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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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It looks like the writer will take same path as AIL, where the lead male marries his first love, tries to make her happy, all while the female lead will be left alone and miserable. In AIL, it's her sister who did the trick to wake up the male lead, I guess in WR, it's either DA or EJ's father or brother who would go and break some sense into MY. And it'd only happen during last moment of ep16... sigh. Even though I still love AIL but can't help but feel disappointed now.

Hmmm, not liking this either, so I will say this...  The reason why it won't end up this way is because the writer won't want to be stereotyped as the writer whose dramas always end up this way.  Too predictable.  Also, this is lighter fare than AIL (from what I understand), and therefore, there will be a happier result (after some suffering).  There, those are good reasons for it not to end up that way, right?  

The glass is half full, the glass is half full...(chanting this while falling asleep)

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whats the real deal with JH huh??? from the preview it seems she's more a problem to both MY and EJ...why the heck wrong with the writer?? if the writer/pd like the character JH so much why dont they make Jessica and LDW the leading OTP in their earlier synopsis....then I wont waste my time watching WR knowing Jessica will be the leading lady grrr crazy.gif its getting me more fuming that as the drama left with 6 episodes more the storyline revolves around MY & JH too much tongue2.gif ....

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Guest keysyoo0987

thanks KOE!!!


can somebody translate what was written here?

looks like DA is gonna be in trouble!

even JH is a suspect! Go EJ!!!!

poor MY sick again!

what! a hug again! this is not what i want to see!!!!

 WR fighting!!!

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<br />whats the real deal with JH huh??? from the preview it seems she's more a problem to both MY and EJ...why the heck wrong with the writer?? if the writer/pd like the character JH so much why dont they make Jessica and LDW the leading OTP in their earlier synopsis....then I wont waste my time watching WR knowing Jessica will be the leading lady grrr <img src='http://cdn.vanillaforums.com/soompi.vanillaforums.com/style_emoticons/default/crazy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='crazy.gif' /> its getting me more fuming that as the drama left with 6 episodes more the storyline revolves around MY &amp; JH too much <img src='http://cdn.vanillaforums.com/soompi.vanillaforums.com/style_emoticons/default/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='tongue2.gif' /> ....<br />
<br /><br /><br />

2nd u. No more words to share my anger n frustration.

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Guest PBaddict

Oh, my... thanks for the preview, guys... the saddest thing is that I don't even get upset anymore, after seeing the wedding dress photo this morning and now this... we're getting a lot of the ex (unless they put all her scenes in the preview, God I wish it was like that :(), a frustrated EJ and DA in trouble... I kind of don't mind that I can't watch the show live from now on because of work.

Maaan, I hope some miracle in the storyline rescues me from this sadness... arghhhh...-_-

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Pbaddict cant help lol at your sentence :lol:

the saddest thing is that I don't even get upset anymore
....yup me too dont have the urging need to watch WR live anymore ....luckily I am watching old drama My Love By My Side and rewatching LDW old drama La Dolce Vita..at least I have something to keep my mind away from WR....its getting lame with WR plot/storyline now with the entrance of Jessica....
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The stalker sure takes more action in next ep, thought it was EJ who saved MY but looked more carefully turned out it's DS.. MY still stays oblivious, EJ will still be hurt, JH looks sick and weak, blah. DA and waiter boy! is he suspicious of her and question her. About the hug, well at least MY saw EJ this time. But I doubt we'll get a reaction or anything from that. Srly, how can the writer wrap up this loveline is a puzzle to me. Like somebody said before, they'll probably end up just at the first stage of their relationship, MY recognizes his feeling and asks EJ out and we'll see them taking a walk, and bickering.. the end.

I think I'll take a long vacation and come back for last ep to save little of my sanity.

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Guest keysyoo0987

i was laughing at the first few seconds of the preview when EJ throw something at MY! serves him right for being an insensitive j*** to her feelings for him. and i hope nothing bad will happen to DA. A little revenge at JH when EJ pinned her down at the couch! Uh! Oh! Jessica fans in KPOP are gonna have a riot when they see that!

can somebody translate the preview???

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lol at some of the comments @ the kbs official site....if I understood correctly some were asking when the love story between MY & EJ will really happen, I think some are also blaming JH/Jessica hhehehe I read one posting saying pls dont blame Jessica....lol I guess koreans fans are also getting fed up with the way the storyline is being done....I think the writer deserves the low rating for her work on WR....she seem too engrossed with side plot the stalking problem too much and forgot that this story was actually titled Wild Romance not Wild Stalker !! :rolleyes: and she also confused and undecided as to who is actually should be the leading lady of her story... :lol:

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.she seem too engrossed with side plot the stalking problem too much and forgot that this story was actually titled Wild Romance not Wild Stalker !!   :rolleyes:    and she also confused and undecided as to who is actually should be  the leading lady of her story... :lol:

lol and true!

My thoughts on the preview:

I'm going to have to brace myself for more pain for EJ.  MY still seems clueless.

The DA / waiter scene looked interesting.

Who's falling down those steps?  That looked painful.

JH hasn't changed her clothes since the day before

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Guest keysyoo0987

wonder where is the "wild romance" in this drama.... what i know of the meaning of wild is "uncivillized, uninhabited, intensity" and romance is a 'love affair" i don't see none of that here!!! i think they made a mistake naming this drama. sorry guys rambling because really not liking where this drama is heading.... dry.gif

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ok now im in tears :tears: ni love kdrams since 2009 its ive been watching a lot of them, why do i love kdrama because they are lovely, fun, romatinc, cute and everything i usually dont get near melos i stick to rom-com, but rigth know im really depress i think i have to give up kdrams all the series that i have been watching have ended with a really bad endings, this is my last hope pliz writters i dont wanna give up on kdramas, make me happy, surprise me wil well written characters even if the acting is bad i dont mind, but if MY marries JH and MY and JE are together in last minute os the last ep im done.

Sorry for my ram but this makes me relly sad its no just for WR,

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Guest Cruelsummer

I'm convinced that Jessica is the stalker.  That's the only way that her continued presence makes any sense.  I'm not even worried about the wedding pictures and the weird preview. I think the wedding picture is something that she developed in stalker mode so that she could super impose herself in a picture next to MY.  Perhaps EJ found this picture and put Jessica on the suspect list. Maybe EJ pinned her because she was doing something suspect, but she can't really tell anyone what a creeper Jessica is because she knows that no one will believe her.

Haha...I keep calling her Jessica. I know the character has a name, but since the acting is so shoddy all I can see is Jessica.

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If JH is the stalker, won't MY feel more guilty for her? Then, he can't move on and open his heart for EJ. However, I don't see his eyes filled by love anymore toward JH. They should reconcile ASAP so that MY can forget and let go her...

I am curious to know more about the waiter. I thought he doesn't play important role in WR. But, now, I don't think so.. This stalker thing is getting interesting ^^

Wednesday is coming soon :)

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