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[Drama 2013] Monstar 몬스타


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Guest JAYwalkers

rain - rainismbrown eyed girls - abracadabrashinee -  replay / noona you're so pretty 2pm -  heartbeatwonder girls - nobody

id="watch-headline-title" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; overflow: hidden;"......cover by radio kyu dong  
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Thanks for posting the videos! It's nice to see some parts of the episode while we wait for the whole thing to be available. Seol Chan is so funny! Love his imagining of the duet! Lol! In the second video did he sing her song (or actually her dad's song) thinking she would be impressed? He seemed to be lokking for her after he finished... If he did it certainly backfired on him! Lol He never seems to do anything right with her... ^_^

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episode 3 recap @softy's:


I've been quietly obsessing over Monstar (while studying for my exams)

*waves to all the neighbors here*

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Just wanted to say hi and thank you for all the updates, bts and GIFs posted for Monstar!@Jillia Captain @obscuresalmon @lovcom00 @anoosha @jjsweeter0211 @sicknine @gorres @JAYwalkers @ZarraJae

Loving this drama to bits.  Seol Chan and Se Yi is rocking their roles here!
I AM Seol Chan and Se Yi all the way.... :)
Guys, what do you think is best name for out OTP?
Pick your choice Monsters!  Se-SeolChan-YiYi-Chan ( i prefer this one :) )

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I loveeeee Seyi's character. She isn't some dopey, lovesick girl but tough! She can stand up for what she knows is right, and isn't afraid to be embarrassed or ignored by her friends. I love her relationship with Kyu-dong too. I just hope he doesn't fall madly in love with her and then become even more discouraged when he learns she doesn't like him :/.

Anddd how good is Seol-chan's acting? I'm happily surprised and impressed with him! Actually impressed with everyone on the show. Lovelove.

Didn't realize Softy's was doing recaps, so I did it too for episode 3. Eh, well, here you guys go anyways. 2 recaps lol. Mine's a bit shorter I think.

*edit: sorry peeps who saw the whole thing when they didn't want any spoilers. I was having some trouble with the spoiler tags. 


Seol-chan runs into the auditorium only to find Seyi and Sun-Woo completing their lovely performance. Annoyed, he is about to walk out when one of the students turns around and spots him. Sun-Woo offers his help for Seol-chan's performance, but Seol-chan cuts him off and insists on going solo. He begins playing his rendition of Seyi's father's song on the piano. He looks exactly at Seyi throughout the whole song. Seyi is furious and runs out and through the hallways, trying to escape the music. 

Outside she runs into Nana and asks for her help in beating Seol-chan up, but Nana scoffs and tells her to take care of her own business. 

Seol-chan walks up the stairs to class and runs into Seyi. But instead of yelling at him or giving him the cold shoulder, she walks up to him and smirks. She mouths something, but Seol-chan doesn't catch it.

The other female students of the school have gathered around Seol-chan's classroom and are diligently waiting to get his signature. He oozes out the charm and warm smiles and takes out his own stack of photographs to sign. (I find it hilarious he's always carrying around his own pictures). The fangirls squeal in excitement as he passes out each one, but suddenly they realize something on back: crudely drawn anime girls with big boobs in skimpy bikinis?! The fangirls shout "pervert!" in unison as Seol-chan remembers the photo on Seyi's phone of the anime girl posters. HAHA.

Outside of school, Seol-chan sees the fangirls crowding around his van & manager and on the other side, sees "Adam" eyeing Seyi. He ponders what to do for a moment before heading over to his van. He begins yelling at his manager, how he could draw these pornographic girls on the back of his photos. If he wants to do perverted things like this, he should do them on his free time. As they drive away, his manager asks how he could use him as a scape-goat pervert like that! But Seol-chan simply says for he has to keep his image for his manager to survive. 

As the drive back, Seol-chan spots Seyi on the street and instructs his manager to pick her up. His manager struggles to convince an unconvinced Seyi to get in the car, when Sun-woo sees the confrontation on the street from his own car. Suddenly, Seolchan grabs her into the car, piling her on top of him. The shocked manager doesn't know what to do but to drive, and Sun-woo starts trailing them. 

In the car, a hilarious but cute struggle insures between Seol-chan and Seyi as she struggles to get off him and he refuses to let go before she apologizes. But Seyi doesn't have anything to be apologetic for, she drew those pictures for revenge because he stole her song. Her father's song. Seol-chan shouts that he'll call up her father and apologize if it meant that much to her. But at the mention of her father, Seyi begins to cry and her tears fall on Seol-chan's stunned face. He finally lets go and lets her out of the car without a word.

Seol-chan wonders why she cried and his manager hilariously explains that it was stressful situation for a girl and he's lucky it ended with tears. If he had held on any longer she probably would have puked. Seol-chan scoffs and says he would have preferred the throw-up, with tears he feels like the bad guy.

Seol-chan finally makes his reluctant way home. But things are not all happy and comfy at his home apparently, as he steps back uncomfortably when his mother steps forward to greet him. They exchange awkward and formal pleasantries. Inside his room, he lies down, recalling Seyi's tears earlier that day. But when he opens his eyes, he finds Seyi lying on top of him again. He wonders what she's doing there when suddenly Sun-Woo pops up on his bed too! He literally has to blow them away into disappearing, when he calls Seyi's illusion back. "Why were you crying?" He asks. But Seyi's illusion is silent and frustrated, he tells her to go away if she's not going to tell him anything.

Seyi walks home, so immersed in her thoughts that she doesn't notice Sun-Woo walking behind her or the pole in front of her. He tells to watch out, but a moment too late, she runs into the pole. She thanks him for his help during the music class performance before she heads home. He lingers behind and remembers their elementary school days when he first saw her sing in class. It seems Seol-chan isn't the only one seeing illusions, as he begins to sing with younger Seyi and then Seyi herself, just to have her disappear before the song finishes. 

The next day, the students, with brooms and dusters, head to one of Korea's historical palaces to help clean the place up. Seol-chan irritably notices Sun-Woo takes an extra longer beat during roll-call with Seyi's name to look up at her. It doesn't help his annoyance with Seyi smiles back at Sun-Woo. He's decides he's going to show Seyi what it means to ride with him in his car, what it means to be a star. Unfortunately, his manager didn't call any reporters and Seol-chan relies on his squealing fangirls to show off his popularity. To Seol-chan's dismay, Seyi doesn't take much notice, and when she does look up from her brooming, Sun-Woo steps in. He asks her about her forehead and she asks if he got home alright. Her friend eyes them slyly and asks what's going on. Seol-chan sneakily starts to broom towards them, but immediately goes in the other direction when he hears Sun-Woo say he's got to get someone to clean the bathrooms. 

Kyu-dong walks up Cha-dol and hesitantly asks him to join the musical performance group, so they can do music like they used to. (They used to be friends?!) This erupts Cha-dol into a fury and he starts throwing his punches and pushing Kyu-dong around. Nana watches from afar, but the fight doesn't seem to catch her interest until Seyi steps in and physically attempts to get a furious Cha-dol off Kyu-dong. She starts whopping him with her broom which gets his attention, and fortunately, Sun-Woo, Seol-chan and her friend all come running. Her friend points out that they're destroyed a part of the historical tiling on the walls! And one by one each of them run away from the scene, Cha-dol, then Seol-chan, then Kyu-doing and then Seyi and her friend. Sun-woo examines the situation before strolling away as well. 

At school, Seyi's friend reassures Seyi and Seol-chan that there weren't any security cameras and there's no way they're going to get caught. Buttttttt…. the teacher calls them in and reveals CCTV photographs of them, including Nana (but excluding Sun-woo), fleeing the scene. However, when Seol-chan tells her that it wasn't him who broke the roof tiles, the teacher is surprised. "What? You guys were responsible for that too??" It turns out, they're looking for a pooper. Someone left a steaming turd on the premises, and if the culprit doesn't turn themselves in, the palace officials are going to turn to the police. Each of them have their excuses and the teacher doesn't know what to do-- when the Mr. Choi (PE teacher) steps in and shows her it's a window of opportunity. He cleverly manipulates them into participating in the musical performance. 

But each of them, less than pleased, walk out leaving Kyu-dong sitting alone with his recorder. He remembers his own elementary school days when he sang and danced in front of his class, but they weren't laughing at him then but they were adoring and cheering him on. When he finishes dancing and singing now, there's nothing but an empty classroom. But Seyi walks in and claps for him. She compliments him, but an embarrassed Kyu-dong rushes out as Sun-woo walks in. 

Seyi: "Sun-woo, why do you ignore Kyu-dong? Aren't you the class president? Shouldn't you stop the other kids from bullying him?"

Before he can reply, the answer seems to walk in: All for One. The cool kids crew is apparently too good for anyone, even Seol-chan. They reveal that Seol-chan's father is a famous professor and his family is well-to-do. One guy steps in and notes that Seol-chan might have a thing for the new transfer student and the girl immediately pulls out her phone to post it online, when Sun-woo stops her. 

Seyi comes home late and her teacher/aunt smiles, and notes that her lateness must mean that they practiced long and diligently. Nope, Seyi says. Everyone left right away and I only came home late because I was hanging out with my friend. The teacher scowls but turns away when Seyi asks if one of the pooping culprits is really among them. As it turns out the palace officials got back to the principal, and they aren't even sure if the poop belongs to a human being. Then the principal tells her there were two more people caught on the security cam, but he was so sure one of them couldn't do it and well, the other… is in a position of responsibility. He shows her the photographs of  Sun-woo and Mr. Choi.

Seyi goes looking for "Adam", his question about how she knew the song clinging to her mind. She notes a shadowy hooded figure walking through the park and follows him. Not knowing where she's going, she starts snapping pictures when the hooded figure grabs her from behind, demanding to know what's she's doing. Is she some kind of spy? Who told her about the song? Frightened, she tries to run away but trips and scrapes her knee. Adam helps her up and he leads her to his home, which is more like storage area/studio, where he fixes her guitar strings which snapped when she fell. She starts to ask about the song, but he chases her out before she can ask.

Meanwhile, at a much nicer, sleek dance studio, Seol-chan practices the moves to a new song. His manager notes Seol-chan's scary ambition and drive that he still manages to practice during school and his scandal. Seol-chan fantasizes momentarily about doing a duet with Seyi, him in Sun-woo's position, before brushing it off. 

But--- we cut to the next day, where Seyi refuses his duet offer. "Our voices don't go well together," she says. A shocked Seol-chan walks away, only to hear that Sun-woo heard the whole rejection go down. Of course, it's the end of the day, and the other CCTV members leave, refusing to take responsibility for Kyu-dong's poop. Seyi is the only one who stays behind and talks to him, telling him running away is going to become a habit if he keeps doing it. But he runs away when Sun-Woo walks in. 

Mr. Choi gathers them the next day and threatens them: if they don't practice and put on a good show by tomorrow, he's going to publicly announce their participation in the poop scandal. But it's already dark, the school is closed, karaoke rooms are closed to students after 9, and it starts to rain. Not to mention that to Seol-chan's annoyance that Sun-woo has volunteered to help the group, even do a duet. Seyi takes the group to Adam's house.

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Jillia said: I missed you too @nonski-ate! >:D< In almost every drama I'm on a ship that isn't sailing.. except for NG and FBND. Usually I'm on a ship that isn't canon at all... When I watched Goong back then I loved YEH's character with Yul Gun. I was lost with that ship though. =)) =))

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