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Korea TV Drama Interview - Pt 2


Source: Korean TV Drama
Translation note: Part 1 on DS. This part is on IHYV.

Let’s talk about ‘I Hear Your Voice’. It’s a drama that received a lot of love.

Even though it had become a huge hit, all I felt at the time was ‘ah, the ratings are good’ and not much else. It just wrapped up so quickly. However, when I recently rewatched it, I can remember the atmosphere of the film set very clearly. I got completely wrapped up in my memories. The most amazing thing is how my facial expressions looks completely different from then. It’s actually only from two years ago, not much time has passed, but somehow so much has changed. Sometimes I feel a pang of emotion because of this.

You’re still so young, why are you saying this?

I am still young now, but it’s already a different feeling compared to then. When I look back at my previous work, I’ll think, “Ah, I was so cute back then~”. When I did Pinocchio (2015) with Jo Soo-won PD (who is also the PD for IHYV), we talked about this. PD said I am more manly now. I used to have the image of breezy boyishness, but that has disappeared for the most part. Actually, the hairstyle in the latter part of ‘Pinocchio’ is very much the same with IHYV, but the image is totally different. How can one change so much in a year?

What is the part that changed the most?

Stamina. (laughs) During IHYV, I filmed a drama and a film at the same time; the only sleep I got was in the car on my way to another film set. Even on the rare occasion when I got to go home to lie down, I didn’t even have time to change my underwear. No matter how much eye-drops I used, my eyes were still so red. During ‘Pinocchio’, though I still couldn’t sleep much, it wasn’t as bad as before. Yet still I found myself dying [of exhaustion]. I wouldn’t have been surprised if I just died all of a sudden right there. (dry laugh)

In IHYV, you played a role that can read people’s minds. Is it tough to play such a role?

I put a lot of effort into figuring out how I would portray that power. PD also thought about it a lot – should we use CG to change the colour of my eyes, etc. But in the end, we used the effect of everything around Sooha stopping momentarily. That was a elegant solution.

The scenes between Sooha and Hyesung (Lee Bo Young) makes the viewer feel contentment and happiness. Jongsuk, do you feel the same way?

I do!! Writer Park Hye Ryun really know how to capture those moments that make people’s heart race. In my opinion, she is the best in Korea. Once I was had a scene where I was supposed to lift [Lee] Boyoung-noona and kiss her. That was definitely Writer Park’s personal fantasy, I think. (laughs) It was such an unreasonable pose. When a male dancer has to hold and lift a female dancer in that pose, it is hard to create a beautiful image. It was difficult and a lot of effort was put into it.

What if you could read anyone’s heart like Sooha?

I would hate it. I think if I could read the heart of others, I wouldn’t be able to do my job. When I act or do other work, my face would sometimes turn crimson from the emotions I put into it. If I really really think about it, perhaps others would find me quite strange. You can call it pessimistic thinking, but as I continue in this profession, sometimes I think the things that happen around me are quite disastrous.

In the interview back in Issue #49 (Dec 2013), you said, “there are times when I am depressed”. Do you still feel this way?

I do feel sad a lot. When I am not doing any projects, my emotions turn downward even more. When I am working, my pessimistic thoughts decrease by around 50%, I think. To be quite honest, I’m not the best at taking interviews but after ‘training’ so many times, I’ve gotten more used to it. If I’m forced to meet people continuously for a period of time, I do get quite exhausted.

How about moments of happiness?

When I look back, there were many times when I did feel content. 2013 was truly the best year for me, while 2014 was a good year in its own right. However, it just became difficult because of my own ambition in various areas. As I work more, my desire becomes stronger, which is a sad thing in itself as well. (dry laugh)

Are there any other times when you feel like you have changed?

I’ve become very shy about meeting people with everyday clothes and without make-up. I never used to feel like this. There are times when I want to go out and have fun, but wasn’t able to do so. I don’t want to get all dressed up just for a cup of coffee, but I become self-conscious if I go out just normally. Even if I am at home, I seldom cook. I mostly buy food from outside and then bring it home to eat. When I don’t have work, I stay at home; yet I’ve stayed at home for so long that I feel like I’m suffocating. (dry laugh) 

I’ve started rock-climbing and riding. Recently, I may have done too much weight training as well, and now my body is too buff. (laughs)

Trans By: hitoritabi

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Korea TV Drama Interview - Pt 3


Source: Korean TV Drama
Translation note: Part 1 on DS. Part 2 on IHYV. This part is on ‘Piinocchio’. There is still Part 4 on ‘School 2013′ and general things; I’ll try to finish it tomorrow.

The staff of IHYV got together again for ‘Pinocchio’. You said that once you decided to take this drama, you started acting lessons again with a teacher. What is the reason for this?

Since I’ve been acting non-stop, project after project, I feel that I’ve already used up everything I had. This feeling was especially strong after I finished ‘Doctor Stranger’, so I went to visit an acting teacher. Every time I got a script, I would have one-on-one sessions with him. I would also have group lessons with other rookie actors.

Were the lessons difficult?

I would be even more nervous than when I was filming the drama. Those kids all had gazes that said ‘Let’s see how well he can do’ (laughs). But after a while, we all became closer and had fun together. Watching these rookie actors in their lessons also rejuvenated me. Those kids are so earnest. I was also like that when I was a rookie, but I’ve mostly forgotten about it already. I’m currently doing a job that they yearn for so much, yet somehow I cannot be satisfied. Seeing them led me to rethink a lot of things.

When you get to the film set, did the lessons help?

Yes. However, the role of a reporter is not quite familiar, so I had to work on it. For a role like doctor, policeman or lawyer, there has been many tv shows and movies about them, so you have a certain foundation of knowledge about those jobs. But it is not so for reporters. Thus, there has to be quite a lot of build-up in the beginning, but you get more into it as the story goes on. ‘Pinocchio’ is a very good drama. It is a ‘gentle and empathetic’ drama.

How is your cooperation with your acting partner, Park Shin Hye?

I’ve worked with Shinhye for a CM before, and since she is a very understanding person, we became friendly quite quickly. At first, I was a litthe shy and worried if I could do romantic scenes with a friend like her, but it was no problem once we started the drama. Even when doing a kiss scene, there was no embarrassment, we would just discuss how to make it come out beautifully, which angles we should use, etc.

Before, even during ‘Doctor Stranger’, there was talk of you being offered a project along with Park Shin Hye, is this true?

Yes. It was at the end of 2013, during the SBS Drama Awards. Shinhye was sitting right next to me. I was there for IHYV and she was there for ‘The Heirs’, but at that time, ‘Doctor Stranger’ was right in the middle of casting. I asked if she wanted to do it with me. However, she was busy with a movie at that time and couldn’t fit it in her schedule.

What are some scenes or dialogue that you remember the most from ‘Pinocchio’?

In Episode 6, the reporters were all exhausted and sleeping in a messy heap in the rest room at the police station. Inha (Park Shinhye) and Dalpo were on the two ends of the room at first, as people shifted around, they ended up facing each other. It wasn’t a particularly special scene, but it’s just one of those scenes where you are like, “How can she come up with something like this?!” And you feel that Writer Park really knows how to capture the romantic points. This is why I love the work of Writer Park. I can live out scenarios and get satisfied through her dramas. (laughs)

Then it is the time when Inha made up her mind to leave Dalpo in Episode 11. That narration where I said, “I thought if I repeated it a thousand times, it would become real”. I couldn’t move my eyes away from that line when I first saw it on the script. Such a sad line, I though.

The latter half of the story became very dramatic, was it hard for you to act there?

The latter half was hard on Shinhye, whereas I had it hardest right in the middle, I think. The ups and downs of emotions was too great – so great that I felt that the drama was nearing its end by Episode 12, I was so exhausted. Physically and mentally, I was drained to the point of emptiness. Therefore, episode 11 and 12 were the hardest for me to film. The scenes were full of emotion, and even the staff were saying, “Are you going to cry again?” They were probably becoming sick of it too. (laughs) It’s probably the first time for a male protagonist to cry so much in a drama.

Trans By: hitoritab

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Guest nyahh

Iron JS!! HAHAHA He can be Iron Man if he wants but please don't take away Cap America from Chris Evans. :P He's sooo cute! :lol: I wouldn't mind seeing a Korean Iron Man with him playing it. LOL :lol:



- - -

Flower Boy Jong Suk. :D 


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Korea TV Drama Interview - Pt 4


Source: Korea TV Drama
Translation note: Part 1 on DS. Part 2 on IHYV. Part 3 on ‘Pinocchio’. Long-richard simmons final part of a 6000-word interview *phew*.

You also cried a lot in'School 2013′, your first drama as a lead character.

That’s right. In the scenes with (Kim) Woobin, there were some scenes where I cried. Actually, ‘School 2013′ is my favourite project. That character is my favourite role also. Even now, when I have time, I would rewatch all the dramas where I took on lead roles. I love watching dramas anyway, so if there’s nothing else to watch, I just rewatch my old dramas. It’s interesting.

The bromance you portrayed with Kim Woobin is so intense that people may be suspicious about your relationship.

Hahaha. Curiously, female fans seem to like this kind of stuff. I am rather slender and slightly feminine, while Woobin gives a more masculine feel, so we seem to possess all the points that female viewers like. Even when I go overseas, I would often meet fans who like me and Woobin as a combo unit. It’s so interesting.

The scene in front of the wall, where you two opened your hearts and expressed your feelings to each other. It’s almost like a conversation between man and woman.

That was extremely cringe-inducing. Woobin’s line was “Didn’t you miss seeing me?” or something like that. On the day of filming, the weather was freezing, so cold that one wonders, “How is it possible to be this cold?!” I couldn’t even control my emotions properly. But I just had to focus and I finished all my close-up shots in one take. Then it was Woobin’s turn, but a car siren near us suddenly started wailing. To be surrounded by all that plus stange people observing our film set, the filming conditions was really bad. Woobin really had it hard that day.

The two of you seemed to not care that it was going to come out on TV; both of you were crying with tears and snot running down your face.

My nose runs a lot when I cry anyway. Even during ‘Pinocchio’, there would be many times when I had to NG because of my running nose. The PD sometimes would even have to erase my snot with CGI. Hahaha. Actually, there are scenes where snot is good, but also ones where it is bad. In Rain-hyung’s drama ‘A Love to Kill’, there is a scene where hyung was sobbing so much that snot came flying out. In that scene, everything that happened before will come to your mind through that crying, so even if his snot comes out, you don’t feel it’s weird.

Also, in Rain-hyung’s film ‘I’m A Cyborg But That’s Ok’, there is a scene of him wailing while sitting in a taxi. I don’t actually know the story of that film, but I feel so sad even just watching that scene. By the way, why has the conversation turned to Rain-hyung? Hahaha.

(T/N: Jongsuk speaking so seriously about whether snot is allowed in dramas, even citing examples from his favourite hyung, letting his fanboy out… I am laughing while translating.)

How were you back in school? Were you like Namsoon in ‘School 2013′?

Yes, we do share similarities. I didn’t have friends, I didn’t try to make friends. Back then, since I had already begun my modeling activities, I always thought, “I am an adult unlike you kids”. How stupid of me. While modeling, I would hang out with sunbaes and feel like I can’t play around with kids anymore. Kids my age would always chat about going to internet cafes and playing computer games. Now, I’ve become the type to go to internet cafes. (laughs)

Since you talked about liking to watch dramas, what is your favourite drama?

Right now, I am watching ‘Kill Me Heal Me’ (2015) which ended earlier in the year, and the romantic comedy “Divorced Lawyer in Love’ (2015). Both are interesting. If I had to choose my favourite one ever, it would be ‘Time Between Wolf and Dog’ (2007) and ‘The World That They Live In’ (2008).

Do you originally watch so many dramas, or do you do it because of your job?

There’s a bit of both. If I have no work, I generally spend time at home watching movies and dramas.

Do you watch Japanese dramas?

I haven’t watched many. I find it tiring to read subtitles, so I don’t watch a lot of foreign dramas or films. (dry laugh) However, I did watch the British mystery drama ‘Sherlock’ (2010) and it was like a whole new world was opened up for me. That drama is really amazing!! For a time, I was desperate to search for projects like that to participate in. 

Before, when asked what kind of role I would like to play, a lot of actors would answer ‘psychopath’. That was my answer as well. However, now that I have watched other actors act as psychopaths, I feel that their ways of portraying it is similar. Use a lethal gaze and then smile, like that. Now that dramas like that are increasing, I feel there is not much merit in playing a psychopath anymore.

You also said you want to play masculine roles before.

That is an area that I still can’t reach for. I’m just saying that I want to do it. I look out for projects with a noir feeling, but when I imagine myself in the role, I seem too immature for it. For example, if I played a member of a violent gang, you have to consider the tone of the dialogue and the shape of my face, somehow I would feel “no, this is not okay”. If I even take one step wrong, I’d look like a child imitating a grown-up. It’d become a joke. Therefore I have to be very cautious.

(T/N: I think you make an excellent gang member though, Tsunami!! ;__;)

You are quite cool when critiquing yourself.

This is because it’s the truth. I am not yet ready for that kind of acting. Actually, if I don’t feel good about my acting in a particular scene, I would skip it when I rewatch it.

Are there any moments when you want to praise yourself then?

I really feel like I did well in ‘Doctor Stranger’. It is the first piece of work where I felt, “I tried extremely hard and did some good acting”. In the latter half of the drama, I lost my concentration somewhat, but there are still some scenes where I would look back after a few days and think, “Ah, that was good~”. Hahaha.

You also received three awards at the year-end ceremonies.

Ah, talking about ceremonies. Kim Byung Uk PD, who directed ‘High Kick 3′, contacted me on the day of the drama awards. He doesn’t really contact me usually, but particularly messaged me on that day since he found me interesting. What he said was, Even though I received the special award, I reacted in a calm and controlled fashion. My expression and manner was somehow quite intriguing to him. Of course, I was very happy to receive that award.

(T/N: Ugh the drama awards.)

You are not originally the kind of person who is open with your emotions.

Yes. I am not the kind of person who easily gives my heart away, and my job requires that I conceal my emotions. When I am with people I don’t trust my heart with, I also don’t really reveal how I am feeling.

However, you open your heart to your fans.

Actually, I only do SNS because of my fans. I’m the type that likes to talk to people when I feeling down. Perhaps it’s instinct or something, but I like to tell people when I’m feeling stressed, so it might seem like I am always talking about depressing things. (dry laugh) Even on the SNS for fans, my messages would make them worry. That’s why I stopped using it for a time. Recently, I have gained quite a number of fans overseas, which is why I feel like I have to use it again. Nowadays I just talk about my daily life.

At the end of May 2015, you will be holding your first Japan fanmeeting in three years. (Interview was done in late April.)

Yes, it’s really been a long time since I have seen the fans in Japan. Somehow I feel like I haven’t got much to show to my Japanese fans, so this time I’m meeting my fans at a relatively small venue. I think a real fanmeeting is when you can sit close to the fans and be relaxed with them. I’m not like a singer who has a lot of talents for show, I get very apologetic when it is held at a venue with thousands of people.

That’s why, [the Japan fanmeeting] is held at a smaller location. Fortunately, the response was overwhelming so we added one more. I haven’t had time to come to Japan recently, it would be good to come more in the future. I want to visit more frequently.

Trans By: hitoritabi

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Guest nyahh

@Rania Zeid may i ask u what it means by verified blue badge..sorry i am left behind when it come something like this haha:P

​Heyy.. hope you don't mind me  answering this. But when you get the verified blue badge on IG, it just means that your account is the authentic/real one. :D It also means that your account is prone to "impersonations" so that's also means that you're popular, if you think about it. :D;) That means our JS is so popular that IG needs to make sure he's the real person just in case people who want to follow him might get confused. :D 

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@Rania Zeid may i ask u what it means by verified blue badge..sorry i am left behind when it come something like this haha:P

​Heyy.. hope you don't mind me  answering this. But when you get the verified blue badge on IG, it just means that your account is the authentic/real one. :D It also means that your account is prone to "impersonations" so that's also means that you're popular, if you think about it. :D;) That means our JS is so popular that IG needs to make sure he's the real person just in case people who want to follow him might get confused. :D 

​thank u for answering :D 

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Guest nyahh

@Rania Zeid sorry I answered for you. AHAHA I'm just so happy that he got his account verified now. :D:D:D

- - -

lol you don't need to guess whose lips is this hahahahaha :wub:


cr jongsuk.ah

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Guest aydenJ

"get in line pinocchio!" :w00t: that was hilarious!! Imagine if psh, lmh, kwb,ljs,jyh are in the same project... 'Most eligible bachelorette' ha ha ha...

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