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Lee Jong Suk 이종석 イ・ジョンソク ♥ Drama 2022: Big Mouth, 빅마우스 | Movie 2022: Decibel, 데시벨


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class="title""I Hear Your Voice" Continues to Soar, "Supernatural" Lee Jong Suk Also On The Rise

Source: MyDaily
Translator: hitoritabi
Translation note: Clearing some Jongsuk translations from my draft box. :D There are so many favourable articles about him lately, so touched~


SBS’ Wed-Thur drama, “I Hear Your Voice” has repeatedly broken its own record for highest ratings. As viewership continues to soar, expectations towards lead actor Lee Jong Suk has also risen.

Starting from the 2nd episode, “I Hear Your Voice” has risen to become first in ratings, and the two episodes which aired on the 12th and 13th has even reached 15.0% and 16.1%, becoming the solitary winner of the timeslot.

Under these circumstances, Lee Jong Suk who plays the supernatural teenager Park Sooha has received a lot of attention. To see him play the teenage emotions towards first love Hyesung was no big surprise, but in the where he went head-to-head against Min Jun Gook (Jung Woong In) threatening Hyesung, he displayed a charismatic gaze and masculine beauty.

Lee Jong Suk’s reversal acting was the culmination of his previous roles and experience, which garnered good reviews from the audience. Particularly, his seamless and well-matched collaboration with Lee Bo Young, Yoon Sang Hyun and Jung Woong In has further risen Lee Jong Suk’s profile.

After debuting as a model in 2005, Lee Jong Suk secured his position in the popular drama “Secret Garden, which aired in 2010. In the KBS2 drama “School 2013” which began airing last year, he played the main role of Go Nam Soon, a boy with a deep past. His ability to interpret that role thoroughly had allowed it to become a stepping stone for himself. Now, “I Hear Your Voice” looks to make a case for crossover stardom.

Viewers who watched the broadcast remarked, “Lee Jong Suk’s acting was crazily good”, “the role of Sooha matches Lee Jong Suk to a tee”, “I got goosebumps at Lee Jong Suk’s acting, it was so good”… these reactions mean that future episodes can be looked forward to.

High expectations can be had for Lee Jong Suk on upcoming episodes of “I Hear Your Voice”, to be aired at 10pm every Wednesd
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class="title"A staff member of Cass CF comments on Lee Jong Suk

Source: Lee Jong Suk’s DC Gallery
Translator: hitoritabi
Translation note: So the photo of Jongsuk and Woobin from the Cass CF, it came with this note of a staff member who worked on the CF with them. Personally, I really enjoy reading about how he is behind the scenes; so fun to imagine him bouncing around the set :D

"Jong Suk is a good actor and model/spokesperson"


I’ve worked with a lot of artists before.

But it is my first time to work with a spokesperson who is like him, without any of the typical actor’s arrogance and works hard with complete professionalism.
It’s like discovering a new world for me, so much so that I am falling in love with him.

It was extremely cold that day but he threw himself completely into the filming even in such thin clothing.
No matter how difficult the pose or action asked of him, he would do his very best without a second word.
Even when the director or the photographer approved of the scene, Jong Suk would ask to film it again if he feels it was not good enough.
When some VIPs (special guests on set) asked to take photos with him, he would take it with them very sweetly.
When he signed his signatures, we had already prepared the set phrases for him, but he would want to come up with his own phrases, and write it down so very earnestly.
This is the first time I have seen an artist like this T-T

I have always seen other spokespersons who would hide in their resting rooms and come out only during the filming period.
But Jong Suk would stroll around the entire film set and chat with many of the staff members in a friendly manner.
It was very surprising and comforting (?) for me to see that.

In any case, he is just especially unique. I hope he will remain like this and never change!!

class="title"In which Lee Jong Suk goes clubbing?


So this is going to be held this upcoming Thursday (29th August), at Club M2 in Hongdae, forever envious of everyone in Seoul now ;___;

The details are on the Facebook page:

1) hare the post about the event.
2) Leave a comment on the post and tag a friend.

The above two criteria have to be completed before 27th August, and the 10 people who are picked will be revealedon the 28th. The winners will each receive two tickets (one for you and one for your friend). At the event, Lee Jong Suk will give out signatures to the 10 people. Also, those under 19 cannot enter this event.

P.S. I don’t get how you find the single most ”stay-at-home-like-an-otaku” actor out there, and convince him to be part of a “couple matching party” at one of the hottest clubs in Seoul… but I just have this visual image of him just sitting there nursing his beer (because he can’t have more than one drink) and bopping his head gently to the music. And occasionally, letting out little whoops of “jubilance” and raising his fist into the air to show that he is into the party. *crying with laughter*

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class="title"Naver Star Column - Lee Jong Suk (Part 1)

Source: Naver
Translator: hitoritabi
Translation note: A rare chance to hear him speak for himself at length. His intonations are all still so cute and tsudere. ^__^ Oh, and I LOVE that he wants to play L from Death Note. I look forward to Woobin in Part 2. :P

"So you say I am a flower boy with thorns?"


Perfect visuals. Tall in stature, with skin fairer than girls’, you cannot find an actor like Lee Jong Suk anywhere else. He debuted with much flair as a model, then made an impression with his work in MBC’ “Prosecutor Princess”. In the SBS drama “Secret Garden”, he played the arogant Ssun, swaying the hearts of many women and capturing fans across many ages.

Following that, in “High Kick 3” and “Korea”, he consolidated his dedication to being an actor. The recently-aired “School 2013” propelled his popularity to an unprecedented peak. He is no longer a “model-actor”, but on the path of being a real actor who has both looks and acting prowess. Let’s hear what Lee Jong Suk has to say.

Editor’s Note: Since the point of this column is to have a friendly and close chat with fans, the following writing style of Lee Jong Suk was left unedited in accordance with his wishes. I hope that it remains true to the real personality of the writer, Lee Jong Suk.

Hi~ it’s me ^ ^ How has everyone been without me around? Recently~ the spring winds are blowing in that loving way, it’s the kind of weather that makes one want to run away all of a sudden! I hope everyone could be like those beautiful flowers, yearning and welcoming the warm springtime. Why do I begin in such a manner that causes goosebumps? Keke… let’s begin our sincere talk now ^ ^

Through this column at Naver, I want to be able to speak to you about things I have never spoken about before —  a story that is only me. Not through the television or through the computer screen, but revealing all in one go, my true self and stories I was not able to tell before. Are you ready to listen to me? Then let’s begin! Go go~! Haha

Letting go of the “prickly image” from teenage years

Truthfully, people who don’t know me well usually think that I have a prickly personality. At first I didn’t understand why, then it made sense. It is because the characters that caused me to be well-known, from “Secret Garden” to “High Kick 3”, they all had a distinctly prickly quality.


How I looked when filming “Secret Garden”. Looking so inexperienced when compared to now, right? Ah, Jong Suk was so young~!

During “High Kick 3”, I had the role of a stand-offish high school student. Although “buuing buuing” aegyo received an extraordinary amount of love from people, from an acting perspective, I regret to say that I really didn’t have much to show besides “buuing buuing” in that drama.

My desire for acting became even stronger during my time at Inkigayo. How do I put this, lots of people voiced their doubts for my acting and would say that I am only a common artist, not an actor. I read lots of comments like that, so when “School 2013” started shooting, I naturally left that post so that I could focus on my acting.

I worked very hard to perform my best when filming “School 2013”, but old habits die hard. Originally, I am the type of person who likes to joke around and it took me longer than I thought to settle down and be serious. On the flip side, I tend not to express myself too much when there are a lot of people. When a lot of people are gathered together, it always become so rowdy. Everyone is interested in different topics, so every person is actually just talking about their own stuff. I just don’t like those situations very much.


"School 2013" — a project I am so thankful for. Even though I look so serious in this picture, back then I actually wanted to joke around so much that I could die hurhur.

This aspect of my personality actually changed during the filming of the drama. There were a lot of scenes with all the kids in the classroom, and in the beginning I found that very difficult for me. I have never been comfortable with speaking in front of many people. This became apparent in my acting too. Later on, us kids all became close and it was much easier to act. The crew and cast of “School 2013” is really the best!

Also, in this project, I got to play a character that showed a vastly different side, other than “prickly personality”. This truly great character Go! Nam! Soon! Actually, I was hesitant to take this role since it was a high school student, but the character was really too charismatic to resist.

I’m actually rather ambitious when it comes to acting. I don’t know if many people have watched it, but I had acted in a movie called “When I Was Prettiest”, which depicted a forbidden love. Even though the shooting period was not long since it was a short film, but I am very happy withthe experience. I had always wanted to challenge myself with serious acting, and this movie fulfilled that desire. If anyone had not seen it yet, please go see it. Haha, just go see it again go go~!

If it is for acting’s sake, even indie movies are OK!

I have a serious case of “trouble-phobia”, which means I tend not to focus on doing a particular thing. I like rolling around at home and love watching television. But the strange thing is that once it comes to acting, it’s like my entire being burns up with ambition. It’s like that ambition comes erupting from the depths of my body?? Haha.

That’s why, whenever I am alone, I would watch how friends of my same age act during filming. I’ll ponder, if it was me, how would I act out that character? When I see friends with better acting skills than me, it would motivate me and I would be quite envious.


Waiting for my turn to film on the set… I usually am dazed like this too.

What kind of character do I want to create? Um… I want to try out L in “Death Note” or Kim Shin’s character in “The Slingshot” (T/N: KBS2 drama from 2009). I particularly want to act out a role that even male viewers would find charismatic.

Lately, the filming for the movie “The Face Reader” has reached its last stretch. I am not saying this only because I am involved, but I have this inexplicable feeling that this movie will do very well at the box office. Ke it’s because the script is very epic, and there are wonderful sunbaes and director involved!

I actually started filming for “The Face Reader” before “School 2013”. Somehow, I am more familiar with television filming, and was very surprised at the slow pace on a movie set. On a tv drama set, everything goes so fast that it is easy to maintain continuous emotional feelings, but it is more difficult for movies. Since I was filming with sunbaes and not same-aged friends, I could not relax for even one moment. Haha. In that way, acting in a movie has taught me even more than acting for television.

Moreover, the movie set is really very warm. Song Kang-ho sunbae said to me, “I saw on TV that your ideal type is Lee Nayoung” and would then make fun of me by saying, “Then I should have asked Lee Nayoung to come visit the set!” It’s because they know that I still haven’t met Nayoung noona in person yet, that they make fun of me so much. Also, they also gave me a lot of advice on my acting, not to criticize or scold me, but to teach me in detail the acting techniques. Sunbaes really gave me a lot of positive energy ^ ^


Here I am thinking about stuff. Just things in the drama and assorted random thoughts~_~ It seems that I look the best (??) when I am just standing there and not moving. Ke

Even though I have a busy work life right now, I still have a lot of regrets when it comes to acting. If someone asked me, what effort did you pay to debut? I would have to honestly say, I didn’t do any preparation especially. At that time, I just went ahead with the desire to be an artist. Looking back now, I feel regret that I wasted that period of time. If I had worked very hard back then, I might be an even better actor now.

Fortunately (?), perhaps it is luck, the public came to know me as an actor very quickly. But I have decided to strive from now on to become an actor with even better skills. You will all support me, right? ^ ^

Therefore, I had spoken to Chang-hwan hyung, who was in “School 2013” with me, that I want to participate in indie films at least once. That hyung is very active (?) in the indie movie industry. Haha, it’s because I want to test my acting level and then improve upon it.

To not leave regrets is a great thing, and I think “actor Lee Jong Suk” still has an endless road ahead of him! (Is this completely baseless self-confidence? Keke) From here on out, I will continue to work hard for people I love and people who love me, so please continue to watch out for me!


I’ll write until here then; how did I do? Did you guys read it well? Although you may have been disappointed with my disorganized writing, I believe you will forgive me for it~ Hehe I love you all~! I’ll see you in the next entry then. I hear that Woo Bin and Se-young would talk about me in Part 2… Hmm, I’m a little worried!

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class="title"Naver Star Column - Lee Jong Suk (Part 2)

Source: Naver
Translator: hitoritabi
Translation note: Part 1. Woobin’s part has already been translated, but I will pop it back in for clarity’s sake. This was around 2000 words long O__O, but again, it was such a good read because Jongsuk writes so cutely (and teases Woobin)!! Aww I don’t want Jongsuk’s column to end! But it’s your turn now, Woobin translators~ baton pass~ 


Even though he is a bit random but also very easy to get along with, Lee Jongsuk is one of the hottest and most anticipated stars recently. Although he has adorable looks, his “manly” personality charms has also moved the hearts of women everywhere. In the recent drama “School 2013”, through the perfectly noble character Go Namsoon, Lee Jongsuk has commanded the drama scene.

As if to match his popularity that is shooting up like a sprout that absorbed water, his acting skills has also been tracing an upwards curve. Bravely throwing away his “teenager” image, the story of Lee Jongsuk is just beginning.

In Part 1 of this column, much was revealed about his debut days, personality and worries about acting, which received a lot of responses from fans. In Part 2, we have asked Kim Woobin and Park Seyoung, who acted with him during “School 2013”, to send him letters of support and talk about things that happened during filming. Let’s take a look at the close friendship between Jongsuk and his friends!

After Part 1, we want to continue to convey the a sense of close chat with his fans, so no editing was done on Jongsuk’s writing style.

Annyeong~! I’ve come back from Part 1. ^ ^ You’ve waited for a long time, right? Actually I am the same. My lips are itching to finish the stories I didn’t get to tell last time~ haha. More importantly, this final column is making me nervous… what is Woobin and Seyoung going to say about me? When we filmed “School 2013”, we were so~~~ close but maybe they will have bad feelings (?) about me too keke (I’m joking ^ ^) Then let’s here what they have to say first, shall we?

Kim Woobin: “Lee Jongsuk is the best rival!”

Annyeonghaseyo. This is Kim Woobin~ Thanks to Jongsuk’s star column, I have the chance to meet everyone again. Isn’t this fun? Hehe… Jongsuk seems to have grown big now. Haha. (I’m joking ^ ^)

Let me say how I have come to know Jongsuk in the first place. Jongsuk and I both debuted as models. We would see each other often at fashion shows; it is hard to not become friendly when you stand on the same stage together. We didn’t become close because we acted together, we were already close before that.


^ Woobin and I took a photo of ourselves during “School 2013”. Compared to me, this kid is really more manly and handsome!

Although we were friends before, it wasn’t to the level where we knew each other’s personalities well, since we haven’t had the chance to converse deeply before. But during the filming of the drama, I’ve come to know Jongsuk a lot better, and found that we actually have a lot of similarities. Of course, our personalities are different, but the things we like, the things we think about, even the things we are troubled about, they are really the same. Since we are born in the same year, we feel similarly about a lot of things. Haha~ Jongsuk and I have a much deeper friendship because of “School”, right? Our “School” is the best~!

One thing that is regretful is that after filming has ended, both of us had a ton of individual interviews and CF filming schedules, without much private time. Luckily, we filmed a CF together and went on the variety show “Running Man” together, so we got to see each other from time to time. Even when we don’t have work together, we still contact each other. Because we are friends~!

Jongsuk’s greatest assets are his flower boy good looks and the leadership and care he has for the people around him. He is the best, no matter as friend or a rival. Ah, and also he is good at making sudden weird comments? However, when he says it, people never dislike it or feel that it’s weird… that seems to be Jongsuk’s special charm! What a blessed little rascal. ^ ^

Now can I say a little bit about myself? Haha. I am now in the midst of preparing for the filming of the movie “Friends 2”. Working hard on learning the dialect, which is almost like a foreign language. I am doing my best to let the fans see an even better side of myself ^ ^

I have to stop here to return to my actual job (?). So I pass the baton to the next athlete Seyoung-ssi, whose part is coming up next. Jongsuk ah~! Let’s not forget our initial passion and continue to strive towards becoming a good actor and a good person. I love you!


Park Seyoung: “I want to continue the sad love story with Lee Jongsuk that we were not able to finish in ‘School 2013’.”

Hello, I am actress Park Seyoung. This is Lee Jongsuk’s Star Column, after Woobin-goon is done then it is my turn~ I feel so honoured ^ ^

Now that I look back to the beginning, Jongsuk-goon also seems so close with everyone, whether it is staff members or other actors. He really has an extraordinary sense of compatibility. I remember that I was so very nervous during the first scene I had with Jongsuk-goon, but he just started chatting to me first, which made me relaxed and comfortable. Even though he likes to make jokes during rest time, but he would be amazingly focused during filming. When Go Namsoon suddenly possesses his body, even I get shocked! ^ ^


And it is not just his compatibility and great focus that makes me envious… His face is more pretty and his complexion fairer than girls. Also, he is so tall and slender, right? When I am next to him, somehow I feel smaller (?).  It’s not just that I’m jealous, but I’m very jealous. ^ ^;;

Ah yes, a lot of people have asked me if I feel regretful about the loveline in “School 2013” with Lee Jongsuk. Although I have some regrets, I want to be able to present Hakyung’s perspective towards her studies, friends and mother in those storylines. The filming was so fun and we received so much love from the viewers that the regrets I felt had all disappeared ^__^


^ with Seyoung-noona and Jonghyun-hyung~ I took this from my cellphone so it’s shaky like this T-T

In our next project together, maybe a tragic (?) melodrama love with Jongsuk-goon can be continued? Hahaha.

Of course, I don’t have that kind of special feelings as an opposite gender towards Jongsuk-goon~! (I don’t want the fans to throw stones at me so I have to state this especially ^ ^;) We get along well, rather than friends of a different gender, he is more like a little brother type of friend to me ^ ^

I’ll write a little about what’s happening with myself~ Thanks to the audience that likes me, I have had the chance to appear on a daily drama “Sincerity Moves Heaven” and be on the small screen again. Since this time I can show my bright, talkative side, I am excited about it, haha. Also, I will start to be an MC at “Music Bank” starting from April 12th. It’s a good opportunity, so I will try my very best~ Everyone will watch over me, right? ^__^

Jongsuk ah~ My short bit of promotion (?) ends here. I heard that you are filming a movie now, work hard~! I hope you can express the 100% charming “Actor Lee Jongsuk” in your upcoming works! Looking forward to it! Fighting!


Wah… daebak. I didn’t know that Woobin and Seyoung-noona would have such praise for me. I am so touched right now, no, I am actually so very touched that my fingers and toes are curling up~! Eo-eok! I really didn’t know that the two of them had such nice thoughts about me. Thank you so much, I will work hard ^ ^

Woobin, do well for the upcoming movie; and Seyoung-noona, who is active(?) in so many areas, I look forward to seeing your work ^ ^


^ This is during the trip to Australia that I went with Junghyun-hyung, who I met on the set of “School 2013”~ It was really so hot then!

Truth be told, I am not the type of person to keep in contact with people after a project has ended. But this time, I have really been keeping in contact with all my friends from “School”~! Huhu~ since the relationship between us is really so loving and harmonious. During the filming of the drama, it was really like we were attending school, we had so much fun together ^ ^

It is because I have received so much support from these friends that I am able to be free and natural with them, haha. To have so many precious friends around me is something I must be thankful for. I used to dislike group activities and prefer small gatherings, I don’t have many friends I can trust my whole heart with ^ ^; I like to have quiet conversations.

Personally, I think that the number of friends you have is not important. It’s all good as long as you have friends who believe in you completely and listen to your heartfelt words, that’s what I think. I don’t have many friends like that, perhaps only around three ^ ^; When we meet, we talk about this and that, but we haven’t had the chance to meet lately. We should have met when I had a break… such a pity~

Even so, we are loyal to one another! We are both busy so we can’t meet, so we must be understanding for now~ Hehe. Loyalty is important not just between friends, but also between human beings. Even though it’s not like we will drop dead without loyalty~! But we should always trust and care for others, no? ^ ^


^ During the trip to Australia, gently hugging a koala ~_~

I still have a long way to go, but I am only able to make it to where I am today, because of the warm and affectionate people who has always been by my side supporting me and listening to my troubles. To repay them, I will work hard! Aza! You’lll all support me, right?

Now, my story has to come to an end. T.T

From Part 1 to Part 2, thank you to everyone who read this with patient, even though I’m not a good writer! Next time, if given the chance, I want to talk throughout the night ^ ^ Lately, the strong winds are seriously no joke, so everyone please be careful! Warm springtime is coming soon, and I wish everyone can be even more healthy. Then, I’ll stop around here, and say annyeong~~ I’ll return once more when I have matured. Please anticipate it ^ ^

Aaah, right~! I forgot to mention this, but next Star Column will be written by our Woobin, haha. Would his story be more interesting than mine? I’ll first cast a vote for “no”~! I’m joking ^ ^ Woobin, fighting!! Then I will also fighting! Everyone, fighting! For real this time, annyeong~!


(Dear Naver Star Column , (signature) Thank you for reading keke, everyone, let’s meet next time!! Annyeong… Live well!!)

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class="title"Lee Jong Suk in the eyes of his acting teacher

"Through Gritted Teeth Determination" Lee Jong Suk, has transformed into this year’s best younger man


Lee Jong Suk, who has received overwhelming love from audiences through SBS’ “I Hear Your Voice”, is one of Yoon Hee Yong’s favourite students. His Park Soo Ha can be called ’the best younger man of this year’ without exaggeration, and has moved the heart of not only Jang Hyesung (played by Lee Bo Young), but the hearts of many women.

"We have been working together for more than 4 years now. Rather than saying that I taught him anything, it should be said that I know his strengths and weaknesses, and would tell this kid how to utilize and maximize his strengths. When he was a new actor, Jong Suk had a great love for clothes and lots of aegyo towards noonas, making it very easy to warm up to him as a person. He has a pleasant way of speaking also.

More than anything, there were three years when Jongsuk did not receive any acting work and he suffered a lot emotionally. He waited and waited, thinking, ‘When will I become successful?’. It was after passing the audition of ‘Secret Garden’ that the world knows about Lee Jong Suk as a person. Even when hope seemed faint, Lee Jong Suk continued to work hard towards his dream of becoming a good actor. He once told me that during ‘Secret Garden’, 'I saw my mother put a poster in her shop, and when  I saw that, I keep thinking that I have to earn a lot of money from now on and treat my mother even better.' Though Jongsuk has a lot of aegyo, he is actually very gentle and very warm at heart.

Whether you want to become an actor or an entertainer, you must decide clearly for yourself. Actors like Park Ha Sun and Lee Jong Suk really went through a lot of challenges. Even though they may look like attractive entertainers from the outside, they actually strive to become real actors. Once you have made that decision, all you have to do is to work towards it in the right way.

[Acting coach Yoon Hee Yong has worked with Soo Ae, Lee Jong Suk, Lee Joon, Jung Il Woo, Son Dambi, Yoon Seung-ah, Jo Yoon Hee, Hwang Jung Eum, Tiny G, After School, etc.]

[Cr: Ohmystar, translated by hitoritabi]

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banner  Banner by: LEN (mblaqsarangaplus

Banner by: LEN (mblaqsarangaplus)

class="post-title"[ARTICLE] ‘Heartwarming Couple’ Kim Woo Bin · Lee Jong Suk CF Climbing Showdown


Heart-warming couple, Kim Woo Bin and Lee Jong Suk performed a dizzying showdown on a High-rise building.

Kim Woo Bin and Lee Jong Suk were selected as a model of OB Beer, KBS 2TV’s ‘School 2013’ bond continues. This CF made with a concept of ‘Climbing’, which will be out on 23rd.

In this CF, Kim Woo Bin and Lee Jong Suk cought the youth’s attention by their tense and an exhilarating climb to win CASS which ends with a fresh and cool toast that draw a youthful and healthy challenge.

Two models overflowing with liveliness who are having a climbing showdown in a High-rise building downtown, is expected to catch a high scale of the viewer’s attention.

In this Cass Ad, Kim Woo Bin and Lee Jong Suk were casted together with Republic of Korea’s National Player of Sports Climbing, Kim Ja In who previously appeared with an ultimate cameo.

Original Source (Korean): MyDailyPhoto Credits: OB BeerReporter: Lee Eun JiTra
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class="title"Lee Jong Suk - August 2011 Interview

Source: KoreA Star (<— thanks a million to withljongsuk)
Translator: hitoritabi
Translator note: He sounds so absolutely adorable and young, also, a little more detail about his life before he joined the industry. I’m so thankful he decided to become an actor, because it almost seems like he could have just gone in another way… =___=


So cute you want to melt~ “Whipped Cream boy” Lee Jong Suk


It was 4pm when we began the interview. He was probably getting hungry, so when coffee and cookies were brought in, he broke out into a wide, innocent smile and said “Wa~”, before starting to dig into the food. Given that he is a hot model turned actor, one would imagine him to be cool and charismatic, yet when he eats, he is as adorable as a baby animal. No, he’s 185cm tall, so he’s hardly small. His shyness and way of speaking instigates your mothering instincts.

"Although I was lucky enough to participate in a popular property one year after debut, my road until this point was actually not very straight-forward. I’ve dreamed of being an actor since I was a kid, but found it very difficult to overcome my introverted personality. So I practiced Taekwondo repetitively every day, until I tore a ligament when I was in Year 3 of middle school and had to give up on that path. At that time, I watched the acting by Kang Dongwon-san and decided to enroll into an acting school. I was scouted when I was 15 to become a model, and also received lessons to become an idol in the interim. But I was never able to give up on my dream of being an actor, so I switched to a different management when I was 19. Finally, I was able to be on the right path."

In “Secret Garden”, he played a genius composer, who is also a homosexual — not an easy role by far. Although he wasn’t in many scenes, his presence could not be ignored and instigated hot discussions of “Who’s is that actor?”

"My experience as a model helped me approach this role of a homosexual. In fashion, there are people of all different persuasions, and I have no feelings of inconvenience around the topic. Ah, please don’t misunderstand, I am not gay myself (laughs)."

His ideal type is Lee Nayoung.

"I love her unique tone of voice. I used to like girls who were a bit shorter and cute, but lately, I find that I don’t care about that as much. Among Japanese stars, I like Miyazaki Aoi-san, but I was so shocked to find that she is already married (laughs)."

He also likes Japanese films, and his favourite film is “Crows Zero”. He has already privately came to Japan 3 times, is he really familiar with Japan?

"I love shopping, so I went to Harajuku and Aoyama. I learned Japanese back in high school, but I still can’t manage much beyond basic greetings (laughs). If I get the chance, I would love to work in Japan as a model."

He can most recently be seen in Rain’s film “R2B: Return to Base”. He plays the role of an Air Force pilot, which is a strong image change for him. In Autumn, he also plans to hold a fan-meeting, so please look forward to his upcoming activities!


Fresh-faced Q&A

Q. Where do you come from and how many siblings do you have?
I come from Kyeonggi-do. I have a 19-year-old younger brother and 17-year-old younger sister. My brother and I have similar faces but he is bigger than me! My home is far away from Seoul, so right now I live by myself in Seoul.

Q. How do you spend your off days?
I usually would watch movies at home… for research. Or go have tea in the Gangnam area. Shopping at Garosu-gil in Gangnam, I am recently into the stuff of A.P.C boutique.

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Lee Na-young, as graceful as a goddess.


Actress Lee Na-young was seen recently.

Pictures of the actress in the middle of making an ad were posted online.

Lee Na-young's long wavy hair and the grey dress she is wearing makes her look like a goddess.

Her bodyline and shape makes it hard to believe she's already in her mid-thirties.

Netizens say, "No wonder Won Bin fell for her", "She's becoming prettier" and more.

Source : www.hankyung.com/news... ( English )

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his preference are strong and remarkable.....

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Guest jjsweeter0211

Lee Jong Seok to Party in Hongdae Club for Cass

If you’re in Korea, head over to Hongdae because Lee Jong Seok will be partying the night away at club M2. 

On August 29, Lee Jong Seok will be attending the Cass Tok Party held at club M2 in Hongdae. There will be several events taking place with many prizes, including Lee Jong Seok’s outfit, worn in the Cass commercial. 


“We organized this Tok party at a club to strengthen the communication with our customers in their twenties, as well as Lee Jong Seok, who is the face of Cass’s young and energetic brand image,” said OB Beer. “We will be promoting with a variety of different marketing plans to help our customers experience the brand instead of just being exposed to it.”

Entrance is free before midnight if you like the Cass Facebook page. 

Photo Credit: OB Beer


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hello again! i was like totally steaming mad when i couldn't log into this thread ... my cable people had to like fix my connection for almost a week!!  but soooooo glad to be back here!
wow! total having a fix here!  i love love love the high cut pics ... the singles pics ... and the other pics and gifs! thank you to all ... again!  sorry that this girl can't contribute much in pics as well as other things in here ... i just can't seem to get the hung of cutting and pasting ... and before long ... most of the really techy people here have posted all those already ... so ... that's that!  can my spazzing be my contribution?? *doing LJS aegyo*
don't you think that when LJS puts his hair away from his face that he exudes a certain manliness?? i found the high cut pics to be just that!!  he is a very sexy man!!  love the one with the shirtless trench coat blowing and leopard(!) print shoes so ..... roar!!  that is totally M A N!! hehehehe!
i love the gifs with HJW!!  i do hope that they get to do a drama or film together!! they were just so good together!! and i can spell chemistry there!!!  and i guess HJW isn't marrying anytime soon too! hehehehehe!  so i can spazz at the pair for awhile. a new noona love for jong suk! hehehehehe!
not to bring this old topic out front again ... but i found jong suk's saying that he thinks of LBY as his noona as lip service only really ... i still think and feel that there was..is.. some real feelings there somewhere but since LBY is getting married it isn't appropriate to expand on that anymore!!  so life goes on!!  just a thought!!!!
still hoping he gets to star with my fave actress han hyo joo sometime soon too!!  waiting excitedly for "no breathing" and "face reader" (i know it has a new title but for the life of me ... i just can't remember or even spell it out here! rofl!).
on a last note ... so giddy at how this thread is flying high!!  there's just so much love for jong suk out there now!!!!
jong suk fighting!!!

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