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Lee Jong Suk 이종석 イ・ジョンソク ♥ Drama 2022: Big Mouth, 빅마우스 | Movie 2022: Decibel, 데시벨


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'Pinocchio' Park Shin Hye "Lee Yoo Bi's 'Jokes' Made Her Get In A Lot Of Trouble During Filming"imagePark Shin Hye revealed, "Lee Yoo Bi is really funny, so due to her jokes we laughed a lot until we couldn't act, so PD-nim got really angry at us."
She said, "Isn't Lee Yoo Bi so cute?" and "During break, she was talking with the staff and usually when the back of actors and actresses are shown, the shots in the film are usually deleted. However, when Yoo Bi sang these lyrics, "I got rejected. In other words, I got dumped.", PD-nim and everyone thought this was funny so this scene was just released for 'Pinocchio'."
She said, "It is a good thing that at first, Lee Jong Suk-Lee Yoo Bi and Kim Young Kwang and I hanged out separately at first in the drama. If all four of us were together since the beginning, we wouldn't have stopped laughing until we collapsed and that would have made the staff experience more troubles."

Moreover, Park Shin Hye revealed that she got in trouble with Lee Jong Suk during melodrama acting in 'Pinocchio'. When Lee Jong Suk just ate the toast without any emotions during the 'Toast Kiss' scene, PD-nim got really mad. PD-nim said to him, "Look at her long enough until you feel nervous and feel like you are in love." and told us to have perfect harmony.
Eng Trans By: TheFoodMonster  

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Lee Jong Suk, "I asked Park Shin Hye to work on 'Doctor Stranger' with me 2 years ago."


[Reunited with Park Shin Hye]

"During the 2013 SBS Drama Awards, Shin Hye and I sat next to each other during the ceremony. Back then, I told her we should work together on ‘Doctor Stranger;’ I knew that she was reviewing the script at the time so I told her'Let's do it together,' but she was already committed to the film, “The Tailors” so she couldn't do it. I'm very happy that we were able to meet again. It's rare to meet good actors among my age group. If we were to participated in that project the acting would've been different, she portrayed the lovable charming character very well.”

        © SOURCE

Life works out in funny ways, because of what can be a pity at the time have created a chance for them to work on such a wonderful drama with brightful and dynamic characters. I noticed their little interactions at the show since last year when I was running an “Heirs” blog so hearing this.. life works in funny ways 

credit to pienocchio on tumblr  

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class="content-title" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 23px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.4em; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; border-image-source: initial; border-image-slice: initial; border-image-width: initial; border-image-outset: initial; border-image-repeat: initial; font-stretch: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(63, 63, 64); text-shadow: rgb(255, 255, 255) 1px 1px 0px; visibility: visible; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Lee Jong Suk Reveals Affection and Trust for Acting Partner Park Shin Hye
Lee Jong Suk Reveals Affection and Trust for Acting Partner Park Shin Hye

Lee Jong Suk revealed his affection and trust for his fellow actress Park Shin Hye.

In a recent interview with Sports Donga, Lee Jong Suk revealed the behind stories of the SBS drama “Pinocchio” and his own life values.

“This time Park Shin Hye acted a character very different from her other roles. She did a good job in highlighting the loveable traits of In Ha. You could tell she is a well experienced actor for sure,” he said. “There is a certain attraction I feel towards pretty people who willingly expose their comical side.”

He added, “Park Shin Hye helped me out a lot. When I was exhausted from letting out too much emotion halfway through the filming, she really supported me as a senior actor. She’s a good acting partner and an intelligent actress.”

Meanwhile, Lee Jong Suk played the role of Ki Ha Myung, a reporter who had to live with a fake name, in “Pinocchio,” gaining much love through the drama.

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Most popular shows from 1/12-1/18 according to CPI (Content Power Index)



3.Superman is Back


Cr: khjpearl


2014 Chinese Most Influential Korean celebrities

1. Kim Soo Hyun

2. Kim Jong Kook

3. LeeJongSuk

Article: http://www.ajunews.com/view/20150126074555349

Cr: khjpearl

As for year 2015 

 Jong Suk is voted  the most anticipated Actor in 2015 

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Lee Jong-suk reveals his trust in Park Shin-hye

January 26 2015


Actor Lee Jong-suk said in a recent interview that he trusts Park Shin-hye, an actress who co-starred in the SBS drama “Pinocchio.”


“Park Shin-hye helped me a lot in acting, with her professional skills gained from many years as an actress,” Lee said during an interview with a local media outlet on Monday.

“Although Park Shin-hye played a totally new character this time that she hasn’t played before, she did a great job and led the drama to become popular.”

Lee also revealed his affection for Park saying, “She is a clever actress and a great partner in acting.”

The two rising Korean stars Lee and Park featured in the romantic hit drama “Pinocchio,” which gained about 1 billion viewership on Chinese streaming websites.
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'Pinocchio' drama saves Lee Jong Suk from a slump


Lee Jong Suk admitted that he was in a slump after he acted in SBS’s drama ‘Doctor Stranger’. In the medical drama, he acted as the main character, genius doctor Park Hoon. Who would have expected, becoming the main character had made him felt pressured.

“It was very hard to do it myself. The further I went in, the more I continued to lose my concentration, So, I had missed many things,” he said as quoted by Herald.

“I could only focus on myself, but it appears that main characters have to bring everyone along. I lacked that. Everything started to go all over the place when I lost concentration,” he continued.

The actor who started acting since 2010 could rise again after he was offered by writer Park Hye Ryeon and director Jo Soo Won to act in drama ‘Pinocchio’. They had previously worked together in drama ‘I Hear Your Voice’ that successfully garnered high ratings.

“I was down after ‘Doctor Stranger’. My senior told me that would happen around my age. I was afraid to act, but I was relieved to meet Jo Soo Won and Park Hye Ryeon. They have helped me to recover,’ said the actor who were nominated for ‘Best (TV) Actor’ at the ’50th Baeksang Arts Award’ for his acting on ‘I Hear Your Voice’.

‘Pinocchio’ that is also starred by Park Shin Hye, Lee Yubi and Kim Young Kwang, is about the life of a young reporter who tries to find truth through news. In the drama, Lee Jong Suk once again acted as the main character named Choi Dal Po, a former taxi driver who became a reporter with eidetic memory.


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The Lee Jong Suk that Park Shin Hye Talks About, The Park Shin Hye that Lee Jong Suk Talks About


Actor Lee Jong Suk and Park Shin Hye have the same age. Both actors played as the sweet Darling Couple in the popular SBS Wed-Thurs Drama Special 'Pinocchio'. The Darling Couple received much love from viewers due to their true love for each other.

With no practice at all, both actors had such perfect harmony together. Lee Jong Suk and Park Shin Hye likes to bicker a lot, but they seem to show affection toward each other, and their romantic acting is also perfect which makes both actors seem like lovers in real life. They are so close that they like to play pranks on each other and joke around. Both had interviews on the 20th at different cafes in Seoul Samcheongdong. Coincidentally, both cafes walking distance was 10 minutes away. But, they were interviewed at different times, so it was a coincidence. 

Since Lee Jong Suk had an interview with us earlier in the morning, Park Shin Hye asked us with her big eyes widened and shiningly brightly on what Lee Jong Suk said about her during his interview. Park Shin Hye showed a lively nature throughout the interview, but as soon as we were about to discuss about Lee Jong Suk, she forcefully loudened her voice to create an even more harmonious and friendly atmosphere and joked, "He didn't say anything weird, did he?"

Then, we joked back, "Lee Jong Suk-sshi said some bad stories to us." and provoked the "fight" between her and Lee Jong Suk. Park Shin Hye then joked back, "All of a sudden, it is so hot here right now. Later, I should contact him." If we had continued to joke around with Park Shin Hye, we were about to find Lee Jong Suk and interview their "fight" together. They were so intimate that it would have made drama fans widen their smiles. In the interview we had before with Lee Jong Suk, Lee Jong Suk praised Park Shin Hye a lot, and Park Shin Hye as well praised Lee Jong Suk a lot so her mouth wouldn't become dry from not talking. Usually, even though actors are actors, they usually hesitate when they talk about the flaws of their co-stars, but Lee Jong Suk and Park Shin Hye didn't have to that.

Lee Jong Suk said while praising her that Park Shin Hye was an actor that he could trust and act with together. He said, "All the dramas, Shin Hye acted in became popular." and "She is an actor with good harmony. This time, writer-nim created a character different from all the characters Shin Hye was in. Shin Hye obviously changed her acting style. When I made a small mistake when talking, she advised me, "You are supposed to speak like this in this part"." Lee Jong Suk thanked her by saying, "Shin Hye is very articulate and very smart. She also has a good personality. I continue to recieve a lot of help from her." 
After the SBS drama 'Doctor Stranger', Lee Jong Suk suffered through a slump. With the responsibility and burden of a main lead he had while acting, he thought the more he acted, it was harder for him. When he experienced hardships, he met 'Pinocchio'. He revealed, "There was the staff as well as Shin Hye there for me. Since Shin Hye was there, I was able to trust people again and I was able to have fun while acting freely and did not have to worry about other things." and "I was able to meet Shin Hye before through a photoshoot. Before, I felt that I had no reason to be friends with her outside of work."

Park Shin Hye also talked about Lee Jong Suk, "This drama was able to become popular because I was able to meet the 'Pinocchio' staff and my co-star." and "Jong Sukkie acts well and I believe that we had perfect harmony with each other. When I fool around and play jokes with Jong Sukkie, the atmosphere becomes really good that I don't seem tired at all." She expressed her gratitude for Lee Jong Suk as well as her high level of satisfaction she experienced with the drama.
Including Lee Jong Suk and Park Shin Hye, the other co-stars Kim Young Kwang and Lee Yoo Bi who all are in the same age group made the filming location of 'Pinocchio' loud all the time. Park Shin Hye said, "There is no market out there like the Fantastic Four (phrase meaning: markets are really loud, but the Fantastic Four is louder than the market so the Fantastic Four is THE MARKET)." and "We laugh, chat, and cause an uproar. If we feel like filming is going to start soon, I would say the words, "Don't laugh. Don't laugh." She revealed how much fun she had and the lively atmosphere she experienced while filming. 
Since the two are really close, even when they were acting, they performed romance acting with the thoughts of 'work and work only'. As soon as they would meet at the filming location, they would be busy fooling around and playing jokes on each other, they both revealed that they had a hard time to have an emotional commitment to a otherwise serious romantic acting. These revelations may make the drama fans either sad or feel reassured.

Lee Jong Suk said, "Since I am close to Shin Hye, it was embarrassing at first to film melodramatic scenes." and "Later on, even after filming kiss scenes, I only worried about how pretty the scene came out to be. Shin Hye and I even studied together alone on how we should kiss to make the scene come out to be even more pretty."

Park Shin Hye was the same. She said, "At first, we would tickle each other, but later on, we worried about the angling of the kiss to make the scene come out more pretty." and "We got in a lot of trouble during the Toast Kiss because we acted without any emotions. There was a romance scene that was so sweet that it made us want to gag, but later on we got used to it and acted freely." She laughed an easygoing laugh while saying this.

If you want to post this again, don't forget to give me (TheFoodMonster) credit.

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Park Shin Hye "'Pinocchio' is an Unfinished Drama to Me"


Park Shin Hye said, "Every second I was shooting a scene, I felt happy. Trying to find cases was fun and the the evolution of the romance between Inha and Dalpo was sweet and praiseworthy. It was not all about melodrama so I liked it, and I really liked the family scenes. I liked everything." and "To me, 'Pinocchio' is an unfinished drama. Words are not the weight of one moment, but a weight that takes its toll even in the future."

Park Shin Hye cried when she saw the script of 'Pinocchio' and felt like she needed to act in this drama so she cancelled her original goals of graduating from the university and decided to film and finish this drama. 

She said, "Inha has the same personality and blunt speech like me." and "She is lively, smiles a lot, and laughs loudly exactly like me that it made me so surprised that a character would be such a clone of me."

Park Shin Hye said, "I cried a lot as Inha with true feelings. To tell you the truth, I sometimes cry in front of my mom and dad while clinging on to them which made the family scenes seem more real." and "Even Inha calling Grandpa, "Harabeoji, Harabeoji~" and Grandpa answering back, "I have no money" are the same interactions I have with my grandpa."

She continued on, "Even when we were not filming, Jin Kyung mom would call me 'Ddoksooni' and I would call her mom. She would take good care of me as if she was like my real mom. She would complain about how could there be such a mother in this world and wished that Hamyeong would get his revenge in the end. Also, inha's mom in the drama is cold and my mom (real) was like that sometimes, so I would feel sad and wanted to cry. Now, whenever I hear my mom speak, I want to cry each time. Therefore, the scene with Jin Kyung mom really made me want to cry."

Park Shin Hye is known throughout the entertainment industry as the queen of making friends with everyone and is known for being nice and easy to get along with. However, she said with a small laugh, "No. I lost the title of flower of the filming site due to Jong Sukkie." She added with cute chagrin, "I even lost to the length of his eyelashes and lost to his aegyo. i lost to everything."

However, through a continuous evaluation of Lee Jong Suk, we were able to learn how close they are and how much they lean to each other for support as friends and as colleagues. She said, "Jong Sukkie is a lovely friend. His body is filled with lovely aegyo so I asked if he is the youngest child, but he replied that he is the oldest." and "Because of him, I was able to laugh a lot, strangely I felt proud of him at times, I liked him as my partner, and we were able to exchange a lot of harmony. His eyes are delicate and warm."

Also, when we talked about Lee Jong Suk's slump, she said, "Rather than being happy and having fun while acting, I feel that he was overwhelmed with new emotions. I felt a similar feeling after I filmed 'You're Beautiful'." and "When I opened my eyes, I missed filming, I couldn't grab onto anything, and I cried every single day. I was able to get over that feeling and was able to put more strength to another drama."

Like their friendship, their passion and their support and humane affection as well as consideration and respect for each other made them able to bring out the best for the Darling Couple which made viewers feel like the Darling Couple was real. Park Shin Hye pouted and said, "The scene where my dad has an imagination of us having a Toast Kiss needed to show a lot of love, but Jong Sukkie and I weren't really used to each other then so it really made us gag. The PD-nim even scolded us by saying, "Did you guys ever date?" I feel that holding the toast in my mouth for the toast kiss was really hard."

She added, "I experienced different feelings for the Mouth Covered Kiss and the Toast Kiss. While the first kiss left me a tingling feeling, I experienced more emotions with the breakup scene. In particular, I experienced such strong emotional feelings of the breakup up to the point that I was wondering to myself, "Why am I feeling this way?" My heart felt like it was really breaking that I cried a lot that day."
Park Shin Hye concluded the interview by saying, "Before filming 'Pinocchio', I didn't pay much to the news and really focused on news that had impact rather than facts. Now, I like to watch the news even the ones that may seem boring because these are the news that I need to hear. I watch all news like cases of arson, abuse, and violence. I watch everything on the news now and focus whether the reporters are really reporting us the facts or just want to give us news that we want to hear. 'Pinocchio' really changed my views of the news."

If you want to post this again, don't forget to give me (TheFoodMonster) credit.

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