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Hyun Bin 현빈 [Movies: “The Point Men”, “Confidential Assignment 2” | Upcoming: Movie “Harbin”]


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musings:  hiiiii :-h thanks for the news! interesting read!! wah,his fangirls list keeps on increasing!! now miryo is the new addition to the list is it!! but poor girl,she has a big queue ahead of her!!  ;)

ceecile: agree with musings...this thread is very much updated i can say!!  thanks to musings,The_Joker,utkim,willenette,gaye,lyra and many others who bring us all the latest news and pics about our hyun bin regularly !! hope u have a great time visiting this thread like i do..welcome aboard  :-h

elizabeth: same thoughts exactly!! 2013 needs to come by very soon!! hoping to see more of hyun bin in the new year!! i don mind whether its cf,movie or drama as long as i see him onscreen soon!! il be waiting... wub.gif


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Some news related to Hyun Bin a bit late though.  Running Man celebrated the release of Hyun Bin where the members wear the "bling bling" tracksuit.  After 2 years KJW's fashion statement has yet to die down :))
Hyun Bin will be released from Marine Corps today~Kwang Bin Suk Bin Jae Bin Ha Bin and Gae Bin celebrating ^.^ #Ep24
Source:twitter @im_runningman on dec 14A9ZTqV-CAAEsi51.jpg

Note:  @musings - sorry to be late in reply on our pm(s) would continue since I'm a bit tied up atm

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Guest musings

안녕하세요 the_joker, ria, gaye, all of you....

Hi ceecile, it's not very structured here I guess. Throw in heresays, rumors and guesswork...it's believe it or not ha!

Hi ria,  totally agree with you ...long queue indeed  :))   I read somewhere before that Hyosung of girl band Secret was also one of them.  Can't find the article again though.


News regarding the controversial and unauthorised use of HB's image to pull the votes of young voters by the Democratic Party for the SK presidential elections.  It has since been taken down from the relevant fb and the party concerned has issued apology . 

source: chosun.com

현빈이 文측 투표독려 포스터에? 초상권 논란


문재인 민주통합당 대선후보 측의 온라인 홈페이지 중 하나인 ‘담쟁이캠프 20s Choice’가 배우 현빈(30·본명 김태평)의 사진을 무단으로 사용해 논란을 빚고 있다.

‘담쟁이캠프 20s Choice(https://www.facebook.com/ivy20schoice)’에는 13일 젊은 층의 투표를 독려하는 포스터가 한 장 올라왔다. ‘우리는 무적의 투표부대’라는 제목의 이 포스터를 보면, 해병대 출신 연예인 현빈이 현역시절 군복을 입고 찍은 사진이 가운데 자리 잡고 있다.

포스터를 올린 홈페이지 운영자는 ‘내일이면 D-day를 한손만으로 셀 수 있을 정도로 대선이 임박했습니다. 하여, 모든 역량을 집중하기 위해 무적의 투표부대를 모집하려고 합니다. 많은 신청 부탁드립니다’라는 설명글을 함께 게시했다. ‘입대 신청서’에 이름·나이·메일주소·연락처 등을 적어내면, 문 후보 캠프 대학생위원회에서 구체적인 ‘작전계획’이 하달되는 방식이다.

하지만 현빈의 소속사 측은 이 포스터에 대해 난색을 보이고 있다. 현빈 소속사 오앤엔터테인먼트 측은 “현재 실무자와 연락해서 진상을 파악중이다”라고 말했다.

포스터가 게시된 담쟁이캠프 홈페이지에는 네티즌들도 우려를 표하고 있다. 한 네티즌은 “묻습니다. 지금 현재 포스터에 사용된 사진은 현빈 소속사로부터 허락을 받고 사용 중인지 궁금합니다”라는 글을 남겼다. 또 다른 네티즌은 “이건 좀 컨셉을 잘못 잡은 것 같다”고 했고, “현빈씨가 언제부터 문재인 후보를 지지했죠? 거 참 이상하네”라는 글을 남긴 네티즌도 있었다.

현재 해당 게시물은 삭제된 상태다.       


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Guest musings

Hello...... my fellow fangirls.. how are we?me...fine


HB is on magazine covers

credit: Hot Chilli Paper


... great open message from HCP btw  :x


credit :   Korean Fun



credit : source dc






Funny news... company willing to sponsor wigs for HB so that he can jump right back into acting!! 

credit : source

class="a25 ls-5"“현빈의 빠른 복귀 위해 가발 선물하고 싶다” 이색 업체 등장 ‘눈길


[서울=NSP통신] 고정곤 기자 = 최근 해병대 군 복무를 마친 배우 현빈의 연예계 빠른 복귀를 돕고 싶다는 이색 업체가 등장해 눈길을 끈다.

18일 가발 전문의 이 업체는 보도자료를 통해 “현빈이 짧은 머리 때문에 브라운관 복귀가 늦춰질 수도 있다는 소식을 들었다”며 “그의 현재 헤어스타일에 단발과 웨이브 펌 등의 변화를 준 듯한 자연스러운 두발 연출이 가능한 패션 가발을 선물하고 싶다”고 밝혔다.

이 업체에 따르면 현빈이 현재 머리를 기르며, 차근차근 스케줄을 정리해 컴백 시기를 조율하고 있다는 소식이 전해지면서 많은 팬들의 아쉬운 탄성이 터져나와 빠른 복귀를 위해 패션 가발을 준비했다는 것.

한편 현빈은 SBS 드라마 ‘시크릿가든’ 일본 TV 방송 일정에 맞춰 아시아 각국 팬들과의 팬 미팅 준비로 바쁜 시간을 보내고 있는 것으로 전해진 가운데 지난 13일에는 한 대선 후보 측 선거운동을 돕는 한 페이스북의 투표 독려 포스터에 그의 군 시절 사진이 무단으로 사용돼 뜻하지 않은 피해를 보기도 했다. 이 포스터는 지난 17일 삭제됐다.

고정곤 NSP통신 기자, kjk1052@nspna.com
<저작권자ⓒ 국내유일의 경제중심 종합뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>


:-h @The_Joker, I'll be here waiting


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LOL at the wigs. Though it would be smart for Hyun Bin to do a historical drama right now, i think they are called Sageuks? He has NEVER done one. Those usually do well in ratings plus imagine with Hyun Bin on board it will be a hit for sure. Then he would do some CFs (he can wear hats for those or wigs too). People are so eager to see him, he shouldn't wait too long to pick a project only so he can grow his hair, this seems such a waste for such a talented actor. I also think him coming from the military would be so fitting for a sageuk because he has the physical training and force right now to kick richard simmons in an action project. 

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jamy47 said: LOL at the wigs. Though it would be smart for Hyun Bin to do a historical drama right now, i think they are called Sageuks? He has NEVER done one. Those usually do well in ratings plus imagine with Hyun Bin on board it will be a hit for sure. Then he would do some CFs (he can wear hats for those or wigs too). People are so eager to see him, he shouldn't wait too long to pick a project only so he can grow his hair, this seems such a waste for such a talented actor. I also think him coming from the military would be so fitting for a sageuk because he has the physical training and force right now to kick richard simmons in an action project. 

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The_Joker: ur most welcome.. >:D< and each and every contribution is significant here..it is a great thing that all of u are taking time to update this thread with HB's pics and news..kudos  =D> 

musings: thanks for the mag cover pics... ahh he looks hawttt    :\">

thanks kim and jjssweeter for the pics  :D

Lee Seung Gi and Hyun Bin appear with completely different fashion at the general election

December 19, 2012 9:00 pm hannacha


Singer Lee Seung Gi and actor Hyun Bin have shown contradicting fashion at polling places for the presidential election.

The 18th Presidential Election was held from 6:00 a.m. on December 19. At around 3:00 p.m., Lee Seung Gi was spotted at the second polling location in Samsung-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul. He was wearing a grey jacket on top of a black shirt, appealing with a neat style. He smiled brightly towards the reporters and posed for them.

On the other hand, Hyun Bin appeared at the fifth polling place located in Samsung-dong as well, to cast his vote at around 5:00 p.m. His fashion was all-black and his entire face was covered with a hat and a muffler. But his gorgeous look caught people’s attention at once.

As the ballot box is sealed by 6:00 p.m., the three major broadcasting systems in Korea broadcasted about the exit polls of the general election. The candidate of Saenuri Party, Park Keun Hye acquired 50.1% while Moon Jae In from Democratic Party won 48.9%. Park is ahead by 1.2%, and this attracts attention from all Korean citizens

Source: TV Report via korea.com

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Seems like companies are dying to sign contracts w/ Hyun Bin & people anxious to see Hyun Bin back on screen. I know everyone is waiting but I don't want him to rush but just take his time. Hyun Bin looks really handsome in those casual clothes btw. Even though he's all covered up he looks very stylish.

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Sometimes i forget how TALL this man is OMG! In real life he seems even more gigantic lol  He is such a responsible guy in every way, doing his duty as a civilian, i'm so proud to be a fan of his :)  He sure doesn't want people to see him without hair lol

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Guest musings

:-h Hi's to ria, willenette, utkim, lyra, elizabeth, jamy47, celyw and YOU...

@ ria ... thanks for the news, other SK celebrities were posting their proof selcas even.   Luckily the reporters were there so we get to see HB's photos.

@ willenette ... he could do an "lljimae" judging by these latest photos!   Agreed with you, it is certainly great to see him in something other than military fashion :)

@utkim and jjsweeter ... thank you for the galore of photos, *very happy* luckily the SK elections was held after his discharge.

@ lyra ...  ;;) I did the same thing, such long fingers. 

@ elizabeth ... HB is certainly looking very stylish and classy. 


Who are you pointing at??? 



HB made it to no. 3 on the Nate search for doing his civic duty


credit : dc, source



Park Eun Ji was on Strong Heart show.  She talked about her mc stint with HB for the Marines concert.  She had received the programme prior to the event and it was written "female mc : PEJ  male mc : Kim Tae Pyeong".  She thought the male mc's name rather special.  She only found out that KTP was HB when she met him at the concert. 

my thoughts *** perhaps there are those who doesn't know who KTP is but a news anchor (her) not knowing ...????


credit : source

박은지 현빈 인연 “이름이 특이하다고만 생각했는데…”


[연예팀] 방송인 박은지가 배우 현빈과의 특별한 인연을 공개했다.

박은지는 12월18일 방송된 SBS ‘강심장’에 출연해 현빈과 함께 행사를 진행했던 에피소드를 털어놨다.

이날 방송에서 박은지는 “현빈이 제대하기 전 저와 함께 행사를 했는데 처음 대본만 받았을 땐 ‘여자 MC 박은지와 남자 MC 김태평’이라고 써있어서 이름이 특이한 분이란 생각만 했다”고 말했다.

이어 “그런데 행사장에 나타난 현빈을 보고선 그의 본명이 김태평이란 걸 알았다. 그 때 현빈이 ‘부족하니 좀 도와달라’고 하셔서 멘트 사이에 공간이 뜨면 도와드렸다”며 당시의 상황에 대해 설명했다.

한편 박은지 현빈 인연을 접한 네티즌들은 “박은지 현빈 인연 대박이네”, “박은지 현빈 인연? 부러워”, “박은지 현빈 인연 훈훈하다” 등의 반응을 보였다. (사진 출처 : SBS '강심장' 방송 화면 캡처)

한경닷컴 bnt뉴스 기사제보 star@bntnews.co.kr


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musings said:

:-h Hi's to ria, willenette, utkim, lyra, elizabeth, jamy47, celyw and YOU...

@ ria ... thanks for the news, other SK celebrities were posting their proof selcas even.   Luckily the reporters were there so we get to see HB's photos.

@ willenette ... he could do an "lljimae" judging by these latest photos!   Agreed with you, it is certainly great to see him in something other than military fashion :)

@utkim and jjsweeter ... thank you for the galore of photos, *very happy* luckily the SK elections was held after his discharge.

@ lyra ...  ;;) I did the same thing, such long fingers. 

@ elizabeth ... HB is certainly looking very stylish and classy.

Who are you pointing at??? 

HB made it to no. 3 on the Nate search for doing his civic duty


credit : dc, source



Park Eun Ji was on Strong Heart show.  She talked about her mc stint with HB for the Marines concert.  She had received the programme prior to the event and it was written "female mc : PEJ  male mc : Kim Tae Pyeong".  She thought the male mc's name rather special.  She only found out that KTP was HB when she met him at the concert. 

my thoughts *** perhaps there are those who doesn't know who KTP is but a news anchor (her) not knowing ...????


credit : source

박은지 현빈 인연 “이름이 특이하다고만 생각했는데…”

[연예팀] 방송인 박은지가 배우 현빈과의 특별한 인연을 공개했다.

박은지는 12월18일 방송된 SBS ‘강심장’에 출연해 현빈과 함께 행사를 진행했던 에피소드를 털어놨다.

이날 방송에서 박은지는 “현빈이 제대하기 전 저와 함께 행사를 했는데 처음 대본만 받았을 땐 ‘여자 MC 박은지와 남자 MC 김태평’이라고 써있어서 이름이 특이한 분이란 생각만 했다”고 말했다.

이어 “그런데 행사장에 나타난 현빈을 보고선 그의 본명이 김태평이란 걸 알았다. 그 때 현빈이 ‘부족하니 좀 도와달라’고 하셔서 멘트 사이에 공간이 뜨면 도와드렸다”며 당시의 상황에 대해 설명했다.

한편 박은지 현빈 인연을 접한 네티즌들은 “박은지 현빈 인연 대박이네”, “박은지 현빈 인연? 부러워”, “박은지 현빈 인연 훈훈하다” 등의 반응을 보였다. (사진 출처 : SBS '강심장' 방송 화면 캡처)

한경닷컴 bnt뉴스 기사제보 star@bntnews.co.kr


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