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[Variety] Good Sunday - Running Man 런닝맨

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There must be some natural law on what co-hosting is about...and some people seem to know it all!

The Macau tower....i said it was ALSO funny (it was everything you said but also funny because you can see the males made a "poor figure" because males are supposed to be the fearless one, saving the females! Even LDW was feeling "bad" because it took him a lot of time to decide to jump)...same thing about the bricks, that's why the others laughed (or were they laughing because she was the ace?????). Jenga wasn't funny until YJS....yeah yeah, but she set up the moment! If it wasn't for her being a sleepy head that moment (a memorable one) could not have occured!! People remember that moment because she was sleeping there NOT because of what YJS said. I'm sure if it was KG or any other you would have looked at it differently.

About Myeok PD, just how do you know it was set up??? Like really....you can even see Cho PD's face when she was approaching Myeok PD and he was suprised. Also.. it is always a "set up" for her but not for the others??? Only those who have worked there can tell what was set up and what not and as far as i know you're not one of them. But seems like the final "defense" is always "the PD made her this, made her that" as if we mere spectators could really know...really now!!!!

Sorry, but i'm not going to answer anymore!

I work in the industry so yes, it's my business to know how a program should work and what are expected of people that are part of it. 

I will not comment on what MEN ARE SUPPOSED TO BE OR WOMEN IS SUPPOSED TO BE because that could get me into trouble with gender sensitivity rules in this forum and with society in general. so i'll leave you with your expectations of what women and men should be. 

i also said the macau is not funny TO ME. whenever you guys say it's funny FOR YOU, i said i respect it. it so happen the Macau is not funny TO ME. can't change that. same thing with the bricks. Yes, Jengga was YJS. she just slept, it was YJS that created the moment. Haha could stand there and YJS could make fun of him. that doesn't make it a Haha initiated moment just because he was standing there. people remember that moment because YJS highlighted it. 

about Myuk PD, i already explained how i know some thing about the production. I will not repeat it. not, it is not always set up for her. I never said that. again, don't interpret what i say. quote me if i really said it. I am simply responding to the events you are enumerating. if you can come up with something that is valid, i will acknowledge. 


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yes i have numbers and you have them too if you did a little research on her past projects, but i will help you a bit: here are some quotes:

"Princess Hours was one of MBC's most popular dramas of 2006, second only to Jumong.[2] Overall, the show was the tenth most popular drama of 2006, according to TNS Media. Due to its success, a spin-off series, Prince Hours, was broadcast in 2007"



Both Princess hour and Jumong were both dramas she appeared in, both ranked among the most popular seriesses in those years, if you research her other works like Frozen Flower it's a classic among historical romance drama fans, just like her movie Wishing Stairs is a classic in the horror movie genre, you can ofcourse find more if you did a research youself!

(As a sidenote, Song ji hyo is now the main model of Banila Co,  and she  is looking absolutely stunning on their website and in the recent magazines released)


This really is getting out of topic, i'm not sure i'm going to answer much more, so if you want to continue this discussion you are welcome to do it in more appropriate places!

Was she the lead in Princess Hours and Jumong? I watched both dramas and I don't think she was the lead. Was I mistaken?

She was the lead in EC, Ex GF Club and FF. Also the figures in Wikipedia is wrong. Wikipedia content is not verifiable. It is user generated content. You can refer to Nielsen and other organizations that are more credible. 

Tinkiebell already said to talk about RM only so i will not respond anymore. 


Edited by klent
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That's episode 182...yes, there was an attempt to mc, and that's all...an attempt, they were only asking and answering by themselves.

They are purposely doing that to annoys Yoo Jae Suk. Kim Jong Kook and Ha Ha are hosting other shows, they know and able to host shows albeit not as good as Yoo Jae Suk. They know how to host a show properly, and they don't do 'mc ask, mc answer' elsewhere.

For you it doesn't matter, for me it does a lot!

Let's say Song Ji Hyo is the first passer instead of Kim Jong Kook. She couldn't emcee'd that segment as good as Kim Jong Kook because as you pointed out, she isn't a TV show mc and she can only read the cue cards word by word without any ad-libbing while Kim Jong Kook did it without depending on cue cards. 

They didn't because she's not the host! She's a member who sometimes (or rarely, as you wish) hosts

They didn't do what?

Yeah yeah...basically you are agreeing with me! They were using those characteristics that i said to snatch (but they have just attempted to do so...never successfully) that position. Now tell me, wouldn't she give an image as rude by doing so? Or wouldn't she look comedic by doing so?? As an actress, that isn't that great!

Actually no. I don't agree with you. They saw a great chance to snatch the MC position from Yoo Jae Suk and they took it. Only those with great timing can do it and not anybody can even attempt it.

If Song Ji Hyo attempts it, of course it will look rude because she didn't have the timing Kim Jong Kook, Ha Ha and Lee Kwang Soo have. As an entertainer, timing is very important. Other members have their timing sense honed well enough, but she didn't.   

That's exactly what i wanted to say...because YJS is originally a MC while SJH was being an actress temporarily reading scripts (confirming that she doesn't want to be a mc but just host sometimes...or rarely, as you wish).

Kim Jong Kook, Ha Ha, Lee Kwang Soo also not originally MCs, but they improving their skills year by year so they can MC without depending on cue cards and scripts like Song Ji Hyo do.

If Song Ji Hyo doesn't want to be an emcee, why did she took all those emceeing jobs? And after she took all those emceeing jobs, why didn't she improving herself as an emcee?  

I'm not saying that she's a great host, she's not! But she is definitely funny. Her jumping from the Macau tower was also funny because the guys were afraid to do so...her feeling sleepy with that heigh was also funny because YJS and LKS were "trembling". She scolding Myeok PD was funny, she "scolding" JSJ is funny (she was not being rude because she was fulfilling his character). She committing fault on KJK (office game) was funny, breaking bricks is also funny, being clumsy while dancing, being afraid of bugs while she's fearless; sleeping on the jenga...really, that are a lot a lot funny moments! Also i keep saying that her being herself gives others opportunity to be funny.

All those examples you give can only be funny because others make it funny. She is unable to make funny situations on her own. She needs others to give funny reactions for her to look funny. Just watch Gag Concert when she guesting to promote her movie, the audience went silent when she tried to be funny.


And as @Tinkiebell has said to talk about Running Man only, I will not respond anymore. 

Edited by wizzard
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So with a new low 5% rating, is running man despite being this big international still safe? We know SBS sold the format and the show and its a good postcard for SBS international.. but is it enough?
looking at the show the budget.. its enormous.. we have the be worried with a 5% rating for prime time sunday sbs variety show.. they really need to change things.. cause honestly watching running man these day has sometimes hell even alot of times become really boring and apparently iam not the only one who finds it boring looking at the ratings..

For quite a while running man has become the YSJ,LKS and HAHA show.. even KJK isnt anymore what he used to be.. the problem is it feels like it has completly become these 3 members and when you have to show to much of these 3 it becomes to much, even annoying.. JSJ, has his moments but he also needs to step it up..

KG and SJH were lucky that ratings were high and they werent needed as the other members were creating moments for them and filling it up, but its unfortunaly not enough anymore.. (any other show and they probably would have been replaced.. i know its a hard thing to say, i like them too, but thats just the truth.. its time for them to really step it up.. especialy SJH.. The PD's were really and i mean really overselling her and it just doesnt work anymore..

They really need to go back to the old format of creating 2 or MAX 3 teams.. dont spread them to much.. running man strongest point is them competing during games, but doing it while they are all together wich also creates funny moments..(best moments are while they are all interacting while playing games) so they have to create those opportunities back again..

secondly is creating new pairings.. they put the 2 weakest members together (Gary and Ji ho) in order to create 1 forced monday couple moment in a whole episode.. wich results in them having almost no screen time.. just like everyone else here i liked the monday couple but now its just something forced and boring.. and with them forcing it so much you even unconsciously start to hate it..  worst part is, its so easy to fix, but they just keep doing it.. just pair Ji ho with Jae suk and/or Kwangsoo and Gary with Haha and/or KJK.. together with with max 2/3 guests you'll have new and refreshing pairings again..

what are ppl thoughts on having an 8th member? a younger female to pair, compete and create new moments with the members and especially Ji Ho and even things out? seems like a good idea to me.. and maybe a new end game.. cause the name tag every week would be boring but the alternatives havent been really a succes either..

I just hope they start with the pairings.. atleast that might make it fun again..

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So with a new low 5% rating, is running man despite being this big international still safe? We know SBS sold the format and the show and its a good postcard for SBS international.. but is it enough?
looking at the show the budget.. its enormous.. we have the be worried with a 5% rating for prime time sunday sbs variety show.. they really need to change things.. cause honestly watching running man these day has sometimes hell even alot of times become really boring and apparently iam not the only one who finds it boring looking at the ratings..

For quite a while running man has become the YSJ,LKS and HAHA show.. even KJK isnt anymore what he used to be.. the problem is it feels like it has completly become these 3 members and when you have to show to much of these 3 it becomes to much, even annoying.. JSJ, has his moments but he also needs to step it up..

KG and SJH were lucky that ratings were high and they werent needed as the other members were creating moments for them and filling it up, but its unfortunaly not enough anymore.. (any other show and they probably would have been replaced.. i know its a hard thing to say, i like them too, but thats just the truth.. its time for them to really step it up.. especialy SJH.. The PD's were really and i mean really overselling her and it just doesnt work anymore..

They really need to go back to the old format of creating 2 or MAX 3 teams.. dont spread them to much.. running man strongest point is them competing during games, but doing it while they are all together wich also creates funny moments..(best moments are while they are all interacting while playing games) so they have to create those opportunities back again..

secondly is creating new pairings.. they put the 2 weakest members together (Gary and Ji ho) in order to create 1 forced monday couple moment in a whole episode.. wich results in them having almost no screen time.. just like everyone else here i liked the monday couple but now its just something forced and boring.. and with them forcing it so much you even unconsciously start to hate it..  worst part is, its so easy to fix, but they just keep doing it.. just pair Ji ho with Jae suk and/or Kwangsoo and Gary with Haha and/or KJK.. together with with max 2/3 guests you'll have new and refreshing pairings again..

what are ppl thoughts on having an 8th member? a younger female to pair, compete and create new moments with the members and especially Ji Ho and even things out? seems like a good idea to me.. and maybe a new end game.. cause the name tag every week would be boring but the alternatives havent been really a succes either..

I just hope they start with the pairings.. atleast that might make it fun again..

There are different ways a program can still make money even with 5% ratings. A show will make money from advertisers. however, advertiser base it on ratings. Now, if, for example, RM gets 5% ratings but they dominate the tweens segment, then advertisers catering to the tween segment will find benefit in placing their product in the show because they will be hitting their target segment. even if they have 5% audience share, it is the audience that matters to certain types of products. 

the problem is if their market is scattered. 

another way is through syndication. syndication is when a show is bought by another network in another country. they pay royalty to the original producers. take note that this is different from creating their own version, it means airing the Running Man Korea itself in their country. now, RM might not be making money in Korea but because they get royalties from different countries, then the producers still earn. Of course, this means they need to be syndicated to many countries to earn some money. 

as for KG and SJH, i agree. I think Gary lost most of his RM fanbase when he stopped being active with Monday Couple and he came out with his mini album that was completely banned from broadcast because of explicit lyrics. He, of course, was conscious of that and did it intentionally. it's probably not to lose the fanbase intentionally but to reaffirm his identity as a hip hop artist above being a variety show member. 

i do agree that had it been another show, they would have been replaced. i do agree that's it's primarily a YJS, HH and LKS show now. the three are just too strong but they cannot be expected to water down to give way to others. the others need to step up. 

i don't think an 8th member would solve it, quite honestly. who will you put there? Yonghwa? he'll be too strong. Nickhun? we don't need a prince. the show is already taking care of one member. i really don't know who to put there. i think it's about coming up with a new "format" and replacing some of the members (although i wouldn't like it). 1n2d went through the same slump and they experimented with a different set of cast and then different format. it worked. they lost the fanbase of the cast that left but gained new ones. more importantly, they developed a fanbase that was hinged on the format of the show and not the cast members. 

1N2D of course  got help from Return of Superman. it's a strong pre-programming. they could also wait until the Song Triplets leave Return of Superman and swoop in. LOL. 


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So with a new low 5% rating, is running man despite being this big international still safe? We know SBS sold the format and the show and its a good postcard for SBS international.. but is it enough?
looking at the show the budget.. its enormous.. we have the be worried with a 5% rating for prime time sunday sbs variety show.. they really need to change things.. cause honestly watching running man these day has sometimes hell even alot of times become really boring and apparently iam not the only one who finds it boring looking at the ratings..

For quite a while running man has become the YSJ,LKS and HAHA show.. even KJK isnt anymore what he used to be.. the problem is it feels like it has completly become these 3 members and when you have to show to much of these 3 it becomes to much, even annoying.. JSJ, has his moments but he also needs to step it up..

KG and SJH were lucky that ratings were high and they werent needed as the other members were creating moments for them and filling it up, but its unfortunaly not enough anymore.. (any other show and they probably would have been replaced.. i know its a hard thing to say, i like them too, but thats just the truth.. its time for them to really step it up.. especialy SJH.. The PD's were really and i mean really overselling her and it just doesnt work anymore..

They really need to go back to the old format of creating 2 or MAX 3 teams.. dont spread them to much.. running man strongest point is them competing during games, but doing it while they are all together wich also creates funny moments..(best moments are while they are all interacting while playing games) so they have to create those opportunities back again..

secondly is creating new pairings.. they put the 2 weakest members together (Gary and Ji ho) in order to create 1 forced monday couple moment in a whole episode.. wich results in them having almost no screen time.. just like everyone else here i liked the monday couple but now its just something forced and boring.. and with them forcing it so much you even unconsciously start to hate it..  worst part is, its so easy to fix, but they just keep doing it.. just pair Ji ho with Jae suk and/or Kwangsoo and Gary with Haha and/or KJK.. together with with max 2/3 guests you'll have new and refreshing pairings again..

what are ppl thoughts on having an 8th member? a younger female to pair, compete and create new moments with the members and especially Ji Ho and even things out? seems like a good idea to me.. and maybe a new end game.. cause the name tag every week would be boring but the alternatives havent been really a succes either..

I just hope they start with the pairings.. atleast that might make it fun again..

With the recent episodes, I think that the members aren't the major problem here. They are fine. You can actually see it when the episode is just them with no guest it's much more fun. I don't find Kim Joong Kook funny in the first 100 episodes but in the recent episodes, I am now laughing on his antics/moments so it's a matter of POVs if you say or some people say that this has become a YJS LKS Haha show where I can actually enjoy KJK and Gary's moments too. Haha was great in games recently but he is less funnier compared to the older episodes. While LKS is improving every week, YJS is still consistently funny, same goes with JSJ who I doesn't like at the beginning because of his nagging but he grew in me and I learned to love his antics. SJH is my bias so I'm not gonna say why I love her because, I just love her despite her very little screen time, I'm not gonna complain because she's not even doing anything special in the past episodes (except the last 4-5 episodes, she's bringing it on in terms of competitiveness) but it's okay as long as she's still there being cute :P. I think the problem is they are inviting too much guests in one episode and sometimes they didn't distribute the screen time evenly (I'm talking about the guests not the members) so what's the point of inviting guests if they aren't gonna get decent screen time? Editing is another issue, sometimes it's a hit or a miss. I agree with you on the new pairings. I liked the Haha and Gary pairing, it's refreshing because they aren't really paired up often (except if you count the ones with Jihyo but I'm talking about the teams by twos). I wish they make another episode like when PBY was a guest because that episode had the feels of the old RM format. Relaxing game + Name Tag elimination in the final mission is always the best.

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So with a new low 5% rating, is running man despite being this big international still safe? We know SBS sold the format and the show and its a good postcard for SBS international.. but is it enough?
looking at the show the budget.. its enormous.. we have the be worried with a 5% rating for prime time sunday sbs variety show.. they really need to change things.. cause honestly watching running man these day has sometimes hell even alot of times become really boring and apparently iam not the only one who finds it boring looking at the ratings..

For quite a while running man has become the YSJ,LKS and HAHA show.. even KJK isnt anymore what he used to be.. the problem is it feels like it has completly become these 3 members and when you have to show to much of these 3 it becomes to much, even annoying.. JSJ, has his moments but he also needs to step it up..

KG and SJH were lucky that ratings were high and they werent needed as the other members were creating moments for them and filling it up, but its unfortunaly not enough anymore.. (any other show and they probably would have been replaced.. i know its a hard thing to say, i like them too, but thats just the truth.. its time for them to really step it up.. especialy SJH.. The PD's were really and i mean really overselling her and it just doesnt work anymore..

They really need to go back to the old format of creating 2 or MAX 3 teams.. dont spread them to much.. running man strongest point is them competing during games, but doing it while they are all together wich also creates funny moments..(best moments are while they are all interacting while playing games) so they have to create those opportunities back again..

secondly is creating new pairings.. they put the 2 weakest members together (Gary and Ji ho) in order to create 1 forced monday couple moment in a whole episode.. wich results in them having almost no screen time.. just like everyone else here i liked the monday couple but now its just something forced and boring.. and with them forcing it so much you even unconsciously start to hate it..  worst part is, its so easy to fix, but they just keep doing it.. just pair Ji ho with Jae suk and/or Kwangsoo and Gary with Haha and/or KJK.. together with with max 2/3 guests you'll have new and refreshing pairings again..

what are ppl thoughts on having an 8th member? a younger female to pair, compete and create new moments with the members and especially Ji Ho and even things out? seems like a good idea to me.. and maybe a new end game.. cause the name tag every week would be boring but the alternatives havent been really a succes either..

I just hope they start with the pairings.. atleast that might make it fun again..

With the recent episodes, I think that the members aren't the major problem here. They are fine. You can actually see it when the episode is just them with no guest it's much more fun. I don't find Kim Joong Kook funny in the first 100 episodes but in the recent episodes, I am now laughing on his antics/moments so it's a matter of POVs if you say or some people say that this has become a YJS LKS Haha show where I can actually enjoy KJK and Gary's moments too. Haha was great in games recently but he is less funnier compared to the older episodes. While LKS is improving every week, YJS is still consistently funny, same goes with JSJ who I doesn't like at the beginning because of his nagging but he grew in me and I learned to love his antics. SJH is my bias so I'm not gonna say why I love her because, I just love her despite her very little screen time, I'm not gonna complain because she's not even doing anything special in the past episodes (except the last 4-5 episodes, she's bringing it on in terms of competitiveness) but it's okay as long as she's still there being cute :P. I think the problem is they are inviting too much guests in one episode and sometimes they didn't distribute the screen time evenly (I'm talking about the guests not the members) so what's the point of inviting guests if they aren't gonna get decent screen time? Editing is another issue, sometimes it's a hit or a miss. I agree with you on the new pairings. I liked the Haha and Gary pairing, it's refreshing because they aren't really paired up often (except if you count the ones with Jihyo but I'm talking about the teams by twos). I wish they make another episode like when PBY was a guest because that episode had the feels of the old RM format. Relaxing game + Name Tag elimination in the final mission is always the best.

I couldn't agree more with you guys, it looks like a YJS and LKS show (even HH is not as he used to be). It looks to me as if the producers don't want to change the things, they're not trying enough to improve the show...they are being dragged by the show and not the other way around! I also do agree with the "Relaxing game + Name Tag elimination in the final mission " and let's bring back punishments.

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There are different ways a program can still make money even with 5% ratings. A show will make money from advertisers. however, advertiser base it on ratings. Now, if, for example, RM gets 5% ratings but they dominate the tweens segment, then advertisers catering to the tween segment will find benefit in placing their product in the show because they will be hitting their target segment. even if they have 5% audience share, it is the audience that matters to certain types of products.

the problem is if their market is scattered.

Yeah, i know how ratings works. the demo is more important then the main number.. especially the 12-18 and 18-36 demo.. but even with a high demo share in 12-36 for RM, with a overal rating of 5% for RM, the share in that demo group is still way to low for a SBS primetime sunday variety show..


another way is through syndication. syndication is when a show is bought by another network in another country. they pay royalty to the original producers. take note that this is different from creating their own version, it means airing the Running Man Korea itself in their country. now, RM might not be making money in Korea but because they get royalties from different countries, then the producers still earn. Of course, this means they need to be syndicated to many countries to earn some money. 

Yep your right, but how much are they getting.. is it enough? No idea, but looking at how big running man does things iam pretty sure the budget is huge.. running man isnt going to get canceled, but budget changes might happen..


as for KG and SJH, i agree. I think Gary lost most of his RM fanbase when he stopped being active with Monday Couple and he came out with his mini album that was completely banned from broadcast because of explicit lyrics. He, of course, was conscious of that and did it intentionally. it's probably not to lose the fanbase intentionally but to reaffirm his identity as a hip hop artist above being a variety show member. 

Even before his album the amount that gary contributes is way to low..  If being a hiphop artist is for him is more important then being a member of RM, it might become a problem for the show and us fans..


i do agree that had it been another show, they would have been replaced. i do agree that's it's primarily a YJS, HH and LKS show now. the three are just too strong but they cannot be expected to water down to give way to others. the others need to step up. 

i don't think an 8th member would solve it, quite honestly. who will you put there? Yonghwa? he'll be too strong. Nickhun? we don't need a prince. the show is already taking care of one member. i really don't know who to put there. i think it's about coming up with a new "format" and replacing some of the members (although i wouldn't like it). 1n2d went through the same slump and they experimented with a different set of cast and then different format. it worked. they lost the fanbase of the cast that left but gained new ones. more importantly, they developed a fanbase that was hinged on the format of the show and not the cast members. 

Nah no prince, that would idd suck.. i was thinking about a younger female idol (no princess).. and even then i myself would probably be against it.. just a idea, if a 8th member was to join it had to be someone who really fits with the program and the members..


1N2D of course  got help from Return of Superman. it's a strong pre-programming. they could also wait until the Song Triplets leave Return of Superman and swoop in. LOL. 


The problem is i keep hearing the ratings will bounce back.. but they dont.. we went from  very high double digits, to lower double digits, to high single digits to now even a 5% rating wich is way to low for even RM.. 


Edited by john100
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So with a new low 5% rating, is running man despite being this big international still safe? We know SBS sold the format and the show and its a good postcard for SBS international.. but is it enough?
looking at the show the budget.. its enormous.. we have the be worried with a 5% rating for prime time sunday sbs variety show.. they really need to change things.. cause honestly watching running man these day has sometimes hell even alot of times become really boring and apparently iam not the only one who finds it boring looking at the ratings..

For quite a while running man has become the YSJ,LKS and HAHA show.. even KJK isnt anymore what he used to be.. the problem is it feels like it has completly become these 3 members and when you have to show to much of these 3 it becomes to much, even annoying.. JSJ, has his moments but he also needs to step it up..

KG and SJH were lucky that ratings were high and they werent needed as the other members were creating moments for them and filling it up, but its unfortunaly not enough anymore.. (any other show and they probably would have been replaced.. i know its a hard thing to say, i like them too, but thats just the truth.. its time for them to really step it up.. especialy SJH.. The PD's were really and i mean really overselling her and it just doesnt work anymore..

They really need to go back to the old format of creating 2 or MAX 3 teams.. dont spread them to much.. running man strongest point is them competing during games, but doing it while they are all together wich also creates funny moments..(best moments are while they are all interacting while playing games) so they have to create those opportunities back again..

secondly is creating new pairings.. they put the 2 weakest members together (Gary and Ji ho) in order to create 1 forced monday couple moment in a whole episode.. wich results in them having almost no screen time.. just like everyone else here i liked the monday couple but now its just something forced and boring.. and with them forcing it so much you even unconsciously start to hate it..  worst part is, its so easy to fix, but they just keep doing it.. just pair Ji ho with Jae suk and/or Kwangsoo and Gary with Haha and/or KJK.. together with with max 2/3 guests you'll have new and refreshing pairings again..

what are ppl thoughts on having an 8th member? a younger female to pair, compete and create new moments with the members and especially Ji Ho and even things out? seems like a good idea to me.. and maybe a new end game.. cause the name tag every week would be boring but the alternatives havent been really a succes either..

I just hope they start with the pairings.. atleast that might make it fun again..

With the recent episodes, I think that the members aren't the major problem here. They are fine. You can actually see it when the episode is just them with no guest it's much more fun. I don't find Kim Joong Kook funny in the first 100 episodes but in the recent episodes, I am now laughing on his antics/moments so it's a matter of POVs if you say or some people say that this has become a YJS LKS Haha show where I can actually enjoy KJK and Gary's moments too. Haha was great in games recently but he is less funnier compared to the older episodes. While LKS is improving every week, YJS is still consistently funny, same goes with JSJ who I doesn't like at the beginning because of his nagging but he grew in me and I learned to love his antics. SJH is my bias so I'm not gonna say why I love her because, I just love her despite her very little screen time, I'm not gonna complain because she's not even doing anything special in the past episodes (except the last 4-5 episodes, she's bringing it on in terms of competitiveness) but it's okay as long as she's still there being cute :P. I think the problem is they are inviting too much guests in one episode and sometimes they didn't distribute the screen time evenly (I'm talking about the guests not the members) so what's the point of inviting guests if they aren't gonna get decent screen time? Editing is another issue, sometimes it's a hit or a miss. I agree with you on the new pairings. I liked the Haha and Gary pairing, it's refreshing because they aren't really paired up often (except if you count the ones with Jihyo but I'm talking about the teams by twos). I wish they make another episode like when PBY was a guest because that episode had the feels of the old RM format. Relaxing game + Name Tag elimination in the final mission is always the best.

I couldn't agree more with you guys, it looks like a YJS and LKS show (even HH is not as he used to be). It looks to me as if the producers don't want to change the things, they're not trying enough to improve the show...they are being dragged by the show and not the other way around! I also do agree with the "Relaxing game + Name Tag elimination in the final mission " and let's bring back punishments.

Yes with the punishments!! I remembered how desperate they are in the older episodes to win running ball because they hated the punishment. Ji Hyo cried in frustration, KJK even set up a candid camera for him to be not humiliated by punishments and that moment when YJS is desperately finish the mission alone, collecting those VHS tapes, and a lot more memorable moments just because they don't want to be punished.

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With the recent episodes, I think that the members aren't the major problem here. They are fine. You can actually see it when the episode is just them with no guest it's much more fun. I don't find Kim Joong Kook funny in the first 100 episodes but in the recent episodes, I am now laughing on his antics/moments so it's a matter of POVs if you say or some people say that this has become a YJS LKS Haha show where I can actually enjoy KJK and Gary's moments too. Haha was great in games recently but he is less funnier compared to the older episodes. While LKS is improving every week, YJS is still consistently funny, same goes with JSJ who I doesn't like at the beginning because of his nagging but he grew in me and I learned to love his antics.

yeah i get what you mean.. lately it does seem like KJK is getting back and even Gary has been giving us fun moments, i have been enjoying them too.. but looking at the big picture it just isnt enough, we need more then just a few funny moments from them.. i do hope they continue giving us fun moments


SJH is my bias so I'm not gonna say why I love her because, I just love her despite her very little screen time, I'm not gonna complain because she's not even doing anything special in the past episodes (except the last 4-5 episodes, she's bringing it on in terms of competitiveness) but it's okay as long as she's still there being cute :P. I think the problem is they are inviting too much guests in one episode and sometimes they didn't distribute the screen time evenly (I'm talking about the guests not the members) so what's the point of inviting guests if they aren't gonna get decent screen time? Editing is another issue, sometimes it's a hit or a miss. I agree with you on the new pairings. I liked the Haha and Gary pairing, it's refreshing because they aren't really paired up often (except if you count the ones with Jihyo but I'm talking about the teams by twos). I wish they make another episode like when PBY was a guest because that episode had the feels of the old RM format. Relaxing game + Name Tag elimination in the final mission is always the best.

Yeah i love SJH too, but loving her isnt enough :P they really need to do something with here.. my solution would be to pair her with LKS (wich almost always give us fun moments) and/or YJS.. we just need something different from her then the monday couple..


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There are different ways a program can still make money even with 5% ratings. A show will make money from advertisers. however, advertiser base it on ratings. Now, if, for example, RM gets 5% ratings but they dominate the tweens segment, then advertisers catering to the tween segment will find benefit in placing their product in the show because they will be hitting their target segment. even if they have 5% audience share, it is the audience that matters to certain types of products.

the problem is if their market is scattered.

Yeah, i know how ratings works. the demo is more important then the main number.. especially the 12-18 and 18-36 demo.. but even with a high demo share in 12-36 for RM, with a overal rating of 5% for RM, the share in that demo group is still way to low for a SBS primetime sunday variety show..


another way is through syndication. syndication is when a show is bought by another network in another country. they pay royalty to the original producers. take note that this is different from creating their own version, it means airing the Running Man Korea itself in their country. now, RM might not be making money in Korea but because they get royalties from different countries, then the producers still earn. Of course, this means they need to be syndicated to many countries to earn some money. 

Yep your right, but how much are they getting.. is it enough? No idea, but looking at how big running man does things iam pretty sure the budget is huge.. running man isnt going to get canceled, but budget changes might happen..


as for KG and SJH, i agree. I think Gary lost most of his RM fanbase when he stopped being active with Monday Couple and he came out with his mini album that was completely banned from broadcast because of explicit lyrics. He, of course, was conscious of that and did it intentionally. it's probably not to lose the fanbase intentionally but to reaffirm his identity as a hip hop artist above being a variety show member. 

Even before his album the amount that gary contributes is way to low..  If being a hiphop artist is for him is more important then being a member of RM, it might become a problem for the show and us fans..


i do agree that had it been another show, they would have been replaced. i do agree that's it's primarily a YJS, HH and LKS show now. the three are just too strong but they cannot be expected to water down to give way to others. the others need to step up. 

i don't think an 8th member would solve it, quite honestly. who will you put there? Yonghwa? he'll be too strong. Nickhun? we don't need a prince. the show is already taking care of one member. i really don't know who to put there. i think it's about coming up with a new "format" and replacing some of the members (although i wouldn't like it). 1n2d went through the same slump and they experimented with a different set of cast and then different format. it worked. they lost the fanbase of the cast that left but gained new ones. more importantly, they developed a fanbase that was hinged on the format of the show and not the cast members. 

Nah no prince, that would idd suck.. i was thinking about a younger female idol (no princess).. and even then i myself would probably be against it.. just a idea, if a 8th member was to join it had to be someone who really fits with the program and the members..


1N2D of course  got help from Return of Superman. it's a strong pre-programming. they could also wait until the Song Triplets leave Return of Superman and swoop in. LOL. 


The problem is i keep hearing the ratings will bounce back.. but they dont.. we went from  very high double digits, to lower double digits, to high single digits to now even a 5% rating wich is way to low for even RM.. 


unless they find a really niche industry that is consistent with their demo. that'll be hard but that's one way. 

i don't think they are syndicated widely yet, if at all. they are being shown on other countries through their official youtube channel but how much will you earn from ads, right? with .03% CTR, goodluck. China franchised them for 1 season, other than that, i don't know. so the answer to your question is 0-insignificant via syndiction as of now. if the fanbase interntionally is that strong, SBS should make a move though. 

i agree about Gary's contribution. very little. very random. yes, i think he made it clear his music is more important, hence the mini album move. he is clearly using RM for marketing.

female idol that's not a princess? but who? Uee? They might be able to get Yunho more often, LOL. like a Hyori younger version? Or a Yejin younger version? 

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unless they find a really niche industry that is consistent with their demo. that'll be hard but that's one way. 

i don't think they are syndicated widely yet, if at all. they are being shown on other countries through their official youtube channel but how much will you earn from ads, right? with .03% CTR, goodluck. China franchised them for 1 season, other than that, i don't know. so the answer to your question is 0-insignificant via syndiction as of now. if the fanbase interntionally is that strong, SBS should make a move though. 

i agree about Gary's contribution. very little. very random. yes, i think he made it clear his music is more important, hence the mini album move. he is clearly using RM for marketing.

female idol that's not a princess? but who? Uee? They might be able to get Yunho more often, LOL. like a Hyori younger version? Or a Yejin younger version? 

The best time for some line-up changes would be around the 100th episode or so. Now would be too late since all members are too deeply rooted with the show and it is extremely hard for a newbie to join in. The newbie will stick out like a sore thumb and will be worse than Kwang Hee in Infinity Challenges.

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unless they find a really niche industry that is consistent with their demo. that'll be hard but that's one way. 

i don't think they are syndicated widely yet, if at all. they are being shown on other countries through their official youtube channel but how much will you earn from ads, right? with .03% CTR, goodluck. China franchised them for 1 season, other than that, i don't know. so the answer to your question is 0-insignificant via syndiction as of now. if the fanbase interntionally is that strong, SBS should make a move though. 

i agree about Gary's contribution. very little. very random. yes, i think he made it clear his music is more important, hence the mini album move. he is clearly using RM for marketing.

female idol that's not a princess? but who? Uee? They might be able to get Yunho more often, LOL. like a Hyori younger version? Or a Yejin younger version? 

The best time for some line-up changes would be around the 100th episode or so. Now would be too late since all members are too deeply rooted with the show and it is extremely hard for a newbie to join in. The newbie will stick out like a sore thumb and will be worse than Kwang Hee in Infinity Challenges.

i don't think Kwanghee is bad in IC at all but that's another thread. 

so, what do you think? change the whole cast? season 2? LOL 

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so, what do you think? change the whole cast? season 2? LOL 

If they change the whole cast, there is a big possibility it will flopped, just like Family Outing 2. The new cast have big shoes to fill and somehow I think they will try to reproduce the current members' characters rather than developing their own. However, if they want to do a Season 2, they should have some cooling off period between the seasons rather than immedietly replacing Season 1 with Season 2.

If they want to replace some of the members, I think the maximum they can go is 3 of the less prominent members. The remaining 4 could help the 3 newbies to integrate and adjust to the show, just like the earlier episodes when its 2 experienced members + 2/1 inexperienced members + 1/2 guest(s) or something like that.    

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So with a new low 5% rating, is running man despite being this big international still safe? We know SBS sold the format and the show and its a good postcard for SBS international.. but is it enough?
looking at the show the budget.. its enormous.. we have the be worried with a 5% rating for prime time sunday sbs variety show.. they really need to change things.. cause honestly watching running man these day has sometimes hell even alot of times become really boring and apparently iam not the only one who finds it boring looking at the ratings..

For quite a while running man has become the YSJ,LKS and HAHA show.. even KJK isnt anymore what he used to be.. the problem is it feels like it has completly become these 3 members and when you have to show to much of these 3 it becomes to much, even annoying.. JSJ, has his moments but he also needs to step it up..

KG and SJH were lucky that ratings were high and they werent needed as the other members were creating moments for them and filling it up, but its unfortunaly not enough anymore.. (any other show and they probably would have been replaced.. i know its a hard thing to say, i like them too, but thats just the truth.. its time for them to really step it up.. especialy SJH.. The PD's were really and i mean really overselling her and it just doesnt work anymore..

They really need to go back to the old format of creating 2 or MAX 3 teams.. dont spread them to much.. running man strongest point is them competing during games, but doing it while they are all together wich also creates funny moments..(best moments are while they are all interacting while playing games) so they have to create those opportunities back again..

secondly is creating new pairings.. they put the 2 weakest members together (Gary and Ji ho) in order to create 1 forced monday couple moment in a whole episode.. wich results in them having almost no screen time.. just like everyone else here i liked the monday couple but now its just something forced and boring.. and with them forcing it so much you even unconsciously start to hate it..  worst part is, its so easy to fix, but they just keep doing it.. just pair Ji ho with Jae suk and/or Kwangsoo and Gary with Haha and/or KJK.. together with with max 2/3 guests you'll have new and refreshing pairings again..

what are ppl thoughts on having an 8th member? a younger female to pair, compete and create new moments with the members and especially Ji Ho and even things out? seems like a good idea to me.. and maybe a new end game.. cause the name tag every week would be boring but the alternatives havent been really a succes either..

I just hope they start with the pairings.. atleast that might make it fun again..

Wow, I did not expect that RM will hit a new low. 5% is abyssmal for a Primetime Sunday Variety Program.

You guys are right about Gary using RM as a Marketing tool and not making a lot of effort. I remember that episode where the female guests came in uniforms and they had to bring a lunch box.

Gary barely made comments / gave input in that portion when the guests were being introduced one-by-one. I remember him being so funny in the early episodes, but he seems to have lost the desire to be in a variety program.

One other episode that stood out for me was when the sports stars came. I don't recall the episode number. But, YJS said something like (from what I understood) that "he expects everybody to make an effort".

I also agree with everybody that the editing is terrible. I felt that the essence is lost with how the current editing went.

Honestly, i dread the demise of RM. I hope that they can revert to what made them so funny in the past. Perhaps, the novelty has worn off long ago for majority of Korean viewers.

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I dont think the show will be canceled anytime time soon, there is too much potential. Instead some member replacement may happen. The problem with SJH is that she doesnt have natural comedic talent and she doesnt make up for it with preparations of some sort. Its almost as if she became lazy like Gary. And after 5 years it may be understandable, but it drags the show down. 

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unless they find a really niche industry that is consistent with their demo. that'll be hard but that's one way. 

Yeah, unfortunaly that wont be enough.. (i might be completly wrong btw cause my knowledge is about USA/Europe ratings, but it should work the same way in Korea)

i don't think they are syndicated widely yet, if at all. they are being shown on other countries through their official youtube channel but how much will you earn from ads, right? with .03% CTR, goodluck. China franchised them for 1 season, other than that, i don't know. so the answer to your question is 0-insignificant via syndiction as of now. if the fanbase interntionally is that strong, SBS should make a move though. 

Yeah i also taught that they maybe arent making that munch money international, also alot of us including myself watch it illegaly..But i remember seeing a post on koreaboo about how the fan meeting of RM was as big like a concert of a big idol group.. i dont know how much they are making in asia, but just looking at the budget of episode 270.. they did that just for 1 episode :\.. its ridiculous.. SBS must be making alot of money some sort of way?

i agree about Gary's contribution. very little. very random. yes, i think he made it clear his music is more important, hence the mini album move. he is clearly using RM for marketing.

female idol that's not a princess? but who? Uee? They might be able to get Yunho more often, LOL. like a Hyori younger version? Or a Yejin younger version? 

I cant think of any good person that would fit as a 8th member (bad idea :P) and a cast change for RM in my eyes also wouldnt work.. its these 7 members that make RM and not the other way around..  i just hope they shuffle the teams more and give us new pairings and lets hope the ratings bounce up again :D



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One other episode that stood out for me was when the sports stars came. I don't recall the episode number. But, YJS said something like (from what I understood) that "he expects everybody to make an effort".


Do you recall who the guests were?


Yeah i also taught that they maybe arent making that munch money international, also alot of us including myself watch it illegaly..But i remember seeing a post on koreaboo about how the fan meeting of RM was as big like a concert of a big idol group.. i dont know how much they are making in asia, but just looking at the budget of episode 270.. they did that just for 1 episode :\.. its ridiculous.. SBS must be making alot of money some sort of way?

i agree about Gary's contribution. very little. very random. yes, i think he made it clear his music is more important, hence the mini album move. he is clearly using RM for marketing.

female idol that's not a princess? but who? Uee? They might be able to get Yunho more often, LOL. like a Hyori younger version? Or a Yejin younger version? 

I cant think of any good person that would fit as a 8th member (bad idea :P) and a cast change for RM in my eyes also wouldnt work.. its these 7 members that make RM and not the other way around..  i just hope they shuffle the teams more and give us new pairings and lets hope the ratings bounce up again :D



The event organizer pays royalty to SBS. It's a one-time event so... not much but it's a marketing tool. i heard that in the last fan meet where all the members were present, the producers got all the brands members were endorsing to sponsor so it's actually the event organizer that made a lot of money.  

SBS is probably still making money, at the very least, breaking even. Cha Tae Hyun once talked about it... i will try to recall on what program where he mentioned it. He was talking about 1N2D low ratings when he came on board and they were getting beaten bad by Running Man. how many years were they down? 2? 3? and He said KJK spoke with him about the low ratings of RM and CTH said something like as long as the the station can support your talent fee, they'll keep you becasue RM is the flagship program so just keep on trying. 

If there is an 8th member, i'd like it to be Song Joongki

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