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marie67 said:

As for the ratings, I think they will increase but because its very hot and a lot of people have holidays, the ratings are hence lower than when drama;s air in the winter or so. Well thats just my guess :P.


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My take on the ratings situation:

Frankly, I'm almost sick that such a well-thought, gorgeously filmed, well-acted drama scored for its first 2 episodes lower ratings than that mess that Dr. Jin was X( . I suspect the main thing is that Faith premiered as the latest of the three Mon/Tue dramas. HL wouldn't normally gain such stellar ratings but there was no other rom-com at that time that was being broacast, it has the summer feeling and premiered a week sooner during the Olympics and people who didn't want to watch sports switched over, plus the main role is portrayed by the actress who quite recently gained the attention with the erotic historical movie The Concubine. Another important factor is that Faith is going against Golden Time which is also a medical drama. GT has been airing the longest time of the three and has been slowly and inconspicuously gaining momentum in the past month (by tenths of percents by still steadily growing).

I view it as a positive sign that Faith's 2nd episode gained slightly in the AGB ratings by almost 1%. Quality series are not always outright hits (look at MTETS), even BM took 18 episodes to get close to the 20% mark, raising by slow steps (apparently viewers needed to get used to it, competition finished its airing, head start in front of the others, latter stages of drama usually gain higher ratings than the beginning).

I think that the next week's ratings will be very telling, whether F's ratings will slowly but steadily rise I'll be hopeful.To tell the truth, I'd been hoping for ratings around the 14% for the first 2 episodes, however, neither it was a miss in the ratings. The future doesn't look that bad either, GT's already aired 11 episodes and it was planned for 20 (maybe 1 episode extension looks likely), if Faith can at least remain competitive with it until it finishes its airing then the time to strike will come  :-B because MBC's next Mon/Tue drama is going to be Horse Doctor and let's face it, it's not actually the type of a drama that would be striving from an excessive attention from Korean audiance (KTH's Grand Prix was a total flop at box office) :)

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Guest xopo17

so Faith can be watched without subs easily, since it’s more action and less dialogue hehe :)

and hopes on next week ,maybe they would like to showed me more about the white haired guy… this white haired guy made me so curious  :-?  and I like the queen too and feel bad for her

Lee Min Ho oppa as always handsome and candy eye for me when do some fighting scene :) fighting oppa :-* 

for Eun-Soo: is it Everyone feels like “RUN, RUN” “Why didn’t she run?”  I get it. As she said, she was fuzzy coming from the future to the past (doesn’t even know she’s in the past). Try to think of this from her perspective: If you see a light coming from some stones, would you like immediately jump into it, thinking it would take you to home? 

I would also like to point out that she didn’t see him shooting the lighting out of his hand. She still does not know she’s in a world filled with magic.


my comment about the scene of stabbing: i think she didn’t mean to stab him. She expected him to move aside. Most people have a vase available, she had a sword. It was unfortunate. He chose to let her stab him, as a way of apologizing. and it was weird that she was screaming about him not being unconscious and he suddenly goes unconscious? I got the feeling he made himself go unconscious. Hmmm… I can’t wait to find out more on next week :)

BTW, i have to said that scene of surgery in Faith was more dignified, interesting, good executing and intriguing than surgeries scene in Dr. Jin.

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Guest wisteria7

The ratings will rise but Faith is already a hit. Sometimes when a program comes out and gains huge ratings for it's first 2 episodes,it often can't maintain those ratings and falls,never regaining it's stellar numbers. A show that starts out with good ratings like Faith,despite summertime,other shows,etc, and continues to gather ratings and an audience will be a solid hit and become a classic.

With all the great things it has going for it, Faith is already a hit. Reviews are great. And besides,if my Dad and boyfriend are raving about it,it's a hit.

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Guest wisteria7

I agree with xopo17's insight about why the doc waited to go thru the portal. The first time,she was pulled thru by CY. So of course she would hesitate. Also,still not being able to come to terms with actually living in the  past world would add to further hesitation.

As for the stabbing of CY,I know I gasped when I saw it. Even the second time I saw it.

Faith is a hit. I can't wait for the next episode. Solid acting,beautiful costumes and sets and a great storyline.


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Hmm, Golden Time didnt start that good actually. Here is the episode ratings:okOph.jpg


But its a fact that Horse doctor will be a strong opponent. Although look at Arang, Gaksital is a very very strong opponent and was about to air its 21th episode when Arang premiered, and still Arang managed to get ratings around the 14% and higher. So its just a matter of time ;)

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I am normally not very enthusiastic when a younger man is paired with an older woman UNLESS the story calls for it and they turn out to have chemistry. 
Case in point: 
1. In 'The Moon that Embraces The Sun', Han Ga In character was younger than Kim Soo Hyun but she clearly looked older than him/ he clearly looked younger than her so it was very disturbing to me.
2. In 'What's Up Fox', Chun Jung Myung was younger than Go Hyun Jung, same with their character, so its believable there. They also have amazing chemistry together, thus I have no problem rooting for them in the drama. Same thing with 'I Do I Do'.
However, if the age difference it too big, I can't help being doubtful towards the pairing. In 'A Gentleman's Dignity', Yoon and Me Ari pairing was disturbing to me, she can pass as his daughter! and I think the writer was aware of it too, thus the reason why there's no kissing scene between them (unless it happens in the final episode, because I haven't watched it yet). It could be disturbing to a lot of people. 
Same thing with Lee Min Ho and Kim Hee Sun, people cant help being doubtful because their age difference is so big and their look do not help too. Let say if Min ho is paired with Yoon Eun Hye, I bet no one will complain eventhough Eun Hye is older than Min ho because she's only 2 years older than him. 
Before 'The King 2 Hearts' premiered, people criticized Lee Seung Gi for being paired with Ha Ji Won as well. But fortunately after the drama went on air, people could see their chemistry and no one complained about the age difference anymore. Some fans even root for them to become a couple in real life.
From the 2 episodes I have seen of Faith, I can see some chemistry between Minho and Heesun. At the very least, I was not really disturbed by their age difference. Their characters were supposed to be like that too. I think if Heesun can tone down her winny and a little OTT acting, it might be helpful. For now, I see the chemistry there, but its not at the level of sizzling yet. I see potential though. I'm swooning everytime CY stare at ES and the rescue scene <3 Regardless, its a subjective thing anyway. Some may see the chemistry, while others don't. Some may enjoy this show, while others don't. So for us who like Faith now, continue spazzing here because I love reading everyone's thoughts :) 
Regarding the editing, the flaw I notice is their ending of the episode. Its a pity because i thought the scene when CY and ES locked eyes in front of the portal was the perfect ending for Ep1 while the scene when she stabbed CY was perfect for Ep2. However, like City Hunter, that drama also had problem with its ending in the beginning, and later on improved tremendously. I have faith in Faith that this drama will just get better and better with episodes. 
So far, there are just so much potential in the story and characters. Really can't wait for Ep3 and 4 :) 

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Guest myphim

wisteria7 said:

The ratings will rise but Faith is already a hit. Sometimes when a program comes out and gains huge ratings for it's first 2 episodes,it often can't maintain those ratings and falls,never regaining it's stellar numbers. A show that starts out with good ratings like Faith,despite summertime,other shows,etc, and continues to gather ratings and an audience will be a solid hit and become a classic.

With all the great things it has going for it, Faith is already a hit. Reviews are great. And besides,if my Dad and boyfriend are raving about it,it's a hit.

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Guest reedtrip82

Ya know what so funny, LMH going around carrying the police shield hahhahhahahha i guess he think it's heaven item like what one of the soldier said hahahaha

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I've read many comments stating that LMH's General Choi is too thin and fragile looking, with no scars on his face or facial hair. I'd say he's tall with long limbs (quickness - advantage), muscular but lean  (flexibility - another advantage). And I don't really see him being injured by a mere mortal (even if the said mortal would want to unless CY would deliberately take the blow  ;) ), when he commands the power of lighting (which was in the Greek mythology reserved for Zeus the most powerful of all the gods and their king =; or in the Norse, for Thor, son of Odin) and can take down the whole highly trained SWAT team from the "heavenly" 21th century without so much as breaking a sweat ^:)^  \m/





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For me, this drama is everything Time slip Dr. Jin could have been but wasn't.(and just in the first episodes) I find the actors/acting pretty good and the modern divine healer very credible.I know I would be saying is this Candid Camera? I have just about had my fill of time jumping but I like this and found it fun(I LOVE sagueks as well). I love the Queen and the divine healer; give me a strong female character over a crying doormat anyday. Plus, there is no shortage of good looking men always a plus for this old ahjuma lolBTW I have no problem with the age difference or the fantasy( i.e. lightening fingers or time portals)this is after all kdrama where all things are possible. :)

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Guest myphim

briseis said:

I've read many comments stating that LMH's General Choi is too thin and fragile looking, with no scars on his face or facial hair. I'd say he's tall with long limbs (quickness - advantage), muscular but lean  (flexibility - another advantage). And I don't really see him being injured by a mere mortal (even if the said mortal would want to unless CY would deliberately take the blow  ;) ), when he commands the power of lighting (which was in the Greek mythology reserved for Zeus the most powerful of all the gods and their king =; or in the Norse, for Thor, son of Odin) and can take down the whole highly trained SWAT team from the "heavenly" 21th century without so much as breaking a sweat ^:)^  \m/

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Only one day to go until the perfection that is Faith arrives again <:-P

Considering that ES is still wearing her 21st century clothes I think this scene is coming up in episode 3 :x I can't wait!!!


To kill some time here is another MV of Faith:

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Guest gamegacon

Lee Min Ho, Kim Hee Sun, and Cast of ‘Faith’ Fight the Heat Wave

South Korea′s humid summer weather continues, and the actors of SBS’ Faith are learning to deal with it in their own ways.

On August 18, Faith revealed some on-set photos of the actors as they filmed. The photos showed the actors smiling despite wearing heavy garments and costumes in the sweltering heat.


Each actor had their own ways of handling the heat. Lee Min Ho had his personal mini-fan, while Kim Hee Sun, Ryu Duk Hwan, and Lee Philip held giant fans to cool themselves down. Park Se Young also had a fan, but prepared a icy cool water bottle as well to make sure she doesn’t get dehydrated during filming.

A staff member of Faith said, “The actors are suffering a lot with the hot weather and busy filming schedules, but they’re doing their best not to lose their smiles and trying to enjoy the heat to the best of their abilities, which makes the working staff enjoy the shoots as well.”

Faith airs every Monday and Tuesday on SBS.

Photo Credit: SBS

Cre : enewsworld

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I can't wait for the reveal that CY did not go to heaven but the future. I also loved how after he did his Ki shot that he grabbed the only shield that was left upright. I wonder if he took it as a sign. I was also glad they manage not to show him what a gun could do. For a warrior it would have been hard to resist taking one of those back as well.
The king concerns me a little, the suggestion made by the queen that he wanted CY to die bothered me. I couldn't figure out if it was true or if he was being misunderstood. It appeared that he really valued his opinion and looked to him often. So did he really not know that forcing him to betray his promise would end in his death, or did he just think it was warrior bravado. That he only wanted to see if he would obey his order, not knowing that he would die for betraying the promise.

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