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16 hours ago, Biology Lesson said:

watching this clip posted by Grace, makes me think I was wrong in my previous conclusion- according to this, it was after JH went a film festival in the US thathe decided that his family should be exposed to other cultures. So the promotion in the US was planned before. Which make it again make no sense. Unless JH is trying to hide his future plans in the US, so he said it this way... Again, with the mysteries... 

I'm confused again... :blink:

Maybe while he was in US back then, he met up with his korean friends who were staying there and after some research and more insights from them, he made the decision to send his kids there to study. Not sure about his plans though. I'm still patiently , impatiently, waiting for his announcement of the next project........:crybaby:

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17 hours ago, kohnlee said:

I can’t wait to watch this!

Sadly no subs. Only raw version available at Ondemandkorea website. May need to use VPN. 

Or try this siteLink


Alternatively, clips are available at



He was the 2nd housekeeper featured and his segment lasted around 30 mins.


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I'm also hoping for casting news soon. Not really interested in this show because I think his appearance is both pointless and sad.


It was obvious to me months ago that he was learning English because of the accounts he was following on IG.


That his family had moved abroad, that could have been covered on the Mongolia show. Not sure if it warrants an appearance on this show. He also gave an interview this year where he mentioned his grandparents and could have said something then. Though he really isn't obligated to say anything. Not really keen on seeing him looking all mopey and alone. 


I keep thinking back to what HKM said here




I respect his decision to keep his family from the limelight but it makes this show more strange to me. Again, what's the point? He clearly misses his family so what's stopping him from moving over there? I know it takes time and planning to move one's entire life from one continent to another. That could be the reason he hasn't shifted yet, and it's probably something he's working on. Also, who knows how long they'd be there for? His sons are almost university age so they may decide to continue their schooling abroad and his daughter will be entering secondary school soon. If this move is long term then no point delaying the inevitable. Sorry but I just don't understand things that are unnecessarily complicated. Or maybe English is the biggest obstacle for him? 


Episode 2 looks like a rehash of the manager show. Might be doing some kind of stunt / fight scene for his Japan fanmeet perhaps. Again, I can't pretend this is interesting to me. In hindsight, the Mongolia show was more than enough for me


You know what they say about never meeting your idols. Maybe this is what I'm feeling right now? I was initially excited because of the show's concept and being nose-y but now I'm pretty familiar with his hobbies


Could someone please employ him in a drama, film, play or something? 


P.s.: I'm also wondering how many episodes has he signed up for? Is he a recurring cast member but won't be filmed / shown all the time? Personally, he could have used this time on the show to be with the family he misses. I'm guessing he's headed there after the Japan fanmeet


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20 minutes ago, YouwinJH said:

I'm also hoping for casting news soon. Not really interested in this show because I think his appearance is both pointless and sad.


It was obvious to me months ago that he was learning English because of the accounts he was following on IG.


That his family had moved abroad, that could have been covered on the Mongolia show. Not sure if it warrants an appearance on this show. He also gave an interview this year where he mentioned his grandparents and could have said something then. Though he really isn't obligated to say anything. Not really keen on seeing him looking all mopey and alone. 


I keep thinking back to what HKM said here




I respect his decision to keep his family from the limelight but it makes this show more strange to me. Again, what's the point? He clearly misses his family so what's stopping him from moving over there? I know it takes time and planning to move one's entire life from one continent to another. That could be the reason he hasn't shifted yet, and it's probably something he's working on. Also, who knows how long they'd be there for? His sons are almost university age so they may decide to continue their schooling abroad and his daughter will be entering secondary school soon. If this move is long term then no point delaying the inevitable. Sorry but I just don't understand things that are unnecessarily complicated. Or maybe English is the biggest obstacle for him? 


Episode 2 looks like a rehash of the manager show. Might be doing some kind of stunt / fight scene for his Japan fanmeet perhaps. Again, I can't pretend this is interesting to me. In hindsight, the Mongolia show was more than enough for me


You know what they say about never meeting your idols. Maybe this is what I'm feeling right now? I was initially excited because of the show's concept and being nose-y but now I'm pretty familiar with his hobbies


Could someone please employ him in a drama, film, play or something? 


P.s.: I'm also wondering how many episodes has he signed up for? Is he a recurring cast member but won't be filmed / shown all the time? Personally, he could have used this time on the show to be with the family he misses. I'm guessing he's headed there after the Japan fanmeet


Yes! I was initially a little puzzled by what HKM shared,  " When asked about what new things they discovered about each other during their recent trip to Mongolia, Hong Gyeong-min said, "I saw Jang Hyuk's loneliness. This was the first time I realized that there is loneliness of one's own, such as the weight of being the head of the family, the agony of work or life when alone. It was close to my house
so I said, 'If you feel lonely, call me anytime
l'Il go out,'" he said.


Now we know it's because his family went abroad. I feel that every family's  situation is different and unique. Not sure what his reasons are but it's definitely not an easy choice to make and I think it's not fair to speculate or judge if he could have done this or that.


I'm actually glad that he didn't reveal his family just for this show. For now, I'm just hoping for news of a new project for him. Maybe he will reveal something during the fanmeeting that is coming soon. :approves:



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Looks like JH gave an interview in English (!) to this journalist from Vanity fair:

  • A brilliant actor, athlete, person and a gentleman. I came to admire Jang Hyuk, a very talented Korean thespian that reminds me a lot of Bruce Lee and that I met for a long and interesting interview in English.


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@azureblue7 I'm not passing judgment on his decision to send his family abroad, he knows what's best for his family. I just don't understand the point of him doing this show specifically, that's what I commented on. He's lonesome - I guess doing this show and keeping busy might help with that. I just find some of those clips of him by himself sad


Given the Vanity Fair article, as Biology Lesson had previously mentioned, he could be planning to shift his activities overseas, and this is the reason he's being studious about learning English. And I also agree that throwing himself in the deep end, such as by moving abroad, might help him a lot more than those lessons he's having. Again, his life and his decision. It would be interesting to see how things unfold over the next few months in terms of his projects. I expect news in the new year most likely about that fisherman show

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1 hour ago, YouwinJH said:

I'm also hoping for casting news soon. Not really interested in this show because I think his appearance is both pointless and sad.


It was obvious to me months ago that he was learning English because of the accounts he was following on IG.


That his family had moved abroad, that could have been covered on the Mongolia show. Not sure if it warrants an appearance on this show. He also gave an interview this year where he mentioned his grandparents and could have said something then. Though he really isn't obligated to say anything. Not really keen on seeing him looking all mopey and alone. 


I keep thinking back to what HKM said here




I respect his decision to keep his family from the limelight but it makes this show more strange to me. Again, what's the point? He clearly misses his family so what's stopping him from moving over there? I know it takes time and planning to move one's entire life from one continent to another. That could be the reason he hasn't shifted yet, and it's probably something he's working on. Also, who knows how long they'd be there for? His sons are almost university age so they may decide to continue their schooling abroad and his daughter will be entering secondary school soon. If this move is long term then no point delaying the inevitable. Sorry but I just don't understand things that are unnecessarily complicated. Or maybe English is the biggest obstacle for him? 


Episode 2 looks like a rehash of the manager show. Might be doing some kind of stunt / fight scene for his Japan fanmeet perhaps. Again, I can't pretend this is interesting to me. In hindsight, the Mongolia show was more than enough for me


You know what they say about never meeting your idols. Maybe this is what I'm feeling right now? I was initially excited because of the show's concept and being nose-y but now I'm pretty familiar with his hobbies


Could someone please employ him in a drama, film, play or something? 


P.s.: I'm also wondering how many episodes has he signed up for? Is he a recurring cast member but won't be filmed / shown all the time? Personally, he could have used this time on the show to be with the family he misses. I'm guessing he's headed there after the Japan fanmeet


I kinda agree. I think an actor needs to keep a certain measure of mystery, in order to enable viewers to suspend disbelief. Too much information can be problematic.


 I hope for news of an acting project soon...

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@YouwinJH @Biology Lesson Appearances on those shows, I assume, pay money, so that might be another reason to do it, while he is kept busy and at least present in the industry. Also, the fact the he doesn’t have an actual project outside of Korea may be the reason he is still there. He at least can continue getting gigs in Korea (we may not care but its a source of income for him) I like that he is being proactive and not a conformist. I was actually glad to learn this about him. 


@azureblue7 I miss him!!!

@YouwinJH I finally finished “Because this is my first life”. It had a lot of good moments but it ended not being a favorite of mine as a whole. It got excruciatingly slow towards the end. Even the way the main couple interacted, they moved slowly, they spoke slowly! It drove me a little nuts! My favorite characters were the sexy friend and her boyfriend. 

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1 hour ago, dramafan33 said:

@YouwinJH @Biology Lesson Appearances on those shows, I assume, pay money, so that might be another reason to do it, while he is kept busy and at least present in the industry. Also, the fact the he doesn’t have an actual project outside of Korea may be the reason he is still there. He at least can continue getting gigs in Korea (we may not care but its a source of income for him) I like that he is being proactive and not a conformist. I was actually glad to learn this about him. 


Learning that JH's family is abroad is a very important detail, but I admit that I don't like variety shows that show people's personal lives. I'd rather he do a show more like Mongolia or running man or whatever. Like you, I also think that JH took this offer to maintain visibility, I just rather he do script driven shows... Here's hoping to such news soon!



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@dramafan33 I would have assumed the opposite. That he was doing quite well with money and that's why he could afford to send his family abroad and maintain his residency in Korea as well. Isn't it more expensive keeping two households? I believe on top of the Gangnam property, he is also an investor with The One Boxing and probs have other production related investments. Probably his company that is organising the fan events in Japan. Ofc every little helps money wise and that could be the reason why he's doing the show. The bigger reason is probably what he said in Mongolia - that an actor has to diversify and do both acting and variety. So maybe that's what he plans to do in the future. In less busy periods, alternate between acting and variety


I also agree with @Biology Lesson that actors do have to maintain some mystery about them.  Luckily S Korea isn't like HW and people don't get hounded by paparazzi in the same way. Or maybe they do? Also agree that there are other shows that are probably more interesting and suitable - though I'm not that familiar with S Korean variety shows. It's a shame that the stunt people show didn't take off. It would have been good if it had and he'd been a regular on it. I wouldn't mind seeing him in some type of talent / scouting show where he has to be a judge and mentor


@dramafan33 I did say Because This is My First Life is a slow burn romance. I was invested in the lead couple from the beginning (perhaps because I saw SeeHee as another Sheldon) so I didn't mind the pacing but I can appreciate it won't be to everyone's taste. The office worker and boss romance was my second favourite. On the other hand, I felt the lady in that long term relationship had to make all the compromises and they gave her an alternative love interest who sucked and was too clingy, which is why it was my least favourite relationship

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@YouwinJH Yes, you did say it was a slow burn romance. I was invested at the beginning but felt the main couple’s story became stagnant and fizzled on last eps so I was left underwhelmed in the end. I expected the male lead’s “secret” to be much darker or traumatic, probably. I also didn’t feel their chemistry and at some point I became too aware of their acting. I think I was watching this with my head and stopped “feeling” it at at some point. But its ok, the good moments made the time I invested worth it (although it’s not a drama I’d rewatch or recommend). I watched the drama, not only because of your recommendation but because I heard many good reviews so I guess my expectations were high so it being underwhelming for me was a surprise.

Anyway, Ill stop because its an off topic here :ph34r:


@Biology Lesson I’m also not a fan of variety shows and prefer to not know much about actors personal life. I think we are all on the same boat waiting for a new acting project. :brokenheart:





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Could be in the minority @azureblue7 but that sounds good to me. I've always wondered what it would be like if he had free rein to execute his vision. I also see action director as a stepping stone into becoming a full-fledged director, which makes it even more exciting to me


I really love that he is open to learning and challenging himself. Wish him all the best

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