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✪ Kim So Hyun 김소현 ✪ [Drama 2023: My Lovely Liar], [Upcoming Drama 2024: Good Boy]


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6 hours ago, kimhanbin102296 said:

First vid says:

"It's my/our sister." Because 우리 means "We" or "My"

"Now she's awake/woken up"


"Oh.. No make-up face"

"She's doing that again pretending to be pretty"

"Why is she beating (her face) like that? She'll lose her face." (I'm not exactly sure about the first part. Lol. Someone correct me.)

"It's getting more and more like the face that comes out from TV" (In context, It's getting more like the face that we see in TV)

"It's good! ㅋㅋㅋ"

"Makeup is good today?" Or "The make up is proper today?"


"Even though you didn't do anything you're different like this." (Or it could mean, you didn't do anything but you still look different? Like no make-up make up look. Lol.)


I'm pretty sure I got a lot of it wrong. :lol: So pardon my mistakes and anyone is free to correct me. Hihi. Anyway, if the dubber does turn out to be SH's brother, I'm so proud because he has such a not-a-boy-not-yet-a-man voice and it's so sexy. T.T


Chingu thank so so much for the translate! I'm sure its a very close if not accurate translation!

Your efforts are really appreciated! :D:D 

I'm not entirely certain about the dubber being her real dongsaeng because he seems too shy to do something like this but you're right if it really is him then his voice is so amazing!

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8 hours ago, mindstar said:

Such a Diva in the 2nd pic! Now I want to see her in this look as well for a drama!! 

I think those are the same sunglasses she was wearing at the BKK airport on her way back to Seoul.


Yes me too, she rarely wears any sunglasses, so when she wears one, it suits her well!


The sunglasses is just slightly different from the Bangkok - Seoul.

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1 hour ago, faye406 said:

wonder which talent agency she will sign with.  what i like about SidusHQ is the high quality behind the scene they took of their artists but nevertheless will always support her decision. Hope she will find a good agency to represent her.

edit: seems like to my understanding through the comments, its about her setting up her own agency?

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28 minutes ago, godhunters said:

wonder which talent agency she will sign with.  what i like about SidusHQ is the high quality behind the scene they took of their artists but nevertheless will always support her decision. Hope she will find a good agency to represent her.

edit: seems like to my understanding through the comments, its about her setting up her own agency?

Thats what I read too. from here


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Sohyunie~~ Hang in there..

A lot of people are expressing their thoughts on her decision..

Honestly, Im worried for Sohyun's sake, don't read too much of the negative comments. Stay strong!!


Added Info:

Sohyunie~ :bawling: I feel like crying, I dont know why. But Im gonna support you all the way :heart:

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Although I feel a little blue.. I hope all things will come to the good end!

With her update in fancafe. My heart feel little bit ease. Thank you KSH for keep concerning about our feelings. You, please take care too!


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i think the reason why people are so in a chaotic and fuzzy/blur mind is because of the past rumors about her setting up her own agency. Its show that a lot of people are worry, concern and at the same time love her a lot. Everyone hope for the best for her. With So Hyun personally clear things up regarding this issue, i think we all can sigh huge  relief. in other note, so hyun informing her fans personally shows that she really care and love her fans, and this is the main reason why i also love and support her.

Last but not least, lets stop worrying and wish the best for our little princess here.

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1 hour ago, aineofcebu said:

Sohyunie~~ Hang in there..

A lot of people are expressing their thoughts on her decision..

Honestly, Im worried for Sohyun's sake, don't read too much of the negative comments. Stay strong!!


Added Info:

Sohyunie~ :bawling: I feel like crying, I dont know why. But Im gonna support you all the way :heart:

Me too i wanna cry too. Sohyun you're really nice person. U are really care about your fans. So, u come and then u like tell to your fans dont worry about u.

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Honestly, I'm kind of glad she left Sidus. I've been feeling for a while now that she needs to leave because Sidus is frankly too big and I've seen a lot of their artists just relegating in the background for too many years now. Especially with its upcoming sale I was already unsure about KSH sticking around with the agency.

Its good to know she's planning to sign with another agency. I don't mind even if that happens to be a really small agency because sometimes smaller agencies manage better than bigger ones. Look at YG & JYP only, they are such a confused lot!

Its sad to see the negative comments but I guess I was expecting it anyways since new like this is often clickbait for negative comments. I also hope her family is not hurt by the comments and I trust in KSH decision since I've observed she always make very grounded and realistic choices.

Its going to be quite chaotic for the next few days I suspect but lets as fans continue to cheer her on! Fighting Sohyunah! Will continue to anticipate your future! Good luck! :D 

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@mindstar agreed on what you said and i think part of the reason for her to leave is maybe because she want to lessen her activities and focus more on her college/university study. ever since her popularity blown up after school 2015 drama, she have been working almost non stop. I know that she is a very hardworking person but at the same time you can see that she really love studying, so this might be one of the reason (albeit the lesser reason) for her to part ways with SidusHQ. 

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Thanks God! The news came out fast!


Kim So Hyun Personally Denies Creating New One-Person Agency


Following news of Kim So Hyun leaving SidusHQ, her agency of seven years, reports claimed that the young actress is planning on creating a new one-person agency.

The actress personally denied these speculations and wrote on her fan cafe.

Her message is as below:

“Has everyone woken up?

I should have informed you first.. but reports have come out this morning!

However, there was talk about a one-person agency being formed..

I have never thought about a one-person agency and it’s not true at all. I’m informing you because I thought you might be confused. I will let you know when my new agency has been confirmed.

Please have a happy day! Hwaiting!”

Source (1)

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