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[Drama 2012] Bridal Mask 각시탈


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No matter how big/small the role or whether it is the leading role or a supporting one, so long as it gives JW the opportunity to display his excellent acting skills it is a good role or to learn fr his seniors, we shld give him our support. Even accomplished actors like Lee Bum Soo took on a supporting yet very impt role in Dr Jin.

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"Even though in this scene actor Park Ki Woong was not supposed to shed tears, tears suddenly spilled down his face from a surge of emotion and he had to break for a moment. Park Ki Woong apologized and assured staff that he wouldn’t let it happen again."
Oh, PKW, this just makes me love you more and more. When I watched that BTS piece, I wondered why do they show that scene so long, where KT has that monologue, and then I saw PKW and his tears and I remember there weren't that many in the actual scene. I was awed by that moment, it was truly touching. Personally I feel that Shunji's tears are what make that scene truly epic. It just showed for a short moment him sympathizing with KT's pain, for a short moment there he understood WHY KT did what he did and understood him. Someone here said that this episode showed that the romance can't hold a candle to the bromance. I agree. Even though I can't see SJ's redeeming himself, the bromance is still superior to romance where feels are concerned. But that's understandable, because we had the bromance from EP 1 plus the flashbacks that made it all the more powerful and therefore painful to see it dying a slow and cruel death.
One other thing that now bothers me about KT & MD is that MD mostly calls him the "young master" not LKT. I don't know, but that bothers me :-?

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cravey said: "Even though in this scene actor Park Ki Woong was not supposed to shed tears, tears suddenly spilled down his face from a surge of emotion and he had to break for a moment. Park Ki Woong apologized and assured staff that he wouldn’t let it happen again."
Oh, PKW, this just makes me love you more and more. When I watched that BTS piece, I wondered why do they show that scene so long, where KT has that monologue, and then I saw PKW and his tears and I remember there weren't that many in the actual scene. I was awed by that moment, it was truly touching. Personally I feel that Shunji's tears are what make that scene truly epic. It just showed for a short moment him sympathizing with KT's pain, for a short moment there he understood WHY KT did what he did and understood him. Someone here said that this episode showed that the romance can't hold a candle to the bromance. I agree. Even though I can't see SJ's redeeming himself, the bromance is still superior to romance where feels are concerned. But that's understandable, because we had the bromance from EP 1 plus the flashbacks that made it all the more powerful and therefore painful to see it dying a slow and cruel death.
One other thing that now bothers me about KT & MD is that MD mostly calls him the "young master" not LKT. I don't know, but that bothers me :-?

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Just want to share... i'm all alone in my room(2nd floor)when i felt the earthquake while spazzing and reading comments here...it's strong 7.9 magnitude... and i was scared when it was issued a tsunami warning in Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia & several Pacific Island I swear i felt dizzy after that (about) 3 minutes earthquake:(( 

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twin-twin said: OFF TOPIC 
Just want to share... i'm all alone in my room(2nd floor)when i felt the earthquake while spazzing and reading comments here...it's strong 7.9 magnitude... and i was scared when it was issued a tsunami warning in Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia & several Pacific Island I swear i felt dizzy after that (about) 3 minutes earthquake:(( 

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hmm.. actually i have a question.

The Khisokai members who are behind the death of Kangto's father, are they all killed(except for Shinji's father Taro)?

The judge was killed by Kangto's brother Kangsan.. the bank president, the newspaper agency president were killed by Kangto.. the Count killed by Ueno Hideki.. but the hospital head guy wasn't really killed right? i remember seeing him still alive when Shinji was sent to the Japanese hospital after he sustained injuries from the Annexation Ceremony bombing.

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Guest Starlitelet

I absolutely loved episode 25. It had the near-perfect pacing for me. I was literally on the edge of my seat throughout. The death of the Count and Countess flowed really well (as horrible as that sounds). It showed that the Kishokai is indeed relentless. I loved it. Though, I was wishing that the scriptwriter would have a way out for Tamao (sp?), but I guess not. Argg... his death pierced through my heart. He was one of my favorite characters, despite not appearing often. However, I also thought what Tamao did was partially selfish, since his parents died because of that.
Mok Dan is still the most boring part for me, but luckily there weren't a lot of her scenes in episode 25. However, I will admit that I did like the scene where she went to beg RaRa. She passed off as desperate for me which was definitely believable on Jin Se Yun's part. Then again, I hated that specific scene because she rejected RaRa's offer initially. She should know that second chances don't come often. Why beg now when someone gave you a chance before? So, if RaRa did save Bridal Mask, then he'd just resume his duty, and RaRa would be in deep doodoo. Also, I doubt she would have done anything to save Bridal Mask. Would she join the Japanese side? Hmmm... I wonder if Mok Dan puts Kang To before-hand, or her nation.
I must also say that the fighting sequences are awesome!! I love watching them :)
The ending of episode 25 was indeed great, and just how I pictured it.
As of episode 26, I didn't like it. I thought the whole Shunji yelling Kang To style very redundant now. His horrible shooting skills are really bothersome too. It's like Shunji is a robot. He runs like mad at wherever Bridal Mask is, then he shoots aimlessly knowing that he can't get to him. What's next? He throws a fit or screams at the top of his lungs. We get that already... I just find it ruins the whole magic/scariness on Shunji's part. Ok, these are very minor issues.
The most recent episode just didn't do it in terms of pacing for me. Dam Sa Ri's death felt kinda random for me because we haven't seen him appear or in action for quite a while. Then boom! He dies... a heroic death as usual. I honestly am sick of all the patriotism, and heroic parts on the goodies, whereas, the evil people care more about their lives, and are corrupted/cowards. That is just too typical! These comrades are too perfect.
At this point, Mok Dan and Kang To are just so darn boring. I feel less excited whenever their scenes begin. They have no chemistry. Now, some of you may argue and say that their love are past that stage. Even so, I just don't feel any connection rather than the obvious. 
Oh, that kick-richard simmons comrade girl is a great addition ;).

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Guest sunshine4ever

For those of you who are for SJ & KT's bromance and have missed the video by SVETIK "I think I am slowly becoming a monster" you can still view it here (originally posted by rhaps), I watch this mv so many times and can't hate SJ for some reasons, can someone help here? This music shows a transition from being happy to sad, shock, and crazy (of Shunji), it is so beautiful and I just love the way it showed how BM walked and everything, love happy scenes of SJ & KT:


^right click on your mouse and select open link in new tab or window to view it.
so sorry, I don't want to post it here because there had been many pics and maybe more to come, so just click it and view it. :)
mrdimples said: That was me who said the Romance can't hold a candle to the Bromance. I am placing all my bets that the ending when Shunji dies, Kangto is going to cry a river or if they kill each other, I can totally imagine them lying as they did in Ep 1 on that grass lawn, but now fatally wounded, staring at each other, crying or maybe even smiling. *Shivers*
About Mok Dan calling KT Young Master, I think it might be useful in the bedroom if they both like such stuff. Otherwise, I can't imagine. Ooooooooops! What did I just say????

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Guest sunshine4ever

twin-twin said: OFF TOPIC 
Just want to share... i'm all alone in my room(2nd floor)when i felt the earthquake while spazzing and reading comments here...it's strong 7.9 magnitude... and i was scared when it was issued a tsunami warning in Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia & several Pacific Island I swear i felt dizzy after that (about) 3 minutes earthquake:(( 

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Guest sunshine4ever

coolreborn said: @mrdimples : Thanks! I did not feel it in our place since the epicenter is away from us, but yren and twin-twin maybe near the epicenter. This is quite worrisome since we have fault lines here, hope it will not be affected. I experienced a big earthquake before and it killed lots of people, I don't want to see that again. Besides,  I want to watch Gaksital's ending with no problem... come on mother nature.... :(( :((

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