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[Drama 2013] That Winter, The Wind Blows/Wind Blows in Winter, 그 겨울, 바람이 분다

Guest sunshine4ever

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Guest sunshine4ever

I just read recap at Softy's site. Wow, so he was really stubborn, keke, and stuck it through huh with no shame whatsoever. It's sad. He wanted to at least have some sweet memories with her before he leaves her. Feel kind of weird, but I feel like it's a flipping over between the 2 of them. First she wanted to have good memories with him so that she can rest peacefully while he did the same in episode 14. He knew that once he leaves her there might not be opportunity to see her again. Probably he's also seeing that he might be killed by those thugs at the casino since he won't be able to provide the money to them. He may seem like a jerk to her in episode 14 to tell her that he wanted a day with her without asking her politely, but even though she was so mad/unhappy, he was still smiling because maybe it would have been the last time he'll be with her. :'( He has to make sure that it is a good memory so he smiled a whole bunch. He smiled when they were walking on the street together testing out peanuts. He also smiled when he was at the store when he offered the red porridge soup to her, but she refused to eat it. (She probably got mad because he was being rude to her and insisted on going for a day even though she just wanted to end it ASAP. Maybe making more memories with him will only make it harder for her to say good-bye to him.)

Young was just such a kind lady. She let go of both Soo and Secretary Wang because they lied to her, but she didn't take revenge on  them or retaliated against them. She even offered counseling for Soo before he left and made sure that she can help him heal his past hurts with other people before he left.

Young: I loved you. I don’t have the confidence to leave you by my side and love you but you deceiving me is not a sin (not something to feel guilty for). it was a way for you to live and for me – there were times I was happy. she cries and goes inside her room. (translation credits to Softy)

So she doesn't condemn him after all. She understood that that was his way of surviving and trying to be compassionate of where he came from. So I want to know why she would still let him leave. She even gave him the money that he needed without asking why, right? Like she never said "Why did you need 7.8 billion won for?" Am I wrong here? Why? I'm thinking she loves him so just wants to give him what he needs, but I just couldn't understand why she wouldn't just let him stay. Maybe she was not sure of his love for her?

Anyway, getting back to what I thought about him...I just think that it is great that he had that one day with her even thouogh she might seem mad, but one of these days it'll be a part of her because that was the only one day he got to live as himself holding her throughout all the events that happened to them even though she may seem unhappy. So I got it now why the bell was up. It was because before he left he visited her room and hung it up before he left. :) I think he hates the feeling of him being unwanted by Young, so he put it back up again and then later if she decides to throw it away at least he won't be there to see his bell being thrown away.

Young's room has so many sweet memories between Soo and Young. No wonder he had to take a look at it before he left.


I know it is sad, but can I at least celebrate this date between Soo and Young? Because Soo is finally free to be who he is supposed to be. ^^ Con man or whatever, but I just hope that maybe in the future if he and her survived and they settle together, he'll be a farmer and raise the cows that he showed her. :D And then he can cook the red porridge that she didn't get to eat yet. Or maybe it is even better, both of them visit an orphanage and offer the foods to the kids that have similar circumstances as Soo since Soo said he really wanted to eat yet was afraid of those foods being taken away.


I think being kicked out of the house makes him sad, but at the same time he doesn't have to keep on lying to her, so I think he is happy and free. It's a complicated feelings so that's why he was half smiling and has tears on his eyes as he drove off.

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Guest marlin

how small he look like in this pic ;))



i enjoy being in place like that , u can forget everything and just listen to the sound of birds and sometimes the wind and the leafs ... marvelous

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Guest jjsweeter0211

class="content-title" Song Hye Gyo Sponsors a Guidebook for the Visually Impaired crystalcove March 27, 2013
Song Hye Gyo Sponsors a Guidebook for the Visually Impaired

Song Hye Gyo will be participating in the publishing of a guidebook to the Korean Independence Hall for the visually impaired. The generous actress will be sponsoring the entire production cost of the guidebook’s publication.

Song Hye Gyo, who is currently playing a visually impaired character in the SBS drama, “That Winter, The Wind Blows,” commented, “Through the drama, I was able to understand how difficult things can be for the visually impaired. That is why I decided to sponsor the publication of the braille book.”

Compared to many other countries, braille guidebooks to galleries are not readily available in South Korea. Hopefully with high profile people like Song Hye Gyo bringing attention to such issues, the situation will get better. 


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I love reading the posts for this awesome drama! I can't wait and decided to watch it without Subs. I may not understand what was said but I can feel the emotions. Man, now I need some ice-cream to heal my sad heart...hehe. Below are just my guess:
With Ep 15, It could be Young was on the way to the hospital for her surgery and Soo was waiting for her outside the hospital. Just seeing her going for the surgery made him smile. Mi Ra saw it and told Young. That is why Young smiles too. 
At the end of the preview, you will see Soo running and he has a shocked face. I think President Kim's men attack MC or JS and Soo came to help. I hope JS won't die or get hurt. And Soo too. 
The director said there will be an epilogue before the last episode airs. I read it on one of the websites. I hope we all can find some closure and leave this drama with a smile. 

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lynie said: lawyer jung has become so lovable in this drama, at first I wasn't really into him probably because of may queen, he was so bad yet sympathetic in that drama that his character stuck to me.  Then when I saw him here I thought that he'll be one of the characters I would want to skip, but shockingly his character here is so good and he played it well that I don't even think about his character in may queen when I watch him. 
JIS looks so good that I'm afraid if he starts dating that person won't be good enough for him well unless is SHK.  Aren't they in the right age to settle down? they are both in their 30s.  

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Guest jjsweeter0211

class="cb b15"Song Hye Kyo to Produce Tour Guides in Braille for the Independence Memorial Hall


Actress Song Hye Kyo is getting involved in helping blind people go around easily.

The actress and Professor Seo Kyung Duk, who provides Korean services at various museums like The Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and others; will team up to create the “Independence Memorial Hall Tour Guides” to help those who can't see, be more informed of what the hall offers.

The professor revealed on March 27th, that Song Hye Kyo, which is currently acting a blind heiress, will finance the whole project herself, as he will direct and design the idea.

Song Hye Kyo's character in the SBS drama “That Winter The Wind Blows” has been a hit with the public, for her independence, and for being able to do things that most people think blind people can't do.

Professor Seo Kyung Duk commented, “Compared to overseas, the Independence Memorial Hall lacks Braille, therefore we are planning on creating 1,000 copies of Braille, keep producing them. If you see the statistics, a good number of blind people visit the Hall. We won't rent the book to them, but we will give them books.”

Song Hye Kyo also said, “Through my character, I was able to understand how hard life is for blind people. I hope this project will cheer their live a little bit.

The Independence Memorial Hall was opened on August 15, 1987 and contains many artifacts and documents that tells the history of how Korea, with the help of those passionate Independence fighters was able to become an independent nation.


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Hi all omg I know I'm too late watch this but this drama make me seriously crazy two day I keep my eye watch this drama LOL
Tonight ep15 I really can't wait it T T but gonna sad cause it's only 2 ep left T T
Idk if someone already share it :) This is ep 14 hehhehe o



I hopeee tonight we will get more sweet and romantic scene and please pd nim make it HAPPY end pleaseee

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Guest MGYlove

class="post-title" style="background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 20px; line-height: 28px; font-family: Arial, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;"Netizens Beg Writers for a Happy Ending to That Winter, the Wind Blowsthatwinter1.jpg

Even until the very end of That Winter the Wind BlowsSong Hye Gyo looks out for Jo In Sung as he is shunned from her house completely. Oh Young gives Oh Soo the money that he had needed and even comforts his suffering heart. Prior to their parting, Oh Young confesses her true feelings towards Oh Soo and tells her that he was innocent even though he had fooled her.

This beautiful ending to the episode resulted in waves of fans who pleaded to the writers of the drama, via Nate, for a happy ending. Top comments included, “Young is a really nice person. Even Moo Chul and Soo are nice. Let’s not kill them. I’ll come back tomorrow…and even the next day…,” and “If someone had to die in this, I hope they kill President Kim.”

What are your hopes for the ending of That Winter the Wind Blows?

(Source: www.news.nate.com)


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Guest dandelion606

ep15 is really heart breaking! I cried the most  MGYlove said: class="post-title" style="background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 20px; line-height: 28px; font-family: Arial, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;"Netizens Beg Writers for a Happy Ending to That Winter, the Wind Blows

Even until the very end of That Winter the Wind BlowsSong Hye Gyo looks out for Jo In Sung as he is shunned from her house completely. Oh Young gives Oh Soo the money that he had needed and even comforts his suffering heart. Prior to their parting, Oh Young confesses her true feelings towards Oh Soo and tells her that he was innocent even though he had fooled her.

This beautiful ending to the episode resulted in waves of fans who pleaded to the writers of the drama, via Nate, for a happy ending. Top comments included, “Young is a really nice person. Even Moo Chul and Soo are nice. Let’s not kill them. I’ll come back tomorrow…and even the next day…,” and “If someone had to die in this, I hope they kill President Kim.”

What are your hopes for the ending of That Winter the Wind Blows?

(Source: www.news.nate.com)


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 Aaaargh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scary thoughts is creeping in on my mind when I see this picture... ~X( ~X( ~X( Was that a sign? A clue? I always picture the ending scene to be at that mountain where they went..Is this an indication that only one will be there and the other.......... Waaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! I just said I will trust writernim whatever ending she sees fit but I can't help to be intrigue every time... :D

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