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[Drama 2010] Kim Soo Ro aka The Iron King 김수로

Guest yeuhoca

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yeuhoca: thank you so much for the pictures. HO is so captivating. She gives the Queen aura! I agree she is getting more and more charming. That's why they say when you are in love, people can see the change firstly through the glow of happiness from your face.

Does anybody know why they are going to war? why does SR need to send something? why is the war place is suddenly in that village? Does anyone know in the scene where there were chief, SR & HO, what did HO did that made SR seem to tease her and she tease him back? so curious to know what it is. love the fact that they look so comfortable with each other now. can't wait to know what HO has done! Could someone give a summary please? thank you so much in advanced! Looking forward for the weekend as it it is my day off and off course a double dose of KSR! KSR HWAITING!

I agree. Hwang Ok is growing more and more beautiful as the drama goes on. Imagine what would happen to Hwang Ok's beauty once Soo Ro confesses his love for her. Her beauty would shoot through the roof! (Or the sky.)

Saroguk went to war by attacking Ijinashi first on Tal Hae's strategy. As it is essential for Saroguk to prevent a king from being crowned in Guyaguk, Chachawoong (Ah Hyo's father and king of Saroguk) attacks Guyaguk after Ah Hyo declares at the end of Episode 22 that they should destroy Guyaguk (so much for the "loving" Ah Hyo, in my opinion).

It's not clear what Hwang Ok did to have Soo Ro tease her and have that sweet moment (or if I missed something?). It's something to look forward to, though.

songjc, although I have finished typing up my knowledge about the legend of Soo Ro and Hwang Ok, I am not done--I've sent my account to a relative in Korea to check if I have anything wrong. But I will post it up once I have it back! ^-^

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Guest thanhdda10

Hey Hey I dont have twitter account, but please le Mrs Korea know that I want her to sub KSR as well. There are 5 of my friends Vietnamese Australian and Australian want to watch this drama with English subtitle.

I thought HO looks so elegant and give off that noble aura in army attire and AH doesnt look that's good in princess attire, the make up making her head so big out of proportion.

It's funny that woman changes their heart every 5 sec. In ep 20 or 19 (cant remember) when AH came back to Goyah and SR asked her not to go, but she said because of her duty she needed to go, then in ep 21 or 22, she let go of her duty she came back proposed to SR.

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Guest Issy_1

Hey Hey I dont hate twitter account, but please le Mrs Korea know that I want her to sub KSR as well. There are 5 of my friends Vietnamese Australian and Australian want to watch this drama with English subtitle.

I thought HO looks so elegant and give off that noble aura in army attire and AH doesnt look that's good in princess attire, the make up making her head so big out of proportion.

It's funny came back to Goyah and SR asked her not to go, but she said because of her duty she needed to go, then in ep 21 or 22, she let go of her duty she came back proposed to SR.

not defending AH in here but i think she came back proposing sooru out of duty too. but this time her duty was alongside her love (which i still can't call it love) and that's was why she was rejected. she proposing to sooro just to bring him down and prevent him to be the king. this should open up sooro's eyes for the real love beside him. i just can't get those romantic scenes of sooro and ahyo out of my mind. :crazy: i still don't see its impact in the whole story. if it suppose to be very deep and meaningful, how come it was easily forgotten and betrayed by AH? if it was just playful youthful loving, why would you waste so much time on it?

and i think AH looked better in ordinary cloths. she is not fitting well with the whole princess image. she just does not gives out that aura. i know, this is not her fault.

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Guest kamzahamida

debbiek153: thank you so much for the explanation about the war. it makes sense now. It is strange why TH want to attack Ijinashi first as SR should be more of a threat. I guess he thinks that Ijinashi is weaker at the moment. It is amazing how TH can get away switching sides so many times.

when i think again, my guess is HO might have secured a business deal because the scene before chief Y signed an agreement with HO or something and SR tease her that she does everything herself and she does not need him? then HO also tease him by saying he is also handling all the work in the forge by himself so he doesn't need her anymore? the scene is in KSR ep 22 (46.27-47.27.)

i agree that AY don't have the noble aura! I guess it comes back again to the fact that she just losts her lover hence the glow of happiness is not showing anymore. i still hope that they don't turn her into a very bad bad princess. but judging from her character it mightbe going to that path! She needs SR to wake her up and stop her before she do more things that she will regret.

I wonder who suggested that AY to get married with SR? is it her father or AR? i don't think it is TH because i have a feeling TH likes AY. but he is suppose to marry AR in the history right? AR has so much charisma whether she is wearing ordinary clothes or royal clothes.

it is a bit funny to see that SR is the one that is having a hard time forgetting AY while AY easily forgot and move on or sometimes she remember again. it is usually the girl that hold on and take a long time to move on but i guess there are men with this reaction as well for example SR! SR HWAITING!

I'm curious with what will happen to ijinashi because the priestess did say that he has a mission as well but he has to find it out by himself. any guess?

can't wait to watch this week's episode! There are so many awesome dramas at the moment but my top two is KSR and Dong Yi! KSR HWAITING!

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Guest Issy_1

can't wait to watch this week's episode! There are so many awesome dramas at the moment but my top two is KSR and Dong Yi! KSR HWAITING!

sorry for cutting your post.

same here too. my top two dramas at the moment are DY and KSR. and everytime i watch DY with great subs of MrsKorea i just wish for KSR to have similar subs. deep sigh

the only problem is KSR and DY airing time is from Sat to Tue and then i have to wait the whole week for weekend :wacko:

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Guest ct_1225_520

thank you so much for your picture contributions yeuocha!!! I can't wait until tomorrow~ HO looks so pretty in any outfit!! This armor outfit makes her look so strong and supportive to SR!!! She's so pretty and perfect for SR!!!


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Guest ct_1225_520

Thank you so much, alchocoholic!!!! I've been waiting since last night!!!! Although there's no sub... i stilll can't wait to watch it!!! hehehe =]

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Guest ct_1225_520

omg... there was no kiss!!!! so disappointed!!! there were too much ahyo!!! what happened to the episode that they talk and hug?!?! ahhh.. this is killing me.. it's even worst since i can't understand what they're saying... please someone translate~!!!! Thanks in advance!!

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Guest Issy_1

omg... there was no kiss!!!! so disappointed!!! there were too much ahyo!!! what happened to the episode that they talk and hug?!?! ahhh.. this is killing me.. it's even worst since i can't understand what they're saying... please someone translate~!!!! Thanks in advance!!


i am seriously losing my patience here. if tomorrow's ep does not have any quality time between SR and HO, it will be a big disappointment for me and i won't be counting days for it anymore. it's ep 24 and we have only 8 eps left. is the director trying out viewer's patinece??? this way, they will drop in rating.

too much ahyo again????? fury.gif i was happy she went back to her place.

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Guest ct_1225_520


i am seriously losing my patience here. if tomorrow's ep does not have any quality time between SR and HO, it will be a big disappointment for me and i won't be counting days for it anymore. it's ep 24 and we have only 8 eps left. is the director trying out viewer's patinece??? this way, they will drop in rating.

too much ahyo again????? fury.gif i was happy she went back to her place.

I know right?? my patience is slowly disappearing from waiting on this every week and they aren't even promising! I would be so mad if that part is not in the next episode either. From what I see, I think it'll be in the following ep instead of tonight's. ERrrr!!! With only 8 episode left I don't know how they will finish everything with SR being king and how SR and HO's feeling develop. I'm so sad... I was sooooo looking forward to this week from those kissing pictures and from the preview! sigh~~

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Guest songjc

yes, such a disappointing episode,just because no kiss like the preview showed! I have a feeling it won't be in tonight's episode too :angry: Only 8 more episodes left and all Soo Ro doing is going from Ijinashi to Ah yo...

Being patient again.... :crazy:

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Guest Issy_1

watched ep24, eventhough i did not like it much but i have to admit, it was not as bad as i thought initially. of course, was very disappointed with the fact that not only there was no romantic scenes between SR and HO and all these previous pictures were misleading but also was mostly based on Ahyo.

i have suggestion; why not renaming the drama from Kim Soo Ro to Sooro & Ahyo because that's what we all getting so far. even tomorrow's ep will be the continuation of them both. i think i just lost my patience.

i liked turn of events that happened in this ep. the fact that Ahyo fighting Sooro with such grudge and anger and i really hated the fact that he always goes easy on her. she spares no thought in fighting and all he does is throw away his sword.

one thing, i am not really looking forward to sunday's ep anymore. i know is going to be more fighting between AH and SR. is there any end to this?

oh, and there was a hint of romance between SR and HO by very end of preview. but i'm sure it would turn to be only split second long or the end of ep. so wait for one more week when again, they won't show you.

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Guest mapikan

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that AH's hair style is just horrendous? Ever since she went back to being a Princess her hair is horrible! Today the wig didn't even look like the same color, at least to me. I really don't like it at all. Doesn't become her at all.

Did they purposely make her look this way?

Very disappointed we didn't get to see the kiss we thought we would see today. The preview's didn't even seem like it would be possible in tomorrow's episode.

HO continues to be strong, supportive, determined, confident, and alert. Great at business, like her father I suppose. She is always thinking of the greater picture, and the best way to accomplish her goals. I admire her character and feel it is a good representation of what a Queen/wife should be and a huge asset to a King/husband.

I hope before this ends we get to see her have some happy moments especially more with SR, like when they were playing while working. I found that scene just adorasble between the two of them.

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I know most of us have been somewhat disappointed not yet seeing any romance between SR and HO but I understood why. These episodes from 23 to 25 is primarily about SR and YiInashi's relationship (always get his name wrong so forgive me) this event led to the strengthening of their relationship. Yi's learning to accept SR's role as his big brother, future king of Gooya nation and trying to find his new footing which as we know would be the future king of a new nation. In addition from watching episode 24 raw, I am guessing that they are opening the romance doors between TalHae and Ahyo, it appears that he actually has feelings for her, she of course is rejecting him. I think we wont have to wait too long now for the romance component between SR & HO now that SR and Yi are now on solid footing, mommie dearest of course will be happy with this. That's what I got from 23 - 24 & 25 preview. Looking forward to ep. 25 tomorrow.

P.S. - I agree with you Mapikan - Ahyo hairstyle since becoming princess has become worse. On a side note- for those Jumong enthusiasts, the clothes used in this show especially the Saroo court ladies/officers and some of the soldiers from the Gooya nation appears to be from Jumong go figure, got to save some money somewhere, however the PDs need to be a bit more creative than that. There is also the similarity with the soldier/army count (claim to be big but actually minuscule) and a bit of the fighting (too little blood on the swords despite the many killing). PDs really really need to be more creative here.

I am enjoying the show, love to see what's next.

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