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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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Guest chocolateicecreamcupcake

packmule3 said: chocolateicecreamcupcake said: packmule3 said: @spicystrawberry, 
Do you mind searching for Taecyeon and ghost house? or haunted mansion? It seems like he's acknowledged as the scaredy-cat of the group. It would be nice if we knew what Junho was talking about here. Thanks, dear!
JUNHO’s BEST 3The most frightful member.1st Taecyeon, 2nd None!, 3rd None!Junho: It was amazing to see Taecyeon getting scared at a ghost house! (laugh) I bet you can find a lot of funny things if you search for it online. 

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Guest chocolateicecreamcupcake

spicystrawberry said: Taecyeon in Running Man Episode 40 with Nichkun
And also Episode 150 with Chansung
Anyone watch Running Man Episode 150? There's part where Gary tricked them - remind of GuiGui tricked Taecyeon several times =)) He still get easily tricks off. 

cr : as tagged

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said: @Tamah: No video yet.....only the fans went to 2PM concert on Jan. 27, 2014 in Japan said. We may have the video in a few days or we may not I don't know. When we have the video we will see all the members on stage and how they reacted to all those odd behavior from Taec. A bout GuiGui new picture in

Universal Studio, do they have that in Japan too??

Or may be GuiGui took a black and white picture.

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@BiruAngel… I’m sorry I nearly forgot about my explanation.  This is a social-media message intended for Guigui. 
I agree with @spicystrawberry.  Good job, Sparky. That’s twice in a row you noticed something brilliant before the unnies and the ahjummas. kekeke:)

It warms my heart that Taecyeon leaned OKCat against the Starbucks cup just so.  I believe the pose was by design, and not merely an accident. It showed that he still remembers his favorite picture from the photoshoot album. Back in Ep 10, he told Guigui that he liked the picture with him and Guigui putting their foreheads together, best of all.  I don’t think Guigui HERSELF realized at that time the significance of his choice. 
But it made perfect sense.  
Didn’t he single out this exact moment in his proposal letter?  In that letter, he wanted her to be honest with him, and asked her point-blank if she didn’t “feel something different from usual” during the photoshoot because she couldn’t even look at him straight in the eye, and laughed nervously whenever he got closer, to borrow his words. 
In terms of his evolving perceptions of Guigui, I think this moment in time was significant, too. In Ep 4 BTS, when asked of that romantic scene, he expressed his surprise in discovering that Guigui was a shy girl whom he needed to protect. I think this "protective feeling" surprised him because not long before then, he was DIPLOMATICALLY declaring that she was a “child-at-heart” (in other words, an annoying kid, a brat) after her cold hands grabbed his defenseless neck (in Ep 2). And he was cheekily joking that his eyes shone brightly with unshed “tears,” ostensibly from the craziness of working with her (BTS Ep 4). So, after this romantic photoshoot, he must have had to re-arrange his mental image of her, when he saw Guigui under a different light.  A SHY girl to be protected.   
So, yes, that was why I found this positioning of OKCat noteworthy. 
This wasn’t a regular coffee cup. lol. He could’ve used his OKCat tumbler. Or THAT mug from A Twosome Place. But nope, it had to be a STARbucks cup. With the STARbucks logo facing OKCat in just the right spot.  And the Starbucks logo obviously have a star right smack (kiss!) in the middle.  
credit: Panera.  just kidding. Starbucks.
AN ASIDE:  we ALL know that TY is meticulous about stuff like this. He would put OKCat up on the ledge to say “I’m watching you.” http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/comment/26888993/#Comment_26888993or he would point out that “Ha! Ha! I’m right behind you.” http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/comment/26920216/#Comment_26920216Or he would put OKCat on the balcony to say, “I’m watching YOU everywhere.”http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/comment/26578184/#Comment_26578184

And his caption: Just do it!  He isn’t plugging for Nike, is he? So why use that slogan UNLESS he was asking somebody to take the plunge with him. Or to gambie with him. Or to come see him at his concert that night. wink.  Or, as the song he tweeted earlier urged, let it go and not hold back anymore.  
But no.  I don’t think that caption was meant to be a proposal…as in a marriage proposal.  He wouldn’t be that impatient (remember the interview? he’ll wait for the girl) as to say “Just do it!”   This isn't a race or a sporting event after all.  I don't know what it is exactly that he's asking.  (Of course, because I'm not privy to their private lives. lol)   :)   But he IS asking her to do something -- or to take a chance on something… with him. And he’s telling her not to be scared.
Because... just like at that fateful day at the photoshoot, he’s there alongside her to protect her. 




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Guest bibidep

Here I think I have the answer why Taec said ""Just do it!"" On the Japan tour concert last night Jan. 28, 2014, Jun K asked Taecyeon why he didn't eat something in the morning, here are the conversations of Taec, Jun K and Jun Ho: JK: Ahhh but Taecyeon-san didnt eat hitsumabuhi this morning. Taec: Ahhh yes because I went around Nagoya this morning. (fans: whaaaaaat???? O.O) the tv tower??? and also where the kiss scene was filmed in dream high. the farieswheel. (fans: ehhhhh?). JH: ahhh fans doesnt like to hear about kiss scene!! dont talk about that! JK: cuz Taecyeon-san likes kiss scene. WY asked Jun Ho: you like kiss scene too right? JK: *small voice* no no no....and Taec continue.....TY: then i ate "miso tsukomi"??? nikumi?? Taec gives the mic to audience and the fans said: Miso nikomi udon. And the 2PM members kind like wondering what is that with all these question mark???????? And Taec asked the fans........TY: Tsukkomi????? And the fans answered: Nikomi!!!!!!!!!! Taec asked: niko?? (He make number 2 with his hand). [niko means two] niko?? niko?? And the fans said: yes yes.........and Taec answered: NIKOMI!!!! Again this is from the fans who went to the concert in Japan last night and she is the fan of Nichkhun I think. So who is the one Taec or OKCat aka Taec said JUST DO IT!!!! to??? Must be someone that he went out with in the morning in Nagoya, and why he ate 2 of Miso Nikomi udon?? Because someone else went with him. Who is someone?? I think we can guess who is she hahaha. Also why he had to remind the fans about the kiss in Dream High drama where they filmed it?? Did he kiss the one who went with him to the place where he filmed the Dream High this morning??? I'm very excited to know if he redo his kiss in Dream High with the lady we know hahaha.

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Guest bibidep

Again in the concert last night Taec kind like shy when he had to a show the abs to the fans because the members play some game and Taec team lost to the young team so he had to show his abs. First, he only puts up his shirt a bit and Jun Ho said: ahhhh that's it?? You should show something 1 2 3.....Taec lifts up his shirt for a second, and Chansung said thats not 1000000 yen worth!! show more. Jun Ho said what Taec?? That's not enough. but Taec was hesitating to show it so junho nods and shook hand with Taec. I wonder why lately Taec didn't want to show his abs like before, may be he gain so much weight and no abs to show?? Or he shy and care for someone that he really love and don't want to expose his abs for the fans to see but only that lady we know to see hahaha.

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oooh great ninja work @packmule3 @spicystrawberry on the starbucks connection to the lake shoot.....
reading your post struck me

so on Jan 14: GuiGui posts this picture
with caption: 背著可愛小書包,坐捷運。 (translated by google: Carrying a cute little bag, MRT.)

on jan 14: okcat posts picture with caption on FB says, "always behind you"

it struck me that it almost sounds like a conversation one has with family when we are all trying to get out of the house..
person#1: are you coming? the bags are all loaded in the car
person#2: right behind you. just checking everything is locked...
kids#1: she is the bathroom now? ya, are you coming?
kids#2: shut up.
person#1: will you kids stop yelling? are we all set to go?
person#2: yes

so with delu reasoning, the conversation would be something like this:
GuiGui: my bags are packed, ready to go to destination X
okCat: am coming. right behind you. just wait.

what do you think? too delu?

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sorry for the late response. this looks very much like the universal studios here. i dunno if the one in japan has the same set up. she's standing across the red facade visible through the arch in the picture below, you can partly see the fountain on her left. there's a store right by where she's at. that's prob where she bought the hat. it's usually already dark by closing esp if you wait for people to leave first. seemed like she waited for most people to leave otherwise the courtyard is usually jam packed with people leaving the park.


imageas to the date the photo was taken? that's for her (and taec) to know and for all of us to guess our delusional hearts out!

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@BiruAngel posted:OkCat Twitter on Tue, Jan 28 at 9.01pm.Caption 모하고 계시냐옹? 냐냐냐냐냥!                 What are you doing? Na-na-na-na nyang! 
OkCat didn't say much today..."What's up?" & "What are you doing?" The photo is Cute ;) I wonder what he is drinking thru a straw?.... maybe apple juice? :P

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Lmangla said: oooh great ninja work @packmule3 @spicystrawberry on the starbucks connection to the lake shoot.....
Reading your post struck me ...

so on Jan 14: GuiGui posts this picture
with caption: 背著可愛小書包,坐捷運。 (translated by google: Carrying a cute little bag, MRT.)

on jan 14: okcat posts picture with caption on FB says, "always behind you" (on top of a cabinet)

It struck me that it almost sounds like a conversation one has with family when we are all trying to get out of the house..
person#1: are you coming? the bags are all loaded in the car
person#2: right behind you. just checking everything is locked...
kids#1: she is the bathroom now? ya, are you coming?
kids#2: shut up.
person#1: will you kids stop yelling? are we all set to go?
person#2: yes
So with delu reasoning, the conversation would be something like this:
GuiGui: My bags are packed, ready to go to destination X
OkCat: I am coming. Right behind you...just wait.
What do you think? Too delu?

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