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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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The Heirs Episode 3 Review: Park Shin Hye Avoids Lee Min Ho’s Confession to Her class="post-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; line-height: 30px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 20px !important;"The Heirs Episode 3 Review: Park Shin Hye Avoids Lee Min Ho’s Confession to Her

In The Heirs, episode 3, Cha Eun Sang(played by Park Shin Hye) avoided Kim Tan(played by Lee Min Ho)’s confession to her.

Previously, Tan asked Eun Sang if he liked her at a movie theater. Eun Sang was surprised but soon replied, “No, you don’t.” As Tan asked why, she answered, “Because you have a fiance.” He asked, “Despite that?” She replied, “That’s too much like a movie.”

Tan continued, “But this is Hollywood. Things like that can happen here.” Eun Sang was surprised again and asked, “Am I in Hollywood?” Tan took her outside and showed her around.


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i find the character of Tan soo fascinating, especially when we see glimpses of the Tan that used to be.. aka Tan while he lived in Korea, in the Tan in America. Every once in a while, its like dark Tan peeks out - (like when he like brushed ES's hand off his arm when they were running away from the two big henchman; or the way he coldly speaks to CY when he comes to get ES in the latest episode) which makes him even more intriguing as a character. RH said in this episode when Tan asked about YD, "he is doing well.. taking 100% of the role that you guys did together" - and as we all know, YD, for all his family drama, is pretty much a stuckup meanie to almost everybody. Which means Tan was a big stuckup meanie too. .. Knowing that, and yet seeing how seemingly carefree and nice he is ES - you have to wonder if there is something that prompted such an abrupt 180 from the Tan he used to be. (and makes me love his soft side with ES even more).   - Props to Lee Min Ho for his acting here. Even the gaze in his eyes change when he switches between dark Tan and America Tan. 
I'm also thinking here has to be a reason Won became the way he is with Tan. If he treated Tan like that when they were younger, there is no way Tan would currently think of his older brother in such a fond, bittersweet way. There is some impetus for how W acts with T - and i'm excited to see where this relationship leads.   :x

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The Heirs Episode 3 Review: Kim Ji Won is Not Fond of Park Shin Hye class="post-title" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 20px !important; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 30px; margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px;"The Heirs Episode 3 Review: Kim Ji Won is Not Fond of Park Shin Hye

In The Heirs, episode 3, Yoo Ra Hel(played by Kim Ji Won) was not fond of Cha Eun Sang(played by Park Shin Hye).

Ra Hel was already mad that Kim Tan(played by Lee Min Ho) seemed to like Eun Sang. She tried to take him to his favorite pancake restaurant, but he refused because he thought Eun Sang would be there. Ra Hel got even more mad and took him to the restaurant. Just as they expected, Eun Sang was there with Yoon Chan Young(played byKang Min Hyuk). Ra Hel took Tan and joined their table.

Ra Hel said to Chan Young, “Oh yeah, you’re dating Lee Bo Na(played by Crystal), right?” She then turned to Eun Sang and said, “These are Bo Na’s boyfriend and ex-boyfriend.” Then she continued, “So you go for men who are taken, huh?” Tan eventually, dragged Ra Hel out of the restaurant.

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The Heirs Episode 3 Review: Lee Min Ho Watched Park Shin Hye Sleep class="post-title" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 20px !important; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 30px; margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px;"The Heirs Episode 3 Review: Lee Min Ho Watched Park Shin Hye Sleep

In The Heirs, episode 3, Kim Tan(played by Lee Min Ho) watched Cha Eun Sang(played by Park Shin Hye) sleep.

Previously, Tan read Eun Sang’s note written, ‘Get bankrupt, Jeguk Group.’ Tan asked her why she wrote it, but she said, “Why do you care?”

Tan avoided the question, and told her to watch him sleep. However, he could not fall asleep because he was afraid that she might leave while he was sleeping. Then as Eun Sang stop answering to his questions, he looked back at her. Eun Sang has fallen asleep, and he went closer to watch her sleep.


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The Heirs Episode 3 Review: Kim Ji Won Hugs Lee Min Ho class="post-title" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 20px !important; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 30px; margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px;"The Heirs Episode 3 Review: Kim Ji Won Hugs Lee Min Ho

In The Heirs, episode 3, Yoo Ra Hel(played by Kim Ji Won) hugged Kim Tan(played by Lee Min Ho).

Tan gave Ra Hel a ride to the airport. Ra Hel said to him, “I haven’t forgiven you yet. I really hate you.” Then she hugged him tight. Just then,  Cha Eun Sang(played by Park Shin Hye), who arrived at the airport to leave for Korea, saw them and quickly turned away. Tan shouted, “Cha Eun Sang! Stop!”


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I didnt feel the chemistry between LMH and PSH up till this awesome scene where LMH my HOTTIE does all the work: staring with longing and love in his eyes. He is worshipping her so much and is almost printing every feature of her in his mind. This was the turn over for me. After this scene I could feel their chemistry more.


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said: @rakyWon's mother died and she was CEO Kim's first wife which is why Ji Sook aka Second Wife said she raised him for ten years. CEO Kim only married Ji Sook for business then it was a harder blow when she couldn't have kids and she found out her husband had a mistress who had gotten pregnant(She says he was flaunting his affair around). As a form of revenge and to keep a good image she brought in Han Ki Ae and Tan then registered Tan under her name. Technically Tan shouldn't be an heir to the company because of his lineage aka his mother being a mistress, but due to Ji Sook adopting him that made him eligible. I think Won's issue is that he's angry how his dad is and maybe the fact that Ji Sook didn't raise him with love, even she admitted it. I had mentioned before that this drama has many historical elements to it. CEO Kim having an affair is equivalent to a king having a concubine right under the Queen's nose then having a child. Sometimes the king would love his concubine more than his actual wife and this is how CEO Kim is, he loves Ki Ae and not Ji Sook. The queen would sometimes raise the concubine's child as if he were hers which would make him eligible for the throne and this would anger the true heir, the one that was conceived from the marriage. The fact that Tan was born from a mistress and Won wasn't, but still is an heir is another reason why he's angry and exiled Tan. He probably felt that his dad loved Tan more than him and would give him the company instead despite him being older. 

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As for why KT is behaving like that with his brother is because he has done something terrible probably. The feelings he is showing are of a lost puppy and someone who feels guilty. But this could also be because he feels wronged that he is also an heir cuz of his illegitimacy. He feels as if he has taken everything from his brother.

But sometimes I hate his brother for treating KT like garbage. Tomorrow we will have ES and DY meeting! She wore that blue vest when she went out in the preview (the same scene when she sleeps outside and he is looking tenderly to her).

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I totally loved this scene I found that the relationship for the OTP is moving at a good pace. I am really happy KT is totally into ES already and she is holding back I agree with that can't fall for someone that has a fiance even if that fiance is a brat! I like it that she maintains herself aloof and keeps her distance some unlike other heroines that are totally into the Guys at first and get humiliated over and over! I can see that she is interested or becoming interested in KT that end when she sees YR hugging him ES seemed hurt now I am hoping that she won't let anybody put her down!
It would be great if she could get KW and KT closer together that would be really great I totally hurt when KW was being mean with KT it was totally uncalled for why can't he see?? if his brother is closer to him he won't loose his money or whatever he doesn't want to loose while if he keeps on driving KT away he might...

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