack transparency, nobody sees through my fake attitude. I'm used to lying. Where has my innocence gone. STANDING BETWEEN LOVE AND BUSINESS, I don't even know my real intentions." 


The most amazing part? Taemin co-wrote the lyrics with BewHy! 


Then on one of the articles, they wrote this:

Rapper BewhY and Taemin were the next to take the stage. While they come from different musical backgrounds, the two same-aged stars showed chemistry and their careers with their “Pinocchio”-inspired performance. Both of them reflected on themselves through their art. Taemin explained, “I want to show my real self through music,” while BewhY revealed, “He broke the negative perceptions that rappers tend to have about idols for me.”


YES finallyyy someone has the same mind as mineB) when it first posted in Mnet youtube, i watch and I read that Taemin has a deep facial expression is got something. the way Taemin sing and dance about "Pinnochio" is v emotional rathen than funny. it feels like Taemin wants to convey the message sincerely. At first I thought it will be funny cause its Pinnochio... a cartoon, but then i wrong. 

So I began to search the eng ver of the lyrics and WOAH its really has a deep meaning. YALL SHOULD try search for the eng lyric of Pinnochio, i swear u'll got goosebumps.  Especially that part of lyrics as u've been mentioned, I agree, I feels like Taemin wants to emphasize that part because through the song that part has more repetition. The more I know that Taemin also co-wrote the lyrics, hmmm.. I see u there Taem:) wht a genius lyricist, Taem use a lot of idiom thereee

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10 hours ago, beuree9394 said:



In CECI Korea July's edition, Naeun's interview had me shook with her answer for Question 5 'What is your small and uncertain happiness'. Her reply was 'finding a quote from a book that she can relate to, it comforts her as it's as if the book knows how she feels'. Remember that picture of a page from a book that she posted on IG about  missing someone and how distance kind of makes the heart grows fonder? Under that post was gazillions of Taeun related comments. I just thought that if Taeun isn't real, she probably would not be too happy about it and lest talk about the post on an interview that was done *obviously* after she posted that picture. I dunno... sometimes i feel as if as Im just tryna connect all these dots just to make myself feel better. BUT every time I think that i'm being delusional, they (taeun) would come together and throw hints at us. I'm getting so frustrated T___T i really hope that they will get to interact on 6/7/8 July's music shows OR AT LEAST STAND ON STAGE TOGETHER AND THROW GLANCES AT EACH OTHER that nobody can decode besides themselves and us shippers.



I completely agree with you that it's not an appropriate way to leave those comments in her post (whether they are really dating or not).  I'm someone who likes to support them quietly meaning we should not interfere their lives with our own thoughts.  Unless you have a private moment with any of them like at a fansign, at a coffee shop, at the airport, etc that you can deliver your wish in writing or by words.  Naeun has million followers but only a couple hundred comments, she can easily go through all.  It's really not a good idea to flush all "good wish" to her public post where anyone can access.  If she deletes any post, it will alert all.


Shipping idol couple meaning your ship starts from delusions.  unless there are clear evidences of them dating such as caught by paparazzi, caught by other people, etc, everything you see today is our delusions.  but i'm happy living on this land, by seeing couple items (such as the bracelet, the black tops they wore back in 2015?, gucci shoes, etc...) and all those hints threw by their members and themselves intentional or non-intentional because we have faith, we think they are dating, that's how they brought us all here. 


Please don't get frustrated!  You are delusional thinking they might be dating, but you are also delusional thinking they aren't! haha


Unless they get caught dating someone else, otherwise, i want to believe Naeun's vampire love philosophy hahahaha.

Lee Tamin's mom's church friend told his mother that Naeun is pretty, studied well and she found the right "daughter in law" it would be a mistake if they both let go each other.


P.S. when taemin was holding her hands at camping night and they both whisper love you, they were seriously deeply in love!

(i'm so emotional :( ) hahaha


Oh, is it confirmed that her book page post related to love life or dating relationship? No right?




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8 hours ago, ilovemyrabbit said:

On tonight's Kangta's Starry Night Radio - they were talking about the soccer match last night. 

Taemin said he watched the soccer game in his own home. Naeun posted a picture of the game on her IG story. 



I've been thinking about something for a really long time. Taemin and Naeun's respective families live in the same neighbourhood right? And like their mothers have mutual friends? Probably they spend a lot of time at each other's houses and their family members are close as well? 



@ilovemyrabbit @chantaljaey @pastelcheeks @chantaljaey based on my Observer I think they do really lived in a same/near neighborhood too. Remember they used to attend the same school. (cheongdam high school), Cheongdam-dong is also located in Seoul district. They both are a real Seoul person from the start, i remember key used to visit Taemin house suddenly in their trainee days also not too forget in weekly idol-SHINee ep where Taemin been asked by the members where did he go at night, because Taem didnt sleep at their dorms. He said bcs of his house is near he sleep at his house instead, but then the  members said was it a lie? bcs they saw his mother and asked did Taem sleep well last night? but his mom said, uhh he didnt back home last night:lol::lol: (caught u Taem..) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7vdVU7z5vM


and about Naeun, its not a secret anymore that only 3 ppl of Apink are a real Seoul person (NE, HY, NJ). but to make sure she did say in Jtbc "lets eat dinner together" her partner asked Naeun where did she live when a child? she said i've been live in Samseong-dong all along. Andd Samseong-dong is part of Gangnam area which is also part of Seoul, its like Cheongdam and Samseong-dong is side by side. 


As u mentioned about the church, i think they both goes to the same church. their house is near, in wgm Taem said he knows a relative at church whom knows his and her mom so basically their mom also has a church connection righttt. Second, if u  pays closely to Taem CH+ at V app, when Taem invites Kwonho, Timoteo, Kai to played around. I didnt purchased i watched in YT someone uploaded but then deleted:huh: what I remember was they played at swimming pool, then eat BBQ, after that they chit-chat, games, selfie. If im not mistaken one of the games is truth/dare, Taemin lose he choose truth then Timoteo said to be interesting what if we revealed Taem hidden secret which nobody knows. Taem then replied that her fans knows him very well. But then Timoteo asked, what if I revealed, about u at church ..****... (it got censored then, idk why) but if u watch the video u know the 3 (kai, kwonho, timoteo) is very excited to this question and theyre like in a teasing mode (their eyes and gesture) and so Taemin seems smiley and flustered yet he tell Timo to dont finish the sentences to be quite. 


I just want to share to u guys, i dont hv the videos, so if someone purchased the CH+ can u post here;) its really suspicious for me, the way they all teased Taem and why did they censored that part in the videoss

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36 minutes ago, Jessica Yuanita said:


@ilovemyrabbit @chantaljaey @pastelcheeks @chantaljaey based on my Observer I think they do really lived in a same/near neighborhood too. Remember they used to attend the same school. (cheongdam high school), Cheongdam-dong is also located in Seoul district. They both are a real Seoul person from the start, i remember key used to visit Taemin house suddenly in their trainee days also not too forget in weekly idol-SHINee ep where Taemin been asked by the members where did he go at night, because Taem didnt sleep at their dorms. He said bcs of his house is near he sleep at his house instead, but then the  members said was it a lie? bcs they saw his mother and asked did Taem sleep well last night? but his mom said, uhh he didnt back home last night:lol::lol: (caught u Taem..) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7vdVU7z5vM


and about Naeun, its not a secret anymore that only 3 ppl of Apink are a real Seoul person (NE, HY, NJ). but to make sure she did say in Jtbc "lets eat dinner together" her partner asked Naeun where did she live when a child? she said i've been live in Samseong-dong all along. Andd Samseong-dong is part of Gangnam area which is also part of Seoul, its like Cheongdam and Samseong-dong is side by side. 


As u mentioned about the church, i think they both goes to the same church. their house is near, in wgm Taem said he knows a relative at church whom knows his and her mom so basically their mom also has a church connection righttt. Second, if u  pays closely to Taem CH+ at V app, when Taem invites Kwonho, Timoteo, Kai to played around. I didnt purchased i watched in YT someone uploaded but then deleted:huh: what I remember was they played at swimming pool, then eat BBQ, after that they chit-chat, games, selfie. If im not mistaken one of the games is truth/dare, Taemin lose he choose truth then Timoteo said to be interesting what if we revealed Taem hidden secret which nobody knows. Taem then replied that her fans knows him very well. But then Timoteo asked, what if I revealed, about u at church ..****... (it got censored then, idk why) but if u watch the video u know the 3 (kai, kwonho, timoteo) is very excited to this question and theyre like in a teasing mode (their eyes and gesture) and so Taemin seems smiley and flustered yet he tell Timo to dont finish the sentences to be quite. 


I just want to share to u guys, i dont hv the videos, so if someone purchased the CH+ can u post here;) its really suspicious for me, the way they all teased Taem and why did they censored that part in the videoss

Oh no, i really wanted to watch his V+ channel but i didn't want to pay LOL and I couldn't find any full ep from YT months ago so i forgot about it.  Now you mentioned it!!!! How can they do church dating when there are many people attending? I'm not with any religion so i'm curious.  I'm sure his best friends are very trustworthy poeple.   Remember he couldn't wait to share with his friends that Naeun exchanged her phone number?


This also suggests that wuri Taemin should not open IG account so he can enjoys all these happiness with ppl he trusts. 

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1 hour ago, Angelanyto said:


P.S. when taemin was holding her hands at camping night and they both whisper love you, they were seriously deeply in love!

(i'm so emotional :( ) hahaha


Oh, is it confirmed that her book page post related to love life or dating relationship? No right?



when i watched that scene, my heart fluttered. i mean i'm not either Taemin or Naeun but why i felt the emotion of someone who fell in love at that moment lol


it's not confirmed but she said she likes it when she finds a line in a book which she can relate to. idk if it's meant in romantic or platonic way but because i'm leaning towards Taeun, i interpreted it that way.



49 minutes ago, Jessica Yuanita said:


As u mentioned about the church, i think they both goes to the same church. their house is near, in wgm Taem said he knows a relative at church whom knows his and her mom so basically their mom also has a church connection righttt. Second, if u  pays closely to Taem CH+ at V app, when Taem invites Kwonho, Timoteo, Kai to played around. I didnt purchased i watched in YT someone uploaded but then deleted:huh: what I remember was they played at swimming pool, then eat BBQ, after that they chit-chat, games, selfie. If im not mistaken one of the games is truth/dare, Taemin lose he choose truth then Timoteo said to be interesting what if we revealed Taem hidden secret which nobody knows. Taem then replied that her fans knows him very well. But then Timoteo asked, what if I revealed, about u at church ..****... (it got censored then, idk why) but if u watch the video u know the 3 (kai, kwonho, timoteo) is very excited to this question and theyre like in a teasing mode (their eyes and gesture) and so Taemin seems smiley and flustered yet he tell Timo to dont finish the sentences to be quite. 


I just want to share to u guys, i dont hv the videos, so if someone purchased the CH+ can u post here;) its really suspicious for me, the way they all teased Taem and why did they censored that part in the videoss


i think i know this somewhere. some fan account shared a screenshot of the 3 teasing Taemin about dating (?) in church but idk the context of it so i just pass over it lol. now i really want to watch it but i don't purchase CH+ unfortunately. it really is suspicious. i really want to know too. 

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2 hours ago, Angelanyto said:

Oh no, i really wanted to watch his V+ channel but i didn't want to pay LOL and I couldn't find any full ep from YT months ago so i forgot about it.  Now you mentioned it!!!! How can they do church dating when there are many people attending? I'm not with any religion so i'm curious.  I'm sure his best friends are very trustworthy poeple.   Remember he couldn't wait to share with his friends that Naeun exchanged her phone number?


This also suggests that wuri Taemin should not open IG account so he can enjoys all these happiness with ppl he trusts. 


as much as i want to see Taemin has his own IG account, i think it's better to keep private for now. i think he's the type who likes to share things, he even used SHINee IG in his free time (remember that Japan music store picture? Taemin and his eye smile and peace sign? if i remember correctly, it was taken when he was on vacation with his group of friends, not for promotion). now just imagine if Taemin has IG account.


however he keeps throwing hints about creating IG account. he basically practices selfie lol. cmiiw there's an interview that said Taemin wants to open IG account in late 2018. 

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3 minutes ago, pastelcheeks said:


as much as i want to see Taemin has his own IG account, i think it's better to keep private for now. i think he's the type who likes to share things, he even used SHINee IG in his free time (remember that Japan music store picture? Taemin and his eye smile and peace sign? if i remember correctly, it was taken when he was on vacation with his group of friends, not for promotion). now just imagine if Taemin has IG account.


however he keeps throwing hints about creating IG account. he basically practices selfie lol. cmiiw there's an interview that said Taemin wants to open IG account in late 2018. 

NOOOOO (yelling at him!!) haha


i became a shawol and taeunian very late so I don’t know any of their past stories, this makes me sad cus I wish I could absorb all these I ver night lol you meant the photo also had apink cd at the back right?



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I was just watching this 1 min BTS from whynotthedancer and taemin was on the move to the shooting set and answered the question what he thinks is happiness 


one part he said “I’m very happy to meet up with ppl I like but haven’t had time to do so for a while and when I make new friends.”


that first part reminded me of naeun’s page post somehow. I know that could mean his own friends that’s he hasn’t met for a long time too but....:) 

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25 minutes ago, Angelanyto said:

NOOOOO (yelling at him!!) haha


i became a shawol and taeunian very late so I don’t know any of their past stories, this makes me sad cus I wish I could absorb all these I ver night lol you meant the photo also had apink cd at the back right?




yes, that legendary photo hahaha. i'm also a late Taeunian and become interested in both Apink and SHINee. for SHINee, i actually a bit hesitated because of Jonghyun, like i wouldn't feel as sad as shawols did. but my sister (she's a shawol for about 7+ years) said that it's alright to become a fan even if it's late, so here i am, basically spending my time read and watch anything about them lol.


i think following other than Taeun fansite, following SHINee and Apink fan account really helps me to keep up with both groups. and watching some fan video on youtube also makes me know some stuff i left out in the past. 

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OMG! You guys are making my heart flutter! Damn... If they teased him this much.. it is highly real! I remember a comment in YT wherein someone said did Taemin date/is dating a church girl to be answering things like this. If we put all the pieces together that girl must really be Naeun. Gosh.. after WGM, Taemin's life made a 360 degrees turn. Naeun's arrival in his life made him into a very beautiful man (physically, emotionally, psychologically, especially spiritually). :innocent: hmm.. my precious muffins. :kiss_wink:

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3 hours ago, pastelcheeks said:


as much as i want to see Taemin has his own IG account, i think it's better to keep private for now. i think he's the type who likes to share things, he even used SHINee IG in his free time (remember that Japan music store picture? Taemin and his eye smile and peace sign? if i remember correctly, it was taken when he was on vacation with his group of friends, not for promotion). now just imagine if Taemin has IG account.


however he keeps throwing hints about creating IG account. he basically practices selfie lol. cmiiw there's an interview that said Taemin wants to open IG account in late 2018. 

I remember that post. Apink's album was right near his album on that shelf of the store. :D

I saw an article last February 24th of current year. He said it, he plans to make one. But I'd prefer he better not make any. He is too expressive that might endanger the relationship. No, Taeminnie.. listen to this noona.

Or could it be Naeun is the one advising him to have one? :huh:



Here's Naeun's book page's content. 

"People do not know how great the meaning of distance is. We are not hurt when we are away. This is a tremendous magic and a great solution at the same time. I do not know if other people are like me, but in my case a few moments away I wonder whether the bad thoughts and emotions that I had with him over the years are gone and I rather miss him". 


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Taemin performance at "The Call"

trio with UV. (man in the green suit is a popular mc)

I laugh so hard watching this performance. No matter how funny he try to act with extra shoulder pad he still look hot and sexy to me.

I'm happy seeing Taemin enjoying the performance.

He really did serious when he said that he want to do things that make him happy.


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@watermelon2512 is that Taemin attempts to make me laugh or make me more attracted to him? i agree with you, i have a good laugh watching it, especially the part when the famous MC one played with his tongue and Taemin was trying so hard to hold his laughter lol. and i found this. 


whatever makes him happy will make me happy too :tears: i hope he prioritize his happiness and himself first among other things. 


aaannd when i was scrolling through my IG explore, i found this.

idk what other poses Taemin did but there's another photo of him with his two 1 sign below his eyes (so it looks like tears or 11?). can we interpret it whatever we want it to? lol this couple is really... 

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