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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Please can you help me i want to see all the making of her drama (the musical , angel eyes , absolutely boyfriend ) I can't find them please help me I'm new here 

hope it can help you .


Angel eyes BTS 2 [메이킹] 구혜선-이상윤-김지석, 만우절에 생긴일 [엔젤아이즈] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vdl6xRI9oR0 cr. ariel nguyen. and there's a lot making of AE.


Absolute boyfriend making https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDg2FU8iMqI ( i only found it), the others can't found it T__T

The Musical https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcTdmuLcTKU&list=RDjcTdmuLcTKU#t=16 (only found the fanmade )

Edited by Ariana27
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Thanks Z for finding the clip!! Daebok!!

I looked up its website as referenced in DC: http://www.seoulfc.or.kr/MultiMarket/Introduce/

I also found it in English!!  http://pgk.or.kr/xe/page_REnP82

It is PKG--Producers Guild of Korea!!


My feeling is that, in terms of education, perhaps GHS was/is looking for something like this. I don't think GHS was thinking she is too smart for the college...no...I think she was looking for more focused and intense type of study to develop her interest and professionalism. We gather from how she makes her movies that she does not believe in wasting anybody's time as she comes well prepared to work place and she does not believe in wasting resources. That is what I meant. Sometimes college education has to fit the individual and not individual fitting and adjusting to the college education system...(imo)----but I would also think that it has to be one very motivated and self-starting individual to study that way....and we know that GHS is like that. She always says she is lazy, but I think she is always working on something somewhere quietly...

Edited by cheerkoo
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Guest nooremy

Please can you help me i want to see all the making of her drama (the musical , angel eyes , absolutely boyfriend ) I can't find them please help me I'm new here 

hope it can help you .


Angel eyes BTS 2 [메이킹] 구혜선-이상윤-김지석, 만우절에 생긴일 [엔젤아이즈] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vdl6xRI9oR0 cr. ariel nguyen. and there's a lot making of AE.


Absolute boyfriend making https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDg2FU8iMqI ( i only found it), the others can't found it T__T

The Musical https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcTdmuLcTKU&list=RDjcTdmuLcTKU#t=16 (only found the fanmade )


Please can you help me i want to see all the making of her drama (the musical , angel eyes , absolutely boyfriend ) I can't find them please help me I'm new here 

hope it can help you .


Angel eyes BTS 2 [메이킹] 구혜선-이상윤-김지석, 만우절에 생긴일 [엔젤아이즈] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vdl6xRI9oR0 cr. ariel nguyen. and there's a lot making of AE.


Absolute boyfriend making https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDg2FU8iMqI ( i only found it), the others can't found it T__T

The Musical https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcTdmuLcTKU&list=RDjcTdmuLcTKU#t=16 (only found the fanmade )

thank you for your help

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Thanks Z for finding the clip!! Daebok!!

I looked up its website as referenced in DC: http://www.seoulfc.or.kr/MultiMarket/Introduce/

I also found it in English!!  http://pgk.or.kr/xe/page_REnP82

It is PKG--Producers Guild of Korea!!


My feeling is that, in terms of education, perhaps GHS was/is looking for something like this. I don't think GHS was thinking she is too smart for the college...no...I think she was looking for more focused and intense type of study to develop her interest and professionalism. We gather from how she makes her movies that she does not believe in wasting anybody's time as she comes well prepared to work place and she does not believe in wasting resources. That is what I meant. Sometimes college education has to fit the individual and not individual fitting and adjusting to the college education system...(imo)----but I would also think that it has to be one very motivated and self-starting individual to study that way....and we know that GHS is like that. She always says she is lazy, but I think she is always working on something somewhere quietly...

@cheerkoo I know what you mean & I know what GHS meant. I just used the word "smart" as figuratively speaking. I was boastful for her. :)  I apologize of my previous comment came out differently. 

Edited by myonenonly
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Thank you ZamZam and Gayu312 for the article information!!


[서울신문 TV] --by Seoul Newspaper TV

서울영상위원회는 오는 24일 ‘영상 크리에이티브 멀티마켓’ 개최를 앞두고 스타들의 응원 메시지를 담은 영상을 공개했다. Seoul Film Commission (or Producers Guild) is about to hold its "Image Creative Multimarket" on Sept. 24th. To promote their event, they released a video clip with messages of cheer from various stars. 

‘영상 크리에이티브 멀티마켓’(이하 멀티마켓)은 영화, 만화, 애니메이션, 출판, 방송, 뮤지컬, 연극 등 각 분야의 작가 및 연출자와 제작자가 만나 서로 교류해 상호 작품화 가능성을 고민하는 국내 최대 멀티유즈를 구현한 행사다. Purpose of "Image Creative Multimarket" (aka 'multimarket') event is to have an opportunity for creators, producers and directors to meet in one place to seriously ponder and discuss the viability of creative ideas into actual movies, dramas/TV releases, publications, musicals, plays, etc. 

이번에 공개된 영상에는 이장호 서울영상위원회 위원장을 비롯해 배우 안성기와 구혜선, 홍수아, 뮤지컬 배우 김소연과 한준호 아나운서, 명필름 심재명 대표 등이 참여해 멀티마켓 응원 메시지를 전했다. These stars gave messages of cheer: Chairperson of the guild Lee JangHo, Ahn Sung-Gi, GHS, Hong Suah, musical actors Kim SoYun, TV announcer Ha JunHo, President of Myung Film Shim JeMyung,etc.

먼저 영화감독이기도 한 이장호 서울영상위원회 위원장은 “창의적인 아이디어를 가진 영화인이라면 멀티마켓을 환영할 것”이라며 자신감을 내비쳤다. 또 배우 안성기는 “대한민국의 영상콘텐츠를 기획하는 많은 기회가 될 수 있도록 응원할 것”이라고 전했다. 또 배우 구혜선은 “여러분이 창작해 낸 아이디어를 적극 피칭하고, 빛나는 아이디어를 적극적으로 발굴하기 바란다”고 당부했다. Chairperson Lee JangHo, who is also a movie director said: "If you have a creative idea for a movie, then you will welcome what 'multimarket' can do". Ahn SungGi said: "I hope that many Korean image ideas will have the chance to be realized". GHS said: "Pitch your creative ideas confidently; unearth your bright ideas positively". 

올해로 4회째를 맞은 이번 행사는 디지털 콘텐츠 통합 판권을 수입·유통하는 KT그룹사인 KTH가 공동주관사로 참여하고 협력사 서울산업진흥원(SBA), 한국영상위원회를 비롯해 웹툰 전문 서비스 탑툰과 봄툰이 후원사로 함께해 더욱 확장된 규모로 진행된다. Seoul Film Commission is holding its 4th year event in a much grander scale this year. Co-organizer is KTH of KT affiliate who carries out the rights to integration of and distribution and import of digital contents. This year's supporting partners also include: Seoul Business Agency (SBA), Real Madrid professional services as well as Top-Toon and Bom-Toon who are Webtoon professional services. 

특히 올해 멀티마켓은 확 달라진 시상내력을 선보일 예정이다. The awards will be completely different this year.

기존 우수 작가와 기획자를 선정하는 멀티수다상(상금 1등 300만원, 2등 200만원, 3등 각 100만원)에서 KTH 영화 시나리오상(상금 1천 5백만원)과 KTH 우수 아이디어상(상금 1등 300만원, 2등 200만원), 서울산업진흥원의 DMC크리에이티브상(상금 1천만원), 봄툰 웹툰상(상금 1등 300만원, 2등 150만원, 3등 50만원), 탑툰 웹툰상(상금 1등 300만원, 2등 150만원, 3등 50만원)이 추가로 신설 됐다. Various awards include: Top writer and planner awards are (first 300mon-won; 2nd 200mon-won, 3rd 100mon-won); KTH movie script award (1500mon-won) and KTH top idea award (1st 300mon-won, 2nd 200mon-won); SBA's DMC creative award is 1000mon-won, Bom-Toon webtoon awards (1st 300mon-won, 2nd 150mon-won, 3rd 50mon-won); Top-Toon webtoon awards (1st 300mon-won, 2nd 150mon-won, 3rd 50mon-won). 

또한, 향후 멀티마켓을 통해 만난 매칭팀의 개발작 중 우수작을 선정하는 ‘맛있는 레시피’ 역시 상금이 보강됨으로써 총상금이 2700만원에서 7700만으로 상향 조정된다.  If Multimarket selects a top idea to develop, there is also an award of 2700mon-won to 7700mon-won and it is called "delicious recipe" award.

서울영상위원회에 따르면 지난해 멀티마켓 참가자는 작가 75명과 기획·제작자 68명으로 총 143명이었다. 참가자들은 준비 중인 작품에 대한 피칭은 물론, 제작자들과의 미팅을 통해 작품화 가능성을 타진하는 등 뜨거운 열의를 보인 바 있다. Last year, 75 writers and 68 producers participated in the multimarket event. Participants fervently pitched their ideas and held meetings with producers to discuss the possibility of actualizing their ideas. 

서울영상위원회의 이장호 위원장은 “올해 영화 부문을 비롯해 웹툰 부문 단독상이 새롭게 신설되면서, 신선한 아이템을 지닌 작가들과 역량 있는 기획제작자들이 멀티마켓을 통해 함께 교류하고 논의함으로써 더 많은 아이템이 작품화 가능성에 한발 더 가까이 갈 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 더 많은 분이 좋은 기회를 놓치지 않고 도전하길 바란다”고 전했다. Chairperson Lee JangHo said that he hopes there will be even more participants this year as they have added the webtoon component. 

한편, 영상 크리에이티브 멀티마켓의 접수는 오는 9월 15일(화)까지로 본격적인 행사는 9월 22일부터 24일까지 3일간 상암 DMC첨단산업센터에서 열린다. 멀티마켓에 관한 자세한 문의는 서울영상위원회 국내사업팀(02-777-7185)으로 하면 된다. Eager participants can apply until September 15th (Tues). Official event will take place form 9/22~9/24 at Sang-Ahm DMC High-Tech Center. You can contact Korea Film Commission at ~ for further questions. 

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@myonenonly, my apology for the misunderstanding.

I sort of knew that you already knew,,,but I also wanted to make sure that new visitors did not misunderstand. 



@cheerkoo no worries. :) You've done a lot for this thread. I'm very thankful. 

Just my thought, GHS might be focusing in directing again. :) In as much as I want her to do drama, I'm happy for whatever film she'll be doing. Short films, documentaries, full length movie or even CF.(like the Samsung) Fighting!!

Out of topic...SBS has a weekend melo drama. It's really good. :) I thought of GHS, she would fit in this role too. 

Thanks Sunnies for all your posts.

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I....came here hoping to hear news of our Angel back on Twitter but nopes. 3 weeks ago on the 11 Aug when I posted saying that I finally got around to resume watching Angel Eyes (stopped at ep10 or so last year during its airing), I had not realised her Twitter was deactivated since 3 Jul (?) Only found out few days after resuming AE, went for a quick peek to find it unavailable. Truly hope she reopens that link we have to her soon~ *facedesk*

Not sure if this is the 'right' place to share some thoughts on AE...this resumption ended up with more stops (again) - I cant seem to prevent myself zoning out while watching. Even though I 'finished' it over that long weekend of 8-11 Aug, I'll be honest and say that I wasn't fully watching. For that I feel bad. So during this last Sat, I firmed up and finished that last few episodes again. helkel is now AE-ed 100% finished proper, least I can do as a fan ;) 

Back in 2014, the premise sounded great on paper but translated into something a tad nonsensical (imo) on screen and I also felt that the writing/logic was a little loopy throughout...but all these said, I would like to do a shout out to her *thumbsup* acting. This improvement only reflected her earnestness at working on her acting craft. Even though I did not enjoy the drama overly much, I still find myself grinning at the end of it this last weekend. Finally. Instead of zoning out or sometimes frowning at the drama on the whole. Inexplicable joy I think would be a good word to describe my mood then. I feel strangely proud of Hye Sun, of the drama (lol even though it wasn't me acting or improving ya) :D 

I am also someone who cannot watch celebs I adore - their NSFW scenes. Will blush. Dont laugh. Its lelz, I know. Haha. But for celebs I am neutral to/only mild liking, I have no issues watching them smooch their faces off onscreen etc. Hye Sun's previous kiss scenes though, I could always watch with a 'straight' face, no blushing. I think I have said it before here, I thought she could improve on that. AE's ones made me blush :rolleyes: *thumbsupagain*

About Blood. I know I am 'slow'... only read about her apology for Blood after I finished the drama. Was bingeing it on Sun and got around to ep20 yesterday afternoon. And then I was watching the press conf promo stuff on Youtube earlier. Made me inexplicably angry, and then sad and then angry again. Everyone was so spirited at the press conf, so full of hope. And our Hye Sun, her request for people to "多多包涵/指教" (sorry my brain went into Mandarin mode and that was the first summary I came up with - basically she was asking for patience and explained that she is attempting some new approaches, had guidances and hoped for support/understanding?) Whatever the F happened to acceptance and temperance and less condemnation and basic human kindness?! I felt so...pained. Touched by her hopefulness, spirit and humility and even self-effacing humour, then got upset at the 'reception' audiences gave while watching the drama, ugh. Yep clearly helkel had came across them netizen's sillyness and shittiness outbursts over Blood. Erm I don't disagree with some of their points btw... anyways, I really liked the premise but thought the drama had the potential to be more than it had turned out to be, something I did not completely like. I wasn't happy with quite a few things...but still, enjoyed the drama alot and the negatives (imo) did not distract me from devouring it, I could not wait to watch the next and the next and the next episode! Sorry, digressed. What I wanted to say, yea, felt so pained. And angry. And.. ugh. Just, you know. Gal cant catch a break. FFS give her a break! *shakesfist at nameless cowardly keyboard warriors* I was also speechless at the apology issued. I thought there was no need for her to...but it made me think shes truly a big person to do so.

K thats my verbal diarrhea. I'll just end with: Hope the next drama allows our Hye Sun the room to act on the level of AE/Blood's good bits. Blood's acting on her end wasn't wholly bad. It was passable actually but could be better...guess I really want better and better. Thats because we know shes capable of it B) But have to say her cry scenes made me cry too haha.

This is also old, but I had only just watched the tvN People Inside interview of her after the whole string of Blood stuff, and felt comforted despite everything. It also reminds me of her Star Life Theater's. May our Hye Sun retains the same ardent zeal always.

Is Breath2 released as a hardcopy CD too like Breathe1? I purchased the iTunes pack but would really like to buy a hardcopy CD. Either my Googlefu needs improving... or... I have missed out on results? Breath2 #2...is this a new composition for the album? Really like it. Also...the other singles are just released as digital singles right? The 'recent' ones I mean. Like It's You/Floral Rain etc?

Finaaaallly.. *small* rant: iTunes! Make up your mind! Ku HyeSun or Ku Hye Sun! -_- Space standardisation please. 

Oups sawrry my manners are all outta the window, did not say HI SUNNIES ^^. Hihi, miss yas. Please take care, everyone.


GHS did not graduate. She finished one term with 7 courses. I had a feeling from an interview long ago that she was not that satisfied with what she was getting from that particular school for what she wants. I cannot exactly remember what she said in that interview....she asked something of the school and the school basically told her that she has to do/get it herself-----an aswer with an irony. (I would feel infuriated with such an answer.)

1 term is 1 year? Or an academic year in Korean unis = 2 terms (semester) in a year? I had remember she was enrolled 2011 Sept-ish, and till Jul of 2012, there were still news of her studying hard, report cards and all that. Tbh this was also a question on my mind regarding the update of her degree course. Thanks both for bringing it up/answering :)

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Please can you help me i want to see all the making of her drama (the musical , angel eyes , absolutely boyfriend ) I can't find them please help me I'm new here 

hope it can help you .


Angel eyes BTS 2 [메이킹] 구혜선-이상윤-김지석, 만우절에 생긴일 [엔젤아이즈] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vdl6xRI9oR0 cr. ariel nguyen. and there's a lot making of AE.


Absolute boyfriend making https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDg2FU8iMqI ( i only found it), the others can't found it T__T

The Musical https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcTdmuLcTKU&list=RDjcTdmuLcTKU#t=16 (only found the fanmade )


Please can you help me i want to see all the making of her drama (the musical , angel eyes , absolutely boyfriend ) I can't find them please help me I'm new here 

hope it can help you .


Angel eyes BTS 2 [메이킹] 구혜선-이상윤-김지석, 만우절에 생긴일 [엔젤아이즈] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vdl6xRI9oR0 cr. ariel nguyen. and there's a lot making of AE.


Absolute boyfriend making https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDg2FU8iMqI ( i only found it), the others can't found it T__T

The Musical https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcTdmuLcTKU&list=RDjcTdmuLcTKU#t=16 (only found the fanmade )

thank you for your help

my pleasure ^^

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Thanks ZamZam for the update re this article:


There are few articles in the news portal about an old news about GHS.

배우 구혜선이 드라마부분 연출과 주연, 전체 내레이션을 맡은 MBC 특집 다큐멘터리 '허난설헌'이 제 48회 휴스턴 국제영화제에서 '전기 및 자서전 부문' 대상을 수상한 것이 다시금 주목을 받고 있다.  MBC's special documentary on Heo Nan Seol Hun is getting renewed attention. (article does not state the reason.)  GHS directed and starred in the drama portrion of the documentary and she also was in charge of the entire narration of the documentary.  The documentary was awarded the top award in the biography and autobiography section at the 48th Houston International Film Festival. 

4일 포털사이트 검색순위에 '허난설헌'이 뒤늦게 주목을 받았다. 작년 2월 24일과 3월 3일 총 2회에 걸쳐 방영한 '허난설헌'은 강릉이 낳은 조선 최고의 여류시인인 허난설헌의 삶과 시세계를 다큐 드라마 형식으로 제작했던 프로그램이다.  Documentary on HNSH was one of the most searched item on September 4th portal site and it received late recognition. The documentary aired last year on Feb 24 and March 3. It is the story of Heo Nan Seol Han who was born in Gang Reung and is considered the JoSeon era's best poetess. The docu. told the story of HNSH in a drama format.

저번 수상을 통해 400여 년 전 명성을 떨쳤던 허난설헌을 미국은 물론 세계인들에게 새롭게 인식되는 계기가 되었었다. This over 400 year old poetess is newly recognized not only in America but also all over the world after the documentary won the award. (This documentary was also awarded a top award through the  Gender Equality Department of Korean government.)

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An article, link shared by Jung


가을과 함께 찾아온 ‘미니 숄더백’

기사입력 2015-09-06

source: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=213&aid=0000756971&sid1=001&lfrom=twitter

(skip unrelated)

◆ 구혜선


페미닌한 스타일이 잘 어울리는 배우 구혜선은 옐로우 체인 백으로 깜찍한 룩을 선보였다.

구혜선은 레이스 블라우스에 브이넥 슬리브리스 원피스를 매치해 단아한 매력을 뽐냈다. 그는 여기에 스터드 장식이 더해진 슈즈를 착용해 에지를 주고, 옐로우 숄더백으로 상큼한 분위기를 더했다.

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@cheerkoo need your help. mind if you check the article from this site http://m.blog.naver.com/mmnewsn/220468921870. via jung ‏@longstop8877  at twitter

나탈리 포트만, 드류 베리모어, 구혜선의 공통점은? (출처 : 대한민국 .. | 네이버 블로그)


(Natalie Portman, Drew Barrymore, Kuhyesun ) did the three of them have one in a common? , i only saw the poster movie of them. and just read the article, but my korean is not good as you and think it's same missinterpretation here and there:D

just take your time Sue for translate it & thank you for your help. hope it's a possitive news, coz i love Natalie Portman & Drew Barrymore ^^.

thanx Sue ^^



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