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[Drama 2009-10] I'll Give You Everything / Reversal of Fate / 다 줄거야

Guest fanda4000

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Guest wingding

Friday’s episode on KBS World,

Why is Yeonghui, the supposedly Miss Goody-Good-Shoe of the drama, seemed to accept

scary mother BY's plan to make her the daughter of older Dr Cha but flared up with Namju

when Namju tried to match her with Taemin, the step-brother?

She was also very angry and scolded her father when she found out about his wayward ways.

The writers are making the character, Yeonghui, so inconsistence and unlikeable.

No likeable hero/heroine (Gangho another unlikeable character, so petty and childish) left in this drama!

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Guest pint0

Friday’s episode on KBS World,

Why is Yeonghui, the supposedly Miss Goody-Good-Shoe of the drama, seemed to accept

scary mother BY's plan to make her the daughter of older Dr Cha but flared up with Namju

when Namju tried to match her with Taemin, the step-brother?

She was also very angry and scolded her father when she found out about his wayward ways.

The writers are making the character, Yeonghui, so inconsistence and unlikeable.

No likeable hero/heroine (Gangho another unlikeable character, so petty and childish) left in this drama!

T is going along with BY's plan to deceive Granny into thinking YH is Dr Cha's daughter. And as for YH, its so easy for her to call BY "Mum" but she's finding it strange to address T as 'brother'. Maybe GH was not so paranoid about their relationship after all!

YH's ...-looking brother! is trying to do the right thing for his sister, YH. and for the first time, BY says that swittching them back doesn't mean that N will have to leave the Cha residence. So if she wants YH to live iwth her as her daughter, then what is that supposed to mean? At least T could ask her what would happen to N. But he said to her that her behaviour should make him proud to call her 'sister' but he doesn't think to say the same to BY when she asked him to go along with her intention to lie to Granny!

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Guest b00kw0rm

I dont' really know what words to use to describe BY! N is no angel but to jump to thinking of her as a murderer! BY needs treatment too!

2 days ago, she told N that she doesn't have to move in with her biological parents once places are switched. Yesterday she kept asking her to leave the Cha residence and go live with her biological parents. Either its the translation problem or too many cooks in the kitchen or BY is reinforcing the notion that she needs treament like yesterday!

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b00kw0rm...it's not the translation but again it's due to the poor writing exacerbated by the 3 writers own ignorance, and total lack of research. In the same way they're confusing us as to why Namju, in spite of knowing BY's imminent action that would effectively "push her off the cliff" is doing nothing but instead wasting time making useless counter-threats against BY and wining & dining with spaced-out Gangho and his parents. (for the dinner scene, Gangho has suddenly reverted to the Star Trek Mr Spock hairstyle...goes well only with hospital jammies but not his work clothes).

One moment the writers make Namju share her desperation with Taemin that she's going to be abandoned/evicted from the Cha household, and the next scene she's a happy puppy having a nice meal with Gangho and his parents. What's stopping Namju from making the first move and file a court action charging BY with the crime of switching babies? BY tells her nobody saw her do the switch but the writers have forgotten that there are many loopholes in BY's story that it was a hospital error - the main one being when did she first know it was a hospital error and that if she knew about the switch, why has she kept quiet about it for so long?

Also if Dr Cha told you (BY) it was a hospital error, how do you (BY herself) know he's right? Would you not question as to whether he's telling the truth? Did you (BY) conduct a DNA test on Namju & YH and compare the results with your own DNA sample? Why are you (BY) so sure that a switch did indeed happen? The only probable reason why you're so sure that there WAS a switch was that you did it. Or is this too difficult a hypothesis for a third grade detective to arrive at?

It's not Namju's word against BY's bcos any REAL police detective can easily form the inference that I described above.

The writers still don't realise that baby switching by mistake, in real life in ROK, is a VERY serious affair, chargeable under criminal laws, and so BY, in not reporting that it was a hospital error the moment she 'found out', is indeed culpable. Only in K Drama World can they get away from harsh reality.

Another example of the writers low ignorance - for judicial purposes requiring DNA samples, you cannot just submit a hair sample, get it analysed and give the test results to the judge to make a ruling....no judge would ever make a ruling without the proper DNA testing protocols.

In real situation, BY must first file the court action, which she hasn't done. Then acting on the court's instructions, all 3 of them - BY, Namju, YH - would have to go a medical facility appointed by the court to do DNA testing. There, the hospital staff would take a mouth swab (hair sampling can also be done) and these DNA testing procedures follow strict court protocols.

These 3 writers always downplay reality bcos they think korean homeviewers are that naive, and actually most are, I think, bcos since this drama is a daytime morning drama, most of the viewers would be homemakers, senior citizens, etc.

Lately the writers are still making boring Gangho acting as the sore loser taking revenge on miss dumpling in almost every episode now and YH's expected reaction of enlarging her eyeballs before running away and dropping tears every one second is becoming a bit tiring to watch. This delaying tactic is certainly meant to delay the moment when grandma finds out and then Namju would literally be pushed OFF and OUT of the Cha stone-cold castle, and starts doing Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep. Sigh...ep 150 is still 23 eps away.

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Guest 2Van123

NJ, NJ ... you broke GH's fall but he ain't gonna do the same to you when you fall (or pushed by BY?) off the cliff. You know its only a matter of time. While you're still on the Cha register and have access to tons of $, go learn bungee jumping, parachuting, free-falling, etc .. there are so many options but learn how to have fun and survive the fall!

And YH, please barricade yourself in the restaurant and don't ever step out of it. Remember the first time round, you stepped out of the restaurant and decided to visit Mom? You overheard your parents saying that they aren't your parents! And this time round, you decided to visit the other Mom and you hear she abandoned you as a baby! What will you overhear on your 3rd outing!

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Guest b00kw0rm

These are very good points, Daunte. Compare it to BY's childish question to NJ "did you see me swap you?".

yesterday T told YH that his first love is food and he became a doctor only to please his family. So isn't he the obvious heir to the restaurant business? (it made me remember the spoiler that Granny deed the restaurant to YH since there was no-one else to inherit it).

If I didn't know better, I would think from YH's expressions that NJ stole Dr Spock from her! I guess, genes don't lie!

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Guest inezjang

Dr Spock aka Dr Lee GangHo is beginning to look like Dr Spock No.2 (Seonsu).

BoYeong is a goner now..

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Guest b00kw0rm

OMG, I really really can't stand BY! She lived the good life as Mrs Cha but now that her past actions is being brought to light, she claims that heaven saved her for NJ's sake and not hers! What a thoroughly self-centered woman she is! And trying to put her misdeeds in a nice package by saying that she sent YH to her Dad! This was the guy who lied to her and used her - which woman would want that man raising her child?! And if she was honest with herself, she should know that the moment she started showing she would have lost her teaching job wihether her enemy intervewed or not.

Dr Spock 2 is becoming more and more of a decent human being.

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Guest wingding


Lately the writers are still making boring Gangho acting as the sore loser taking revenge on miss dumpling in almost every episode now and YH's expected reaction of enlarging her eyeballs before running away and dropping tears every one second is becoming a bit tiring to watch.......

Not ‘almost every episode’ but every episode. His childish outburst is not only ‘a bit tiring’ to watch but very, very tiring to watch. Comparable to the idiotic brother Seonsu’s antics in the earlier episodes.

Is YH angry with her mother of 27 years after overhearing BY labelling the mother as ‘selfish’ and ‘brazen’? Is she angry because she now thinks that the mother who ‘force’ her to break off with Gangho is indeed selfish? If she is regretting the decision she can always go back to him, so petty boy will be happy and they can live happily ever after.

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Grrr....why izzit only in K Drama World that concidences, chance meetings and hearing delicious-naughty things behind closed doors are so commonplace? If any hollywood-produced drama or even japanese-produced drama uses any one of these lame dramatic devices, that drama would be labelled as insulting the viewers intellect. But evidently not for korean drama writers.

It does seem that the city of Seoul, with its population of abt 12 million people, has shrunk in this drama. Imagine 12 million seoulites living 24 hours a day, with scores of cinema halls across the capital, screening a variety of films from morning, noon and night, and so what are the supremely incredible odds that Taemin-YH would end up in the same cinema hall as Gangho-Namju (out of so many cineplexes), and end up going for the same movie, same start time and (drum-roll, pleeze) sitting next to each other...all four of them.

In yesterday's episode, the lazy writers did it too when they made Taemin-YH in one car and Gangho-Namju in another car arrive at almost the same time outside YH's place, and the stoopid girl, instead of quickly walking into her home, just stood there and waited to exchange 'pleasantries' with Gangho-Namju, only to end up being shouted at by him. This same stoopid girl shouts at her own parents to leave her alone but she takes all the abuse from GH? The logic is beyond awful.

Tsk, tsk, even after the alcoholic facial and drenching at the lounge last time by that same person, when will she ever learn to NOT stop and talk to that bug-eyed doctor?

In one episode last week, also outside her home, the stoopid girl was slowly walking up to her home when she suddenly saw Gangho-Namju vigorously tongue-dancing and exchanging saliva, and what does the dumpling girl do? Turn away from her own house and run clickety-clack dropping tears every one second.

What a real YH might have done is coolly walk past the two smoochers, pause, give a korean-style snicker and say, Namju, did you know that this doctor NEVER EVER flosses his teeth? Phew!! Can't stand his garlic breath. That's the REAL reason why I broke it off with him.

Hey, I'm all for DRAMA-TICK moments and suspension from reality but not when these lazy writers keep using lame tricks just so they could stretch the plot to 150 episodes.

Watching the 4 of them sitting in the cinema next to each other is supposed to make us feel...er...what? I'm really not sure. Remember what Taemin said when he first saw Namju-Gangho there at the cinema lobby?

TM: Are you here to watch a movie?

Duh-duh, that's like asking a friend you bump into at the swimming pool, are you here to swim? Me? I jsut love watching half-naked wet bodies.

Or asking your friend at another chance meeting, say at the restaurant, are you here to eat or are you here to make friends with that waitress?

Namju should have ad-libbed and say, No, we're here because both of you are here. Guess what, big bro? You won't have a chance to do any hanky-panky with miss dumpling inside the theatre bcos bug-eyes and me are sitting right next to you. It's true. I'm not lying. Here...take a look...it says so right here in the script.

Oh writers, please hurry up and throw the poop at granny's face.

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Guest b00kw0rm

I always console myself by thinking that its the translations that make the script sound so lame :lol: Only very few dramas do not have stupid scripts which is just wasting time, just to prolong the drama.

Miss Dumpling has dumpling brains! Anyone seeing how Dr Spock behaves would consider themselves fortunate they didn't end up marrying him! Although she told him sternly three or four times that she doesn't want to marry him and is over him, yet she goes to pieces whenever she sees him with N. So he knows that its a lie so this childish drama is played out to punish her. Her constant crying is getting on my nerves! I somehow find it more irritating than GH's childish behaviour.

After she broke up with GH, he changed his hairstyle and well, look matches behaviour. Now that TM is trying hard to woo little Dumpling, he has dyed his hair and changed the parting. Is she in the dumpling business or hairstyle biz :lol:

When all is said and done, BY didn't have the will to live WITH her daughter. That's abandonment. However she wants to put it in nice ways "be with your rich Daddy". If she really loved her daughter, the last people she would want in her live would be her 'enemies'. There's just no getting round that so I hate it that Miss Dumpling doesn't confront her with that.

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Guest inezjang

Now it's becoming The Dumplings Grannies Story..now what happened to YS's Gran's business actually?..They went bust?..

YeongHui is confused and dumb like Seonsu after all..

BTW i like baby Haru..he's so cute and curious..always looking up and perhaps wondering why 'his parents' are so crazy...and he even cried in Dr Spock's arms today ..he must be terrified of the spaced-out samchun.. :D

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ep132 KBSW...thanks inezjang for your funny comments.

Was anyone else able to watch today's ep without tears? I was laughing so hard at one scene in particular bcos though I've watched many k dramas like many of you, this was the first time in k drama, I see a man making a marriage 'proposal' with a facial expression so sad you'd think his entire family had just died.

I'm of course referring to the Taemin-YH cafe scene, a follow-up from yesterday's conversation between the same 2, where Taemin told YH that perhaps Namju (of all people) could be right in suggesting that the best way to 'save' everyone was for him to marry YH. On the one hand you might praise Taemin for at last taking a stand against BY's court action - yesterday he told BY "I don't want YH as my sister....". Then he purposely left that sentence hanging so that BY could fill in the blanks herself.

I've never seen any man (in a movie or drama, NOT counting comedies) ask a woman to marry him wearing a face sadder than sadness, and speaking in a voice more sorrowful than at a funeral eulogy. Taemin was nearly in tears as he made his 'request' to YH. For once miss dumpling didn't have to think for an answer bcos the question was not multiple choice.

But then taemin nearly killed me with laughter when he 'demanded' her to explain, WHY WON"T YOU MARRY ME? Is it bcos of Gangho?

Any sane and sound man seriously wanting his woman to say YES to his proposal would never demand an explanation in THAT manner; instead the best face-saving way is to wait for another day another time to try again.

Folks, do you also recall last week's episode when taemin using the same forlorn face gave Namju his rules of love from Dr Taemin's bestselling book, Loving From A Distance. The dialogue our writers made Taemin utter must be the most corniest ever written for a korean drama.

After many times hearing Namju's pestering him to go after and pursue miss dumpling, Taemin basically told Namju, that even if he's not chasing YH, he's still loving her strongly from a distance as much as if he were closer.

We all have heard of distance learning where one can get MBAs and such thru online enrolment with universities but distance loving is a new one for me. Or maybe the writers were inspired by crazed fan stalkers? Methinks Taemin will soon buy a state-of-the-art high powered binoculars with enhanced zoom to feed his voyeuristic habits.

The intensely serious look on Taemin's face when he was 'teaching' Namju his distance loving principles was what gave me such a good laugh. As good as any comedy skit. What an excuse for a class-A wuss.

Instead of YH saying the obvious NO, the writers should re-write that scene and make her say YES. OK, Let's get married. Is next Sunday good for you? Namju also told me your granny can't wait so let's sign up for the Jang Dong Gun special wedding package for pregnant brides. Gangho would have a double heart attack when he thinks I'm already carrying your twin babies.

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Todays ep again really insults our basic intelligence.

If I was told that I myself or that one of my kids was switched at the hospital years ago, what's the most likely thing for me to do? I don't think I have to spell out the answer to you, right? I'll tell you one thing I WONT DO is sit on my richard simmons and do nothing like what the moronic writers are making Jeonggil and Yongshim do bcos it just ain't natural that ANY parent would allow someone else to take away your child, hospital switched or not.

As parents, you'd want to get to the bottom of the truth, wouldn't ye? If you heard that the hospital was the one who made the switch, you'd go to the hospital straightaway, wouldn't ye?

Namju urges and pleads with Yongshim to stop BY with the court action. Actually there's no need to go to BY....but for dramatic effect, Namju can emote all she wants with the disbelieving Yongshim. For even higher level dramatic effect, Yongshim can get down on her knees and beg BY.

What I or any parent would have done is to go to the hospital, tell them what you've been told, especially since the other party (BY) is taking legal action to unswitch the two adult women.

Yes, the hospital might think I'm a nutcase for making such allegations but not when they find out that BY has indeed filed for court action. Then the hospital would definitely need to explain itself and defend its reputation, and assemble its team of lawyers for damage control.

Dear oh dear Namju, I'm so sorry you're at the mercy of 3 incompetent ajumma writers who have been so divorced from the real world that you need to suffer the indignities of being called a liar and more.

But wait...hold on...isn't the hospital part of the Gaeseong restaurant group? Now why would its restaurant manager BY start a legal action that could actually threaten her late husband's hospital's reputation?

Bcos even if she wins the case, the hospital would then face charges of negligence from Korea's medical governing ministry and most probably be forced to pay damages to the affected parents - JG-YS and BY.

And if this was a real court case, even Namju and miss dumpling are entitled to sue the hospital further for damages due to mental distress.

The hospital would most certainly lose lots of $$$$ in the fallout, should BY win her suit....IF THIS WAS A REAL CASE.

Is that why the writers have deliberately swung our attention away from the hospital and worked so hard to keep the hospital out of the storyline? If the hospital is accused of making the switch, isn't it natural and normal for ANY hospital to defend its case? And since the hospital is being sued/accused by the late Dr Cha's own wife, isn't it ridiculously funny?

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Guest 2Van123

All NJ's lawyer has to do is ask YH on the stand if she overheard BY saying she switched the babies. Goodie two shoes Miz Dumpling will break down in tears and tell the court what she overheard.

BY thinks she is better than Yongshim just because Yongshim cursed the unborn YH in BY's womb. Yongshim did not know that BY was pregnant when she pushed her. And her curse was a reflext action. Very unlike the deliberate rejection and verbal abuse poor NJ endured for 27 years. And today for the second time, Yongshim apologized for her past actions. But BY hasn't shown sufficient remorse for her past actions especially in regard to NJ. And BY wants to continue with the court action despite her dumpling-brain daughter's pleas. So in the end, just like 27 years ago, itis all about what BY wants! And what's the rationale behind the thinking that because she worked hard to make the restaurant a success, she gets to decide who inherits it. She is just an employee. A family member, no doubt, but nevertheless an employee. MIL never meant for BY to inherit the restaurant so BY doesn't get to decide who inherits it. Otherwise if every employee of every company thinks the way she does, there would be anarchy. Once again, this shows up BY's big ego. And YH the super stupid dumpling girl seems to be lapping up all the inane things BY says. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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All the comments here are definitely more interesting than the drama! It's infuriating how this drama is drr-aa-gg-ed on just to make the 150th episode! Really feel like choking the writers who are just as muddled up as all the characters! Worst drama I've ever endured!

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Guest naughtybynature

While I'm grateful for all the insights and spoilers, I'm now a little undecided if I should continue watching this. I've just finished the 40th episode and so far, it has been very entertaining and the characters have not annoyed me as much as they will in later episodes, which I dread.

This drama has been fully aired in Korea and I remember someone saying it was a bittersweet ending. My heart sank upon hearing that, perhaps even a tad bit upset considering the amount of time invested, in watching this diligently without much fast forwarding. I'll be delighted if someone could PM me the ending and save me from this wretched agony of waiting...

Monalisa - not sure if it's fair of me to make this comment since I have not seen the ending of both, but I'm sure some will agree with me that "Job Well Done" and "High Kick Through the Roof" can also be a serious contender for the worst drama ever...

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Guest mekka

My only "two cent" this drama is coming to a close and YH does not seems to mature as the drama closes, she still looks like a "deer stuck in the headlights" no growth the same old nuiances throughout. She still allows others to rule her and influence her. I need to see a take charge attitude Namju has had a long run of it why not her? Still is being manipulated by Namju.

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