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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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What makes me angry (yeah, angry) and dissatisfied with the ending is that YM's death scene was so EPIC - even in the last moment of his life, he thinks of YW, but then we didn't see any grief or even sympathy from YW (I guess there's not so much time for this). That makes me think YM's death isn't worth for what YW treats him. That's why I wished there could be 2 extended episodes, so that they didn't need to rush everything.

I don't understand why they didn't follow the book from the beginning, why should have they followed its ending?

We saw the happy ending between the main character after a short time we saw many others die. The happy ending isn't so meaningful anymore and this drama just left me with emptiness. However, somehow I think it's a good thing. As the PD said, this drama is like a dream, I felt lost in the reality when the drama ended. I spent two month doing some silly things and couldn't concentrate on anything just because of it. Now I know it's already ended. I'm glad.

Thank you for everyone in this thread, especially the wife-husband who gave us lots of laughs with their thoughtful conversations.

Even in the book there weren't that much interaction between YM and YW. I was actually very glad how epic YM's death is...his life was meaningful in many ways and in the book his thoughts were not on YW but his mother and father. He no longer wanted to see the fear on his mother's face for his safety.

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What makes me angry (yeah, angry) and dissatisfied with the ending is that YM's death scene was so EPIC - even in the last moment of his life, he thinks of YW, but then we didn't see any grief or even sympathy from YW (I guess there's not so much time for this). That makes me think YM's death isn't worth for what YW treats him. That's why I wished there could be 2 extended episodes, so that they didn't need to rush everything.

I don't understand why they didn't follow the book from the beginning, why should have they followed its ending?

We saw the happy ending between the main character after a short time we saw many others die. The happy ending isn't so meaningful anymore and this drama just left me with emptiness. However, somehow I think it's a good thing. As the PD said, this drama is like a dream, I felt lost in the reality when the drama ended. I spent two month doing some silly things and couldn't concentrate on anything just because of it. Now I know it's already ended. I'm glad.

Thank you for everyone in this thread, especially the wife-husband who gave us lots of laughs with their thoughtful conversations.

like a skewer.. :angry:


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Even in the book there weren't that much interaction between YM and YW.  I was actually very glad how epic YM's death is...his life was meaningful in many ways and in the book his thoughts were not on YW but his mother and father.  He no longer wanted to see the fear on his mother's face for his safety.

I haven't read the book (don't like the genre :D) but I heard that there's loveline between Woon-YW in the book that's why the reason of YM's death would be also different than in the drama. Think of YM and Woon's imaginative conversation after his death, he said something like now he can love YW freely - YW meant a lot to him! Personally I think in the drama setting, the death isn't the way to make this character into its peak. I prefer an ending in which YM LIVEs freely, and watches Hwon-YW from somewhere far away. It also the meaning of the new Joseon Hwon and YW talked about when they were children - getting rid of the discrimination between the Queen's son and concubine's son. His death to me is epic but not so meaningful regarding the fact that Hwon - as a king couldn't change anything and what he's done is nothing much different from his father - sacrificing one thing for another thing (even though in this case YM decides to sacrifice himself, still we can see that as a king, Hwon couldn't protect everyone he treasures). I know that this ending also follows the prophecy about 2 suns, but somehow from the beginning, I really hope that the superstitious rituals will be solved by our King ('cause he mentioned many times that he didn't believe in amulets and stuff..). It's disappointing in many ways....

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I haven't read the book (don't like the genre :D) but I heard that there's loveline between Woon-YW in the book that's why the reason of YM's death would be also different than in the drama. Think of YM and Woon's imaginative conversation after his death, he said something like now he can love YW freely - YW meant a lot to him! Personally I think in the drama setting, the death isn't the way to make this character into its peak. I prefer an ending in which YM LIVEs freely, and watches Hwon-YW from somewhere far away. It also the meaning of the new Joseon Hwon and YW talked about when they were children - getting rid of the discrimination between the Queen's son and concubine's son. His death to me is epic but not so meaningful regarding the fact that Hwon - as a king couldn't change anything and what he's done is nothing much different from his father - sacrificing one thing for another thing (even though in this case YM decides to sacrifice himself, still we can see that as a king, Hwon couldn't protect everyone he treasures). I know that this ending also follows the prophecy about 2 suns, but somehow from the beginning, I really hope that the superstitious rituals will be solved by our King ('cause he mentioned many times that he didn't believe in amulets and stuff..). It's disappointing in many ways....

One of the criticisms of the book was that the characters were not fully fleshed out. This is in part because of the genre and generally the author's concentration was on the mystery of the king trying to unveil the death of YW and get the girl. I agree that in the drama as noted by Young Hwon is to provide a setting/place in which regardless of status a person can be situated by his/her capability. The discrimination of YM and Woon never fully gets resolved although Woon's status does change and he can now call the noble woman who raised him "mother" would have resolved some of the discrimination but this was not fleshed out in the drama. It is shallow at best and the multiple levels of discrimination of birth, of status--noble, servant, shaman never fully gets resolved or given hope that this can be changed. We are however left with a Queen who did suffer these discrimination first hand and influences Hwon's interaction with his people in that scene where he asks about the infirmary while practicing gayagum. Treated once again in a very shallow manner or matter of fact manner. What is the hope in the future that future successors have such perception--I don't know. But we also are given hope that justice will not only be meted out to just the people but to royalty as well.

This is a fantasy saguek and if given an ideal situation I think as someone pointed out with a 24 episode extension perhaps these kind of issues may have been resolved and also there were a lot of edit problems. For example, the grandmother died---and nobody exclaimed about this or attended to this--she just got dropped. I'm hoping with the director's cut this can be resolved.

Regardless, I loved loved and enjoyed the story. Sorry this became quite lengthy.

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The Moon Embracing The Sun ends! When I am going to smile for the happy ending of Lee Hwon-Yeon Woo then I suppose to cry for YM-NK-Seol's death. But when I am going to cry for the sad ending of them then I smile happily for Lee Hwon-Yeon Woo... Huh.... Mixing feelings...

Maybe MoonSun drama will linger in my mind for a long long time... Best drama I have ever seen! Goodbye & thanks so much for the drama! I will miss the drama and this exciting time so much! I think it's very hard to have such a chance like this!

If I have to say just 1 word for TMETS, that will be UNFORGETTABLE!

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Guest Starlitelet

There was no anticipation for the mother/daughter reunion. I felt like it was just forced. That it was necessary for the show but they didn't put heart into it. I didn't even cry. I wonder how you'll feel about it after you watch it for yourself.

The ending wasn't that rushed. Some show's ending are way more rushed. But because they already killed off most of characters in ep. 19 and at the beginning of ep. 20 there was no angst in the later half of the show. 

When I was watching TPM final episode I constantly bit my lips because I was so so so nervous about the ending. Say - I was more emotionally invested. While I watched Moon&Sun ending live just out of respect for Jung Il Woo and cried for him. The latter half of the final was kinda boring for non Hwon/YW shippers.

Yeah I felt like slapping YW when she didn't step up and say something to Hwon when he was shouting at YM. Both brothers were pointing swords to each other and she just left without saying a word. That was one of the most WTF moments for me. I don't understand why YW should love her even after his death. Wait... I know. Because they just messed up his character. 

Loved your post, especially your last line - haha!

I'll give you a heads-up after I view the last episode ^^. Though, I completely agree with you on the other parts.

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Any kind soul who can translate this? I saw this in TMETS official site. Chebal...... tears.giftears.gif Kamsahamnida!


어느덧 벌써 최종화를 맞이했네요ㅠ..

처음으로 서포터즈를 맞게 되어서 부족함이 많았지만

저 나름대로는 좋은 경험이 되어서 잊지못할 것 같습니다

짧은 시간동안 해품달 팬분들과 소통할 수 있어서 좋았구요'-'

드라마는 끝나더라도 종종 게시판에 들려서

올릴거리가 있다면 올리겠습니다 ㅎㅎ(괜찮죠..?)

그동안 해품달을 사랑해주신 모든 분들~

해를품은달이 영원히 우리들 마음속에 품는 드라마로 자리잡길..!

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Guest vicious_kid

I've just watched the last episode. To be honest I don't remember when I was crying so hard last time, but today....YM's death...My grandma was looking at me like this - blink.gif she asked "are you in your right mind?". During the whole show of course I loved Hwon more, but that doesn't meant i would be ok with YM's deathwacko.gif  That was such a funny picture, I was crying like a crazy child. I understand, there can't be two suns, also they told us about it in the first episode, BUT....couldn't they leave him alive huh? He was such an amazing character!!! Pictures just appeared in my mind how young Hwon was running out of the palace coz he wanted to see his brother, then these adorable 4 boy's friendship, when they were playing football and laughing, then the last fighting ahh Woon and YM were great in action and...omg they shouldn't have killed YM!!! So many characters died in one episode I think thats too much! Btw I also feel sorry for the Queen, she is not at fault that her father was a terrible man. Positive emotions brought Hwon with his "music problems" ahahah))) It was great to see them happy and finally together. But the most important thing is that I am thankful to the child actors for their job, because they showed the beginning of a perfect story and made me watch and love the drama till the end!! During the whole show I have been missing them very much and now I am gonna miss everyone together. Il Woo was great in his last scene, crying Woon was also very heartbreaking, Soo Hyun with his scream again broke my heart, such scenes are really for him. HGI was sooo pretty, I like her very much. But my fav character always was and will be HS biggrin.gif he is adorable. I can bravely say this is the best kdrama I've ever watched, it caused so many different emotions, reactions, feelings. I am in love with it.  I am gonna watch this drama one more time and I think I will watch it a lot of times again in the future, coz I don't know which drama can be better than this one!!

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Guest cyonink

Great drama but i still hate that Seol and the prince  died !And that selfish princess in the end gets her husband back...and lives happilly!

I can't agree with you more.

I mean both deaths could have been so easily avoided, especially YM's. I mean come on, what are the odds? he fights more men at a time, he slashes all of them dead no enemy standing but a wobly soldier and he is the one who kills him? One that soldier could not have had the strencht to trow that sper at him but into him. And two all of the kings men saw him rise if not kill the poor bastard at least aprehend him. But noooo they just stood there, Woon too ( and I think this is the only instance in which Woon's character annoyed me) I mean come on spider senses din't you see that coming.

I know I am rambling too much but killing of these characters was done just senseless, pointless from my point of view. And Seols death was no exception. What made me jumpy at Seol's last scene was the fact that Yeom stood there without doing a thing like a damsel in distress. wasn't he trained in martial arts? There were armed men droping like flies around him slashed by Seol. Could't he have gotten one of those swords and fight with Seol side by side like Hwon and Ym did in the scene in which Yw had been attacked at the infirmary. Okay Woon in her case came too late for her life's sake but Yeom was there and as I recall he was a pretty good fighter, not like Woon but good enough. Why didn't he act?

okay these were my end of the dorama ramblings. I am sad that the show is over despite making me mad with some slipped in incongruities. Anyway it can't all be good but all in all it has been a good show that kept me hooked to the screen and also to this thread. Hope the next doramas to come will be at least as good as this one and with less pointless scenes and deaths to make me ramble like these. Hugs to all. Hope to read from you for other good doramas to come. :D

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Guest karupin84

Finally...it ended sweatingbullets.gif ...for me its not a bad ending as it is following the novel after all..so i will not complaining bout it..when YM died i'm not that surprised as it expected already..i did not see as he commit suicide but for me he actually sacrificing himself for the country and for his brother..as there can't be 2 suns existing at the same time...to keep him alive and witness his brother and woman that he love so much living happily is more cruel than to let him die..thats my opinion though blush.gif ..on the other hand i really can't watch YW mom...everytime i see her it remind me of Madam Han from Da Jang Geum...i'll automatically will cry everytime i see her tears.gif ...its make me think that she after all still alive..sorry Da Jang Geum is my all time fav drama..nothing can beat it yet...but Moon Sun is good enough...I laugh,cry,adore and fall im love again n again together with the characters...its a good memories...hope there will be more good drama like this in the future... :P

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Guest Starlitelet

Finally...it ended  sweatingbullets.gif ...for me its not a bad ending as it is following the novel after all..so i will not complaining bout it..when YM died i'm not that surprised as it expected already..i did not see as he commit suicide but for me he actually sacrificing himself for the country and for his brother..as there can't be 2 suns existing at the same time...to keep him alive and witness his brother and woman that he love so much living happily is more cruel than to let him die..thats my opinion though  blush.gif ..on the other hand i really can't watch YW mom...everytime i see her it remind me of Madam Han from Da Jang Geum...i'll automatically will cry everytime i see her  tears.gif ...its make me think that she after all still alive..sorry Da Jang Geum is my all time fav drama..nothing can beat it yet...but Moon Sun is good enough...I laugh,cry,adore and fall im love again n again together with the characters...its a good memories...hope there will be more good drama like this in the future... :P

I am not responding specifically to you, karupin84. I respect your opinion ^^. 

Though, you brought up an interesting point.

I'd rather any adaptations make it logical/meaningful even if it has to go against what was written in the novels. I guess that is if the author allows them to do so. It's also a risk though. 

Saying that Yang Myung has

to die because it "says so in the novel" is not sufficient (at least for me). There was not enough build-up leading to his death. I felt like he died an unnecessary death. He dies from a wobbly soldier out of nowhere? Kind of weak way to make Yang Myung disappear, no? It would have been more meaningful if he went far away and start anew with his life. Make amends or whatever. Isn't his mother supposed to be a good enough reason for him to live? The world doesn't revolve around the Sun and the Moon... or perhaps, it does


I can't agree with you more.

I mean both deaths could have been so easily avoided, especially YM's. I mean come on, what are the odds? he fights more men at a time, he slashes all of them dead no enemy standing but a wobly soldier and he is the one who kills him? One that soldier could not have had the strencht to trow that sper at him but into him. And two all of the kings men saw him rise if not kill the poor bastard at least aprehend him. But noooo they just stood there, Woon too ( and I think this is the only instance in which Woon's character annoyed me) I mean come on spider senses din't you see that coming.

Yes, I completely agree with you. Though, Yang Myung did see that coming. He felt like that was a "good" time to suicide? The deaths of these  characters'  are so ludicrous.  They could have been avoided. There were so many more ways they could have been saved rather than died.

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@starlitelet: I understand your point regarding the death scene, they could have made it better. His death is inevitable if the basis is the novel itself BUT I don't really like the way they executed the scene as if they just let him die/commit suicide. Hwon could have avoided it, he could have easily shot the guard with his bow and arrow whereas Woon is just few meters away from YM. Actually, it is somewhat similar to what happened with Seol.

What I really appreciate is they showed YM talking to Woon after his death. Seeing him happy at where he is makes me feel at peace. :)

I am sad that YM's character died but I am happy to see Jung Il Woo shine!!! :wub::wub:


Han Ga In is really extremely exquisite in episode 20! I love the honeymoon part! I love when Hwon sigh and look bewitched by YW's beauty. No wonder how Kim Soo Hyun portrayed it perfectly! He doesn't really need to act! He just need to appreciate the beauty in front of him. kekkeke! :wub::wub:

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Guest Starlitelet

@starlitelet: I understand your point regarding the death scene, they could have made it better. His death is  inevitable if the basis is the novel itself BUT I don't really like the way they executed the scene as if they just let him die/commit suicide. Hwon could have avoided it, he could have easily shot the guard with his bow and arrow whereas Woon is just few meters away from YM. Actually, it is somewhat similar to what happened with Seol.

What I really appreciate is they showed YM talking to Woon after his death. Seeing him happy at where he is makes me feel at peace. :)

I am sad that YM's character died but I am happy to see Jung Il Woo shine!!! :wub:  :wub:

I haven't officially watched the last episode with subtitles yet. I'll have a more in-depth opinion/analysis once I'm done. I've read too many spoilers and seen the raw episode, so now I know what's going to happen. Though I can't really say for myself, since I haven't given it a full chance yet. Words/subtitles can make a huge difference. I'm just responding from the previous episodes I've seen with the knowledge of people's opinions/perspectives on the final showdown that I've seen in raw ^^.

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Guest karupin84

I am not responding specifically to you, karupin84. I respect your opinion ^^. 

Though, you brought up an interesting point.

I'd rather any adaptations make it logical/meaningful even if it has to go against what was written in the novels. I guess that is if the author allows them to do so. It's also a risk though. 

Saying that Yang Myung has to die because it "says so in the novel" is not sufficient (at least for me). There was not enough build-up leading to his death. I felt like he died an unnecessary death. He dies from a wobbly soldier out of nowhere? Kind of weak way to make Yang Myung disappear, no? It would have been more meaningful if he went far away and start anew with his life. Make amends or whatever. Isn't his mother supposed to be a good enough reason for him to live? The world doesn't revolve around the Sun and the Moon... or perhaps, it does :P.

Don't worry..i agree for what you said :D ..as for me since the ending already leaked before the episode broadcast so i'm not surprised anymore when YM died..but yes the way he died do seem unreal and the plot are weak...just as he already die then only i realize that maybe just maybe it is a good thing for him :( (as if i respect his decision? like if)...for more than 8 years he love her i don't think he can simply have a change of heart and live on just like that...his love to YW already like an unchange habit...and it will just hurt him more when he know YW love his own brother who he also love dearly...but it doe break my heart when his mother talk to his body...i have a weak when it involve parents love to their child...that one kill me :tears:

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