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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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Part 1: analysis of GB's FB posts -- links of youtube preview...
EDIT: please see http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/comment/26352554/#Comment_26352554 -- for more accurate translation courtesy of @jenj
; Have also edited portions of post to include jenj's feedback... please see portions in bold for changes...

Lmangla said: part 2: digging through GuiGui's FB
so this was very interesting.. I was under the impression that she posted links to every episode preview but she didn't. previews for episode 10, 12 and 13 were not posted..
its really interesting that in the beginning, she just posts the links and tells people to watch.. but as the episodes gain, there seems to be more personal messages attached to the links.. read through and post your thoughts...

march 27
posts youtube link to ep 1 preview
Coming out of the first episode is test Hello, I may look oh ~ ~ ~ (translated by google)
Episode trial notice IM I looking forward to wow 〜〜〜 (translated by bing)

april 10
posts youtube link to ep 2 preview
caption: 第二集預告
episode trailer (translated by bing)
Episode Preview (translated by google)

april 19
posts youtube link to ep 3 preview
I remember watching Oh! (translated by google)
Remember to watch wow! (translated by bing)

april 24
posts youtube link to ep 4 preview
Episode IV trailer out Hello. (translated by google)
Notice the fourth set then. (translated by bing)

may 1
posts youtube link to ep 5 preview
Episode want to come to Hello! (translated by google)
To escape the fifth set! (translated by bing)

may 8

youtube link to ep 6 preview posted
Sixth episode in whatcha do? (translated by google)
Sixth episode in doing that? (translated by bing)

may 15
youtube link to ep 7 preview posted
We went to honeymoon Hello ... (translated by google)
Our honeymoon then ... (translated by bing)

may 22
youtube link to ep 8 preview posted
Th episode, want to see it? (translated by google)
The eighth episode and want to see it? (translated by bing)

may 31

youtube link to ep 9 preview posted
會有五萬讚嗎?讚*50000 lol
There will be fifty thousand praise you? Like * 50000 lol (translated by google)
50,000 will praise you? Great *50000 lol (translated by bing)

june 12
youtube link to ep 11 preview posted
Who is it? Ha ha ha (translated by google)
Who here? HA, HA, HA (translated by bing)

july 3
youtube link to ep 14 preview posted
We start 捨不 obtained Ryo! (translated by google)
I'm starting to Miss! (translated by bing)

july 10
youtube link to ep 15 preview posted
I... (translated by google and bing)

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Guest bibidep

em00 said: i found the answer to my own question hahaha
source: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2013/08/taecyeon-to-release-plushies-of-his-famous-okcat
"Taecyeon's cat doodles first became famous years ago when he drew all the famous idols in his own cat-version way.

Any 2PM fan can tell his cats apart, as they have the characteristic of long eyes, big head, and a strange smirk on its lips. The famous 'OKCAT' is finally getting made into plushies! 

Taecyeon tweeted, "Finally! OKCAT! COMING SOON BABY!! The one I'm holding is a sample kekeke". He's holding a dark green cat in his lap.

Hopefully, these OKCAT will be available internationally, as well!"

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Guest labbit

charliew said: labbit said: In regards to Taecyeon interview.... At first I also felt quite down reading about his ideal girl that he like cute aeygo girl in the past and not now. But if dwelve deeper into the meaning....he was really attracted to such girl and seem the only person that close to him that fit his past ideal is guigui. So they probably move to the stage from appearance and fun to communication. I agree with him that communication fits in a great part of a relationship. On this part it is really a little lack between Taecgui but I believe love can overcome alot of things..I believe guigui should be learning english and korean when she have the time and maybe Taec on Chinese so hopefully they will improve on communication part. Its sad that Taec did not reveal any likings to guigui or talk about her much after gwgm but it is mystery at same time and this gave us hope because its quite obvious he is hiding something or protecting something...that only he will know. But I quite sure they still keep in contact...I do not think both who had been so close before even it is just working can turn a cold back after the show end and cannot remain as friends..So the more Taec tried the more he reveal himself that Taecgui is not that simple. In regards to the okcat..he said coming soon BABY...why does he need to specify in simple English and not Korean haaaa...and BABY who is he calling....if fans should be babies right haaaa so you all can have a guess who is his BABY..heee

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has anyone else wondered why the global version didnt have the MC commentary like the regular version does? i think it would be more interesting if the had the MC for the global version too! 

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Guest labbit

Today I think about our Taecgui couple alot...while I was shopping..I saw a T shirt that caught my eyes that remind me of our Taecgui couple. It is a picture of a couple cat with meaningful words that suited them. "Reinvent yourself" - change both yourself when necessary to accomodate one another and to grow your relationship. "Stay Beautiful" - stay beautiful as a couple and forever the best couple in our hearts. Noticed this big ribbon on the girl cat? It reminds me of guigui big ribbon that Taec chose in Everland altho its not yellow. And also okcat's gf that Taec drew with ribbon. Needless to say I had to bring this T shirt home..my one and only Taecgui okcat couple T shirt...lol!! ac649a2d50112211b270102b99a4bbc2.jpg

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part 2: digging through GuiGui's FB
so this was very interesting.. I was under the impression that she posted links to every episode preview but she didn't. previews for episode 10, 12 and 13 were not posted..
its really interesting that in the beginning, she just posts the links and tells people to watch.. but as the episodes gain, there seems to be more personal messages attached to the links.. read through and post your thoughts...

april 19
posts youtube link to ep 3 preview
I remember watching Oh! (translated by google)
Remember to watch wow! (translated by bing)

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@angelangie -- thanks for the soju, much needed!!! kiddos, you better not try to sneak in and take a sip ok? you will get whacked by all the unnies here... so you are warned already!

angie -- do you remember what the pics in part 3 were in reply to taec's? I feel like I should remember but it was so many pages ago..

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@angelangie -- I feel ya.. my brain is not fully functioning either today!... so I split the GG's fb related compiling posts into 3 parts. so there were 3 posts. please see the last post on that from last night...
I was asking for info on part 3; these were the random pics that she posted that people gleaned and connected the dots on.. Now I can't remember how they were connected to Taec...

EDIT:  http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/comment/26350591/#Comment_26350591  --- here's the link

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BiruAngel said:





part 2: digging through GuiGui's FB
so this was very interesting.. I was under the impression that she posted links to every episode preview but she didn't. previews for episode 10, 12 and 13 were not posted..
its really interesting that in the beginning, she just posts the links and tells people to watch.. but as the episodes gain, there seems to be more personal messages attached to the links.. read through and post your thoughts...

april 19
posts youtube link to ep 3 preview
I remember watching Oh! (translated by google)
Remember to watch wow! (translated by bing)

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Guest labbit

Today I think and miss our Taecgui couple alot...while I was shopping..I saw angelangie said: Lmangla said: Part 3: digging through GuiGui's FB -- these were the pictures that I remember we all got excited by, though some I cannot remember why..can someone remind me how this was connected to Taec? I know there was a "miss you" somewhere but guess it was uploaded on weibo perhaps?

july 27
朋友的牌子Sexy music 1981!支持支持,帶起來•••
Friends of the brand Sexy music 1981! Support Support with up • • • (translated by google)
Friend makes Sexy music 1981! Support support, · · · (translated by bing)

july 30
Good morning, coming to my hands, I caught you anyway! (translated by google)
Good morning, quickly came to my hands, I catch you! (translated by bing)

july 31
This birthday gift slept in my bed! ! ! ! (translated by google)
This birthday went to sleep in my bed!!!! (translated by bing)

aug 5
caption: OMG

aug 22
Two quilts ghosts to scare people. (translated by google)
Two quilts ghosts, scary. (translated by bing)

P.S. -- didn't see this before but notice that the caption for the last picture reads TWO quilt ghosts.. interesting no? any thoughts?

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analysis 2: from GuiGui's FB posts...
EDIT: http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/comment/26352521/#Comment_26352521 -- these are the more accurate translations courtesy of @jenj; have also edited portions of the post that fell prey to bad translator courtesy of google and bing; please see comments in bold...

so it would be too much quote my post since it was already terribly long. So I have put the link above. Please click on that for reference...
also, again -- feel free to add your thoughts but please don't quote this entire post. just quote the parts of this post that you find interesting to keep it short...

so correct me if I am wrong, but it looks like WGM global aired from march 29ish till july 12ish. (the dates might vary depending on when it aired in your country)now, her WGM FB related posts starts from March 25 and goes on till recently, Aug 17.

Just like her youtube links can be split into various categories: so, can these..

category 1: Taec & GuiGui
category 2: product related endorsement
category 3: GuiGui & group
category 4: GuiGui & memories
category 5: just GuiGui
category 6: what is she thinking?

so category 1 would be posts of Taec & GuiGui and those were posted on march 25, march 28, april 10 -- these posts were posted in the beginning and contain all from her meeting from episode 1, as well as one press conference photo. they are actually quite generic and not that interesting.. so skip that... but if you find something interesting about that selection of photos, please post your thoughts....

category 2 would be product related endorsement -- that is may 21, june 18 -- so skipping that as well as it is not that interesting...

category 3 is GuiGui and group; that would be april 14, april 28. both feature PDnim quite prominently, she is as fond of him as he was of her...

category 4 is GuiGui and her memories. thse would be july 11, july 13, july 19 and aug 17 -- basically she is missing the show. nothing much to glean unless someone has other thoughts....

category 5 is just GuiGui and these are when it gets interesting...
on april 13 -- EDIT: after @jenj's feedback; she posted a picture of herself next to the polar and said, "goodnight everyone. looking for who tommorow". despite jenj's awesome translation, I am still not sure what to make of it.. for me, it sounds like she is looking forward to something or someone tomorrow but this seems to be one of those lost in translation and so, maybe will just leave it there...
april 15 -- so this is from her trip to everland and she states that she is very happy today.. was this after or before the proposal?
april 20 -- she shared AES photo and her response to his comment was interesting.. instead of saying something like "I am glad that you are watching the show" or "did you like it?", she instead responds with something on the lines of "oh you found out I got married?" -- its kind of funny, zanny comment to make. it reminds me of friends who have been married for years and then decide to update their facebook status to "married" and everyone sarcastically respond with "really, did you just get married? congratulations...."

category 6 is what is what is she thinking? these are posts from april 25, may 7, may 17
so on april 25 -- she posts an interesting comment, "slept early, awake up now! o do ke???" -- while the comment simply indicates a sleepy head, I found it intersting that she chose to end it up with konglish of "o de ke???" -- who was this message for? why say "o de ke??" of course, you can argue that after her time in the show, she might think this expression is an awesome word to use and maybe missed using it. but my delusional heart would like to believe that there is more to her usage of "o de ke???"

may 7 -- she posts link to our favourite 2PM song with the caption "2PM GOGOGO!! OPPA GOGOGO!!! so good :)" besides the fact that she seemed to like this song, it is kind of funny. I am assuming that there were other singles on that album but she chose to highlight this one which has all of us wondering, "did he say guerigo or did he say guigui?". also look at the caption, it doesn't just say 2PM gogogo, it also includes a special mention of Taec with "oppa gogogo".. so its like she is trying to encourage him without being too obvious by trying to include the entire group as well... ha ha, we are smarter than that no?

may 17 -- the picture of both of them with their sandals. I purposely kept it in this category because for several reasons. one, it has a picture of their feet from their honeymoon in jejudo. its something couples do from a trip together. two, she has photoshopped it to put HEARTS on it. who puts hearts on a photo? you only do that when its either your significant other or like a teenager, you wish they were... thirdly, look at the caption. EDIT after jenj's feedback:
Will all of you watch/see? Wanna to watch/see? What to watch/see? -- all of us are supposed to see what? their two feet together in a photo? we want to watch where these feet are going? again, it makes me wonder... who is this message for?

Final thoughts: what do you folks think?

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Guest Jenny Johnson

analysis 2: from GuiGui's FB posts...


so it would be too much quote my post since it was already terribly long. So I have put the link above. Please click on that for reference...

also, again -- feel free to add your thoughts but please don't quote this entire post. just quote the parts of this post that you find interesting to keep it short...

so correct me if I am wrong, but it looks like WGM global aired from march 29ish till july 12ish. (the dates might vary depending on when it aired in your country)now, her WGM FB related posts starts from March 25 and goes on till recently, Aug 17.

Just like her youtube links can be split into various categories: so, can these..

category 1: Taec & GuiGui

category 2: product related endorsement

category 3: GuiGui & group

category 4: GuiGui & memories

category 5: just GuiGui

category 6: what is she thinking?

so category 1 would be posts on march 25, march 28, april 10 -- these posts were posted in the beginning and contain all from her meeting from episode 1, as well as one press conference photo. they are actually quite generic and not that interesting.. so skip that... but if you find something interesting about that selection of photos, please post your thoughts....

category 2 would be product related endorsement -- that is may 21, june 18 -- so skipping that as well as it is not that interesting...

category 3 is GuiGui and group; that would be april 14, april 28. both feature PDnim quite prominently, she is as fond of him as he was of her...

category 4 is GuiGui and her memories. thse would be july 11, july 13, july 19 and aug 17 -- basically she is missing the show. nothing much to glean unless someone has other thoughts....

category 5 is just GuiGui and these are when it gets interesting...

on april 13 -- she posted a picture of herself next to the polar and said, "goodnight everyone. tomorrow who". what does that mean? tomorrow who? anyone knows how to interpret that?

april 15 -- so this is from her trip to everland and she states that she is very happy today.. was this after or before the proposal?

april 20 -- she shared AES photo and her response to his comment was interesting.. instead of saying something like "I am glad that you are watching the show" or "did you like it?", she instead responds with something on the lines of "oh you found out I got married?" -- its kind of funny, zanny comment to make. it reminds me of friends who have been married for years and then decide to update their facebook status to "married" and everyone sarcastically respond with "really, did you just get married? congratulations...."

category 6 is what is what is she thinking? these are posts from april 25, may 7, may 17

so on april 25 -- she posts an interesting comment, "sleep early, wake up now! o do ke???" -- while the comment simply indicates a sleepy head, I found it intersting that she chose to end it up with konglish of "o de ke???" -- who was this message for?

may 7 -- she posts link to our favourite 2PM song with the caption "2PM GOGOGO!! OPPA GOGOGO!!! so good :)" besides the fact that she seemed to like this song, it is kind of funny. I am assuming that there were other singles on that album but she chose to highlight this one which has all of us wondering, "did he say guerigo or did he say guigui?". also look at the caption, it doesn't just say 2PM gogogo, it also includes a special mention of Taec with "oppa gogogo".. so its like she is trying to encourage him without being too obvious by trying to include the entire group as well... ha ha, we are smarter than that no?

may 17 -- the picture of both of them with their sandals. I purposely kept it in this category because for several reasons. one, it has a picture of their feet from their honeymoon in jejudo. its something couples do from a trip together. two, she has photoshopped it to put HEARTS on it. who puts hearts on a photo? you only do that when its either your significant other or like a teenager, you wish they were... thirdly, look at the caption. while both google and bing make it sound like utter gibberish, let me see if I can get the heart of what it is saying. basically she is saying, "are you seeing this?" "do you want to see this?" -- again, it makes me wonder... who is this message for?

Final thoughts: what do you folks think?

Let me get home 1st n translate a proper 1 for you. Don't use google or bing translate!!!! It's spurting rubbish! Lol

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Guest Jenny Johnson

Lmangla said: Part 1:
So digging through GuiGui's FB and picked up the WGM related posts from when it started airing till it ended.... the translations for some of the captions make me laugh.. but never mind that.. so put on your analyzing caps and see if you can spot trends

March 25:
headline: 我們第一次見面的時候。
When we meet for the first time (translated by Bing)
When we first met. (translated by mr. google)
Either 1 is correct translation

march 28 (she shared someone's post...)
we got married : buddies vs jade taecyeon (translate by mr. google)
We got married ~ ~ ghost V.S. Yu Ze evolved (translated by ms. bing)
We got married~~ GuiGui V.S. Ok Taecyeon

april 10


This is our first picture, in the shoe cafe remember? Cheers ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ o ^ (google translate)

april 13
Good night everyone...明天要找誰?
Good night everyone... ❤ Tomorrow who? (translated by bing)
Good night everyone ... tomorrow where to turn (translated by mr.google)
Good night everyone ... who (are you/ am I) looking for tomorrow?
april 14
happy time in korea

april 15
I'm so happy today (translated by bing)
Look how happy I am today (translated by google)

april 20 (shared AES photo)
AES: 鬼鬼在韓國結婚了!
Buddies in Korea married! (translated by google)
Buddies in Korea to marry! (translated by bing)
GuiGui Got married in Korea!

Hahaha 讓你在韓國發現我結婚了!
Let you find me married in Korea (translated by google)
Hahaha lets you in Korea found out I got married! (translated by bing)
GuiGui: hahaha You found out I got married in Korea!

april 25
post: 睡的太早,現在醒了!o do ke???
Sleep early, wake up now! o do ke??? (translated by google)
To sleep too early, now awake! o do ke?? (translated by bing)
Slept too early, and awake now! o do ke???


april 28
This is when we first met ... WGMG!!! (translated by google)
This is when we first met ... WGMG!!! (translated by bing)

May 7
youtube link to our favorite 2PM song, come back when you hear this song..

May 17

You will see? Look at it? What to see? (translated by google)
You're going to see? Do you want to see? See what? (translated by bing)Will all of you watch/see? Wanna to watch/see? What to watch/see?

may 21
This is so cute, I hope there can be micro-channel. (translated by google)
So cute, hope micro letters can have. (translated by bing)
This is too cute, I hope weixin can have this too

june 18
Good Good Good...

july 5
posts link to a chinese article about the show...
cotton candy kisses (translated by google and bing)

july 11

Shared memories with you in "We Got Married World Edition." (translated by google)
Shared memories with everyone in "We Got Married World Edition."

july 13
We got married World Edition, fourth rounds of all bits and pieces ... (translated by google)

july 19
This Friday, as if something is missing? (translated by google)
This Friday, something seems to be missing something? (translated by bing)
august 17
posts link to MV gift that was posted by WGM crew..
caption: Miss...

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@jenj -- awesome! now I am really intrigued by the below post.. what is she trying to say? that she is looking forward to meeting someone?

april 13
imageThis image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
Good night everyone...明天要找誰?
Good night everyone... ❤ Tomorrow who? (translated by bing)
Good night everyone ... tomorrow where to turn (translated by mr.google)
Good night everyone ... who (are you/ am I) looking for tomorrow?

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Guest Jenny Johnson

Lmangla said: part 2: digging through GuiGui's FB
so this was very interesting.. I was under the impression that she posted links to every episode preview but she didn't. previews for episode 10, 12 and 13 were not posted..
its really interesting that in the beginning, she just posts the links and tells people to watch.. but as the episodes gain, there seems to be more personal messages attached to the links.. read through and post your thoughts...

march 27
posts youtube link to ep 1 preview
Coming out of the first episode is test Hello, I may look oh ~ ~ ~ (translated by google)
Episode trial notice IM I looking forward to wow 〜〜〜 (translated by bing)
Episode 1 preview/trailer is out! I am looking forward to it too oh~~~

april 10
posts youtube link to ep 2 preview
caption: 第二集預告
episode trailer (translated by bing)
Episode Preview (translated by google)
Episode 1 Preview/trailer
april 19
posts youtube link to ep 3 preview
I remember watching Oh! (translated by google)
Remember to watch wow! (translated by bing)<- this is more accurate but it sound odd with wow! lol

april 24
posts youtube link to ep 4 preview
Episode IV trailer out Hello. (translated by google)
Notice the fourth set then. (translated by bing)
Episode 4 preview/trailer is here!

may 1
posts youtube link to ep 5 preview
Episode want to come to Hello! (translated by google)
To escape the fifth set! (translated by bing)
Episode 5 preview/trailer is coming!

may 8

youtube link to ep 6 preview posted
Sixth episode in whatcha do? (translated by google)
Sixth episode in doing that? (translated by bing)
What (am I) doing in Episode 6?

may 15
youtube link to ep 7 preview posted
We went to honeymoon Hello ... (translated by google)
Our honeymoon then ... (translated by bing)
We are on our way to our honeymoon trip...

may 22
youtube link to ep 8 preview posted
Th episode, want to see it? (translated by google)
The eighth episode and want to see it? (translated by bing)<- this is correct!

may 31

youtube link to ep 9 preview posted
會有五萬讚嗎?讚*50000 lol
There will be fifty thousand praise you? Like * 50000 lol (translated by google)
50,000 will praise you? Great *50000 lol (translated by bing)
Will there be 50,000 Likes? Like *50000 lol

june 12
youtube link to ep 11 preview posted
Who is it? Ha ha ha (translated by google)
Who here? HA, HA, HA (translated by bing)
Both are correct! DING DING DING!

july 3
youtube link to ep 14 preview posted
We start 捨不 obtained Ryo! (translated by google)
I'm starting to Miss! (translated by bing)
I start to feel reluctant to part with/let go/can't bear to leave

july 10
youtube link to ep 15 preview posted
I... (translated by google and bing)

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Guest Jenny Johnson


said: [color=#660000]

@jenj -- awesome! now I am really intrigued by the below post.. what is she trying to say? that she is looking forward to meeting someone?



april 13
imageThis image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
Good night everyone...明天要找誰?
Good night everyone... ❤ Tomorrow who? (translated by bing)
Good night everyone ... tomorrow where to turn (translated by mr.google)
Good night everyone ... who (are you/ am I) looking for tomorrow?
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Lmangla said: BiruAngel said:





part 2: digging through GuiGui's FB
so this was very interesting.. I was under the impression that she posted links to every episode preview but she didn't. previews for episode 10, 12 and 13 were not posted..
its really interesting that in the beginning, she just posts the links and tells people to watch.. but as the episodes gain, there seems to be more personal messages attached to the links.. read through and post your thoughts...

april 19
posts youtube link to ep 3 preview
I remember watching Oh! (translated by google)
Remember to watch wow! (translated by bing)

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angelangie said: @Lmangla
since you said you are of age and need something stronger to make you boost up here we go....and dont worry....see i have one refrigarator full of it....that should cover you till you finish with everthing that you suppose to right :D
and Kiddoss.... yes i mean those underage one....dont even think of sneaking in and grab a toast....i cane your back sides for your parents lols

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