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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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stuartjmz said: Fascinating to see people defending KT's father and saying that  ES had a choice in the transfer when she really didn't - the transfer was already done when she found out about it and she could not try to persuade her mother to undo it because it was not her mother's idea. Rejecting it would mean directly disobeying the Chairman, a man who was perfectly ready to send his own son into exile for 3 years. If ES had refused him, she and her mother would have been on the streets in a heartbeat. 
The Chairman's cruel delight in manipulating people was further demonstrated by the stunt he pulled at the board meeting. That was equally cruel and humiliating to both his sons, no wonder neither of them like him. The fact that KT prefers his hyung shows just how cold and ruthless his father is, the same cruel, cold calculation clearly evident forcing (and he DID force) ES to enter the school of Satans. It was so obviously designed to drive KT away from her that it strengthened my wish for the OTP to succeed. :-) 

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Guest jjsweeter0211

Heechul explains how he came to cameo in 'Heirs'

As Heechul promised, he explained on 'Ssul Jeon' how he came to cameo on the star-studded drama 'Heirs.'

You may not know her by name but Kim Eun Sook is the famous screenwriter of many popular dramas, such as 'Lovers in Paris,' 'Lovers in Prague,' 'Secret Garden,' and most recently 'Heirs.' 

On this week's 'Ssul Jeon,' Heechul relayed the story of how he first met this screenwriter.  Three years ago, he went to a place to drink and he was introduced to her, saying he should know of her because she was a famous screenwriter.  However, as he does not watch many dramas, he said he did not know her.

Heechul said on the show, "She also has a strong personality so she was like, 'Hey, you don't know "Lovers in Paris" or "Lovers in Prague"?' and I said, 'I've heard of them.'  She told me, 'If you're like this, I will never cast you in a drama.'  So I told her, 'That's okay.  I have a lot of other stuff to do.'"

The female MC jokingly started comparing this story to the situation that would be typically found in a romantic comedy.  

Kim Gu Ra pointed out Kim Eun Sook was fifty--whoops, forty--and had a husband. Heechul said she had a strong personality so Kim Gu Ra may need to watch out for that age-related slip of the tongue!

Either way, Heechul said they got closer through talking.  Eventually, Heechul asked her for a casual interview so he could talk about it on this show.  She jokingly said only she could think of things like the "foam kiss" ('Secret Garden') and "Baby, let's go" ('Lovers in Paris').  She wanted Heechul to tell them she could fool around saying things like that and in return for the interview, Heechul needed to cameo in her current work 'Heirs.'

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While I re-watch episode 6 I notice many new and significant details like, for instance, YD's tongue movements and I'm not even a YD fangirl :DBy the way, in few hours I'm leaving on trip to Berlin so if you won't be hearing of me the next 60 hours or so it won't because  I jumped off the Heirs bandwagon g83imvd.pngWUxJAbO.png

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Guest Enonane1 .

I re-watched episodes 5 and 6 just to see what I missed the first time around. I noticed a few things with YD and CES (because I want to ship them but also want to ship the OTP - decisions decisions)In the school yard confrontation scene when KT speaks in a familiar tone to CES - showing to all that he knows her, the look on YD's face is subtle but it is there. His face drops b/c even though he heard Rachel acknowledge KT and CES knowing each other he didn't really know till he heard and saw how KT reacted to her. I think that is part of why he reacted like he did with Rachel in the scene afterward, grabbing her and holding her. Then he witnesses more interactions showing KT showing concern toward CES and that is when he really starts trying to find out how she knows Tan. And if they have a relationship of some sort. But despite all that he didn't really think much of it other than that KT had an interest in a pretty girl who was not like any other girl he knew. But I think the moment he realized KT was more than just interested in CES and had deep feelings for her was in the ending scene of episode 6. Tan gave away his feelings when he looked at CES with tenderness, compassion, love all the really great mushy stuff KT is able to show when gazing at CES. When he looked back at YD it was definitely the look of a man that does not want anyone around his woman. I do believe YD is interested in CES and now he will not only go after her b/c he is interested but because it will irk Tan to no end. I did some reading and found that in some Korean dramas and fiction guys would say to a girl they are interested in that they are their slave or shuttle or mine - whichever way you want to say it. It shows others that you have a claim to them and gives you a reason to have them around. There is usually some fact the guy uses against the girl to do what he wants that she doesn't want known. I don't know about this b/c it isn't something I ran across in American schools. I have a feeling CES won't go along with it (shuttle/mine threat) anyway and will just be a threat by YD to get her attention. This is all just my rambling POV and my obsession to have some sort of hot relationship between YD and CES before she hooks up with KT.......and if YD ends up with Rachel then so be it but hopefully she will be a different person before that happens b/c she is very difficult to like as she is now. 

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Guest prosperity

guadi said: One more critique - KWB should reign in his excessive use of eyebrows and dilated pupils. Sometimes his acting is slightly over the top, i.e. the angry phone call scene to Rachel in ep. 3 and that bullying scene in the hallway. He's more effective at expressing dominance and fear when he doesn't do too much in his facial expressions like when he greets Tan for the first time, and that whole washing dishes and greeting KHN's character at the hotel; in those scenes he did really well. One thing I'm really looking forward to is watching him fall in love because I have yet to watch him act as a character in love; so that would be something new for me to see :)

Lastly, I was very impressed with Park Shin-hye's performance in that hallway bullying scene. She really did it so well. I didn't get any chill from watching YD, but all the fear I got was transmitted by her. So when I saw her trembling, I felt uncomfortable for her. 

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As I said before I’m leaving on a 2 days trip to Berlin in few hours so I don’t have time to gush over all the incredible shippy moments like I would normally do but this scene just stole my breath away and made my heart hurt but it hurts so good I simply had to make a couple of posts about it!


I’ve been thinking that there have been always something mildly similar about Tan and ES’s moments together and I’ve realized that on more than one occassion there was always some sort of barrier standing between them - the sheets, the wall in the wine cellar,…- it is as real as it is symbolic of all the obstacles, the social divergence and unsaid feelings between them. It has always been Tan so far who walked around it or leaped over it and reached toward ES with his genuine feelings, however, that wall is still standing there and no matter how much he tries Tan won’t be able to break it alone - he needs ES to stop being afraid and reaches out to him just as he does reache out to her and the wall will fall apart…tumblr_mv8ygdok6X1s8t96qo8_500.png

I mentioned it before but Kim Tan really shares so many attributes of the second male leads who, despite the fact that they are the better choice, never get the girl and one of the main reasons for it is they always watch over her from afar but never sum up the courage to take a more active part and if they do it’s already too late for them. Which is basically what Tan’s been doing the past 6 episodes, fortunately, unlike them, he doesn’t satisfy himself with gazing and moping but always go for the kill, that’s why he is the main lead and why he (fingers crossed) will get the girl. He is like a more cocky Hanazawa Rui without the autism issues, pesky first-love and  the fourth-dimensional consciousness.



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Guest prosperity

@briseis, I went to your wordpress page, but why aren't you recapping Heirs? I really enjoy reading your insights (among others of course). I like how you delve into what lies below the surface, and not just the pretty wrapping on the outside. your POV is what I find missing in the sort of recapping the more famous Korean blogs do, or the opinions of the typical Korean drama watcher (nothing is wrong with either of these, however more variety would be nice). Many times I might want to go back and read your posts, but it gets lost in the sea of replies, and pictures (the same pics over and over but such is soompi I guess?).

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