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❤️Kim Soo Hyun ❤️ 김수현❤️


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Guest EmilyC

To be truthful, I was initially very puzzled by the criticisms because for me watching KSH portray an alien especially a 400+ aged alien who landed in the Joseon era was going to be tricky but I found KSH's portrayal and interpretation so natural that during the show I was crying with CSY that he can't go back and he can't get sick.  I didn't think DMJ was stiff, he was so expressive through his eyes and voice and his actions so I thought KSH interpretation was spot on.  It was in the non-Korean sites people were vocal about him being stiff and etc.....  If you also read KSH interpreation of DMJ he wanted to portray a character who has 400+ years of hurt and defensive mechanisms used to hide his hurt but also an alien who is described to be a superman so to be trite he is not them (humans) although he may look like them.  After a while Korean sites as you said called him cranky grandpa because that's what he is a cranky old grandpa with a marshmallow heart.

I also agree people are used to actors who overact and generally are just loud which never give credence in my book of a good actor.  I went to some blog who said that DMJ is overshadowed by CSY or PHJ and I was like ....what series are you watching?!  I seriously think there is a misunderstanding of the cultural but also the use of language because the translations just can't seem to translate the grandpa  use of words that convey the depth and tone of years used by DMJ. 

Also a long post sorry!

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Guest EmilyC

QuynhT said: silvianage said: Current status for tv/male Park Yu chen 30.4% Jung Woo 30.2% Kim soo hyun 11% I wonder should we split the vote between movie and tv? Or do you think Park Yu Chen wil be unbeatable and we should stick at movie?

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Guest idlehouse

I fell in love with the drama YWCFTS because of the DMJ character, and I like him because he acted and looked like an alien.  KSH plays this character with a touch of eerie-ness to it, so the sense I get is that he's otherworldly - from his physical attributes to his closed off mannerisms, KSH just nailed this role. I see there is an innocence to him even in episode 1, where he inadvertently set CSY off when she was feeling low, you could see from his startled and befuddled expressions at the door that it was unfamiliar territory for him, that he came to state his grievance and then suddenly found himself to be the guilty party.  It's this combination of dignified old man with vast knowledge of the world and innocent young man who is unsure of how to handle a girl that made DMJ fun to watch.  
In ep2, another instance of good acting is, after they met again at the elevator (queue "you are my destiny" theme song at the end of ep 1) while DMJ acts indifferent and perhaps event slightly agressive towards CSY, there is a subtle awareness of her existence that KSH brings in to DMJ's consciousness.  Like he can't help but notices her, and then he has to work at ignoring her, since he doesn't know how he should proceed with this attraction.  Whenever he sees her, there's this flash of recognition in his eyes - the more I rewatch the drama, the more I notice this.  And we as the viewer should assume that this recognition comes from the fact that he is eves-dropping into the inner-life-of-CSY constantly, because in every scene that she's at home and he's around, the drama has consistently shown that he is tuning in.  I think it's because he's the bearer of her secrets and witness to her vulnerable side upon meeting, that's why it sets her apart from all other humans he has encountered with, in addition to physical attraction of course.  This theory of mine is backed up by lawyer Jang's speech later to CSY where he tells her that long long long looooooooooong before she began to like him, DMJ had already liked her -  I don't think that's a reference to CSY's past life.  In one of the last interview footages, DMJ also raises the possibility of him falling for CSY as far back as in the elevator encounter (end of ep1).  
I agree with others who say that acting out subtleties is much harder than doing stuffs like physical comedy or crumble your face up in rage and have smoke coming out of your ears.  Expressive acting is like having a very interesting juicy story with all the space in the world to tell it, while subtle acting is like having to take that juicy story and trim it down to 1500 characters or less.  (“I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” - Mark Twain)
My theory regarding people who are non korean speakers and find KSH's acting underwhelming and rigid is perhaps their eyes have to glue to the subtitles, so they miss out on his subtle expressions ?  I don't know a lick of Korean, but I read all the recaps in javabeans first, then marathoned through the whole series with multiple viewing and unlimited replay of many scenes  the first time I watched YWCFTS (no, not the bed scenes or kiss scenes lol) , and yet I still find more interesting details in KSH's acting this 10th time around.  
I don't worry too much about people who bash KSH's acting because I think it all depends on personal taste.  For me, I prefer subtle performances over lively ones, so this is a sure win in my book.  

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Guest MaiA1430293719

Although we don't take AKP seriously, we should vote here, too lolol

Round 2


Reading comments is so fun

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I know we shouldn't give up until the end but the best male actor award looks so far away :((, that JYJ guy is 31%, and our boy is so far behind... :((... Chinese fans are doing their best but still can't beat PJC... I really underestimate the power of idol fans.... He won that award three years in a row? That proves his fan power.

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Guest MaiA1430293719

I know we shouldn't give up until the end but the best male actor award looks so far away


(, that JYJ guy is 31%, and our boy is so far behind...


(... Chinese fans are doing their best but still can't beat PJC... I really underestimate the power of idol fans.... He won that award three years in a row? That proves his fan power.

It is fine if he doesn't :).He is nominated in 4 categories. He will get one of those 4 awards for sure.Just be optimistic

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MaiA said:

I know we shouldn't give up until the end but the best male actor award looks so far away


(, that JYJ guy is 31%, and our boy is so far behind...


(... Chinese fans are doing their best but still can't beat PJC... I really underestimate the power of idol fans.... He won that award three years in a row? That proves his fan power.

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Guest idlehouse

in his beijing press conference interview, he said he wishes for "most popular" award and "best couple" award (of course he's quoted widely for that "best couple award" wish, but the "most popular award" wish somehow totally fell off the wagon), so we're giving him a popular one 

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Guest queeniet

park yoochun always win in these popularity award. he has HUGE fanbase all these years for 10 years because he's in dbsk aka the kpop band with the largest fanbase ever. their fanbase is no joke.

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Guest nf911

Hi All,

If you don't have android smartphone, however still would like to vote for KSH or JJH in Baeksang/Paeksang app, you can use Bluestacks for PC or Bluestacks for Mac. The free app can be downloaded at http://www.bluestacks.com/ . Once you install, then just follow the steps in Quynh's signature to install the Baeksang/Paeksang app. I've tried it and voted successfully using Windows 8.1 .

1. Set up your credit card details in Google Wallet. If you are hesitant to provide credit card account, you might use virtual credit card where you can specify the limit of money in the card. This is supported by some banks, for example Citibank.
2. Facebook account.

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