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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Sorry Sunnies..

Family responsibilities are keeping me real busy---cannot come often.

Just checked DC--Vanila or 바닐라 of DC-GHS has generously offered to carry on the torch of collecting donations for the birdthday project and send the fund (deadline Nov 9 AM Korean time) and send to KLS, in Koo's name.

She is now waiting for confirmation from paypal to open the account for our sakes. DAEBOK!!!

So, as soon as she has it open, she will let us know.

So, alert Sunnies who have not visited forum often like me....Baidu fans....any other GHS fans....

Thanks Sunnies!! Thanks DC-vanilla!!!


Thanks so much @cheerkoo! That is great news! :)

Thanks DC- Vanilla.  So good of you to offer to help us with this donation project!  :)

Let's us all support this donation birthday project as much as we can to show our love for GHS ! Doing charity is a wonderful way of showing support!

Sunnies, let's us unite as GHS fans and make this birthday project a success! :)

To make things easier for Vanilla, may I suggest fans group together and collect the donations and send them together to Vanilla  by Nov 2 .I remember snowsummer had said before it take a few days to access the funds.

Not all Sunnies will be able to do so as a group as we are all spread out. We can also help each other because not everyone has a paypal account.  :)

I don't mind collecting for the Canada region.

 Any Sunnies from Canada who wish to contribute to this birthday project, please pm me . Thanks! :) 

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Sorry Sunnies..

Family responsibilities are keeping me real busy---cannot come often.

Just checked DC--Vanila or 바닐라 of DC-GHS has generously offered to carry on the torch of collecting donations for the birdthday project and send the fund (deadline Nov 9 AM Korean time) and send to KLS, in Koo's name.

She is now waiting for confirmation from paypal to open the account for our sakes. DAEBOK!!!

So, as soon as she has it open, she will let us know.

So, alert Sunnies who have not visited forum often like me....Baidu fans....any other GHS fans....

Thanks Sunnies!! Thanks DC-vanilla!!!


Thanks so much @cheerkoo! That is great news! :)

Thanks DC- Vanilla.  So good of you to offer to help us with this donation project!  :)

Let's us all support this donation birthday project as much as we can to show our love for GHS ! Doing charity is a wonderful way of showing support!

Sunnies, let's us unite as GHS fans and make this birthday project a success! :)

To make things easier for Vanilla, may I suggest fans group together and collect the donations and send them together to Vanilla  by Nov 2 .I remember snowsummer had said before it take a few days to access the funds.

Not all Sunnies will be able to do so as a group as we are all spread out. We can also help each other because not everyone has a paypal account.  :)

I don't mind collecting for the Canada region.

 Any Sunnies from Canada who wish to contribute to this birthday project, please pm me . Thanks! :) 


Gosh thanks so much @cheerkoo for the translation despite you are so busy w/ family reponsibilites, we really appreciate alot. thanks again.

Let's do tog Sunnies, pls remember this is a 'donation' project so there's no pressure, even small amount once added will be big.

I agree with @S_sun, to those who dont have paypal account pls contact each other for smooth process forwarding the funds collected to Vanilla in Seoul. I think the best is to communicate w/ sunnies within your country who has paypal account if any, for easy money movement cos same currency involve.

Also,  for those admin managing GHS's facebook for each country, pls update and spread this news and infos. So Sunnies let's get started the earlier the better.

Btw, also dont forget to VOTE daily too, thanks.

Sunnies Fighting!!!

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Here it is in plain English on DC-GHS page.

Thanks Vanilla-바닐라!!

paypal account is open.


Let us wish GHS a very Happy Birthday---and also do something worthy for someone who needs it. I hope GHS gets our clear message that she has warm support and cheers from her fans even if she is not visible to us right now. I hope she will be energized and moved positively. Fighting everyone!!

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For the GHS Birthday Project, it is up to individual regional groups to organize themselves and get an individual with paypal account to represent them and collect the donations and send them to Vanilla. 

Some admins of  the regional GHS FaceBook Fan page may be organizing the birthday project for that region. Sunnies, please check with the admins of your regions/ groups. :)

To make it easier for Vanilla it is better if we send the money in a group . Alternately, individuals not in any groups can still send the donation to Vanilla  through paypal. It will be nice to let Vanilla know which country you are from.

Please beware that paypal charge a percentage for sending the money.Those with no paypal account , please find someone with paypal to help out. If you do not know anyone with paypal, you can pm me and I will try to help.

Let's support this Birthday project within our means. When united and combined, we can make a difference! :)

Please, no sunnie is to feel bad if you can't contribute. You can help by spreading the word. There will always be other opportunity to show your love and support for our girl. :)

Thanks Sunnies! GHS fighting! Sunnies  fighting!

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AnnyeongHaseyo Sunnies,

A Big Hooray to sis @S_sun for leading the 2015 GHS Birthday KLS (Korea Leukemia Society?) Donation Project.

Thanks to @Cheerkoo & @S_Sun for being so persistent in finding a way to make it happen.  Most of all thanks to DC-GHS Vanilla sis for stepping up so that we can do the project -- Hooray! Hooray! :wub:    Soompi should really add to their set of emoticons-it's so limited! :angry:

Wonder how our angel GHS is doing...sigh...sigh...:huh:   Missing her a lot lot  :tears:    For  me, praying that she's feeling contented and is enjoying a "normal life" - spending time with family (esp. with almost 1 yo? baby nephew), friends and taking time to date ;)

Just my two cents - She had been really focused on her crafts for a long time that she had not had much time/chance to relax & enjoy the everyday life.   But everyday life can be a blessing to celebrities, right?   Want to share one of my favorite pic of GHS- one of the very few "personal pics" she shared in the past couple of years.  To me, she looks very beautiful/angelic to me holding baby nephew- maybe it's bc she's feeling blissful & it shows through <3 <3

Re: 2015 KHS Film Fest. (FF) -- I had been swamped with a new job but still hoping to be able to pull it through.  For now, here's the plan:

1. When :  starts  Nov 6 (Friday)  - Nov 22 (Sunday)

2. What:  We'll cover three movies - 1st week:Cheerful Caretaker, 2nd week:Fragments of Memories, 3rd week:Peach Tree

3. How: Over the course of one week for each movie (Fri-Thur), we'll ask Sunnies all over the world to view the movie over the weekend then join in the fun on MyDramList.com (tentatively) - rate the movie, share comments, join in discussions - I'm thinking of having prizes too?? yes?   Let's have fun together & immerse ourselves in GHS works-  Would like think that we are sharing with her- being with her in her artistic journey, right Sunnies?  :P    Really wish I could physically go to her movie at the theater in SK - like last year when Dauder was playing - Wake up G - wake up -  haha! 

We do still have one big issue left -- How to let GHS know about the FF so that she can see how much her Sunnies love her & appreciate her artistic endeavors-  movies.  Well, like sis @S_sun said- when there's a will, we'll find a way!  Until next time <3 <3

Fighting GHS!!  Fighting Sunnies !!



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@geumtrangdi and all the FF helpers, thanks so much for making 2015 KHS Film Fest happen! Look forward to participating in it. Love all 3 movies! :)

Yes hope GHS is enjoying her normal life and relaxing with family and friends and taking good care of herself. Miss her so much though! Hope she comes back to Twitter soon so she can continue to share a little bit of her life with us.

I am not leading the Birthday  Project, just helping it along in any way I can, hoping for it to be successful. Sunnies, let's unite and try our best for this project. Sunnies if you visit any GHS fans sites, please spread the word and give the link. http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=guhyesun&no=136531&page=1 .

Sis @gayu312 is helping  to inform the admins of some of the regional GHS Facebook pages. Thank you.

 @cheerkoo and Vanilla at DC are the ones who spearheaded  the project. We are grateful for their efforts . Thanks so much!

 Hope GHS will be energized and feels our love  and support for her! :)

Canadian sunnies who wish to join, please contact me. Thanks. 

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Hello all Sunnies

First a very special thanks esp to @cheerkoo despite her busy daily work & family still alwys be here for us.also thanks @cheerkoo for her effort to communicate w/ Ksunnies on this project. I too thanks to our K-sis, Vanila to offer her helping hand in setting up paypal account for us and to forward the donation money collected to KLS.

Also thanks to @S_sun @Gayu312 and all Sunnies sorry not all name mentioned, let's us all unite and make this 'donation' project a success and a nice surpirse to our angel princess HS on her b'day.

Thanks to @geumtrangdi @helkel @jadecloud and all the FF team too for organising the film discussion, i'm looking forward to this too.

Let's do Sunnies, let's show our love to our angel princess Ku Hye Sun. Tog we can succeed. Fighting!!!

Btw dont forget to vote daily too. thanks.

1x / day



And it's a new Voting poll at ShK-Star Ranking

 5x in a row / day

http://shranking.com/ranking/?code=vote1   > (@ Actress, KHS now at #3)

http://shranking.com/ranking/?code=vote25 > (@ Yearbook, KHS now at #2)



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hi Sunnies!

thanks so much for taking charge.


carmel1, that is correct.

"Overseas Fans


PayPal account :    sunfull1004dc@naver.com

The final payment deadline :       Nov. 02, 2015


Ku Overseas fans~, Fighting!!!



DEADLNE is NOV 2, 2015

(credit: vanilla of DC http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=guhyesun&no=136531&page=1



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Hey there Sunnies,

It sure is quiet around here these days :(   I am starting to do a quick test run through MyDramaList with

GHS first movie - the madonna (Cheerful caretaker); I'm looking for 3-4 sunnies to help me post some comments, ratings for that movie.   I want to test through it to in order to foresee any issues or just to figure out guidelines/tips for the participants later on when we start the Film Festival.  Right now, I feel very lonely doing it just by myself :huh:    Please PM me if you want to help - here's your chance to be the first few to "start" our GHS FF - Fighting G!  Fighting Sunnies!

** Calling FF team members - @gayu312 , @Ariana27 , @helkel sis - please see my latest PM

Have a Blessed Sunday Dear Sunnies

Came across the following interview QA (in 2010?- she talked about making Magic) - GHS on making the madonna (guess in how many days?)


It reminded me when GHS said she filmed Daughter in 8 filming sessions, right?  I would forget how the way she work is so "crazy" amazing - 

My dear amazingly talented, bold, 4-D, complex, wise beyond her years, stubborn, genuine, big-hearted, loyal, introvert/private but with hints of a mischievous younger Koo and lastly being bravest in seeking to live as she wish outside of the norm .......

oopps, I forgot to say extremely beautiful & very cute too.

My role model & inspiration - GHS - may God watch after you  :wub:





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@geumtrangdi, thanks for the infos.

Hello calling all Sunnies,

Let's join the GHS Film Festival discussion at MyDramaList (MDL), it's a discussion forum on our angel princess movies, To those who are warching for the 1st time on her movie, you're very lucky cos you will understand better..

"Knowing is Loving" "Sharing is Caring"


Btw dont forget to vote daily too. thanks.

1x / day




 5x in a row / day   ShK-Star Ranking Voting poll

http://shranking.com/ranking/?code=vote1   > Actress

http://shranking.com/ranking/?code=vote25 > Yearbook

http://shranking.com/ranking/?code=vote8    > Drama TV

http://shranking.com/ranking/?code=vote12 > Movie (PT)


Added I miss this b4

http://shranking.com/ranking/?code=vote29 > 2015 Drama (블러드  = Blood)

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I also just sent to Vanilla for bday project.

Whatever is possible for you...that is all...to send message of Fighitng and support. 

Thanks Sunnies.

Sorry that I cannot do more at this time.


Vanilla posted account up to Oct 12. Another Sunnie must have sent a paypal already.


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Also had sent my donation in :wub:     It will be hectic close to the time of GHS's BD so thought I just get

that done early.  Saw on different FB pages & sis @meow's blog spreading the words on the KLS Donation project -

great team work everyone  YEH!!  :D   Hope that we'll get lots of participation from Sunnies all over the world. 

Fighting KHS 2015 BD KLS Donation Project!!!  Fighting sis Vanilla!!!  Fighting Sunnies!!

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Great news indeed!!! Everyone else who are also thinking of doing the donation, please dont hesistate, no need to think, just sent it in! Haha!
Sending my little bit over too~ :lol:

Thanks to all the involved people's coordinations and such :w00t:

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