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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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@Ricca: You're so right.  I don't think it's that easy to go to the US for Korean people at least not that freely.  You have to apply for visa and if you're granted with a visa, it's probably good for 6 months only.  Not sure why in all K-dramas, US is always used as an escape.

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said: @Ricca: You're so right.  I don't think it's that easy to go to the US for Korean people at least not that freely.  You have to apply for visa and if you're granted with a visa, it's probably good for 6 months only.  Not sure why in all K-dramas, US is always used as an escape.





cr to dramatroll

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I watched Heirs on and off because I'm very afraid of the ending. I don't like sad shows, so I just wait till the series ends to watch the whole series. But, after watching Ep. 16, my heart practically broke in pieces for everyone except KT's dad. I really love the brothers and would wish they have a better relationship even though I know that deep inside they love each other. KW showed it more recently, before I just thought he didn't like KT at all. I really love the scene back I think in Ep. 15? when KT and YD (I think that's his name) had ranked 98 and 100 on a list of students who did the exam. I love the reaction KW had for his brother! It was so cute.

I feel so bad for the brothers! Their father suck! I sometimes wish they would just pack up and leave him and let him rot in his company because I don't think he will live that long anyways. But, if that happens, then KW and KT would be left with nothing because their father will probably do anything in his power to make sure they come back to the family. I really think they should gang up on the dad! It's sounds mean, but really, their dad needs to have some big thing happen to him so that he could butt out of their lives.

I really hope KW and KT ends up with the person they love! They look so sad without them.  The last part with ES and KT crying so hard made me cry so much. I really wanted ES to stay with KT, but I guess, with all the circumstances around her, it was really hard to just love KT and stay with him.

I think they might do a time jump because it makes sense.  I really hate time jumps though because it shows them alone without their loved ones too long and I don't like that. It would be nice if the time jump shows KT having a better relationship with KW and scheming against the dad and finding ways to find ES, then I think it's a good one. I don't think ES left Korea anyways because of what everyone said about passports. There must of been some significance as to why they had the scene where KT made ES give the passport to him.  I just don't know what it is.  I don't know if I want an extension of the series, although I have a feeling it would get extended.  I just don't want anymore angst happening.  We still have like 4 episodes of angst to go, so having to think that it will be a lot longer is making me depressed.  Don't get me wrong, I really love the series, I just don't know about the pace of the series if it got extended.  Although, if they had 2 or more episodes of just KT and ES and KW and his lover being happy and getting married, then I am all for that.

I wanted to see if there was a preview of the next episode, but I guess it's not out yet?  Oh well, I guess it's going to be a really long wait for next Wednesday to come.  I hope next week has more happy scenes and less problems that pop up that seem to have no solutions to them.:P

By the way, I really love how they did YD's hair recently. I feel sad for him not being to have to girl.  I have a feeling he might know where ES is though.  It would be hard to have KT find ES because she would probably be hiding from him.  So, YD would be better to find her. 

Oh geez...I came to write something, but wrote too much.  Ay..I just shows how hooked I am to the series!!  It better get a satisfying ending or I would be really pissed off! :)

I forgot to mention, I really love that kiss! <:-P

EDIT: My computer doesn't really like me!  It took me 7 times to post this right! Ay...

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Am beginning to think that there won't be a time jump. If so then ES friends from Jeguk will have to play a major role to get her out of evil daddy clutch... Firstly, KT and YD must get the classmates to do a MUTINY at Jeguk. Since the principal is KT step mum, they need to highlight to her or threaten to expose about her husband unfair tactics on ES. They should stress that they know he had exiled ES somewhere, in or out of the country. They should also said that the media search would take place if Daddy KT do not reverse his orders. This is the only way to shake that old man cos he would not want bad publicity for the school and his company. The price of his stocks would be at stake if words get out that he banished a student on 'welfare' just because she was friends with his son. YD should be at the helm to organize the protest, then only I feel Daddy have to give in. Legal action can be taken against him too for holding hostage an under privileged student ... !!!! This should shake his richard simmons.... Aaaah wishful thinking.... Otherwise if no authorities are involved to counter his dirty tactics, his goons will not leave ES and her mother alone. They will look into every nook and cranny for ES if he gets wind that she has not left Korea. Oooooh .......nasty fellow..!!!!!! If step mum refuse , then use the media to highlight of the situation.... And stressed that ES is denied of her right to complete her education at Jeguk High School...!!! That would get the national sympathy... And that can signal too the end of Jeguk.... Only by holding evil daddy at ransom, ES can be free .... To continue her study, and to love whosoever she chose... Her constitutional rights...!! Aaaaah..... Then again am not the writer... So this again is wishful thinking....!!!!!!

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anyone, isn't true if korean people no need visa to go to USA because both country have a good relations? My friend just tell me but i'm not really sure -.-

No Eun Sang on BTS pic, i agree w/ you if PSH just haven't take any shoot yet like she told on sukira when FT island asked she. Just waiting :D

i'm so glad if Eun Sang still in Korea, maybe Kim Tan must try to find she ASAP and asking some help to Young Do  and his hyung. I Sure they will  reunite together because Eun sang!!LOL
And how about Kim tan and Won rent some apartement and make their girls life in together?  That's will be a good choise to save the girls. And if they still worry about Kim dady they just need to have some bodyguard and protect all :D
But of course, the most important thing is to find ES first. Kim Tan Hwaiting! Hahaha.

At the next episode i hope Kim tan not get angry w/ ES because she just leave him alone without say anything after all that Tan do for him. But i'm pretty sure uri Kim Tan will understand ES, she leave to save him and her Mom too. ES just 17-18 a young girl and have to scared, she love Kim Tan but can't do anything for him. ES just make the situation change better with her leaving. I sure Tan will find ES soon even YD maybe find ES first. LOL
kajxhidoeiedhkdwdjdajxh i just can't waiting again, How long we need to wait until next episode!!

And what can i do if i really want YD, Rachel and also Won will smile a lot in next episode?
honestly i'm really sorry for YD, we just want to him to helping Kim Tan to find ES even it's mean he will never have chance to get his first love?? :(
OH GOD, even the heirs is just a script for writer, i'm relly fall into the story and feeling true -__-
How poor i'm , maybe you guys to. LOL

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I want to hug KT soooooo badly...Am thinking we will probably be seeing the dark side of KT in the next episode since he basically just had the only one he had left ripped away from he like that. I am really hoping that we are freaking out for nothing and that ES had just moved to the new apartment they were searching for and she is still in Korea. (It's quite possible right or am I just grasping at straws here). But I think we are in for a time jump, but then again based on BTS photos KT is still wearing his "young boy" sneakers if he was now older he wouldn't still be rocking those right??? ~X( am so confused it's driving me crazy.
If replaying that kiss scene until all I could see when I closed my eyes to sleep last night was KT, ES , LIPS, CLOSET, LIPS, KT... makes me a pervert than  :-/ so be it. BECAUSE I DID... I REALLY REALLY DID... more than any normal girl should but then again I have never been normal when it comes to "The Heirs" That kiss was 

" LIP BITING GOOOOOOODDDD" ( if you know what I mean)  I love KT hand movements. And  ES grabbing onto his shirt was CLASSIC... It's like curling your toes when something feels SO good, that the only way to feel like you won't completely com-bust is to do that.

Congratulations PSH you have officially been kissed by the "Lord of the kisses" as someone on youtube called LMH :)) and have successfully given us an onscreen kiss that's WORTH swooning and

and getting HOT and bothered by  :\">

I knew LMH could get it out of you. See guys all she needed was the right guy... Am guessing LMH said: 
"OK PSH we tried it your way and that didn't work out so well, we had our fans complaining that my kissing talent and

juicy lips ( while pointing at it) LOL)

were being put to waste. They want more passion and more lip action. So here is how it's going to go...am gonna release the kissing beast in me... but I must warn you. You WILL end up thinking about it for days and I mean DAYS :\"> " you know... *Now flashing that killer smile* `about how good it was`. * insert  the famous city hunter wink*  ;))PSH now squealing inside and trying her best to hide it  hits him and replies "Oh Please LMH stop using the fans as an excuse, I see the way you stare at my lips"  :PLMH: Then what about you, I know you steal a few glances at mine also"PSH: What... I... I... ( there was no use in denying it, so she just stops there)There`s Silence  as both stare at each other now completely red ( like they were hung up side down overnight) from excitement and anticpation. Am sorry guys I but I don't know what was said after that,since they closed the door and I could no longer eavesdrop.But am guessing it went REALLY WELL seeing how ABSOLUTELY HOT that kiss was...( DID THEY PERHAPS.... PRACTICE  ;)LMAO Just talking about the kiss makes me want to watch it again... ( AM NOT ASHAMED X_X TO ADMIT IT).
Okay so....The two brothers are so different when it comes to the priorities in their lives:One would give up everything to be with the one he loves, while the other would like to gain all he can by giving up the one he loves.KT is fighting to keep ES by his side to love and protect her, while KW wants HJ to leave to protect his pride.Their father use ES to hurt KT but uses the company to hurt KW (it was so easy for him decide who was more important when he had to choose between the company and HJ...) KW needs to learn a thing or two from his bro when it comes to love (especially a K-drama kind of love :)) if he continues like this he will end up like his father... bitter and cold... with no one around him who truly cares, and right now it might not seen important to him but sometimes in live a shoulder to lean on could be the difference between living a fulfilling live and dying alone, full of regrets. ( He need to get his priorities straight and be `a man`for his woman and a good brother to KT) KW I still have some faith in you DON`T disappoint.
The Bromance Brewing between KT n YD I must say I  LOVE it... keep it coming writer-nim... keep it coming.ANDTHE LAST SCENE.... I want to cry just thinking about it... Well done LMH... WELL DONE  ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^   Am not surprise that he pulled off that crying scene so amazingly, Because he did it in City hunter. But am still AMAZED.Am so proud of this entire cast... and am dreading the day that this drama will end  =(( =(( =((OMO this post is toooo long.  @-) 

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patiently waiting for the preview later today. sigh i keep rewatching episode 16 and everytime i do, i can't help but cry along with KT during the ending scene. 
this episode was a real tear-jerker i started crying from the first scene of the episode to the end aw
about the kiss, as much as i want to believe that it was LMH/PSH, im assuming it was just LMH portraying his character KT. i mean, KT is madly inlove with ES, of course KT would do that much to the girl he loves :\">
that doesn't mean i don't ship them though, i ship both KT/ES and LMH/PSH hehe
for the upcoming episodes i hope we'll get to YD following ES and confronting her and putting some sense into her regarding her departure and from KT's life. or better yet ES herself running back to KT after realising how much he's done for her and just how much pain he must suffering right now.
i'm not fond of time jumps and i don't think we'll see one judging by the bts pics so i hope i'm right.
let's just wait for the preview later ^:)^

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Guest almontel

I don't think they're going to have one episode without ES, either they're going to show us where she's at or what she's doing at least. i am yet to watch a Kdrama where one of the OTP was not in a single episode..so i know that we'll have an idea of where ES and her mom is this coming Wednesday. although we have not seen a bts of any pics of her, so i'm thinking they're shooting indoors...
Since Ep 16 had that epic hot closet kiss scene, as i'm sure everyone here have watched it multiple times, don't you all agree that the kiss scene was shot at least more than a handful of times due to different angles?Shot#1: KT abruptly kissing her, holding her chin up to accept his kissShot#2: ES's hand was shown trying to grab his armShot#3: KT' holding the back of ES head and the side of her face, so he can freely maneuver the onslaught of his hot kissesShot#4: KT's hand underneath ES's hair, so he must be holding her nape to deepen the kissShot#5: KT second nibble and both can barely maintain their breathingOne thing for sure, it definitely took HOURS for this scene to be filmed in such an enclosed place, and it makes me wonder what do guys usually feel when they're in the heat of the moment? I know a girl can be thinking of so many other things...ke ke ke...must be one of the reasons why SH was blushing during her goodbye kiss to LMH at the door...She must have thought  of or felt  something....aigo....[-O<Ep16KISS_zps6c8808ea.jpg

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Omo :-O Soooooooo many GIFS of the kissing scene... WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!  ~X(


@Leery your signature ^:)^ >:D<  PLEASE POST A LOTTTTT SO I CAN SEE YOUR SIGNATURE  ;))

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Guest kimmy2345k

annafebrie said: anyone, isn't true if korean people no need visa to go to USA because both country have a good relations? My friend just tell me but i'm not really sure -.-

 South Koreans,  do not visa to come here in the US,  like the British, South Koreans have joined the visa waiver program. :)   So Kim Tan and ES can visit and leave US anytime they want. 

 Lee Min Ho is a terrific actor.  I've been a fan of Park Shin Hye ever since 
I've watched her with Lee Wan in Tree of Heaven.   

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Guest kimmy2345k

willowtrees said: So...I haven't posted at Soompi in a long *rhymes with sass* time, but omigod Kim Tan TOTALLY ATE Eun Sang's face! He slurped it. I know there is an opinion that she could have been more responsive, but she did some nibbling on his lower lip while he nibbled on...there was mutual sucking of faces is all I'm saying! Exhibit A. From http://myleisuretime.tumblr.com/post/68392573316/the-heirs-episode-16-wow  
And I also read somewhere here in the back discussions that someone was objecting to her clutching on to his arm. I actually thought it was rather suggestive. I don't know if that was their intention, but cutaway shots like that are usually done with sex scenes are they not, to indicate too much pleasure (ahem)? Just saying...I'm thinking they got away with that little risque cutaway. Sorry for the 50 Shades of Cray-zy 

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Some DC fans got the hold of the script and like I said the kiss is an act of desperation and fear. It was forceful so it only makes sense that ES got taken back and insisted in the beginning

Shooting script for the kiss scene in episode 16:
Tan, using the same gesture pushed Eun Sang against the cabinet. Tan, held Eun Sang’s chin still with his hand and directly leans in to kiss her!
Filled with worry about Eun Sang leaving him at any time He doesn’t know what to do, and he kisses her even more forcefully, his heart burning up with fear.
Afterwards, Tan embraces Eun Sang in his arms.

Cr: Koala

The script is quite simpler than I thought lol

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I’ve loved the previous intimate moment in the closet always, regreting it didn’t end with a kiss, however, this swoonworthy scene channels the same atmosphere and level of intimacy which makes it utterly perfect. This is the best pre-christmas present ever!


LMH hasn’t lost anything of his ability to kiss the life out of his female lead and this one is definitely out there with his CH and PT smooches. However, it’s more reigned, yet at the same time, it gives the feeling of frenzy. The kiss has everything - it’s passionate, intimate and mature; almost nc-17-like.Actually, for a moment I expected them to move to the next level but SBS is no HBO. It’s amazing how such a simple gesture as a kiss can wordlessly express so many emotion, isn’t it?

"I said I’ll go get you. I said for you to wait. Please stay where I tell you to. Wait if I tell you to wait. And don’t go if I say don’t go…Don’t go anywhere. Promise me."

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