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NO PREVIEW?!!! :((

I'm not much impressed by today's episode, unfortunately :( . The highlights were, for sure, CY's backstory (I must admire LMH's acting prowess, he showed again how much he's improved since CH), CY's fight with HSI and CY & ES scene. The rest dragged too much for my taste and the editing remained as luckluster as before, plus no cliffhanger again, it didn't bother me before since we were still at the very beginning of the story, however, I was expecting some nailbiter at the end of today's episode, maybe ES's kidnapping, to hook the viewers, and it's been promoted as an action fantasy extravaganza so I hoped for a little more of both but there was not much of it :((

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WHY is there no preview?!

This was an episode where we learned the reason why CY has become so lifeless but hmm, I liked yesterdays episode more. And this drama would have been so much better if the camera was better. If they choose the same camera as in other famous sageuk drama's like TMETS then it would have been a higher hit.

But I like the drama ;) Hope for more CY x ES scenes.

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@briseis Hear ya!

The cliffhangers of this drama is so bad I am lost for words.  You're into the 2nd week, at least ends where it's captivating that makes me want more next week!

Maybe next week will be better.............it's moving a tad slow.........

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@marie67: I agree with you. I, too, expected more from the camera work, it's ok, but for a drama of this proportions I would imagine something more gorgeous, look at BM, Arang or QIHM. It looks like the director remained stuck in "the Legend era (2007)" and forgot to upgrade to today's standards. It's quality craftsmanship so to say but he doesn't add anything extra  :(  After episode 4, I miss the excitement for more, when you can't help yourself but feel your heart beating for what's going to happen, it's such a pity since Faith has so much potential. I hope the ratings won't drop [-O<

@otchosais: I don't have doubts, as you said, about liking Faith, but after watching today's episode live, I feel a little letdown since I know that Faith can do better. It's not a sin to criticize someone you love in order for him/her/it to become better because you know he is capable of it :)


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Thanks semi-fly my stream kept dropping UGH!! but even though today's episode was mostly a back story it filled in the blanks for why the characters act as they do. It made me think higher of the King at least.  We know the divine doctor is a free spirited  carefree person but she really needs to dial back some of her enthusiasm because it comes off as silly or inane (which we know she isn't) And her behavior is totally out of place for the situation they are all  in. No drama is without its flaws but hands down this beat the pants off DR. Jin

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Guest Heart.And.Soul

Thanks semi-fly! I haven't watched episode 4 yet, and I'm sad to hear that it is moving along slowly. However I still really like the drama and will continue to watch. There are still some action scenes in the 6 minute preview that we haven't seen yet. I just love the idea of a modern doc falling for a warrior. Enough for me to watch to the very end. Besides the drama is 24 episodes, maybe that is why it is taking it's time in these early episodes. If it was a 16 episode drama I would be more worried :) There are still 20 episodes of Faith to go! 

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I find Choi Yong's story kinda sad,to be forced in that kind of life,no wonder if he hates the monarhy for what they did to them... 
Not much happend in today's episode but i absolutely loved the part with the kind and Eun Soo...didn't think she would use history in her advantage,pretty good...if she knew a lot more she could very well handle as well the bad guys...It's true that the story is kinda slow but if the drama has 24 episodes i would like it to move slow to create the bigger plot,to make us believe in the characters,hope that's the case and pic up quickly the main plot...I think they could use a much more beautiful way to handle that camera,to give us that fantasy touch of a world full of unknown and they sure need to work on the way they end each episode BUT even so i quite enjoy this show very much...I think it's because of LMH,KHS,PSY and LF...I wonder if Jang Bin will fall for Eun Soo...

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@Heart.And.Soul: I hope you are right, I share your opinion. Actually, today I was excited for the preview of episode 5 even more than for today's episode (unfortunately they didn't air it) because, as you said, in the long preview there is the fight scene between CY & CEJ, and what's more the actual romance between CY and ES moves foward (in today's episode she is already wearing the outfit for the horse-riding scene with CY and we know that he has his shield with him so there will be a fight scene, maybe he will fight to protect her :x ). I can't wait to see this (the scene in the rain, wet CY =P~ ) :x :


I had literally tears in my eyes during this scene, poor CY :-S , I'm not suprised he wants to get from those corrupted and pervese royals as far away as possible. I so wish a happy ending for him with ES, she is the only one that can get him out of his tortured shell :x


Source: http://tvdaily.mk.co.kr/read.php3?aid=1345558385375633002, http://www.obsnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=651914, http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=201208212245391710


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ES is a girl after my own heart, she has come to accept that she has time traveled to the past, and what does she do, try to load up on stuff that will have increased in value by the time she gets back home. What a girl, she might even get enough for her own hospital. 
I just found out that the king that is being portrayed here is the same king that's portrayed  in Frozen Flower, and the same guard that killed him in Frozen Flower killed him in real life. Since I started watching this it has made want to know more about the real life people.
So far I really like the costuming here and I don't mind it being slow, better slow start than a slow draggy ending. I liked how ES explain why she has no interest in staying there, they have to many rules and it's to easy to die, a perfect example of that was CY story about the female warrior. Let's face if any of us ended up 700 years in the past we would be more than just a little whinny.  They would have had to drug me to get me away from that portal site. I wouldn't care how fine and good looking the guy was nothing could induce me to stay.  Sorry I'm just babbling, trying to think of things to write so the thread keeps moving, but nothing really interesting or exciting happened today or yesterday. 

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Guest myphim

IBELIS said: ES is a girl after my own heart, she has come to accept that she has time traveled to the past, and what does she do, try to load up on stuff that will have increased in value by the time she gets back home. What a girl, she might even get enough for her own hospital. 
I just found out that the king that is being portrayed here is the same king that's portrayed  in Frozen Flower, and the same guard that killed him in Frozen Flower killed him in real life. Since I started watching this it has made want to know more about the real life people.
So far I really like the costuming here and I don't mind it being slow, better slow start than a slow draggy ending. I liked how ES explain why she has no interest in staying there, they have to many rules and it's to easy to die, a perfect example of that was CY story about the female warrior. Let's face if any of us ended up 700 years in the past we would be more than just a little whinny.  They would have had to drug me to get me away from that portal site. I wouldn't care how fine and good looking the guy was nothing could induce me to stay.  Sorry I'm just babbling, trying to think of things to write so the thread keeps moving, but nothing really interesting or exciting happened today or yesterday. 

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