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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Translation: I will participate as a jury member of the 25th Chunsa Film Festival held on June 19th. I want the slow-moving film industry to revive!


Our Koo will be part of the jury in a film festival! I am so happy for her. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Happy to see Koo seems to have move on from the unhappy phase of her life. She seems more radiant & happier these days. Just hope & wish she’ll put her acting career back on the track. The sooner the better... really miss seeing her on the screen with new characters.

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Hello my dear sunnies! Unfortunately at this moment I can’t post photos from IG, but I will continue posting about our princess whereabouts. anyway, I know most of us folIow her in IG, so we can still see her beautiful face there. Her recent posts showed a very skinny, vibrant, and beautiful Koo. I was also delighted to see her in some videos of the Chunsa Film Festival.

Her last selfie called the attention of netizens, who praised her for her beauty. This is one of the articles regarding her last selfie:



Koo Hye-sun showed off her “Leeds Update” beauty.


 Koo Hye-sun posted a photo on her SNS on the 20th. In the released picture, Gu Hye-sun shows off her beautiful skin as a doll.  In particular, the lovely charm of the big eyes creates admiration.


 The netizens responded with a variety of reactions, such as “Goo Hye-sun is really pretty”, “Ulzzang Ulzzang”, and “Doll-like”.


On the other hand, Ku Hye-sun, who made her debut in the entertainment industry in 2002, has been loved by appearing in the drama "Seo Dong-yo", "Boys over Flowers", and "Blood", starting with the sitcom "Non-Stop 5."


 By Kim Jeong-eun, staff reporter jennykim@hankookilbo.com


The article had her photo, but because the issues with IG, they were not allowed to post it in their article. I hope this issue with Instagram can be solved.


I also forgot to mention here before that her book “Heart Shapee Tears”  is a bestseller in Indonesia! 
I hope that all of you have a wonderful weekend!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone!   OMG, very rarely do I come by to visit this thread anymore, but today I did, and WOW, was pleasantly surprised to see that Cheerkoo came by to visit also!!  Just wanted to say HI, that we all missed you and it was wonderful to hear from you again.  I hope that, like Koo, you are resolving your troubles bit by bit, and are doing well at this time.  I'm sorry that you had to go through whatever challenges that were present in your life.  It's been such a "surreal" year, I think for a lot of us.  I made a short stop in Korea in October and it was kind of bittersweet for me, as I remembered how exciting it was to visit Koo's cafe on my last trip, at a time when she was at the height of her popularity.  This time it wasn't so.  It's been hard for me to even watch Korean dramas or have any interest in anything Korean.  But I never lost interest in Koo, and would always check her instagram postings and come here once in awhile, and may I say, all of you who still post and keep us posted on her current activities, you guys are all amazing!!  Thank you so much!!    Now that she has finalized her divorce and is moving on with her life, I hope she'll continue to be active and allow us to see her at events such as the Chunsa Film Festival. If we're lucky, maybe she will return to acting in the future.  Seems like it's still something she desires to do.  I am so proud of her and the way she came through probably the worse time in her life and can still smile and move on.  We all knew what a strong and special person she is.  As for the divorce, it still bothers me to see all the negative comments about her on a lot of the sites, but I will try my best not to care.  Since she rose above all of it and divorced amicably and is trying to move on, then will also try to follow her lead.  I have a feeling she will do just fine and has not shown us all that she's capable yet.   All of you, please stay safe and in good health.  Where I live, things are slowly starting to open up, bit by bit, but it'll be a long while before things will return to a somewhat normal state, if ever it does.  Thanks again to all of you.  It makes me happy to know that we're over the hump and can now look forward to better things.  PLEASE STAY WELL AND GOD BLESS!!  (Hi macaronsandsakuratea)

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi Sunnies!!

I just saw her instag

Koo says she will direct and write and etc via KooHyeSunFilms but her TV and acting works will be managed by MiMi Ent. It is headed by Kim SungHoon whom she has known even before working on Boys Over Flowers. 

So, it sounds like she is ready and set to go!!

Wish her success in the way she defines it and tons of wonderful trusting and supportive relationships that hold her and support her along the way.


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Hello, hello my dear sunnies. I hope all of you are doing well. I have been very busy, workings under our new reality (masks, distance) and also the first tropical cyclone that hit my island (hurricane season!).


I have been very happy for our Koo, she’s getting all the attention she deserves; as always, she has been very busy with college (remote) artwork, and her new album. Mimi Entertainment held an event to officially announce that KHS is part of the agency. I am so happy for her, that she is surrounded by people she trusts.


She looks adorable, looking always so young! 

I want to share with you part of the interview of the agency’s director and Osen News about Koo Hye Sun:


OSEN MEDIA INTERVIEW WITH CEO MIMI ENTERTAINMENT KIM SUNG HOON “She has her own content and appeal in various fields” said CEO Kim Sung-hoon. Because she has gone through difficult times in her personal history, I want her to be motivated again so I fully support her. I  also ask you for your support, and always look after us kindly.


Besides, (about drama) we haven't decided yet, but we are in the process of casting.  I also have tried to engage Koo Hye Sun as an actor.  KooHyesun has a strong will too about that.”


I know that she wants to return to acting, but as she did mention in her last interview back in February, she has to be emotionally prepared to do so. One day at the time. After all, she’s a bright, optimistic, strong woman!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello @cheerkoo here is the link to the interview  https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/ranking/article/109/0004258731


OSEN=최나영 기자] 배우 구혜선이 다이어트에 성공, 외적으로나 내적으로나 '리즈'를 되찾은 모습이다.

구혜선은 18일 자신의 SNS에 "14kg 감량-미션 완료"란 글을 게재했다. 이와 함께 공개한 사진 속 구혜선은 풀메이크업에 어딘가를 응시하고 있는 모습으로 '가을 여신' 같은 분위기를 뽐내고 있다.

이날 구혜선은 한 매거진 커버와 인터뷰를 통해 새로운 모습을 선보이기도.

특히 14kg를 감량했다는 구혜선은 데뷔 초를 떠올리게 하는 상큼한 비주얼로 그야말로 '리즈 시절'을 떠올리게 했다. 그는 "식단 관리를 하면서 예전의 모습으로 돌아가기 위해 노력했다"고 밝혔다. 

앞서 구혜선은 지난 6월 다이어트로 40kg대에 진입 인증을 해 화제를 모았던 바. 구혜선은 지난 4월 두 번째 초대전 ‘다시 또 다시-항해’를 열며 11kg이나 빠졌다고 밝혀 관심을 모았다.

이후에도 구혜선은 지속적으로 다이어트를 하며 체중 감량을 했고 지난 6월 23일 자신의 SNS에 “46(kg) 진입 하였어요”라는 글과 46.7kg이라고 기록된 체중계를 공개하기도 했다. 11kg을 빼고도 20대 전성기 시절의 몸매를 되찾기 위해 꾸준히 운동하고 식단 관리를 하며 46kg이 된 것.

그런가하면 올 초 영국 어학연수를 다녀온 이후 현재 대학교에 복학한 구혜선은 "원래 쉬는 걸 좋아하지 않았는데 한동안 나태해진 것 같다. 요즘은 잠자는 시간 외 무엇이든 하려고 한다. 쉬는 건 죽어서 해도 된다는 생각"이라고 말했다.


또한 예전엔 영혼 없이 일만 했는데 지금은 영혼 있이 일하는 중"이라며 "30대가 됐을 땐 인정하고 내려놓는 법을 배웠는데, 중반인 지금은 아무것도 놓을 수 없게 됐다. 스스로 불편하게 살자고 생각하고 있다. 30대가 되고 나면 가능성이 없어질 거라는 편견이 있는데, 생각해보면 지난 날은 모두 젊은 날이었다. 앞으로가 더 기대된다"라며 긍정적인 모습을 보였다.

지난 7월 배우 안재현과의 이혼 소식을 전한 구혜선은 이와 관련해서는 "응원해 주셨으면 한다"라고 담담히 전했다. 그러면서 "이혼하면 불행하다고 생각하는 사람들이 많은데, 제 생각은 다르다. 희망찬 판타지가 결혼이라면 현실을 깨닫는 것이 이혼이라고 생각한다"고 소신을 드러냈다. 

더불어 "맨땅에 헤딩하는 순간 튀어 오르는 것처럼 바닥을 찍으면 다시 행복할 방법을 생각한다"면서 "내 인생을 완벽하게 만들어 가고 싶은 욕구와 용기가 생겼다"라고 삶에 대한 의지를 보였다. "지금 전 혼자니까 무엇이든 할 수 있다"라고 덧붙이기도.


구혜선은 오는 9월 앨범 발매를 예정하고 있다. 또한 최근 MIMI엔터테인먼트와 전속계약을 맺었다.

More link @cheerkoo https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/ranking/article/311/0001189909 

Edited by angel bo
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone, long time not coming here!!! So sorry for that, but as I have mentioned before, the new reality with this coronavirus has changed my working routine, not to mention that it’s more easy to follow my princess in Instagram. But this thread will always be in a special place in my heart; this is the place where I have learned more about GHS, as an actor and as a person. 

My respect, love, and admiration for her has nothing to do with her private life. I just will always admire and support her, no matter what. 

Many wonderful things has been happening with our princess. She’s really busy! Not to mention, that she’s stunning and has regained that special aura around her.


 Her third album, Breath 3, is so beautiful; nice, relaxing music. I got it in ITunes. When she released the album, she made a Q & A in her IG, and it was fantastic seeing her interacting with her fans, Koreans and foreigners! 

Now she will be a judge in the animation film festival alongside with recognized people. She will also have an exhibition. This is an article posted by Korean Herald: http://m.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200918000696


My best wishes and success to my princess in her current and future projects!


Everyone, has a nice and blessed weekend!

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