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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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I get this feeling that CYD will make life hard for CES like how Goo JunPyo made life hard for Geum JanDi, but will develop feelings for her feisty attitude. I won't be surprised if she retaliates a few times and somehow triggers that one emotion that makes him click with her. Although he may bully her to begin with since he is getting back at Kim Tan, but ultimately, what better way then to try and steal your enemy's one true love? 
As for the scene with CES between CYD and KT, it's like she's the mouse between two cats. The only thing is, she doesn't recognise herself as their "game".

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It's been such a long time since I've posted here lol. Wow time passes so fast...
Anyway, I've finally seen the first two episodes. What can I say? I'm liking it so far. Really liking it. It puts a smile on my face, involuntarily.
When I read that PSH signed up for a KES drama, my initial reaction was a big NOOOOOO. I've seen KES's dramas and I noticed that her heroes are more fleshed out than her heroines. Also these heroines start out cool and then they become errrr... how should I put it? weaklings at the end? So I had my reservations. But I was pleasantly surprised after seeing the two episodes.
I've seen this type of drama so many times before and yet there's something different/fresh in this one. First off, KT is so different than the other chaebol characters I've seen. He didn't start out as a jerk. He's actually complex and a nice guy to boot. He has so many sides that I would like to see more. As for ES, she's not perfect and I like it. She's angry at her lot in life and she wants to break free from it. She acts it out on her mom in the first episode and I felt sad for her and her mom. But ES obviously loves her mom.
Oh I can't wait for KT-ES-YD interactions in the future. That will be very very interesting. Also ES and CY are sooo cute together lol. I found myself shipping them for a while in the first episode.

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Guest mystisith

If my intuition is right, Young Do will be more like an annoying big brother to Eun Sang. He will be a mentor and maybe a matchmaker in the end. (Remember the kind of relationship between Gil Ra Im and Oska in SeGa?). YD is very perceptive: He spots the weaknesses of people and plays with them but in the end it helps "fortifying" the weak person. He taught a lesson the hard way to glasses boy in the beginning and I suppose he will help Hyo Shin too with his anxiety problem/panic attacks. Just become a psychologist, dude. Job is perfect for you.  :-B My compassion goes to his "stepsister": The tricks he must have up his sleeves to get her... Not sure I want to know.  >:)

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Me too, I am so excited for the next episode.. We gotta see jealous KimTan. I'm also looking forward when they get back to Korea, the scene where CES is in between KT and CYD is my favorite scene in the trailer. I think that will be the cliffhanger at the end of episode 3 or 4. LOL

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