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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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I tracked down video clips of some of the 1N2D moments we've been recently discussing on this thread, and am sharing them here in case people haven't seen them. Unfortunately, they're not subbed, so I'll try to quote the original comments so they'll be easier to follow.

On 2017-08-17 at 4:07 PM, flutterby06 said:

And it was nice seeing someone reserved like SSK was very fond of JW. IMO from what I've seen in 2d1n, Sung Shi kyung is not that expressive unless he is upset or annoyed by something or someone(Kim Jong Min :lol:) . But he was very expressive in his liking towards Joo Won. I love that scene where he was amazed at seeing JW sleeping just after lights went out. He fondly said "Gaksital..He's mine" and was annoyed when UTW came closer, SSK told him to away and to raise a dog.


On 2017-08-17 at 4:07 PM, flutterby06 said:

and there are many more cute SSK-JW moments like in ep12 JW was afraid of bug and went to SSK for removing the bug from his room

By the way, the bug in question here is some sort of bee or wasp - which JW hilariously called a "king bee". Speaking as someone who also has a strong fear of bees and wasps (not quite a phobia, because I'm perfectly fine with images or if they're, say, behind a barrier)...I'd be doing the same thing were I in his shoes :D

This next video has the scene with SSK, JW and firecrackers that I talked about, along with some other moments. It's just the two of them, since it's one of those episodes where the guys had all split up into pairs (except for Jong Min, who was alone with a VJ for company). Sorry that I can't post an embedded version - apparently, YouTube's not allowing it. So just click through to watch!


As you can see, right at this moment, I've only tracked down clips featuring JW with SSK - but I hope to diversify in the future and give some more hyungs their moment in the spotlight. I just have to see what I can track down. :)

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Thanks @airplanegirl for the subbed videos! Really appreciate your time and effort to sub the videos and thanks Hana for encoding too!

In the first video, I was wondering why I have not seen some footage used until I realized TVN aptly and creatively weave scenes from their own dramas to produce a nice little clip of our patriotic Joo Won. I think other than the Dokdo island episode of 2D1N, it was clear he really love his country as he felt proud to be in a show that showcases beautiful Korea and its food and culture. I remember he would ask fans to visit Korea (Jeju being his favourite place) in fan meetings. The clip also reminded me of the Taxi Interview done years ago when JW was promoting his movie Catch Me. It was one of the earlier interviews that made me fell for his charms and honesty. The 2 emcees in Taxi did not seem to know much about JW before the interview but they were charmed by his innocence thoughts and fully convinced he is a rare breed at the end of the show, just like new fans like me. 

Speaking of Catch Me movie, I just want to share a BTS video of JW looking cute and serious in police uniform :)


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Thank you so much @airplanegirl for the videos! Lol at Joo Sang Wook who got teased by girls that they don't remember him in Good Doctor. :D But all joking acide, it's nice to hear that he appreciate the drama this much. And it's nice to hear that hosts are missing Joo Won. :)

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Great discussion cuties ............ so lively and animated. Lot of memories were shared. We're doing good, day D-544 / 543 and we're on target almost reaching the 4, 500. 000 ( new target ). I really like the description on Joo Won's thread " Serving the army . We will wait for you. Fighting. It's got a good energy to it. Which Mod wrote it ? Thanks.

Keep it up peeps , you are doing amazing , just a sample on page 2727 .... interesting. KUDOS....

@kittyna, @hibiscus23, @airplanegirl, @Ma OO, @stearly @flutterby06 @sagaseed and @ecs707a.

credit: lai_zu for the countdown.



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@lavender2love and all here i reckon we'll go beyond 3,000 or more bef the end  of 2017 if we just keep on coming/chatting here right? LOL :) waaay to go JW buddies/chingus here! pls excuse me for not being here often bc of so many others things on my agenda and kdramas won't be missing on my list esp our JW; right now i'm kangaroo watching (that's my term for hopping from one kdrama to another) LOL anyway let's try to reach our goal for he's well worth it!


right now watching Doctor Stranger altho it's old but am liking it plus Lee jong suk and Park hae jin both good/handsome (too) actors! well i figure since our JW is on leave he won't mind me/us for filling the void while he's away :wub: then since i came to like Park hae jin i'm going to watch him in cheese in the trap!





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Translation: "When celebrities visited our cafe. They came to shoot the poster for the 'Ground Forces Festival' which will be held in October. I shot with a medium film camera, but when I developed and scanned it, the image became distorted. Please come and play with us!" 

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1 hour ago, airplanegirl said:

[CONFIRMED] Joo Won will attend the 'Grounds Army Festival'.

Date: October 8th-12th

Venue: Gyeryongdae, Gyeryong City in Chungnam-do

Source: http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=213&aid=0000983512


Yay..... !!!! We're smiling too. Isn't this a 9 hours ride away? Ah..... the army helcopter.... !!! Thanks for the news @airplanegirl and @stearly.


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Thanks for the updates! I'll confess that seeing him and the other celebrity representatives posing like K-pop idols whilst in uniform cracks me up. :D

Also want to say, being new to any sort of JW fan circuit, that I love that the English speaking fans are called Cuties. It's quite fitting. :)

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Thank you Cuties for the updates. Who are the other celebrities ?

Have been busy but still counting the days . Thanks to Lai_Zu. Wow ..... !!! In this picture he's dressed like a gentleman in a formal suit and comb back hair from the forehead. look at the gleaming shoes.



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Thanks @stearly for sharing the angel "Photoshop" of Park Si On - it's so fitting.

I was recently on a road trip to visit family in the States, hence why my responses have been very patchy of late. I'm back at home now, with stable computer access, but I bring this trip up for two reasons. First of all, while I was there, I saw TV adverts for ABC's upcoming adaptation of "Good Doctor", and since all of us - me, my immediate family, the relatives we were visiting, etc. - had all seen the original version (in Cantonese dub), I kept pointing it out to everybody. The general consensus was that JW's portrayal of autism was more convincing :wink:

Granted, it's hard to tell from a trailer whether Freddie Highmore's acting will be realistic enough to pass as "America's Park Si On", but...then again, you could tell with JW from a screenshot, so I suppose he does win this round anyway :tongue:

Second thing is that on the way there and back, I re-watched "Gaksital". :) I wasn't originally planning on bringing that up, but seeing @lavender2love's shared fanart showing JW in his Lee Kang To get-up reminded me. The show was just as good the second time around as the first, and this time, knowing what to expect, I could actually sit through some of the more intense and violent parts without freaking out and closing my eyes. Also, while I was quite firmly on Team Kang To the first time around, Shunji stood out to me more on this second go. Okay, it's not like I ever disliked Shunji - he's the perfect version of the tragic antagonist - but knowing his full narrative arc makes his downfall that much more painful to watch. :( It's like watching a train wreck: you want him to turn back, but know he wouldn't - or couldn't.

2 hours ago, lavender2love said:

In this picture he's dressed like a gentleman in a formal suit and comb back hair from the forehead. look at the gleaming shoes.

While I'm on the subject, I also love the costume design in "Gaksital". Yes, I know that historical fashion experts will probably have a heart attack, because it is quite inaccurate as far as 1930s costume is concerned. However, what I loved about the costume design is that although it was, for the most part, anachronistic, they actually did a good job creating the vintage film noir, black-and-white-detective-film vibe throughout. Not to mention that the kimono were absolutely gorgeous, for both male and female characters. :)

Thanks, once again, for all the updates. Now I'll finally have a chance to go back and watch the newly subbed videos - and share some more of the 1N2D bromance clips I'd promised. So stay tuned!


I've just been catching up on the various K-ent newsfeeds that I follow, and saw this gem on Dramafever:

My Sassy Girl's Jung Da Bin is lucky to have Joo Won oppa!

In the article, Jung Da Bin shares some of the advice that JW gave her while they were both working on "My Sassy Girl". I know from watching his Taxi interview that he wanted to become a professor in film and theatre arts, and I guess he's starting early by giving advice to his hoobaes :)

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The person who is working now on an adaptation of "Good Doctor" for ABC is David Shore - the creator of House M.D., the famous and even cult series. House was a great success and I think Shore will try to make something like this - some procedural series about a genius doctor. Our drama was more about the personal growth of Shi On and people around him and I think that the American adaptation will be more medical with a case of the week to make a show more procedural because I’m sure they dream about many seasons of the show and not just one season to tell the story. Of course, it’s just my guesses.

House had brilliant Hugh Laurie and we’ll see what Freddie Highmore will be able to do and whether will this American Good Doctor survive on cruel American TV. They named their doctor Shaun, by the way, that’s in tune with Shi On. :)Our drama has a lot of heart on it, Shi On was a soul of the drama and Joo Won in my opinion was outstanding and anyway I think it’s a victory for him and the all Good Doctor team that the drama got noticed and got an adaptation.



16 hours ago, kittyna said:

Thanks @stearly for sharing the angel "Photoshop" of Park Si On - it's so fitting.

It made me remember this :)


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2 hours ago, stearly said:

The person who is working now on an adaptation of "Good Doctor" for ABC is David Shore - the creator of House M.D., the famous and even cult series.


Our drama has a lot of heart on it, Shi On was a soul of the drama and Joo Won in my opinion was outstanding and anyway I think it’s a victory for him and the all Good Doctor team that the drama got noticed and got an adaptation.

I remember from when I first saw the trailer on YouTube that some people were miffed that it just said, "From the creators of "House"" without mentioning the original Korean series. I suppose it's their hope, as it is mine, that people who watch and enjoy this new version will seek out the original.

2 hours ago, stearly said:

I think Shore will try to make something like this - some procedural series about a genius doctor. Our drama was more about the personal growth of Shi On and people around him and I think that the American adaptation will be more medical with a case of the week to make a show more procedural because I’m sure they dream about many seasons of the show and not just one season to tell the story. Of course, it’s just my guesses.

The whole "case of the week" concept was used in the original "Good Doctor" as well, but I didn't mind that, because each new case reveals a new challenge for the characters to face, and they all grow in the process. I did find some of Dr. Shaun Murphy's moments from the trailer promising - I imagine that, like Park Si On, he would be the idealistic blank slate that challenges his colleagues to re-think what it means to be a doctor. I'm not sure if the focus will be on pediatrics, and I also imagine, given the differences in how medical care works in the US and Korea, that some of the hospital politics surrounding privatizing what was originally a public hospital would have be changed.

I think, more than anything else, I'm intrigued by this series. Unlike something like "God's Gift: 14 Days", which has, if I recall correctly, also been rumoured to have an upcoming American adaptation, I didn't immediately think something like "Good Doctor" would make for good American television. My - admittedly limited - knowledge of medical procedurals in North America has been of the "case of the week" format with no clear overarching narrative arc, and what I have seen of autistic(?) characters in Western television more generally would be those like Sheldon Cooper from "Big Bang Theory" or Sherlock Holmes from BBC's "Sherlock": geniuses, yes, but exasperatingly arrogant under the veneer of "social awkwardness". They are doing a good job keeping Dr. Shaun Murphy's character on the more innocent, likeable side from what I've seen on the trailer - here's hoping it lasts.

Anyway, "Good Doctor" aside, here's my bit for this week's Throwback Thursday.

It's JW's performance of "Those Magic Changes" from the Korean production of "Grease" at the 14th Korean Musical Awards in 2008. He was actually part of the cast, and this song is sung by his character, Doody.

I don't know if he's wearing his actual costume from the musical, or if this was snazzed up for the event, but I can't be the only one thinking he looks like an Elvis impersonator :D His get-up here is so cute, but so dorky as well.

He's also got the voice to match :wink: I knew that his voice suited some of these older styles - he also does trot amazingly well for a young guy. But I was surprised that he did the 50s twang so well; he sounded just like the guys on those oldies records.

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