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JONGYOON COUPLE ☆ ★ KiM jOnG kOoK - yOoN eUn HyE ☆★ JYC ☆★


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It was seriously a pain to reaffirm the many information about this pairing with so many old video clips and articles to go through. This post is an analysis post compiled partially from JYC_cn's threads. As all information were provided by via the artists' appearances, this analysis is done assuming most of the information presented are real. For YEH, it is more focused on her information inconsistency while KJK focuses on 2 particular interviews. I have taken the liberty to update KJK's portion with other netizen's opinions and details of the appearances so that it is easier to appreciate how each point came about. Please note this is a very long post.
YEH1. KJK's Scandal, Parents' reactions There at least 5 accounts of her talking about her parents' reactions to the newspaper article about scandal. There were a few she mentioned her parents were happy that she was dating (the partner didn't matter). However on her "Vineyard drama" interview (2006), she contradicted that by stating that her parents was happy that the partner was someone with such a good and stable image, before sidetracking to saying her fellow cast remind her of KJK. I remembered on CTP (2005) guesting, her parents was only just glad she is on the cover page of the newspaper and the size of her photo was so huge in comparison to KJK...Nothing to do with dating.Other mentions are on I AM talk show, Happy Together (Fair Lady SP) 2009 and "Saying I Love You" BTS interview (2006).
2. Taxi talk show (Mar 2011) YEH mentioned she never dated before and was not interested in relationships. Her fellow guest Han Byul stated YEH never expressed any interest when they were talking about guys. When asked about KJK, YEH mentioned she & KJK are just friends. She followed up with KJK is a really good guy and he doesn't know how to talk to girls. I believe this interview was also the same one which YEH later expressed she is ok with publicity of her relationship but she cannot stand criticism on her dating life.
3. Come to Play (Nov 2011) I already covered the key points about YEH in previous post on her guest appearance. Her CTP points contradict her comments in Taxi talk show about no interest in relationships. Especially the story of her bf means she definitely lied about not dating before. Her complain of being constantly on the giving side in the relationship also seemed to support the contradiction. (The same bf story was told by YEH in another show back in late 2005)
KJK1. Yashim Man Man (Nov 2008) This is KJK's first return to variety after MS, with KHD hosting the show. Other guests include Kim Gun Mo, MC Mong, Kim Jaedong etc. KJK mentioned he have not spoken 'saranghae' since 27 years old (2002). (this philosophy is a later reaffirmed in YHY sketchbook 2012). He used to say it to all of his gf all the time. Reason for the philosophy was that he used it so much in the past yet the relationship still ended.So he decided that those words should be treasured and once used, it will be forever so he will only say it when he proposed to a girl. KJK then shared that he suffered a huge mental blow once when he was unable to say that to his gf (highly suggestive that this gf was dated after 2002). He went to his gf's house where she prepared a meal herself for his birthday. He mentioned she did not throw a temper at him for being very late since it was his birthday. He truly appreciated her and gave her a tight hug but he just couldn't bring himself to speak his 'forbidden' words which is the 'mental blow' he was referring to. KHD spotted the opportunity and started grinding on KJK for more information. KJK declared he was not dating or in any relationship. When the topic of celebrity came up, KHD and other Shinhwa MC begun to corner KJK on dating with celebrities. KJK flustered and refused to give any names BUT he confessed that the gf who cooked for him is a female celebrity. He also revealed his gf stays in an apartment and how he evade the elevator's camera. The remaining portion is his recounting of how he asked his celeb gf to leave first after encountering 3 hooligans while they were out on their secretive dating. KJK wanted to show his manly side in dealing with them while she go for safety or even getting the cops. She refused and continue holding on and sticking to him. They later got into a big quarrel over it.
2. TvN E News (23 Mar 2010) This is the ONLY interview to date that KJK have ever admitted about his dating life. KJK stated he have dated a total of 6 girls in his life. Since his debut till 2010, he dated 4 ladies in total. Every relationship was one year at least...With the current one been together for 6 years so far the longest. When asked about publicizing his dating life, KJK's reply was that  he do not intend to publicize his dating life until marriage. He mentioned he's worried about the backlashes and after-effects for publicizing the relationship.The next question was whether the current gf is a celebrity which got him flustered. His reply was 'I think she's a celebrity'. When more questions were asked to determine the specific career of the gf, KJK replied "Please do not ask these type of questions. I said she's a celebrity already.
3. Analysis of both interviews:a. KJK definitely had at least a gf after 2002, the one he never said his "I Love You" to. Celeb gf & him started dating from 2005-2010, accounting for the 6 years. 2002-2004 were KJK's career pitfalls years which he was most probably single and struggling then. He only returned to the entertainment scene in later half of 2004.b. Since KJK dated from 2005-2010, he lied about not being in a relationship in the 2008 Yashim Man Man.c. KJK's celebrity gf stays in a multi-storey apartment with elevator.d. KJK is concerned about backlash and after effects for publicizing his relationship. KJK's fans are very supportive of him for a relationship so this means that the backlash will come from the gf's side. But for a veteran like himself to be so concerned, chances are his gf must have a respectable level of popularity.e. KJK's stand at end of the day is to keep his relationship private until marriage.(of course,later in 2012 Mnet interview he contradict himself by saying he will publicize his relationship if he have one)
Go think through all these points and determine yourself whether the analysis are valid and who KJK might be referring to for yourself. You can always ignore the analysis portion if you think it is biased.

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congratulation for us the believer in this sweet couple to have this news, show and Kooki video msg to YEH on 2015 ! 


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@bystanderA, thts why i always said that kjk might already have gf. there is some lie in his statements. if want to believe and just depend everythng that he said, then he will always said that he dont have gf and thats impossible for me. also the reason why i said that maybe he have a long distance relationship since people said that he always alone but keep teasing him with yeh. i also know that park han byul said yeh dont have any interest when thy talking about men. both of them really weird. thy keep saying that thy want to get married but thy like dont really want to find lover that much.

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im a fanatic of kjk-yeh shipper, im really happy everytime rm teases kjk about yeh, and in healing camp he choose her as her ideal woman, but it make sad reaading some bad comment about yeh eventhough she never said anything, because yeh is quiet. as yeh fan its hurts me so much

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Whose the people tht hate yeh? SA shippers? or kjk fans? real kjk fans will never hating yeh bcause thngs like this. thy already know that kjk always loyal to choose her. thy also know that thy actually very close also same with their family. thats the facts. so i want to know whose hating yeh about this?

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mari89 said: Whose the people tht hate yeh? SA shippers? or kjk fans? real kjk fans will never hating yeh bcause thngs like this. thy already know that kjk always loyal to choose her. thy also know that thy actually very close also same with their family. thats the facts. so i want to know whose hating yeh about this?
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well said :)>-  =D>

i've read all comment on various article/sites and there're more positive comment about both of them...if there's bad comment, i guess it's come from other ship(yeh/kjk) or fans who dont like this couple..

I dont want to say harsh thngs to them, but if its to the extent that thy try to disrespecting or hating yeh, eventhough im more kjk biased, i lost my respect for them. not just try to twisted everythng that kjk said, thats for me its shows that thy aren't kjk real fans but hate someone who is not guilty was too much. called other people being unreasonable, but thy are beyond hopeless

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Actually, I think the HC had already served its purpose well...
It had re-ignited interest about the KJK-YEH relationship again...Especially to the uninformed international fans and the younger Korean generations. It showed other side of KJK's character that many RM fans do not realized as well. 
*Edit: Sung Yuri's reactions while KJK was talking about YEH is priceless*Update: YEH topped Korea's NAVER search list after KJK's final choice on her on HC. Today 3rd Feb, they still remained No.1 on the search list*Update: Numerous topics about YEH was also searched. Most popular are Xman ep40 "Of Course" scene & YEH's (CTP 2011) segment on her dream of getting married since 22 years old*Update: YEH's agency latest statement for 3rd Feb addressed only briefly about YEH's schedule for 2015. Nothing about KJK, HC or the ongoing KJK-YEH nostalgia wave are mentioned.
It also served as a good reaction gauge for testing the waters...especially on YEH's fans side. The Dec 08, MBC Golden Fishery was a chaos that ended on a bad note for both KJK and YEH. Back then just the preview was already sufficient to trigger the bashing incident. Based on reactions so far, it seemed that the seas have calmed down unlike how it used to be back then. 
If those were KJK's intentions then I give him thumbs up for job well done.

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in yeh vs mgy part clearly saw his blushing face. his face really turns red until the video message part. its not just a joke by kim jae dong. the way he looked at camera with that gentle gaze and voice give me a romantic feeling. the most funniest part was yeh vs shin bong sun. hahaha..not even thnking..i dont feel any tired or sick feeling that kjk have whn talked about yeh like how other shippers said

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Not sure when the English sub will be out. This is just a summary of HC (02/02) contents related to KJK's relationship portions for those curious. (Chinese subs are already available online) The initial portions mainly covered about KJK's very bad physical condition and discussion about his family.*Just done some reorganization and improvement on conversation flow and translations*
Earlier, MC mentioned about the Monday Couple on RM. They mentioned KJK & YEH, as the ancestor of the melodrama loveline and as the Monday Couple's sunbae, what will he advise to them. KJK said they should just date...It might even improve the show further. Unexpectedly Sung Yuri reversed KJK's comment on KJK himself by asking him whether he & YEH dated instead. KJK was caught totally unprepared and got flustered before denying indirectly in a shy manner ("If we had dated it would have been good right?"). He admitted he seriously treated YEH as his woman during their Xman filming so he did what he did, the legendary 'of course' move, to protect his woman.

KJK stated he had not dated for 2-3 years alreadyThe philosophy of not saying 'I love you' is mentioned again (do not remember the exact moment). LKS mentioned he attempted to introduce his own sister to KJK but KJK rejected his offer despite initially expressing interest. LKS complaint after seeing his sis's photo, KJK started coming up with excuses. When asked by MC, KJK mentioned there are some resemblances with LKS. KJK then said he's quite concerned about all these relationship etiquette especially if he married LKS's sister, LKS becomes his hyung instead. Gary added that he also attempted to match make KJK numerous times with all resulting in failures. He finally realized that for KJK, the girl will need to confess to him first before he's willing to lower his shield of formality. KJK admitted that was true and the case applied for all his previous gf. Gary said he can't believe KJK's such a totally easy guy to catch and added an encouragement message to KJK's fans 'fighting'.
For Imaginary World Cup, initial match-off in each pair have a different scenario. For example the round on Suzy v Hyuna, was waking up in the morning and being kissed by the girl, who will he imagine it to be. Of course, YEH v MGY scenario was who will he imagine to be walking down the wedding aisle towards him at his wedding ceremony. For the first matching, KJK explained he was been quite political so in his previous World Cup, he chose the female host over Sung Yuri then (Actually the reason he gave back then was that Sung Yuri was already attached). MC poked fun at him saying Shin Bongsun constantly confesses to him so will he considered her. KJK replied the feelings need to be mutual. After semi finals, he chose Sung Yuri over Suzy (Sung Yuri was happy that she won Suzy but Jaedong reminded her about KJK's age preferences(above 30 years old)). For Shin Bongsun v YEH, he replied YEH so instantly that the MCs complained he didn't even give them any time to respond at all. In the final face off, Sung Yuri reminded him that if he chose YEH, the scandal will break out again. Despite that, with only a fractional delay, he chose YEH again and attempted to comfort Sung Yuri, commenting that she's also his ideal type. Sung Yuri ignored him and was busy grumbling that she lost to YEH, KJK have been choosing YEH regardless and for him to stop keeping up with the act of her also being his ideal type. KJK protested that honestly YEH had always been his ideal type and he thanked YEH for the wonderful memories she gave him during their time on Xman. (throughout the last portion, KJK's 'Walking in One Spot' is being played as BGM and the caption of KJK "still walking in one spot for 10 years" flashes)
Jaedong then asked him about his face reddening at mention of YEH and whether he really like her. He never really answered the question, remained shy and stumbled through. In regards to the message to YEH, it was partially guided and encouraged by the MC since KJK at that point of time was already too shy to talk much further. ('Thanks' was his message, 'dinner' suggested by MC, 'when free' is his final add-on) Last portion was the MC gave KJK a small airing time to make his pitch to his future wife candidates, where he sang 'Hanamja' and did abit of promotion on himself.

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I find the irony of KJK's message 'YEH if you are free, let's have a meal together' broadcasted on 2nd Feb & YEH's agency statement on 3rd Feb that "she is currently having her break and will rest for a while more while deciding on which new projects to take on for 2015" so coincidental and funny.

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I find the irony of KJK's message 'YEH if you are free, let's have a meal together' broadcasted on 2nd Feb & YEH's agency statement on 3rd Feb that "she is currently having her break and will rest for a while more while deciding on which new projects to take on for 2015" so coincidental and funny.

Maybe thy will without our knowing. who knows? hehe..or maybe just cook for him at her house? ouch! that too much delu..i should calm down..haha..

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I've been lurking this thread for quite some time while nurturing my hope for this lovely couple ever since I saw their interactions in X Man. Watching the last batch of the HC (thanks @bystanderA for the analysis), can't help but kyaaaing, swooning, cheering KJK and YEH. I'm aware that he's been shipped with several other female celebrities, but I'm going to keep my opinions on the others to myself. I'm just thrilled at the facts that YEH has been the only woman whom KJK has consistently, and publicly, named as his ideal. 
Indeed, KJK has been sending subtle, and less subtle, hints. One of them, imho, is the song "Classifieds", which he recorded in 2010 with the rap duo Mighty Mouth. The song mentioned some other female celebrities, but it put the following "I wanna girl like Yoon Eun Hye, I wanna girl like uri eomma" in one breath. Oh, my shipping heart just melts. Interestingly, in 2008 YEH featured in Mighty Mouth's song "Saranghae", which starts with a 'declaration', "This song goes out to ma so special lady". Funny how little things, which to other people might seem irrelevant, make the shipper in me leap for joy.

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@happysloth, hi! nice to meet you. Did you watch rm ep 151 when han hyo joo and 2pm member as guests. the part when thy all sit in limozen and thy talked about put your gf name in the song. other shipper said that yjs like looking and teasing kjk at that time while kjk just smiling. maybe about that Classifieds song. Singers always give their album to people/friend that thy know. maybe yjs refer to that song. you know how active yjs as kjk and yeh shipper. haha..

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Nice to meet you here too, @mari89. 
Since you mentioned RM ep 151, I looked it out, and, yes, YJS, did raise the issue of girlfriend name dropping in lyrics. Unfortunately, I can't see KJK's face clearly, but knowing him, and his being accustomed to YJS's incessant teasing, I can only imagine he flashed his trademark bashfully handsome smile :x

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mari89 said: in yeh vs mgy part clearly saw his blushing face. his face really turns red until the video message part. its not just a joke by kim jae dong. the way he looked at camera with that gentle gaze and voice give me a romantic feeling. the most funniest part was yeh vs shin bong sun. hahaha..not even thnking..i dont feel any tired or sick feeling that kjk have whn talked about yeh like how other shippers said

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