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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Hello Sunnies!!
There are some news in the news portals re GHS and her new project also.
I will translate as soon as I can...
기사 이미지
패션 디자이너 지춘희 한복입고 ‘아름다운 자태’==GHS is wearing modern style Korean traditional dress (hanbok) designed by the fashion designer Ji ChoonHee. (next to GHS is Kang SooYun and the director Kim whose face is not shown.)

배우 구혜선이 시드니 국제영화제의 개막식 행사에서 단아한 개량한복 차림으로 한국의 미를 뽐냈다. GHS appeared at the Sidney International Film Festival's opening ceremony wearing a graceful modern hanbok, radiating Korea's beauty.

구혜선은 14일(목)부터 24일(일)까지 11일간 시드니 전역에서 열리는 시드니 국제영화제의 홍보대사에 위촉되어 호주 시드니로 떠났다. GHS left for Sidney as she has been chosen to be its promotion ambassador. SIFF will held  for 11 days from Nov 14~24.

구혜선은 14일 진행된 개막식 행사에서 영화제 심사위원을 맡은 한국의 세계적인 영화배우 강수연, 영화 ‘더 테러 라이브’의 김병우 감독과 함께 포토월에 등장해 이목을 끌었다. At the opening ceremony on the 14th, GHS is posing with the internationally famous movie star Kang SooYun and the director Kim ByungWoo who made the movie, "The Terror Live". This pic is gathering much attention.

구 혜선이 이 날 행사를 위해 특별히 입은 청록색 개량한복은 ‘미스지컬렉션’ 대표이자 국내 톱 패션 디자이너 지춘희의 작품. 국의 아름다운 풍경이 수묵화로 새겨져 더욱 단아하고 기품 있는 분위기를 풍겼다. 특히 구혜선의 투명한 피부와 또렷한 이목구비가 조화를 이루며 아름다운 자태를 과시했다. On this day, GHS is wearing a special blue green modern hanbok from the "Miss G Collection", specially desinged by a top fashion desinger G ChoonHee. The dress has an ink painting of the Korea's beautiful scenary, giving the dress a feel of great dignity and grace. The beauty of the dress is even more enhanced by the great collaboration with its model, GHS, with her clear skin and great face.

한편 최근 구혜선은 자신의 공예 작품 및 그림 등을 전시한 ‘butterfly effect’ 공예전 및 홍콩 문갤러리 초청으로 진행된 개인전 ‘잔상-Afterimage’를 통해 자신의 작품 20여점을 판매하는 등 인기 작가로 발돋움했고 판매수익금을 소외계층 등에 기부해 화제를 모았다. Recently, GHS confirmed herself a popular artist by selling about 20 of her art pieces and donating all the proceeds to the underpriviledged. She displayed her pieces at the Craft Fair's Butterfly Effect exhibition and at the Moon Gallery in Hong Kong, where she was invited to display her pieces from Afterimage.

시드니 국제영화제(SIFF:Sydney Intercultural Film Festival)는 할리우드는 물론 한국, 북한, 중국, 대만, 인도 등 아시아권과 프랑스, 영국, 아르헨티나, 폴란드 등의 유럽 남미권 및 아프리카에 이르기까지 전 세계 영화인들이 한자리에 모이는 국제적인 영화 축제이다. 총 43여개국 150편의 장, 단편 및 다큐멘터리 작품이 상영되고 ‘다문화’와 ‘국제’의 융합 문화를 중요한 요소로 꼽는다. SIFF is truly an international affair as movie makers and producers and such come from Hollywood, North Korea as well as South Korea, China, Taiwan, India, France, England, Argentina, Poland, Sout America and Africa. A totalof 150 short and feature length movies of various genre from 43 countries will be shown.

[단독]구혜선, 연출작 '다우더'서 심혜진과 母女 호흡

<Exclusive> GHS's next directorial project "Da Woo Duh"="Thousand More" will have collaboration with Shim HyeJin.

스타뉴스 원문 기사전송 2013-11-19 08:30=StarNews 11/19/2013

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Oh, my god!  =D> One happy fan here as Shim Hye Jin has also been on of my very favorites since I first found her playing the hilarious deadpan vampiress (wielding her trusty fire-axe) as the title character in Hello, Francesca.  =)) Two beauties from different generations who became stars by chance (GHS discovered after her friends secretly sent her picture in allowing her to become  the country's most famous and successful "ullzang" and Shim Hye Jin who accompanied her sister [then the nation's top model] to a shoot and was immediately asked to become a model as well. =; ) I hope that the collaboration between these two will benefit both and that our Hye Sun will include herself in the cast.  [-O< Best of luck to all on this latest project!  <:-P

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OMG This came out of nowhere! GHS is always full of surprises! Veteran actress Shim Hye Jin ! Yes @robbo4 I hope we get to see her act too, maybe with SHJ as mother and daughter. . I miss her acting so much! Hope it is a go and she gets investment for this project. Good luck,director Koo!

What a great ambassador our girl is ,promoting Korea culture and tradition but with a modern spin! She looks so graceful and beautiful in that modern hanbok!

Sue, that was awesome news . Thanks so much!

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                                                구혜선, '다우더' 시나리오+연출+출연…심혜진과 모녀호흡

                                                                                             스포츠서울| 기사입력 2013-11-19 09:57 | 최종수정 2013-11-19 10:00 기사원문
배우 겸 감독 구혜선이 영화 '다우더'를 연출한다./스포츠서울닷컴DB

[스포츠서울닷컴ㅣ김가연 기자] 배우 구혜선이 영화 '다우더'를 연출하면서 동시에 출연까지 한다.

19일 구혜선의 소속사 YG엔터테인먼트 관계자는 <스포츠서울닷컴>과 전화 통화에서 "구혜선이 새로운 작품 '다우더'를 연출하면서 동시에 시나리오 작업에 직접 출연까지 한다. 심혜진과는 모녀 호흡을 맞출 것"이라고 밝혔다. 

영화 '다우더'는 어린 시절 불화를 겪은 모녀의 이야기를 그렸다. '요술'과 '복숭아 나무'등을 연출하며 연출력을 인정받은 구혜선 감독의 차기작이면서 오랜만의 출연작이다. 구혜선은 이번에 시나리오 작업부터 연출, 출연까지를 모두 해 눈길을 끌고 있다. 

구혜선과 심혜진이 호흡을 맞추는 '다우더'는 캐스팅을 마무리한 뒤 곧 촬영에 들어간다. 

연예팀 ssent@media.sportsseoul.com

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기사 이미지
cr http://news.nate.com/view/20131119n04726 (Way on the left is Director Kim)

I am using new post to translate the article for the above news about GHS's new movie....somehow I was nearly at the end and I lost it all---huhuhu

팔방미인 구혜선이 새 연출작 '다우더'에서 심혜진과 어머니와 딸로 출연한다.

19 일 영화계에 따르면 구혜선은 새롭게 메가폰을 잡는 영화 '다우더'(제작 예스프로덕션)에 심혜진과 모녀로 호흡을 맞출 예정이다. '다우더'는 어머니와 어린 시절 불화를 겪고 인연을 끊다시피 하며 살아온 딸이 겪는 마음의 변화를 그린 영화.

구혜선은 자신이 직접 연출을 하면서 출연까지 한다. 구혜선은 연출작에선 가급적 출연을 피해왔기에 이번 영화에 관심이 쏠린다.

심혜진은 2008년 '흑심모녀'에 출연한 뒤 지난해 '파파'에 특별출연했을 뿐 스크린과 거리가 있었다. 그랬던 심혜진이 '다우더'에서 감독 겸 배우로 출연하는 구혜선과 어떤 호흡을 맞출지 기대된다.

구 혜선은 연출은 물론, 각본과 영상 속 음악까지 작곡하며 다재다능한 능력을 발휘해왔다. 구혜선은 2008년 단편영화 '유쾌한 도우미', '당신'을 시작으로, 장편영화 '요술', '복숭아나무'를 연출하며 감독으로서 활발히 활동 중이다.

구혜선은 지난 14일 개막한 호주 시드니국제영화제에 홍보대사에 위촉되기도 했다.

한편 구혜선의 '다우더'는 조만간 캐스팅을 마무리한 뒤 올 연말부터 촬영에 들어갈 계획이다.

전형화 기자 aoi@mtstarnews.com
Sorry...I think I will just summarize.
On Nov 19th, a film affiliate informed the news that GHS will be making a new movie, called "DaWooDuh=Thousand More". The attraction of the movie is that GHS will be both directing and acting in it. And her co-actor who will act as her mother will be Shim HyeJin. How their collaboration will fare is another attraction.  GHS has been very active in making her movies. Shim HyeJin has not been very active recently...She came out in a movie called "Dark? Daughter and Mother" in 2008 and then a cameo appearance  in "Papa" last year. (I think I saw Shim HyeJin in a variety show Barefoot Friends cooking for the cast...I think...she lives in a home that looks like a castle in a paradise!!)
Back to the movie...."DaWooDuh"= "Thousand More"?? is a story of a daughter whose early childhood conflict with her mother nearly ended their relationship and how she develops a change of heart. The movie will be produced by S Production. Soon after the casting is completed in a little while, she will start cranking her movie by the end of this year.

So, my question is!!! What happend to "Soju's Sangshik"???
I wonder if she has tons of scripts and she sends not only just one but several scripts to various production companies??? What movie she will make depends on which one of her scripts is caught??
Or did she change the name of her movie?? There is no way she is nearly done with casting already and ready to crank the movie in two months unless she is prepared to turn all her scripts into movies in a moment's time?? Is that possible? Well...I guess only the magical touch of GHS can make that happen?? keke
Anyway, I am so glad that her script got a bite! S Production Company?? Please let it be a gorgeous and brilliant collaboration!! DAEBOK!!!

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ZamZam!!! Thank you for the article--Your post states that YG entertainment contacted Sports Seoul dot Com to inform them that GHS will be making a new movie, DaWooDuh which she again wrote and will direct and will act in. Shim HyeJin has been confirmed to appear as GHS's mother's role. Soon after the casting for the rest of the roles are completed, she will start filming the movie. There are other articles and it says that YG contacted most media to inform them of GHS's new project!!

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Just for information's sake, Shim Hye Jin has remained quite busy since her 2008 movie, playing in a picture called Foxy Festival (I didn't see it) in 2010. Since that time, she has also been in seven dramas including: East of Eden (2008), The Iron Empress (2009), Jolly Widows (2009), Stormy Lovers (2011), Sent From Heaven (2012), Happy Ending (2012), and this year's daily drama A Tale of Two Sisters. A long list of appearances over her two and a half decade career are among the reasons why she lives in a "castle in a paradise". Having this woman play her mother is an absolute coup for Goo Hye Sun and can only help at the box-office as her fan base has remained strong for decades. The class of talent that we currently see playing mothers, grandmothers, ajummas, and aunties (and their male counterparts) are often among the biggest reasons that I enjoy many of the dramas that I see. I can't wait...  8->

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Hello Sunnies!

@robbo4 thank you for filling us  information about actress Shim Hye Jin. She's surely an added gem in this movie. I'm so excited now! =P~

@cheerkoo thank you for translating again. Like you, I'm wondering if this is a new title of the romcom movie or a new movie? GHS is really AMAZING! :-O

  How can she have another movie in mind? Did she submit a lot to different movie production? She's a genius! ...a real hardworker! She's not just a dreamer but she makes her dreams happen! waaaaaahhhhhh! ...she makes me cry! GHS is PRICELESS! ^:)^  *hik...I just love this woman a million folds! :X :)

I hope this movie will gain a lot of attention now that YG is somehow helping her with publicity even before the shoot. Oh I just love to see Director Koo again behind those camera & in front too which is big bonus for her fans. :)) Sunnies this time GHS' deserves a ton of rice wreaths on her opening day! LOL! :))

@zamzam thanks for bringing the other article too. Take care ladies & gents. :X :)

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Thanks @cheerkoo for the translation! wow, finally there is news about her new project, though it seems to be a brand new script?! I love to see a mother-daughter relations story.
It would be some of her own experience?! I remembered she told us during HK exhibition that she was scared of her mum when she was young. She seldom speak during that time, but she's now less scare of her mum (lol) so I think there is more communication between them :)

And about her dress at SIFF opening. It's a beautiful and I would say it's a very smart choice. SIFF is not only for movies and also an event to promote multiculturalism. Her modern hanbok highlights the Korean culture and it's the perfect match for the event!  =D>

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id="artcTitle" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px 12px; line-height: 25px; font-size: 23px; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); word-wrap: break-word; font-family: Gulim; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"구혜선, 영화 '다우더'로 연출·대본·연기 '1인3역' 도전

       스타투데이2013.11.19 12:50


배우 구혜선이 영화 ‘다우더’로 감독과 작가, 배우 세가지 역할을 모두 소화한다.

구혜선은 2012년 영화 ‘복숭아나무’ 이후 약 1년만에 메가폰을 잡아 감독으로서의 행보에 이목이 집중되고 있다.

구혜선이 연출과 시나리오를 맡은 영화 ‘다우더’는 강압적인 체벌을 하는 엄마와 고통받는 딸의 갈등을 다룬 심리극이자 사회적인 메시지를 담은 영화다.

영화의 타이틀 ‘다우더’는 ‘딸(Daughter)’의 영어 스펠링을 소리 나는 대로 읽은 것으로, 왜곡된 교육과 사랑을 뒤틀리게 표현한 구혜선만의 독특한 발상이 돋보인다.

구혜선은 영화 ‘유쾌한 도우미(2008)’를 시작으로, ‘요술(2010)’, ‘당신(2010)’, ‘기억의 조각들(2012)’, 독특한 스토리와 영상미로 큰 화제를 낳았던 ‘복숭아나무(2012)’등 감독으로서의 역량을 보여주며 총 5작품을 연출했고, 충무로에 신선한 바람을 일으키며 존재감을 과시해 왔다.

특히 그간 감독, 화가, 작가 등의 모습으로 재능을 펼쳐온 구혜선이 드라마를 통해서만 연기 활동을 해 왔던 만큼, 생애 처음으로 도전하는 영화에 더욱 이목이 집중되고 있다. 오랜만에 구혜선이 배우의 모습으로 돌아온다는 소식에 팬들의 기대감이 한껏 높아지고 있는 상황이다.

영화 ‘다우더’의 주연으로 캐스팅 된 배우 심혜진은 영화 ‘결혼이야기(1992)’, ‘사랑하고 싶은 여자 & 결혼하고 싶은 여자(1993)’, ‘은행나무 침대(1996)’, ‘초록물고기(1997)’ 등 1989년부터 한국 영화계의 독보적인 존재감으로 자리매김해 왔다.

심혜진은 극 중 강압적인 교육방식을 고수하는 어머니 역으로 캐스팅돼 이에 맞서는 딸로 등장하는 구혜선과의 연기 앙상블이 더욱 기대를 모은다.

구혜선은 “제 영화에 출연하는 것은 상당히 꺼려 왔는데 주변 감독님들의 응원을 받아 결정하게 됐다. 제 인생에서 큰 도전이 될 것 같다”며 “배우로서 오랜만에 인사를 드리는 만큼 팬들의 기대에 부응할 수 있도록 노력하겠다”고 소감을 전했다.

[매일경제 스타투데이 한현정 기자 kiki2022@mk.co.kr]


so excited for her new movie
but are there no romance?

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Koo Hye-seon to direct and act with Shim Hye-jin


Actress Koo Hye-seon is starring in the movie "Dowder" as well as directing it.

YG Entertainment revealed that she's starring in the new movie as well as producing and writing the scenario. She's co-stars with Shim Hye-jin as mother and daughter.

This movie is about a mother and daughter who have been through misfortune during their younger days. Koo Hye-seon is known for her production skills through "Magic - 2010" and "The Peach Tree". She takes care of scenario, production and acting at the same time.

Koo Hye-seon and Shim Hye-jin's "Dowder" will start shooting when casting is over.

Source : news.sportsseoul.com/...


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Thanks meow! I love to watch movies about mother-daughter relationship too. @zamzam in as much as I want to see romance in this movie, I hope the story centers on the relationship between mom & daughter. The romance will just have to take a back seat. :) (sorry zamzam) I want to see drama in this movie. Like abnormal family dynamics or something. I remember HS wanting to act as it happens in real life. This is her chance....maybe GHS getting pregnant & poor like her mom's life story as a single mom- like history repeating itself... & so forth. LOL! I'm getting ahead. hahaha... :P

  I hope casting will be completed soon so they can start shooting. Yay! :) :X

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Daebak ya daebak :) so happy ..atlast GHS is gonna act and direct :) is this script same as the one named "Sangshik which she told her character is gonna be slightly like jandi and she also has a male partner in mind to cast for it...Is this the same one with change of title or is it a different one?

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DaWooDuh---I had no idea what this meant. When I looked it up in google trans,,,it said thousand more.
but actually the title sound like a bad pronounciation of "Daughter".. Right??
So, you are right...GHS's new movie  may actually be "Daughter"

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Hello Sunnies :)

@cheerkoo Thanks for all your translation I really appreciate you :)

@zamzam and @meow13 Thank you for all the articles :)

@robbo14 thanks for SHJ information :)

@gayu312 my opinion NO this is GHS thread and its all about her I think we should start a new thread for Daughter's movie so other actors fans can join us. I dont like changing names in the thread because its loosing its originality so in my opinion lets not change this thread to other name. what does other's Sunnies think ?

WOW she's really amazing I love her more everyday :)

Have a great day Sunnies :)


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ZamZam said: id="artcTitle" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px 12px; line-height: 25px; font-size: 23px; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); word-wrap: break-word; font-family: Gulim; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"구혜선, 영화 '다우더'로 연출·대본·연기 '1인3역' 도전=(Thanks ZamZam!! I will translate where it describes more about the movie.) GHS to have 3 roles as 1 person in her movie, DaWooDuh (Daughter)--director, script writer and actor.

배우 구혜선이 영화 ‘다우더’로 감독과 작가, 배우 세가지 역할을 모두 소화한다. GHS's new movie..daughter

구혜선은 2012년 영화 ‘복숭아나무’ 이후 약 1년만에 메가폰을 잡아 감독으로서의 행보에 이목이 집중되고 있다. It has been a year
since GHS directed her last movie, Peach Tree.
구혜선이 연출과 시나리오를 맡은 영화 ‘다우더’는 강압적인 체벌을 하는 엄마와 고통받는 딸의 갈등을 다룬 심리극이자 사회적인 메시지를 담은 영화다.="Daughter" is a psychological drama about a mother who uses severe punishment as a disciplinary measure and the daughter who is the recipient of the pain. It is also a movie that gives a social message.

영화의 타이틀 ‘다우더’는 ‘딸(Daughter)’의 영어 스펠링을 소리 나는 대로 읽은 것으로, 왜곡된 교육과 사랑을 뒤틀리게 표현한 구혜선만의 독특한 발상이 돋보인다. (appears to be reporter's opinion) "The title seems to be same as the English word, 'Daughter'. It seems like a movie only GHS would uniquely think of...about distorted sense of education and twisted expression of love."

구혜선은 영화 ‘유쾌한 도우미(2008)’를 시작으로, ‘요술(2010)’, ‘당신(2010)’, ‘기억의 조각들(2012)’, 독특한 스토리와 영상미로 큰 화제를 낳았던 ‘복숭아나무(2012)’등 감독으로서의 역량을 보여주며 총 5작품을 연출했고, 충무로에 신선한 바람을 일으키며 존재감을 과시해 왔다.--GHS's movie resume

특히 그간 감독, 화가, 작가 등의 모습으로 재능을 펼쳐온 구혜선이 드라마를 통해서만 연기 활동을 해 왔던 만큼, 생애 처음으로 도전하는 영화에 더욱 이목이 집중되고 있다. 오랜만에 구혜선이 배우의 모습으로 돌아온다는 소식에 팬들의 기대감이 한껏 높아지고 있는 상황이다.GHS's artist resume

영화 ‘다우더’의 주연으로 캐스팅 된 배우 심혜진은 영화 ‘결혼이야기(1992)’, ‘사랑하고 싶은 여자 & 결혼하고 싶은 여자(1993)’, ‘은행나무 침대(1996)’, ‘초록물고기(1997)’ 등 1989년부터 한국 영화계의 독보적인 존재감으로 자리매김해 왔다.About Shim HyeJin's resume (Your are correct robbo4! Shim is indeed a veteran and well respected actress with her resume stretching from 1989 with acting in various categories of movies and tv programs.)
심혜진은 극 중 강압적인 교육방식을 고수하는 어머니 역으로 캐스팅돼 이에 맞서는 딸로 등장하는 구혜선과의 연기 앙상블이 더욱 기대를 모은다.Shim will play the mother who adheres to the strict and forceful methods of education. The ensemble acting of Shim and GHS as mother and daughter is much anticipated.

구혜선은 “제 영화에 출연하는 것은 상당히 꺼려 왔는데 주변 감독님들의 응원을 받아 결정하게 됐다. 제 인생에서 큰 도전이 될 것 같다”며 “배우로서 오랜만에 인사를 드리는 만큼 팬들의 기대에 부응할 수 있도록 노력하겠다”고 소감을 전했다. GHS:" I have been very reluctant to act in my movies. But, with the encouragement from the directors around me, I decided to do it. It will be a big challenge of my life. It has been a long time since I acted. I will  try my best to meet the fans' expectation."

[매일경제 스타투데이 한현정 기자 kiki2022@mk.co.kr] Reporter Han HyunJung of Everyday Economy's Star Today.


so excited for her new movie
but are there no romance?
------who knows!! I hope so. I really think that GHS is moving towards making socially relevant themes in her movies. Peach Tree also contains a vital social message and Daughter seems like a drama that contains another such message. GHS definitely has her own thoughts about Korean education system, etc. I hope it will have some lighter and romantic moments to ease what  most likely will be a heavy material. I also feel that GHS is becoming more clear about what she wants to say through her works....her messages were left to audience's interpretations in Magic and Cheerful Caretaker...she had her own reasons for it. I guess?? Or perhaps she did not want to come out too strong as a new director and writer at that time??? But, I have a feeling that she is becoming more bold about expressing what she thinks and feels.I guess we have to wait and see the movie...keke

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