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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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@prosperity : I don't agree that YD is right person for rachel , Both need warm bcz they got hurt from their families  , need someone to make them understand the life isn't as they want to be  , I think HyoShin is the one who understand Rachel better he knows how to make her to open her heart  .

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Claudia Ximena


YD romantic really??? some people are partying way early then the holidays... IMO KW is hot but YD sucks and is evil and dark and a pain in the petunia! totally did not find his hugs or anything romantic about him but again that is my opinion respect all of yours I can completely understand that sometimes when the hormonal level is up in our brains we don't function that way we are supposed to we are like (KWB hotness or LMH hotness) hey it happens to me too whenever I see LMH but the character of YD totally a nuts I don't know how the poor ES takes all the abuse is like completely bipolar you don't know when he will strike you... 

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Guest mystisith

Claudia Ximena said: now here is a hug a real hug that is hot that is passionate and sweet just look at him all he sees is her... how can a girl not love him? he is so sweet trying his best maybe acting like a boy here and there but he is almost perfect I wish they will show what happens after the fact of the hug heck the way he is hugging her I hope it gets us our wish and they start on the kids already!! but whenever LMH KT is doing his scenes you can tell he is into it so much it gets totally hot here!!!! 

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How does marrying another person change KT's position of being illegitimate? if his dad really wanted to make him legitimate then he should have done what he is supposed to man up and marry his mom and give him the legitimacy he should have!! I don't see that marrying Rachel will change his legitimacy? really how do these people think? their minds is twisted the Dad should have more balls that Dad is only good for giving low punches and he thinks himself a dad? really? he must have missed his dad feelings when they were giving them out and came late for it so he doesn't have any.... 

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Guest sweetandsimpleutterings

Ok, I'm going to add my two very small cents into this YD debate... apologies for my slightly scattered thoughts, it's been a long day.
Personally, I love complicated, conflicted, slightly naughty characters; I root for them way more than any 'perfect' and 'charming' lead. YD confuses me though on several levels. Probably the biggest issue for me is the intensity that KWB is giving YD is *not* that of a high schooler, yet the pranks and nagging he's doing to ES is. I feel like I'm watching a character stuck in the middle, the writer is trying to give YD juvenile qualities and isn't committing with his character, he's like some sappy weak bully (tripping ES in the cafeteria - really??) that if any character (I'm looking at you ES) had the balls to confront, I feel like that he would curb his behavior. No one calls him out on it really, not enough for it to matter, but it's really not like he's full out terrorizing anyone either - again, juvenile antics. I wish that they *would* take him to what Gossip Girl did with Chuck, that was one nasty, but layered, character for a while before he became the anti-hero. KWB could do it, you can see the intensity in his acting and also that he's reigning it in, which is what draws me to his character and wish that the writer would flesh him out more. 
YD also needs someone to balance against, and the show is telling the viewer that it's KT but isn't really showing it. Maybe it's because they're afraid of losing sympathy for the lead by showing his past bullying days, but I find it incredibly hard to believe that KT was a holy terror. YD seems to by far be the 'bigger bully' and again, he's really not that scary. 
The conflict to me isn't YD/ES/KT and their antics, it's YD's character. I'd be more than willing to jump on his bandwagon and accept him, warts and all, but the writing is taking him all over the place. More than anything, it's seriously hard to watch a grown man behave like an 8 year old while playing an 18 year old. 
Again, this is just my opinion. 

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I know right? I still find it hard to believe that KT used to be much worse than YD. So far we havent seen anything. I wish KT would become that dark again and refusing everybody even ES. I need to see him being that bad boy, cuz then we will understand their friendship more. I think KT and YD used to understand each other very well.

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OKAY!!! I feel like I am going to commit the most blasphemous post of all time .
For those that know me know darn well how I get with LMH and his romantic scenes and just him in general and the big fan I am of him.


I FELT..............


I know this has nothing to do with LMH cuz I sure felt my heart flutter and my ovaries explode in the closet scene !!
LMH is still my kissing beast but Idk what happened here.
could it be due to the spoiler and I already had it coming, or the fact that the scene was cut into so it killed the thrill.
I have no clue!! Aish oh well....

But the fighting scene of KT and YD now that did it

like really oh well who knows, still love LMH nothing is changing that....

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marie67 said: I know right? I still find it hard to believe that KT used to be much worse than YD. So far we havent seen anything. I wish KT would become that dark again and refusing everybody even ES. I need to see him being that bad boy, cuz then we will understand their friendship more. I think KT and YD used to understand each other very well.

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Claudia Ximena said: How does marrying another person change KT's position of being illegitimate? if his dad really wanted to make him legitimate then he should have done what he is supposed to man up and marry his mom and give him the legitimacy he should have!! I don't see that marrying Rachel will change his legitimacy? really how do these people think? their minds is twisted the Dad should have more balls that Dad is only good for giving low punches and he thinks himself a dad? really? he must have missed his dad feelings when they were giving them out and came late for it so he doesn't have any.... 

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Guest prosperity

The back hug could have definitely been better. This is a back hug

I am not sure what this director is trying to do. Maybe it because KT is unsure about how ES will react to the back hug, so he is trying to give her her space? 
I am ok with the back hug, I enjoyed it, however there is no doubt that it could have been better, just like the kiss.

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It's amazing how we each see things so differently.

I for one, absolutely loved the back hug scene, the dialogue, the hug, and everything that happened before, after, and in between. It wasn't passionate, but it sure was sweet and romantic.

And to think for a second that he could give her the cold shoulders, he couldn't even resist from hugging her. This boy can never hurt ES.

I actually appreciate the subtle acting here. He doesn't have to cry or hold on to her tightly to imply he doesn't want to let her go, and just because he didn't hug her tighter doesn't necessarily mean he wouldn't miss her as much. The hug was assuring and caring, and it meant to say sorry, "sorry for acting like I don't care." It's not the "I'll die missing you" type of hug.

Definitely has my approval :-bd

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From what i understood,i'll have to re-watch again those scenes to be sure... Tan dad didn't divorce his wife because she didn't want and more than sure if he did he would loose a good portion of his fortune and maybe divede the empire(because of the stocks) as well so he didn't do it because of that...So he put Tan mom in that house forcing his wife with it and with making his mistress son her's in papers and infront of the whole world...So i guess he wants to insure Tan with a solid background when he will die and maybe his ilegitimity will come to surface...so he want's Tan to marry Rachel because of her background and can quiet all those that in the future will have something to say about his birth...I don't really know how things work in high society but i'm guessing that in the future even in Tan ould want to inherit the Company he will have to struggle because of his status and Won as the legitimate son has all to win in favor of inheriting and leading the Company as well as the suport...Yeah,it is cruel,it's not Tan fault but that is the society,the ilegitimate sons(and in life as well in many cases) in the uper class aren't seen good and most of them don't win against the legitimate when it comes to money and the rich do have high pride about the royal blood bla bla...I guess that was the general idea of Dad thinking,and i guess he really has plans for Tan in the future...my guess is that he wants to make him the main heir and not Won even if it sounds cruel and that's were Rachel comes in or more her status,that's the feeling that he gives me his actions....Like Dad said it doesn't matter about love because it was a business transaction from the start just like what Rachel Mom does with YD dad even if the circumstances differ the main is the same

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