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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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Guest happy2qt

English translation for episode 5 text preview:

Episode Title: A Long Rundown*

The flowersnake** shows up in front of Moo Yeol at the venue of the fan signing event with Moo Yeol giving his phone number to the flowersnake so he can get back his ring. Moo Yeol receives a call from the flowersnake and arrives at the agreed meeting place but Eun Jae who was lurking around detects that the place is a trap and after a series of twists and turns they were finally able to recover the ring ...

* - Rundown is a play in baseball in which a base runner who is caught off base is chased by two or more opposing players who throw the ball from one to another in an attempt to tag the runner out - Source: www.merriam-webster.com

** - Flowersnake is a woman who tempts a man who looks rich into adultery and then asks for money in exchange for keeping the affair a secret. It is semantically translated as "playgirl" but more accurately " a venomous seductress" - Source: www.washparkprophet.blogspot.com

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Guest flora47

Thanks for the preview !!!

I wonder if we will see the almost kiss in the 5th or 6th episode.

The flowersnake should be afraid of the police but she comes to him.

She received a letter before her meeting with him so it's probably by the real stalker.

I think she is a woman because she has fingers of a woman .

Can't wait to see MY and Eun Jae become more close,i really liked the description when thay said' 2 very different peolple fall in love and come to understand each other" but maybe we will have to wait for the next weeks.

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@bold.....completely agree......his ramp walk was like someone pushed him to do it and he is reluctantly doing it while showing off his anger.

I too wanna MY to fall for her first rather than her becoming a FAN from ANTI-FAN......it'd be fun to watch how he will be going to understand his own feelings n how he will tell her....hahaha.....MY u r in trouble...

Yeah, would be fun to watch MY falling in love, though with the entry of Jessica's character, guess we will have to wait a bit more. But somehow I felt he was interested to know about EJ's life in the last two episodes. I mean, he got a bit offended that she narrated her life history to his friend n poor guy, his question to her as she was narrating her life story was really out of his curiosity. Eun Jae being so adorable n crazy,ought to be fun watching her going through the angst of falling for a Red Eagle. LOL

I'm enjoying this drama but holy crap the selling of the phone has got to be the most stupidest, illogical plot hole ever. If you were this close to confirming your client had a stalker (who has attempted murder so far) or at least a professional conwoman you DO NOT go selling possible evidence without handing it into police to do some phone tracing -

That had me also scratching my head.I too couldn't believe she had sold the phone. But guess, neither of the two characters have been projected as too smart in this drama n since Eun Jae didn't connect the girl with the ANTI thing n thought of her as a flowersnake, guess she didn't consider the phone as that important. She did go through the phone n found nothing suspicious linking her to the stalker. But I really wonder what their plan was in setting him up like that in the hotel. But I do hope she uses her grey cells more since MY will require a lot of saving. :D

Thanks  for the preview !!!

I wonder if we will see the almost kiss in the 5th or 6th episode.

The flowersnake should be afraid of the police but she comes to him.

She received a letter before her meeting with him so it's probably by the real stalker.

I think  she is a woman  because she has fingers of a woman .

Can't wait to see MY and Eun Jae become more close,i really liked the description when thay said' 2 very different peolple fall in love and come to understand each other" but maybe we will have to wait  for the next  weeks.

Me too. I love it when two people come to understand each other through love. I too feel the real stalker is a woman. But the stalker's lines from the poem "I want to taste your eyeball" n all really creeped me out. Scary, scary!

Thanks happy2qt for the translation of the preview. It is a relief to know he got the chain back n that EJ helped him get it. Wednesday, plz come soon!

Thanks to our two recappers who are adding to our enjoyment of this drama. Keep writing your amazing recaps!



Mu Yeol  has some serious anger management issues. LOL. But I really want to see a GIF of EJ after the hot springs scene where she calls Soo Young an "unfaithful housewife" accusing her of putting on all kinds of body lotions to retain her youth and attract other men. That scene really cracked me up. Adorably crazy Eun Jae!


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Guest kaeruchan

awww..mimi26, thanks for sharing that gif! they're so cute :sweatingbullets: but LOL at MY's expressions during the fashion show..he looks like he's going to hit someone at that moment :P

hahaha..I think I love every single thing that EJ do..she's an adorable oddball! I love her nightmare during their trip to japan :lol: so hilarious to see the serious-toned dream turns into a bizarre one! LOL nothing could beat her^^

ah, before I forgot...here's the link to recap for episode 4! don't worry, my friend and I are going to stay strong and recap this hilarious show until the end! :w00t:


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Guest noopie_1

AWWWW Thank you mimi! Hahahaha! I love wook's expression when he walked on catwalk. Seriously his eyes so handsome! waaaaaaaa i keep repeating repeating that scene. Love his wild expression!

Can't wait for episode 5!!!!:wub:

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For those who love Wookie's eyes. Now plz don't say you want to lick the eyeballs and all. :tears:



That was totally creepy! keke


Can you think of a more egg-deserving face? :D



The epic rescue act!

And other assets! Seriously, l was so worried about him losing the chain that I didn't notice anything else.


Did you really believe that?:P

The Epic Eun Jae Nightmare. Really, they all look like zombies when they are on top of her.


Our lovely second leads! They look so couply together!


More pics. Eun Jae reminded me of Gollum in the first pic n LOL at MY's "suspicious" look.


Sorry about spamming the page with pics!


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Hmm, episode 4. I was hoping to not see this so soon but I'm starting to see cracks in the plot. That fighting scene in Japan was sooo intense. I was so shocked by it. And partially happy that Eun Jae can hold her own. But then to switch back to comedy (e.g. the scene at the hotel) after she was apologizing with tears in her eyes... that was a bit abrupt for me. I mean, I'm trying to understand it. It's kind of like how guys will get into a fight, beat the hell out of each other, get it out of their system and then be fine later. Is that how we were supposed to see it? Because Eun Jae is a tomboy? I honestly don't know.

As for the selling of the cell phone thing, I can believe that. She not the type of person who really mulls things over. She's the type of person to jump into action and then think about the consequences later. Which makes her a bit ragtag to be a great bodyguard. Hence, how she met Mu Yeol in the first place. I think the drama is trying to make us see that she has the ability to see the hidden signs to be a great bodyguard but she doesn't use those skills all the time. Unlike Manager Kim.

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Sadhli, You wanted sexy lips? Here they come!




Cre:KST WR. I am sure the recappers can help u with more 'sexy lips' pics. ^_^ But I would have really loved some Eun Jae gifs since both actually compete with each other in delivering super comic expressions!



I partly agree  with you. The fight scene was pretty violent and you don't expect such a fight scene in a rom-com. But then Mu Yeol is not a "sane" character and has had a history of serious anger management issues. He definitely over-reacted and crossed a line there. But somehow, I felt it worked in their case since they consider each other as equals physically and not as a man n woman per se. EJ could have easily broken his wrist, but she chose not to. It shows his childishness that even though she called it quits with the fighting, he still couldn't control his temper. But I do hope MY learns to control his temper by the end of the drama because physical abuse is so scary, right? That said, performance wise, hats off to Lee Si Young for pulling off such an intense n difficult scene.

The apology scene and the hilarity later didn't strike me that abrupt. 

  It's kind of like how guys will get into a fight, beat the hell out of  each other, get it out of their system and then be fine later.  Is that  how we were supposed to see it?  Because Eun Jae is a tomboy?  I  honestly don't know.

I think your interpretation is right. Once she apologizes and helps him out,  they can call it quits and there is no apology for the fight, just as in the case of guys, i suppose. Pretty stereotypical, but yeah, i guess we are supposed to see it that way.  Similarly,  that anecdote about MY's friend beating the hell out of him and then saying he would play only if MY was in the team is supposed to be the guys' way??   Agree with your second point as well. Like Mu Yeol, Eun Jae is the type to do things first and then mull over them later.  For me, the fate of this drama hinges on how they develop the love track. She can moon over MY, but plz don't let her lose her awesomeness in the process.


I have PMd you. Plz check your inbox.  Thanks in advance! About naming this couple, I am pretty poor at this. :phew:  Yeol-Jae couple? "Wild couple" seems to suit them the best in my opinion since both are equally wild!  :D

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Guest faramir

Yes indeed tonight is the night :) finally new episode of Wil Romance-gonna watch the raw at next moment i put my hand on it hehe .Eagerly awaiting conversation follwing "almost" kiss in tonight episode-no doubt will be funny.Also cant wait for the moment when Mu Yeol will visit first floor of the house and finally meet father and brother of Eun Jae .Please whoever can kindly post more gifs of Eun Jae and her funny expressions.

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Yeah, would be fun to watch MY falling in love, though with the entry of Jessica's character, guess we will have to wait a bit more. But somehow I felt he was interested to know about EJ's life in the last two episodes. I mean, he got a bit offended that she narrated her life history to his friend n poor guy, his question to her as she was narrating her life story was really out of his curiosity. Eun Jae being so adorable n crazy,ought to be fun watching her going through the angst of falling for a Red Eagle. LOL

That had me also scratching my head.I too couldn't believe she had sold the phone. But guess, neither of the two characters have been projected as too smart in this drama n since Eun Jae didn't connect the girl with the ANTI thing n thought of her as a flowersnake, guess she didn't consider the phone as that important. She did go through the phone n found nothing suspicious linking her to the stalker. But I really wonder what their plan was in setting him up like that in the hotel. But I do hope she uses her grey cells more since MY will require a lot of saving. :D

Me too. I love it when two people come to understand each other through love. I too feel the real stalker is a woman. But the stalker's lines from the poem "I want to taste your eyeball" n all really creeped me out. Scary, scary!

Thanks happy2qt for the translation of the preview. It is a relief to know he got the chain back n that EJ helped him get it. Wednesday, plz come soon!

Thanks to our two recappers who are adding to our enjoyment of this drama. Keep writing your amazing recaps!

*quoted image*

*quoted image**quoted image**quoted image*

Mu Yeol  has some serious anger management issues. LOL. But I really want to see a GIF of EJ after the hot springs scene where she calls Soo Young an "unfaithful housewife" accusing her of putting on all kinds of body lotions to retain her youth and attract other men. That scene really cracked me up. Adorably crazy Eun Jae!


im quite corius about LDW expression on catwalk. why he is like that? walk with scary faceeeee :( but still so handsome and sexy (lol)

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Guest incarnadine

tonight is the night, indeed! For maximum pleasure, I suggest that everyone just sit back, relax and enjoy the funny. No use overthinking this drama too much :D

I download all the raw episodes, will try to make HQ gifs during the weekend ^^

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