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[Drama 2012/13] My Love , Butterfly Lady 내 사랑 나비부인


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Wow, this ep was great too, i've been happy with this week's eps, the pace/progress is much better. I found i could watch the whole 2 ep without feeling bored, and that's been a while with this drama. lol.
Let's hope they'll keep up with the pace/excitement of the drama now.

So now its finally in the open (well at least to the people they know) that NB and WJ are a couple now, which is great!

I just laughed so hard when baek gi said he wanted to be independant and got a tent and moved to NB's rooftop house...lol. 
The other moments i laughed was when JW just assumed NB would be waiting at home for him after everything...i dunno whats going on in his head either...
Oh yeah and also when YJ just randomly packed her stuff and moved into JW's parents home...lol...seriously...what's wrong with her?! (it seems like all the women that like JW have a tendancy to just move into their house, and make themselves feel at home, when everyone else is like...errr...well...what exactly are you doing in our house?. ..haha)

And finally we get to see NB and her shoe shop, it seems to be doing really well...which is good (though i dunno how long that will last)

But what's with SA getting released so soon?! i mean seriously she was locked up for 1 ep only?? (she's going to try ruin NB's shop again)

WJ's mum saw WJ outside his house, but she had this sly/calm look in her eyes...there was no sign of guilt, which i am surprised about...

It looks like the war between WJ and JW is about to start as big boss mother is using JW to get World back, and JW is doing it becaue he wants NB back (why/how he thinks that i dunno)..

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I will point you to my post at the start of page 41 - clearly explains the lack of thinking behind SlappableHusband.

Also, I am not sure that DrunkenCrazyWench's mother actually is aware of the Hero's identity as her son. 

HorribleDyedHair Grandma really really needs to bugger off somewhere.

Question: the actress who plays SlappableHusband's mother was in Queen Seon Deok but for the life of me I cannot recollect whom she played - can anyone hlep?

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Guest manquant

Grumpy82 said: I will point you to my post at the start of page 41 - clearly explains the lack of thinking behind SlappableHusband.

Also, I am not sure that DrunkenCrazyWench's mother actually is aware of the Hero's identity as her son. 

HorribleDyedHair Grandma really really needs to bugger off somewhere.

Question: the actress who plays SlappableHusband's mother was in Queen Seon Deok but for the life of me I cannot recollect whom she played - can anyone hlep?

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As k-dramas go if a settlement is reached between the parties then all is well. SA must have agreed to settle and now the crazy witch is out among the sane again and and still out for revenge. SA is going to have to be taken to down with nothing left before she stops. GP sure cut her off quick.

What part didn't JW understand. NB moved out and left signed divorce papers. NB should be able to file for the divorce anyway because of the fraud marriage. What NB wants doesn't matter to him. It's all about what he wants. Now he wants to team up with the mother to get at WJ. She's going to use him and drown him at the same time for what he's doing to her daughter. 

If YJ's mother is WJ's mother she must have had some work done, because JW's father didn't recognize her.



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Someone in the thread mentioned earlier how JW always depend on women to save him, forgive me for not remembering who it was that said but I just wanted to add how true a statement that was. You would think this fool would have learned from his experience with SA the dangers of being the front man for women. Now he is going to help YJ mother go after World enterprise's to try and destroy WJ thinking that will get NB back. It's as if he doesn't understand that NB is a stand by your man woman. 
I also wonder why the lowlifes never take responsibility for their actions. When thing's go wrong they always blame someone else. Look at SA she started out trying to avenge her brother, didn't she know there would be risk, once she started the fraud scheme didn't she know something could go wrong and she could be discovered? The same goes with JW he plotted with SA to destroy NB granted he didn't know SA was going perpetrate a fraud, but didn't he think about the possibility of him becoming attached to NB. YJ is just as bad she rubbed JW in NB face but never once questioned what his feeling were for NB.
Now we have YJ mom who most of think is also WJ mom. of course she wouldn't recognize him he was a young boy when she left, so when she see's him all she knows is that he is part of the enemy camp. But in the end who side will she be on, NB's and WJ.
SA looking at NB and WJ like they did something to her, how self absorbed can one person be, after all if she had not came after NB, NB would not even know who she is, her life would not be in shambles. Of course in the mind of a deluded fool nothing is her fault but NB's.
Old Gma looked as if she felt left out with everyone going to NB's opening goody goody goody. Stay home with YJ and bake brownies.

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Guest cupcakedarling

I'm not supporting violence but I kinda want SA to hurt NB physically maybe stab her or something. I won't be surprise if she does, she's nuts. But NB survives with WJ by her side not JW then SA has to go to jail for real this time. Tonight was awesome!!! Love it especially NB&WJ part :x

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But for real, can someone explain how she got out so quickly? There was a scene with JW and NB at the police station talking to the investigator in charge of the Beauty Mall fraud, and they mentioned something about...$5 million? I can't understand Korean but "five" is pronounced the same way as it is in Mandarin so I'm assuming it was something about SA and a large amount of money. I'm guessing someone paid her bail and got her out.

Now that's she out...I cannot imagine what she's gonna try doing. She has just about nothing left now, no connections, etc. Like I said previously, I think she's gonna try getting Moon Shik Hyung involved again, given that she knew he was back in Korea before she got arrested.

I need a video preview for next week already! Wahhh

Also, has an official episode count been confirmed yet? I know it was said to be 50 episodes but given how two episodes are aired a week, this drama won't end up evenly on 50 episodes since it's at an odd number right now. Just wondering.

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@boafriend i think that money that you mentioned is the money SA is willing to give back to NB as settlement. Apparently, that's all she can afford, that's why NB is so pissed off, because its like
nothing compared to what she lost, something like she gets 50,000,000won, when she lost 500,000,000won or something like that.

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Just a couple of observations... how did SA get a different coat from the soiled red one when she got out of jail?

Why wouldn't Father recognize Boss lady mom when supposedly he worked with her?  Even if it was 30 years ago, some people have distinctive qualities that would ring a bell, and he didn't even act a little puzzled.

YJ has more guts than a slaughterhouse.  It must drive her successful mother crazy to have such a ding-bat daughter.

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@IBELIS, It was me who said that JW uses women to do his bidding. He always has that thinking expression like he's calculating in his head what woman can I use this time to get what I want.  He didn't go to his grandmother who thinks the sun shines and falls on him, because she was all for him being with YJ. He went to his mother who he knew would do his bidding and would be the only one who could change NB's mind. It shocked him when he got home that NB was gone. He was confident that his mother would succeed because he thought NB would never do anything that would hurt his mother. His next choice now is YJ's mother because he knows she wants him out of her daughters life. 

There's one thing that JW has not said in his saying he wants to start over fresh with NB is that he loves her. He's never said it to her nor does she feel any warmth, love or comfort from him.  I think JW does understand that NB is a stand by your man woman and that's his problem. Her love for him should have overridden the hurt he caused her. Look at his mother, grandmother and YJ. They still love him and stood by him even after all the hurt he caused them. NB should still be the same way, but because of WJ she has left the helm. If he can get rid of WJ he can get NB to fall back into place and love and worship him like the others do. I think his plan of trying to bring down WJ is only going backfire and bring NB and WJ even closer.  What JW doesn't understand is that real and true love is two people trusting, loving and standing by each other. Not one person loving and the other one taking.

@cupcakedarling, SA is so obsessed and far gone on getting her revenge that all reality has gone out the window. She just might resort to violence if she can't get to NB any other way.


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There is a scene from a Simpsons episoide which is a richard simmons-take of the "Here;s Johnny scene" where Homer goes all homicidally crazy.  I have this image of CrazyWench doing that but instead of using knives/axes, she used pointed shoes.  You know those with the massive long heels that women for some obscure reason want to wear.

Btw - ladies of the thread, why do you wear them?  They look like killers for your feet!  Not to mention dangerous...

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Guest manquant

@Grumpy82 I think it's best to quote Seol Ah's character in A Gentleman's Dignity to answer your question. ;;)
"Heels, corsets. Do you think women wear that to feel comfortable? They do that to put tension to themselves, so with that tension, they'll be able to control themselves and be beautiful in the eyes of others." - Hong Se Ra (our CrazyWench here  =)) ) [non-verbatim]

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@Grumpy82, Two women walking down the street. One is wearing heels and the other is wearing flats. Which legs stand out and gets your attention first. The majority of the time men notice the one wearing the heels. Those heels draw attention to her legs. Yes they are killers on the feet, back and legs and will throw you over or down in a second if you don't know how to walk in them.

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msmy said:

Just a couple of observations... how did SA get a different coat from the soiled red one when she got out of jail?

Why wouldn't Father recognize Boss lady mom when supposedly he worked with her?  Even if it was 30 years ago, some people have distinctive qualities that would ring a bell, and he didn't even act a little puzzled.

YJ has more guts than a slaughterhouse.  It must drive her successful mother crazy to have such a ding-bat daughter.

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awsparkle said:

@IBELIS, It was me who said that JW uses women to do his bidding. He always has that thinking expression like he's calculating in his head what woman can I use this time to get what I want.  He didn't go to his grandmother who thinks the sun shines and falls on him, because she was all for him being with YJ. He went to his mother who he knew would do his bidding and would be the only one who could change NB's mind. It shocked him when he got home that NB was gone. He was confident that his mother would succeed because he thought NB would never do anything that would hurt his mother. His next choice now is YJ's mother because he knows she wants him out of her daughters life. 

There's one thing that JW has not said in his saying he wants to start over fresh with NB is that he loves her. He's never said it to her nor does she feel any warmth, love or comfort from him.  I think JW does understand that NB is a stand by your man woman and that's his problem. Her love for him should have overridden the hurt he caused her. Look at his mother, grandmother and YJ. They still love him and stood by him even after all the hurt he caused them. NB should still be the same way, but because of WJ she has left the helm. If he can get rid of WJ he can get NB to fall back into place and love and worship him like the others do. I think his plan of trying to bring down WJ is only going backfire and bring NB and WJ even closer.  What JW doesn't understand is that real and true love is two people trusting, loving and standing by each other. Not one person loving and the other one taking.

@cupcakedarling, SA is so obsessed and far gone on getting her revenge that all reality has gone out the window. She just might resort to violence if she can't get to NB any other way.


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thanks for all the recap enjoyed everyones comments thought i would jump in:1 i think JW will join forces with mom. But all she is doing is using him and will get rid of him at the end.2. one reason beause he is playing with her daughters heart (even if she is fierce she will not let that slide)2. i think SA eill try to bring down NB business maybe even get real close to succeeding. But WJ will cometo her rescue some how. Which may bring SA over the deap in and try to physically hurt someone.4. i think NB will battle with feeling for both guys. but when she finds out that JW is trying to ruin WJ (a guy who helped her when no one was on her side) she will never forgive him.5 NB adobted sister and BIL will cont. develope more feeling for each other. May be what brings NB and the family close again.6. If that is WJ mom i think she will in the end give everything over to her son and daughter once she gets back the company. 

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I've been out of the loop for a while so I figure the best way to get back into it is to go ahead and watch the latest episode unsubbed.  After all, I've been wondering if crazy SA is finally contained or not and also who the hell will play mysterious Mother.  So anyways, the first I noticed was that the mysterious Mother turns out to be the same lady who played liverboy's crazy mother from Don't hesitate.  Well she sort of has this evil look I remember from many moons ago so I didn't expect she would be the one who play mysterious mother from distant land.  From the way of WJ, I thought maybe it would be a sweet looking mother or something like that.  So anyways, I was very happy to see fake Jebbu got beyatch slap.  It would be nice to see him got punched and kicked a few times though.  Then it seems hero and heroine already got together and all so that was good.

Fake Jebbu does have signs of becoming the real evil doer as he plans to use mysterious mother to bring down hero.  And of course mysterious mother is also using him for her own agenda.  It's the question of who's faster with the knife that will stab the other at the end.  SA got out and is now plotting against hero and heroine.  So WJ got his hands full with love's ex-hubby on one hand and ex-wife on another.  Behind him may comes mysterious mother with a knife even.  Meanwhile, heroine will be dealing with eternal nemesis SA.  Za purotto zikensu. 

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