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If you watched the long 6-minute trailer carefully, you've noticed that the director paid homage to the primary Faith drama that began its filming in the second half of 2010 with Kang Ji Hwan cast as Choi Young, with higher budget and intended to be filmed in 3-D. From the main cast and crew remained only KHS, Lee Philip, the director and the scriptwriter as the famous three musketeers with D'Artagnan, faithfully fighting until the actual air date =D> .

1) If we look at the long preview again, we'll notice that Kang Ji Hwan, actually, made his appearence in it @-)  (probably the reason we can't see Lee Jun Ki in it, too, is that he was shipped off to army duty before he could even begin the filming in Jeju ;)


 2) You can clearly see that it's the same scene with the same actors. By the way, don't you also think that LP looked even hotter in his previous look  =P~



3) KHS's appearance 2 years ago


4) It's your choice: older version with facial hair or younger version without it :D (with my vote counted in the result is - 0:1 the shaved magician with ponytail ;) )



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to  me he is gorgeous however you clothe him; clean shaven or a stubbly beard. But with his beard he sort of reminds me of  Kim Nam Gil(Bad boy) That guy is one helluva actor/hottie too lol
Edit IBELIS;   I think the King will be indecisive,weak and chauvinistic. Always looking  for acceptance from his subordinates (and not getting much love)  Also he will be jealous of his wife's strength,wisdom and the willingness to do the right thing. I am worried for him(mainly because of his aide de camp what an a*s he is) I hope they elevatethe King's character but right now it's not looking very good .The King is spoiled and weak. I don't like him if you couldn't tell already :) 

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WOW I didnt know that KJH had already filmed some particular scenes of this drama. You see Faith has his own fate, and it ditched KJH and took LMHot :P I must say that LMH looks more awesome than KJH maybe cuz we are around the same age ^^ and he has this pretty boy vs bad boy appearance. And KHS looks older/more mature with 2012 hair.

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Guest wisteria7

I found the 2010 version very interesting. In a previous post,I wrote that a more battle weary and battle hardened appearance would be more in tune-what  KjS portrayed. Honestly,I don't see a bad boy aspect in LMH's performance. I don't see a temper,only a handsome flawless man that so far has been low voiced and fairly polite. However,magic can only go so far  and yes,it will save him from non self inflicted wounds but it shouldn't excuse everything.

I would like to see Min ho is disarray-angry,loud voiced,commanding,unshaven,wild haired,wild eyed,passionate- General Choi unleased. Pull back his flowerboy hair flopping over his eyes. Show me raw emotion. LMH is a fine actor,but he can do so much more with this part and can separate the babyfaced flowerboy from the man.

KHS on the other hand,has been roughed up,beaten,hair a mess,make up smeared,tied up,heels lost,blood spattered. I would whine too.

And LMH would look hot unleashed.wouldn't he?

As the director,I would have asked this of LMH. Not in every scene,no,.I do look forward to maybe seeing this in future episodes. 


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@wisteria even though I agree that the general Min ho should be more battle hardened I think the fact that he isn't older and more battle weary is because is has a rare talent and intellect.(at least I think that is what the drama is portraying him as) Plus the lead male is supposed to be hot. But I have to agree he has more of the  arrogant pretty  boy look than a man who has lived through the ugliness of war 

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I am in the camp who would have preferred a more seasoned warrior look of the General. I am all in for the unshaven, wild haired, wild eyed , unleased General! ha,ha,ha  A rough looking warrior with a lightning hand is more exciting than a youthful looking warrior with lightning hand. Remember he slept for 3 days and 2 nights in episode 1 flashback and he did not grow a stubble? Perhaps he also has the magic power of forever looking young! LOL

Yes, Faith with all the entertaining elements, appeals to a wide audience. I am happy to hear that the male audience are enjoying it as well.

Anyway, I will take what is given , LMH rough or clean shaven than somebody else ,and I still enjoy looking at the youthful, hot General. Just waiting for Monday to come quick....

Faith fans, love all your comments. keep them coming...

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Guest wisteria7

Oh I am definitely loving watching LMH. I truly would not want another actor to take his place. I guess General Choi unleased is my fantasy. Yes,the male lead should be hot and in turn make us hot. And he does.LMH does get more forceful as episode 2 goes on.

What I meant was LMH can do this..and more.He is that good of an actor.


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Guest wisteria7

Just wanted to say that I get Drama Fever and I have found that their subbing stinks. I just watched  Episode 2 for the yes,8th time and enjoyed it more on viki.com. Their subbing is so much better. This is led me to the conviction that  good subtitles are imperative for a better viewing experience.

Looking forward to Faith episode 3 and LMH unleashed:)

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I'm not seeing the chemistry between khs and lmh. Aside from their 10 year age difference in real life, her whiny character with a deadpan general don't mesh. I'm liking the look and feel of the drama otherwise. Enjoyed the Ahn jae wook camero as her ex in ep 1. For those who are also watching answer me 1997- Ahn Jae wook was the biggest heart throb of late 90's due to his role in star in my heart, the one shiwon and her mom watch and swoon over. Khs and ajw stared in 2 dramas in late 90's as well when lmh was like 10 years old. Sigh. I know there's a romance element but I hope they don't push it. Also there were a lot of comparisons to dr Jin and faith before both aired as time travel medical fushion dramas. Once dr Jin started and showed how atrocious it was people stopped comparing. Dr Jin set bar very high for how not to do medical drama but I see little things like ksh putting on sterilized gloves then pouring sterilizing water then touching her hair before surgery! She also grabbed all the sharp medical instruments with her bare hands and used them without sterilizing. Please that's just stupid. Anyhow I hope details like that get taken care of. The plot and tragetory of this drama is at least more promising. And lmh is a much better actor than ssh so I could tolerate watching faith even if it goes bad.

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Guest sophur

I'll give this show a few more episodes to go before deciding whether to drop it or not from my watch list. So far, it's not looking good.

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I watched both episodes of this drama and really enjoyed it.  I love how it moves really fast and each episode is very eventful. I am also glad that they kept all the political stuff to a minimum and hope they continue that way.

I actually love the chemistry between LMH and KHS.  Of course he looks younger than her, but to me, it doesn't matter.  The sparks are already there and hoping that the romance storyline doesn't take long to develop - it'll be really interesting how CY will change when he falls in love.  I'm hoping he will be smitten first because it will be interesting how he tries to get her attention (since she is used to the dating style of the future).  I'm thinking that we may see some funny moments.

I've read a few posts where some believe that KHS's character is too "whiny" however, I actually like the character that way.  During this time period, women were more reserved, soft-spoken. However, KHS is from the future where women say and do what is on their mind.  By having this personality, it makes her character more interesting in a world dominated by men who are not used to woman talking back or being whiny when they don't get their way.  In addition, her character makes a good contrast to LMH's character.  If she wasn't "whiny" then you would have two reserved main characters (and that would be just boring).  I think that was one of the problems with Dr. Jin.

So glad Monday is almost here... luckily there were some other Wednesday and Thursday dramas to help hold me over until more Faith!

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Guest Heart.And.Soul

Love the video! Faith and Florence :) 
I love this show so far, and will continue to watch regardless of ratings,  ect.

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Guest walkietalkie

Love all the comments, videos, gif, and the little details ppl are picking up. I didn't notice about the last shield standing thing until someone pointed that out. :D 
I've watched it 3x now and it gets better each time. There is a lot of detail put into the costumes and set. I can't wait to see how some of the side story develops because the supporting characters seem quite interesting. 
I love the warrior costume here vs TMETS costume. The costume there got a little boring for me. It was the same for everyone except for the colors. The warrior costume fits quite nicely with LMH. :D

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