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Lee Jong Suk 이종석 イ・ジョンソク ♥ Drama 2022: Big Mouth, 빅마우스 | Movie 2022: Decibel, 데시벨


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[HanCinema's Drama Review] "While You Were Sleeping - 2017" Episodes 5-6





Now that the last major crisis has passed, Hong-joo comes off as kind of creepy. In the absence of genuine threats, she just harasses the guy at the chicken restaurant and pre-stalks Jae-chan at work. While this behavior can sometimes be cute, what we're left with is the impression that Hong-joo really needs a hobby. Or even better, a job that makes relevant use of her inherent nosiness. Cue backstory, where it's finally explained what Hong-joo's previous profession was, and why she quit.


In short, the Hong-joo we see now is really her original form- confident and peppy. She just never came off like that before because until Jae-chan proved that sufficiently extreme behavior could alter her disastrous predictions, Hong-joo just lived in fear and tried to hold back. Aggressive Hong-joo is heroic, but frightening, mainly in the sense that we're left worrying about the danger she puts herself in, thinking only about how to save lives rather than actually explain herself.


The unfortunate effect of this is that Hong-joo kind of comes off like a damsel in distress, even if she is by far the most proactive of the three precognitive characters. Problematic tropes notwithstanding, we do see more of a method to the madness. The predictions work in cycles- different characters receive different visions based on changes in behavior prompted by previous visions. It is only because Hong-joo takes initiative that there are conflicting visions at all.


While that works well enough for solving the relatively mundane bad endings Hong-joo and Jae-chan receive, we're still left with an obvious weakness. What if three cycles of prophetic dreams are not enough to inspire an actual solution? Observe how the main "antagonists" here are brutish college aged youths who are incapable of reading feminine body language. But even they're physically dangerous. What happens when the three leads run afoul of a character with more complex characterization than that?


Further amplifying the tension is how Hong-joo herself is well aware that, recent advances in dream interpretation not withstanding, she is all too mortal and quit her dayjob out of legitimate fear of self-preservation. Of course, it's that very quality which makes her a compelling protagonist. Hong-joo is charging into situations ignorant of the true danger, with only blind faith in Jae-chan and Woo-tak offering any form of succor. The woman's definitely got guts- i have to give her that much.


Review by William Schwartz







"While You Were Sleeping - 2017" Lee Jong-suk avoids Suzy after the cherry blossom kiss



On the latest episodes of the SBS drama "While You Were Sleeping - 2017", Jeong Jae-chan (Lee Jong-suk) avoided Nam Hong-joo (Suzy).


Jae-chan dreamt of kissing Hong-joo in his dreams and became uneasy. He felt something for her, but didn't want to get involved. He tried to avoid her by arriving at work early, but Hong-joo was waiting for him.

In the end, Jae-chan couldn't ignore Hong-joo who was searching for him in a café. Hong-joo talked to him about what was on her mind.




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Watching a Pre-Produced drama while it is airing, is a very different feeling than watching a regular drama which is not pre-shot. During regular dramas, in the interval while waiting for the next episode, we get pics from shooting locations, and can often see Sukkie shooting outdoors, I kinda like that better, keeps me more occupied and involved. Now coz all the shooting is done, it's so quiet. keke^_^ 

I am so glad to see people commenting positively on his comedic acting, heard some people say this is his best role till date and he does funny very well along with angst, great to hear that!


Hope SBS releases more stuff for us to watch, also BTS scenes:relieved: Fighting Sukkie!



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hello! it's me ilwoo_aein using my new account. Something wrong with my old account so i created a new one. I will use this account for the time being. If everything's back to normal i will use my old account again :)


WYWS new preview stills








WYWS episode 11-12 text preview





Edited by wannaonehighlight
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