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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Guest favoree

adlyn13 said: I am getting the feeling that KES is such a fan of LMH
the references she made to LMH previous dramas was so obvious to me

Ep 13, when KT told MS that he hurt people with a spoon in his past life,giving  reference to CH
and in EP 14 when he table KT flipped the table with one hand! Reminded me of Daejang in faith!! Its probably just me! But I wouldnt be surprised!
I am can't remember if KES has done this for her previous dramas .

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jysab said: You just gotta love Kim Tan.
You might be attracted to Choi Young Do because he has got the looks and every thing else except for a good family and good manners. You will be attracted to him as a viewer because you get to see his brokenness, the reasons why he act in those ways. His character is appealing to the female viewers' "motherly instincts"; the very instincts that want to mend his brokenness. Plus, he's such a bad boy. Every girl wants a bad boy, don't we? It adds oomph to the whole package. But his "brokenness" is not an excuse to act the way he does. 
Kim Tan, on the other hand, is what every guy should be. He's got the looks, money, and he also has some problems. He's family is not perfect just like YD. And that problem is his weakness. It is what makes him broken. And yet, he doesn't use it as an excuse to put people down. Instead, he use that problem as his foundation to become a better man. He's very good with words and the way he subtly and non-subtly protects and cares for ES is what every girl in this planet dream for. He's the balance of drama and fun. What's life without a little drama, right?

But in the end, I just really hope YD will find someone to fix him. Ep. 13 really broke my heart because you can really see how he has already fallen in love with ES. 


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Guest shimmeringoasis


                                                                           cr: http://dramatroll.tumblr.com

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Guest shimmeringoasis


                                                                               cr: http://dramatroll.tumblr.com

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Boy, oh boy, didn't we all (well almost all) of us jumped the gun and started to detest YD?! Again, the plot of this drama is seriously giving me a cardiac arrest!  I can see that YD has already 'given up' on his own ship with ES.  And deep down inside, I think in terms of his friendship with KT, YD has never had any intention to reveal KT's secret.  It is his most powerful weapon but he has never got the intention to reveal it.  To me, that shows a lot.  YD can't forgive himself more than he can't forgive KT.  YD may have said a lot of mean things but he won't carry them out, as he has mentioned before he can't hurt ES.  In actual fact, I see that the friendship plot - KT, YD, ES, CY, BN, YS etc is almost coming to an end.  Even the brothers' plot - KT and KW seems to have been tied up.  Our loose ends now remain

1.  Rachel - she is taking over as the bad guy now that the drama needs us to forgive YD before the last 2 episodes.  She has valid reason to be angry (although her revenge formula is seriously disturbing) as her fiance is taken away, and worse, if the fiance's secret is out, she might be shamed too.  I see her as backing down maybe due to some bigger issue - read no. 2.

2. Esther and YD's dad - Remember CY's dad was being tailed and Chairman Kim mentioned that he has CY's dad photo as well.  I believe Chairman Kim will use the photos to fight off Esther's takeover.  I don't see CY's dad ending up with Esther, but I think the wedding between YD's dad and Esther will not happen.  So I think Rachel and her mum may even migrate to other places to avoid the scandal.  I seriously don't see any 'good' way Rachel will back off.

3.  HS - This is one character that ending's very hard to guess - in the first place, they didn't give us enough Kang HaNeul to let us understand what on earth happened except that he has a tiger mum.  Secondly, although I am rooting for him, I seriously don't think korean drama will give us a teacher-student couple ending, so I don't know how is he going to play a role for my no. 4. (I do have an inkling feeling that he might have to be 'sacrificed' for other parents to wake up and allow their children to decide their own future, hence solving all parents-children problem in the drama, but I hope not, I need him to be alive)

4. KW and HJ - They will end up together.  KW will fight for his love, and is already showing it in this episode.  I just need to see how HS will fit into this.

5. Jeguk - I have a feeling KW and KT will ended up teaming with each other to fight off any hostile takeover, or even their father.  That way, their relationship will remains, and I see ES and HS as the bridges to connect this 2 brothers in the future..

6. YD - Of course, he will be friend with KT again.  He will concede his love and the drama will just end with him without any gf.  After all, they are only 18!

On other note, there's no extension.  And I do not know how to pass my Wed and Thurs 4 weeks from now.

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YD is so hurt that ES does not least like him but what makes YD more sad is that he actually missed KT as his buddy. He was unable or do not know how to patch things up with KT. On KT side, he felt sorry for YD. He knows YD has a scar that he himself was unable to heal and KT also wanted to be at least by YD' s sides as a buddy so that he will felt less hurt. I felt great concern for HS. He is so depressed that he is at the edge now. Maybe he is elder than the other that makes him more lonely. Credit to KT that he is still worried for HS even thought he has his own trouble. I sense that, while they were partying & something bad might happen to HS. I do hope not. CY is really a great friend to ES. At the final part. CY show great relief & sincerely happy for ES that she finally found someone that loves her of what she is & standby her. Even Bona is happy.

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Guest pinkytooth

It might be sounds weird.But today episode is the episode where I cry the most.So much meaningful moments and reflections.
Finally KES decided to give little piece for ES character.
I was moved when ES slapped RC. Not because of her pride but because RC insulted her mom. And how ES became vulnerable infront of RC not because of her secret but because she afraid of Tan's secret will be revealed by RC.ES is truly unselfish person. Everybody came before her.And how she rejected Tan's invitation to run away together. She said what a filial daughter must said. Love for their mom stop them from running away. And Tan also agreed on her that they can't leave their mom. ES' mom and Tan's mom are lucky mothers :xAlso proud of ES for admitting her real identity infront of those lavish teenagers. She must be afraid but thanks to Tan for gave her an example that it's better to tell the truth than hiding it with so much burden. And eventually she made it. She confessed and despite the reaction from her schoolmates, she felt relieved.You go (my) girl!  =D>
I also moved when Tan and YD reflected in silence. Both of them realized they fought for nothing. Their flashback gave me tears. (I'm such an emo. :(( )Friendships often broken by stupid things and pride. I often hurted my closest friend for unworthy things.
I'm so happy for Tan and Won. Yes, that's it. In the end the last man standing for us is our own family.They might be not look so warm toward each other. But that's the extra point. In calmness and silence they sat side by side try to understand each other. And in the end Tan stayed at Won's room  ;))
YD seems got into his senses. He's not bugging ES anymore. He's trying to acknowledge that his fight with Tan was a foolish battle. And in the end he went out of the party when he realized there is no room for him between ES and Tan. My heart breaks for him =((
Should credit and discredit RC. She acted like she is the most hurted victim mostly because of her pride then she took her revenge blatantly toward ES. She think she smart enough to handle all situations under her belt (being faker infront of Tan's mom, trapped YD for humiliating ES).The thing she didn't understand is her revenge only made ES grow stronger and Tan-ES love grow deeper. For that, I  credit her.Unlike YD, when she went out of the party she showing rejection and angry face. I'm pretty sure she will keep doing bad things ahead.And I hate her for ruining CY-BN making up party X(
Thanks to CY and BN for lightening up this episode. They fought, they missed each other, they made up, being utterly cute together at party. Ah~~~ Adolescent love :x :x 
And here we go Tan Eun / Tan Neun couple.How sweet they are when they were bickering, walking side by side, teasing each other, caring for each other. My heart can't contain 8-> *sheepish face*I hope there will be more and more of their moments in next episodes.
The best scene of the day (and of whole episodes imo)Moment when Tan gently took off her apron, her hair tie and puts a corsage on her wrist. And when he kissed her forehead.. When she closed her eyes and smiled...My heart bursting into million pieces.. My very first time seeing their deepest affection toward each other.. infront of their schoolmates.. after ES brave confession.. It just like a sweet announcement, we love each other with our best and worst. I'm ended up crying a han river of happiness and keep replaying that moment.:x :x :x :x

Now I'm praying for the ratings. And ofc for the preview..

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I've just re-watch the raw version, didn't understand a single word, but the last scene was so beautiful (and sensual) that I almost cried. ES looks like a Goddess and KT looks like Prince Charm, and they look at each other so tenderly, that just melts my heart. :x  :x

Oh, I love the cardigan hugs as well.  :x  :x

Gosh, I am supposed to do other things, and but my mind is full of the heirs. I am so unproductive.

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Sanam said: Seriously i'm in love with this drama !! I want an extension :'( !! I love lee min ho and park shi hye chemistry . I watched the raw of episode 14 and i love the last scene ' (i think it becomes my favorite scene ) i don't  know why people like more YD ( i like him too but not with cha eun sung , kim tan is the perfect boyfriend  , he takes care of her <3 )   I want a kim tan ( or  lee min ho :P )  !! lol 

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