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8 hours ago, YouwinJH said:

Thanks for clarifying - everything bores me these days so I just assumed you had the same mindset! Re The Killer, I hope I can watch it too because I want it to surpass my expectations / want to understand where you are coming from with regards to your frustrations


As for JH being overlooked, sadly you can't force people to like him. Granted he didn't deserve to be snubbed by KBS but not sure how that or the audience over there etc can be fixed. Do you want him to do more TV / movies every year? Do you want him to have more internationally popular shows? Someone mentioned that the likes of Hyun Bin etc became popular internationally first before achieving success domestically. That can happen with JH, maybe, I don't know. I'm not so interested in popularity versus critical success - and some awards (perhaps not the majority) reflect that or at least I hope ao. People don't have to like you but they can respect what you do - and as a fan I get hurt when I see very dismissive / blaise / mocking comments because a) I don't understand the hate and b) there is no way in hell he's not a great actor. The number of Daegil comments I've seen, at this stage I feel personally attacked


I want him to win things (like a Baeksang or Seoul International Award or Best International whatever at the Emmys or Oscars). He's capable. But that starts from the ground up - picking better stories, not being too indulgent with your own ideas, etc. Couldn't they have serialised The Killer vs making a movie? Couldn't they have picked a better time for it's release vs July? Some choices were made some overlooked, that's life! The Killer / Swordsman have defo gotten his name out there so it would be interesting to see what happens next. If he goes down the international route, he might be pigeonholed into action movies, which I strongly sense he doesn't want and I also feel would be a waste of his talent

That was only the first time where he designed the fight choreography and it was very honest and well done so why he should stop from doing what he does best?

I believe that their culture partially affects the way Korean industry sees an actor like him who understands acting as a collaborative process of collective creation and proposes scenes and solutions and assumes the entire construction of his character in the face of the circumstances proposed by the script.  He does not fit the autocratic models of directing where actors are just there memorizing lines, not because he is disrespectful, quite the contrary, but because he sees art and acting in this way, as something very important, as a creative force for culture and education. He knows how to work in a team and listen to others, but he also needs his vision of the script or character to be heard and embraced. Maybe people in the industry think it's too much?

On the other hand I that's not the "problem" since Lee Jung Jae is directing his own projects the way he want to and he was praised by media and critics.

So I don't even know what to think, I just wish he should receive the recognition that he deserves.


Oh and about the new traveling show, I will be super happy to see JH even though I don't really like his friends :hwaiting2:



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4 hours ago, azureblue7 said:

I'm trying my best to "throw away" what happened during the KBS awards with 2022 and to stay positive this 2023. Consoling myself by thinking Kim Jaewook and Ji chang wook were not nominated too like him.


I will try too. :approves:Only now LJ's fans are trying to start something on twitter. Appearantly it's not OK for JH's fans to be hurt by what happened and express their hurt on twitter. I tried to explain why we're hurt, but they don't seem to take kindly to it. I don't do fans wars, so I'm not engaging any further. Onwards and upwards!


2 hours ago, azureblue7 said:

That's interesting! So now Actor Lee soon jae is going to play a mischievous father in law.  I want to see his interaction with JNR and  Hyuk already!!


That's really interesting! I don't think I've seen this actor in a playful role before! he's playing JH's dad, right? So that might produce some funny scenes between them :D can't wait!





9 hours ago, YouwinJH said:

I forgot to add that JH should become like Aamir Khan, not for his acting but being fastidious. He doesn't do many films but what he puts out there is crafted and recrafted to fit him like a glove. Granted it takes out the spontaneity out of the performance, which I value, but the finished product is well balanced. I think JH from the sounds of things is moving in that direction in terms of getting more hands on at the pre-production. Let see what comes next movie wise...

It's interesting that you mentioned Aamir Khan. I told my brother today about what happened, and he said that it was like what happened to Aamir Khan when he started doing quality stuff and moved away from the more popular movies he was before. Aamir Khan was snubbed for a long time by the award shows in India. So much so that he boycoted them for a long time. Also, he was mocked an ridiculed by his peers in the beginning, until he started producing massive hits and now he's highly respected. So this is a good comparison I think. ^_^

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13 minutes ago, Biology Lesson said:

That's really interesting! I don't think I've seen this actor in a playful role before! he's playing JH's dad, right? So that might produce some funny scenes between them :D can't wait!

It's his grandfather from Money Flower.


Edit: sorry, got it now :sweat_smile: (I don't know how to delete any comments).

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2 hours ago, Biology Lesson said:

Only now LJ's fans are trying to start something on twitter. Appearantly it's not OK for JH's fans to be hurt by what happened and express their hurt on twitter. I tried to explain why we're hurt, but they don't seem to take kindly to it. I don't do fans wars, so I'm not engaging any further. Onwards and upwards!

Oh just saw a comment about one of my tweets where I said that no one mentioned Jang Hyuk even though their previous speeches did mention him A LOT. I'm hurt I have the right to be sad :tears:

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@Biology Lesson I believe @janghaesoo called Lee Joon a liar and that triggered one of his fans. Let’s all calm down because none of this will benefit JH or us. We are upset (Im still VERY upset at KBS) but lashing out on other actors won’t do any good. Good thing its only a few of us and few LJ fans on twitter really so no biggie. But I’d warn against confronting other fandoms in general. It makes JH fans look bad. 

@janghaesoo Dear, I understand you and love you but being upset does not make accusing LJ of being a liar, the proper thing to do. Imagine if things were the other way around. Imagine JH being called out for not thanking every other actor in his speeches. We are all upset and disappointed but really? Its not the other actors fault in the least. 

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Yes please no fan wars. I don't care enough about other actors to be roped into an exchange with their fans


Re JH and KBS, I'm also starting to think that he was not interested in any award. His purpose in the show was to be a catalyst for his juniors to showcase their best, which I think he achieved. I've never seen JH as egotistical / malicious so I think he would be very happy for his juniors and the show. From both LJ and KHN speeches, this is a massive confidence boost for them and it's great that their hardwork is starting to pay off. In terms of overlooking JH in their speeches, I think KHN did nothing wrong. I liked what she said because I inferred from her reference to sunbaes, JH was included. As for LJ, I am peeved how he expressed himself but it's also his perogative to feel that JH didn't help him, just as it's my perogative to call out his shi**y behaviour


Anyway, that's the last I will say about people that I'm indifferent to. Having read through all your comments, I can say my initial feelings were an overreaction. I've never doubted JH's ability as an actor and I also find him charming in variety shows - I'm literally smiling inconsciously whenever I watch him. That said, the area I'm most interested in is his talent and how it's being utilised. I'm trying to rationalise why people are so apathetic to him and like @janghaesoosaid maybe it's a cultural thing? JH is not as deferential as they expect him to be? He's too confident about his own talent? I did not mean to imply it was a bad thing to be who he is, just trying to be objective about why he may rub people the wrong way


I remember when he appeared on Problem Child and said he can't know / worry about how other people feel about his lectures and jokes. That's so true. At the end of the day, it's not his job to worry about what people may think. He can only do his best, which he always does. I would have been more worried if his options were limited to the current industry. But this is clearly a man with the plan. Yes it was a bumpy start - since The Swordsman did well domestically I can't vilify the audience too much over the BO performance of The Killer. It could be as @Biology Lessonsaid that the promos for The Killer were botched. Guess what, you live, learn and move on. I can think of a few Bwood and Hwood who have had massive flops having spent x10 if not x100 the budget of The Killer. So long as they made a profit from it and his name has gotten out there, it's still a win and hopefully will open new doors / help him get the financing he needs for future projects. I'm also happy for him to be connected to someone like Mark Shaw - hoping it's the start of a long and successful collaboration. I certainly appreciate that stuff coming from his team are subbed. Can Sidus please take note? Come on, his international fanbase is growing but most of the subbed content comes from fans. What exactly can they do as an agency?


Sorry for the long post, sleep did wonders to my mood. I'm excited for the year ahead both personally and as his fan. As for the Dragon Bros, having seen JH on Ugly Duckling, I'm less irked by his dynamic with KJK. Even his teasing is coming from a place of love. Don't know how I feel about the combo of CTH and KJK because of the big personalities. I'm still hoping to warm up to CTH and it's a shame that the cooking show wasn't subbed. He does seem as caustic / sarcastic with everyone so can't say whether he's more or less vicious with JH. That said, should I be worried they're hanging out more? He has a reputation of being a heavy drinker...I'll stop overthinking


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@dramafan33Oh, I didn't see that that LJ's fan responded to that message (@janghaesoo I agree, no need to call LJ a liar.). I first saw that particular user post out of no where on the KThree tweet, to which I responded and it didn't escalate. But then he decided to address JH's fans in a different post which made me respond until the person escalated.

As I said, I don't do fan wars, so I stopped engaging. 


But I have to say, if JH would not have mentioned his co-stars and a fan of that actor got mad, I'd simply agree that he should have and probably not respond. My mistake was engaging with a fan of a former Kpop artist. I have heard about the Kpop fans and how intense they get... :grimace: never again...



9 minutes ago, YouwinJH said:


Anyway, that's the last I will say about people that I'm indifferent to. Having read through all your comments, I can say my initial feelings were an overreaction. I've never doubted JH's ability as an actor and I also find him charming in variety shows - I'm literally smiling inconsciously whenever I watch him. That said, the area I'm most interested in is his talent and how it's being utilised. I'm trying to rationalise why people are so apathetic to him and like @janghaesoosaid maybe it's a cultural thing? JH is not as deferential as they expect him to be? He's too confident about his own talent? I did not mean to imply it was a bad thing to be who he is, just trying to be objective about why he may rub people the wrong way


Hoping that Family will have a good reaction. But i think generaly it has been said many times that JH's fans a are mostly ajumas (myself also being one :) ), so I guess that not the movie going demographic... 


9 minutes ago, YouwinJH said:

I remember when he appeared on Problem Child and said he can't know / worry about how other people feel about his lectures and jokes. That's so true. At the end of the day, it's not his job to worry about what people may think. He can only do his best, which he always does. I would have been more worried if his options were limited to the current industry. But this is clearly a man with the plan. Yes it was a bumpy start - since The Swordsman did well domestically I can't vilify the audience too much over the BO performance of The Killer. It could be as @Biology Lessonsaid that the promos for The Killer were botched. Guess what, you live, learn and move on. I can think of a few Bwood and Hwood who have had massive flops having spent x10 if not x100 the budget of The Killer. So long as they made a profit from it and his name has gotten out there, it's still a win and hopefully will open new doors / help him get the financing he needs for future projects. I'm also happy for him to be connected to someone like Mark Shaw - hoping it's the start of a long and successful collaboration. I certainly appreciate that stuff coming from his team are subbed. Can Sidus please take note? Come on, his international fanbase is growing but most of the subbed content comes from fans. What exactly can they do as an agency?


Sorry for the long post, sleep did wonders to my mood. I'm excited for the year ahead both personally and as his fan. As for the Dragon Bros, having seen JH on Ugly Duckling, I'm less irked by his dynamic with KJK. Even his teasing is coming from a place of love. Don't know how I feel about the combo of CTH and KJK because of the big personalities. I'm still hoping to warm up to CTH and it's a shame that the cooking show wasn't subbed. He does seem as caustic / sarcastic with everyone so can't say whether he's more or less vicious with JH. That said, should I be worried they're hanging out more? He has a reputation of being a heavy drinker...I'll stop overthinking


Watching again the cooking show clips, I loved CTH's dynamic with JH during the games. But I agree KJK together with CTH tend to gang up on JH, but in Family outing JH did with CTH and KJK, JH gave as much as he got. So, JH need to be in a playful mood in order to contend with both these guys together.  But it is interesting that CTH said that these days JH is his best friend... I guess all these shows they did together recently bonded them even more.

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1 hour ago, dramafan33 said:

@Biology Lesson I believe @janghaesoo called Lee Joon a liar and that triggered one of his fans. Let’s all calm down because none of this will benefit JH or us. We are upset (Im still VERY upset at KBS) but lashing out on other actors won’t do any good. Good thing its only a few of us and few LJ fans on twitter really so no biggie. But I’d warn against confronting other fandoms in general. It makes JH fans look bad. 

@janghaesoo Dear, I understand you and love you but being upset does not make accusing LJ of being a liar, the proper thing to do. Imagine if things were the other way around. Imagine JH being called out for not thanking every other actor in his speeches. We are all upset and disappointed but really? Its not the other actors fault in the least. 

Oh It was about that comment. I should have just posted on my profile and not quote tweeted. Don't get me wrong, I like LJ's work but he really said one thing then and other thing now and I'm curious and intrigued about it.

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@janghaesoo I wouldn’t read too much into LJs “omission”, but I’m still curious what possessed KBS Awards organizers to totally ignore JH. It could also be they are a mess? Stuff happens, I guess


@Biology Lesson I keep flip flopping on my opinion of CTH and KJK as JHs friends lol. I guess at this point we just can’t deny their bond (however deep or superficial it may be). Its like our “hubby” has obnoxious friends, what to do? Lolol 


@YouwinJH CTHs “reputation” as a heavy drinker comes from his friends comments right? I wouldn’t worry too much. They are probably exaggerating for laughs. I can imagine JH being the only one with the patience to answer CTHs drunk calls though. It’s totally on brand :P 

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13 hours ago, azureblue7 said:


I'm trying my best to "throw away" what happened during the KBS awards with 2022 and to stay positive this 2023. Consoling myself by thinking Kim Jaewook and Ji chang wook were not nominated too like him.



Lee SY’s fans are also upset that she did not win anything despite her costar winning the biggest Daesang prize. 

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57 minutes ago, dramafan33 said:

@Prettysup Interesting. I wonder if this happens always and we simply never noticed before or if this was a particularly strange year for the KBS Awards. 

For me I only had take note when JH is  involved so I am not sure about other years. My guess is that it happens all the time and not only in KBS. 

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I think @Prettysup was right after all :) 

This post from  a Lee Se Young fan says it best - "this was just an attendance award"



about the lack of mention by the cast, I think @YouwinJH said it best- these are people that I'm indifferent to, so- moving on! 


10 hours ago, dramafan33 said:


@Biology Lesson I keep flip flopping on my opinion of CTH and KJK as JHs friends lol. I guess at this point we just can’t deny their bond (however deep or superficial it may be). Its like our “hubby” has obnoxious friends, what to do? Lolol 


Abnoxious friends is right :D 

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30 minutes ago, Biology Lesson said:

This post from  a Lee Se Young fan says it best - "this was just an attendance award"

It was also mentioned in this article that ,


"Everyone knows that award ceremonies don’t choose winners 100% based on how well they acted. This can also be considered the hidden side of award ceremonies. Netizens point out that KBS Drama Awards also selected the actors to be awarded based on “popularity” and “attendance” rather than “acting”."






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16 hours ago, dramafan33 said:

@janghaesoo I wouldn’t read too much into LJs “omission”, but I’m still curious what possessed KBS Awards organizers to totally ignore JH. It could also be they are a mess? Stuff happens, I guess

You're right. Me and my big mouth haha but still curious about what happened (if something really happened) with JH and KBS.



7 hours ago, azureblue7 said:

His happy new year post!


Does JH have something with that rsc products?

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JH went to a restaurant and gave an autograph



Translation reads:

He made so many great scenes and actions.
Our forever brother. Actor Jang Hyuk.


With his great acting skills, he's still in a good drama.
It appears on the screen.
He came to our restaurant, which is like a small restaurant in the neighborhood.
They gave us a meal.


As handsome as the real screen, and if he had a sharp impression in the past, now he shines with a serious look.


Anyway, I'm too shabby. I couldn't take a picture. But I got the autograph.


Oh, I'm nervous. I'm nervous.^^


I couldn't tell you, but he said "Happy New Year."




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Hmm... Looks like on Radio star, one of the actors that acted with JH in SOGC (the same actor that played with him in BM. Didn't know he was also in SOGC) tells a story about JH. Looks like JH scared him with the dagger he threw.


And the fan is angry. Does he have a right to be? yeah ,sure, sounds kinda dangerous. Didn't know JH actually threw that dagger...


in other news, looks like WOL is now in Netflix in some countries, so I'm suddenly seeing more and more comments on that show. :) How I wish this show focused on these two... So funny and wacky!



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