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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Yes, I just read it. Her health has deteriorated and her doctor has announced that she must rest and recover. Some type of allergy shock!! I don;t know what is happening. I pray for her health and quick recovery. It does not seem like she can recover in few days??? I think I saw anaphylaxic shock...potentially life threatening???


[마이데일리 = 이승록 기자] 배우 구혜선의 MBC 주말드라마 '당신은 너무 합니다' 하차와 관련 소속사 YG엔터테인먼트가 24일 "걱정 끼쳐드린 점 사과 말씀 드린다"고 했다. YG made an announcement.

YG엔터네인먼트는 "병원 검진 결과 '구혜선 씨는 심각한 알러지성 소화기능장애가 발생한 탓에 절대 안정이 시급하고 장기간 치료가 필요하다'는 주치의 소견에 따라 현재 입원 중"이라고 밝혔다. YG: Hospital diagnosis result: GHS has developed a evere allergic dysfunction and the doctor has prescribed an urgent long-term treatment to be able to recover. 

이하 공식 입장 전문.

안녕하십니까. YG엔터테인먼트입니다. Hello, this is YG Ent. 

먼저 시청자 분들과 팬분들께 걱정을 끼쳐드린 점 사과 말씀 드립니다. First, we apologize to all the viewers for causing worries.

구혜선 씨가 건강 악화로 MBC 드라마 '당신은 너무합니다' 출연을 지속할 수 없게 됐습니다. Due to health deterioration, she is unable to continue appearing in the drama, YTM.

구혜선씨는 최근 촬영 도중 어지럼증과 간헐적 호흡곤란 증세를 보여 병원 응급실로 긴급 후송된 바 있습니다. Recently, while filming, she became dizzy and experienced intermittent breathing difficulty. That is why she was taken to the hospital emergency room.

병원 검진 결과 "구혜선 씨는 심각한 알러지성 소화기능장애가 발생한 탓에 절대 안정이 시급하고 장기간 치료가 필요하다"는 주치의 소견에 따라 현재 입원 중입니다. The hospital examined her and stated that: GHS has developed a severe allergy reaction dysfuntion and she urgently need long term recovery and treatment and she is hospitalized. 

이러한 상황에서 소속사 및 제작진은 의료진과 상의 끝에 배우의 건강 회복이 최우선이라는 판단 아래 드라마 하차를 어렵게 결정하게 됐습니다. After hearing the hospital's advice, the Agency and the Production company has decided that her health comes first. 

구혜선 씨의 쾌유를 빌며 양해해주신 MBC와 모든 분께 감사 드립니다. We pray for GHS's fast recovery and we thank everybody in MBC for their undersatnding. 

소속사는 구혜선 씨가 건강한 모습으로 다시 찾아 뵐 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다. Agency will work hard to help GHS to return healthy. 

[사진 = 마이데일리 사진DB]

(이승록 기자 roku@mydaily.co.kr)

I pray for her health and speedy recovery and I pray for her husband and her family. Wow, What a shock!!

(I could not believe K-nets putting her down even with the news. Lost faith in humanity!!)





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56 minutes ago, gayu312 said:

God pls let Koo unnie recover soon! Seems she is sick and shooting is stopped and is admitted to hospital!Koo's role is going to be replaced by some other actor in YRTM :'( 



@cheerkoo sis pls translate :'( :'( 


Cheerkoo, thanks for translatin.  OH No!  I'm scared for her after reading the article.  Please, I hope it's not serious.  I'm wishing that she's pregnant and just needs to rest.

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Wow, I am so sad. I have heard Koo mention that she has allergies and that is why she keeps her pets hair very short and that she is also careful with detergents as well. If she has an anaphylactic shock, I just read in internet that it is a very serious and potentially life-threatening if not treated as soon as possible. I also read that the shock can also return. OMG. I pray that she will be all right. 

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i knew something was wrong when she did not appear in ep 7 preview, but i did not  imagine that that  is the reason. I pray for her recovery ,and those K nets seriously are they crazy or something,after all what happened to her how can they still do that .

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Health is wealth so take extra care of yourself our dear angel Koo n cast all your burden/worries aside everything will be alright ok,get well soon n be healthy as in always...we love you n you are always in our prayer,may our Almigthy God hear our prayer n heal you in d name of  our saviour Jesus Christ AMEN.

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Goo Hye Sun to leave drama 'You're Too Much' because of anaphylaxis


Xports News via Naver: [Exclusive] Goo Hye Sun to leave 'You're Too Much'... Jang Hee Jin enters 

1. [+5,122, -72] How random is this?

2. [+2,727, -138] Hul... I'm liking the drama since she has good chemistry with Uhm Jung Hwa ㅜ Get well soon

3. [+2,374, -117] Is it severe? I'm enjoying the drama but your health comes first. Wishing you a speedy recovery ㅠㅠ

4. [+2,039, -127] Is she suffering from a chronic illness? I'm worried. It's the only drama I'm watching lately... I'm worried for Hye Sun-ssi

5. [+1,615, -122] Oh noㅠㅠ Health comes first.. We'll wait for you

6. [+544, -29] This article didn't explain why she's leaving. She has an allergic reaction called anaphylaxis and she currently has difficulty eating and so she's on IV drip. The hospital advised her to stop filming and that's why she's leaving

7. [+383, -20] She's leaving because she's suffering from anaphylaxis.  I have it too and it's life-threatening

Ilgan Sports via Naver: Goo Hye Sun leaves drama for health reasons 'anaphylactic shock'

1. [+3,600, -49] It could've been a lot worse. Health is the most important. Take care and wishing you a speedy recovery

2. [+2,468, -42] Health comes first. I'm sure it was a tough decision. Find strength

3. [+2,354, -41] I understand that she holds a big responsibility but health is more important. Hope you get better soon

4. [+1,824, -40] Health is the top priority. Hang in there

5. [+1,580, -54] I'm watching a weekend drama for the first time thanks to Hye Sun-ssi, this is sad to hear. I hope you recover well

6. [+282, -12] Please be aware that this condition is life-threatening
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/ 6:06 PM
Naver - Xports News: Gu Hye Sun, leaves "You are Too Much"...Jang Hui Jin Will replace her
1. [+6304, -89] What is this?

2. [+3387, -160] Hul...I liked her chemistry with Uhm Jung Hwa and i'm having fun watching it ㅜ Get well soon...

3. [+2943, -140] Is she very sick? I was having fun watching the drama..Health is a priority, I hope you get well soon ㅠㅠ

4. [+2523, -154] Is she very sick? I'm worried. I thought it maybe an acute illness...ㅠ It's the only drama that I've been watching this days...Hye Soo-ssi, I'm really worried.

5. [+1992, -143] Omg ㅠㅠ Health is a priority so i hope you get well soon....I'll be waiting for you...

6. [+718, -33] Compared to other articles the explication is too short. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergy and since she can not eat any food at all, i think she is getting intravenous feeding. That's why The hospital said it's better to stop shooting

7. [+500, -23] I also have Anaphylaxis and it's really dangerous, I hope you get well soon...

8. [+451, -24] Anaphylaxis is an allergic disease, but if you do not get injected, it can kill you. But the injection should only be done by the doctor, that's probable why she needs to stop shooting..I also have this disease and that's how i know..ㅜ

9. [+297, -17] I heard that anaphylaxis is really dangerous, I hope you get well soon ㅠㅠ

10. [+321, -20] It's a dangerous allergy, it's so irresponsible to say that she is pregnant or she had a fight with her husband...There are a lot of people who are twisted
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I AM REALLY REALLY SAD RIGHT NOW..... I'M LITERALLY CRYING....:cold_sweat::cry::bawling:


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Thanks to you sis @cheerkoo for the translation. Oh LORD GOD please help my dear angel KHS give her all the strength and that she may recover fast. Please HEAL her sickness rightaway in the name of mighty JESUS CHRIST AMEN AND AMEN.

Please let's all pray for our dear KHS. Health is more important right now don't worry i know GOD is with you. Take care of yourself and get well soon. 

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when preview 7 didnt show her little scene i ask "WHY?", "WHAT HAPPEN" and then i open my Twitter account this morning and some whatsapp messenger asking me what happen with GHS?,

:bawling::bawling: why it must be happen when she just really happy with her activity as a wife, an actresse and artist. Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic and it must treat well. even when i'm read if this allergic can cause life threathning /death it's really worried me a lot. i cry reading some supporting comment for her and i do careless bout the negative one. the possitive support really moved me into tears how they really enjoy Jung Haedang carachtere by Koo, and Koo chemistry with Uhm Jung Hwa and some even say They watch weekend drama because of Koo. Haters can't put her down in anything she do, when they ask her to leave BLOOD, Koo still going on and more improving her acting and her role as Rita and in YATM she been bashing personnaly and asked to leave, but she gain love from viewers bcoz they love Haedang now. Koo is a strong woman. if it's not for her health , she will be more sine in YATM but her health is the most important and hope the doctors team can help her with the recovery so she can heathy again as before. so haters you maybe satisfied with it but your life really so meaningless

Koo-nim, please be healthy, please never get sick again, i'm gonna wait patiently you comeback on screen even if in the future you choose only as a housewives as long as you happy and healthy it's fine with me. Koo-nim fighting ^^

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I'm really sad.....I'm crying....:bawling::bawling:

Yes...I'm watching YATM because of Ku Hye Sun....

If she not in drama...I will stop watching...:cry:

Please get well soon my dear...:heart:

Please be healthy...I'm pray for you....:heart:

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Reading all the posts make me cry and really sad. Always remember prayers is the most powerful. So please our dear LORD here our prayers INSTANT HEALING and speedy recovery for KHS right now. AMEN.

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After i found out what is 'anaphylaxis'all about i felt uneasy n worried sick ,so i asked  a good friend of mine if its really dangerous n fatal...she told me it depends if d person whose sufferring of this some kind of allergy reaction is hard headed n never follow doctors advise n prescription,its not that life threatening as long as you know what's going on in your body n know how to care for it...i'm a bit relieved in some reason,lucky doctor found out quickly so angel may healed quickly as well...so thankful that she has a very caring n lovable husband who would look after her ,take good care of her n all,someone she can lean n depend on who would support her no matter what...take a good rest n come back strong n healthy again angel,fighting!

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:cry:  Hi Sunnies.  Such sad news for all of us, just as the weekend is approaching and time to anticipate another episode of YATM.   In the last episode 6, I thought she looked funny, different somehow, and now I know why and why her part was so small.  I can't even begin to describe how sad I am right now.  I've waited such a long time for her to act again and I felt that this may be the last drama she would be in if she decides to have a child soon.  But you know what?  I've been a fan of hers for over 10 years.  She has worked so hard all these years and provided me with countless hours of enjoyment with her acting, directing, music, writing, artwork, and more, so when it comes down to it, I can only appreciate all that she's done.  I'm so sad that she has to be going through this health issue right now when I feel she is at her peak in life in terms of being happy and in love, and as her husband said not too long ago, she still had some things that she wanted to achieve in her career before they have children.  I feel for her husband and family and how worried they must be.  I'd just like to say thanks to all of you, you're really the best of the best, and we've been through a lot together in this thread, all the ups and downs over the years, and we'll make it through this too.  For me, I'm going to pray extremely hard for her speedy recovery and hope that she can recover to the state where we'll be able to see her act again, but most importantly, I'd like to see her overcome this life threatening condition and be able to life a long, happy and healthy life, in whatever capacity she chooses.  GHS FIGHTING!!!!    Sending you my heartfelt wish that your health will improve very quickly!    PLEASE GET WELL!!!!!   And you too Sunnies..... stay well and let's keep the faith.....  it will be alright.......:)

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What a shocking news! I hope our Angel is feeling much better now and everything is under control. Please God take good care of our beautiful Star and let her get well very soon .

This is sooooo sad I am lost of words, I will keep on praying for her health and happiness .



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