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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest lulupark

TSKS just finished subbing and uploaded ep 7 chinese subs.

They're so fast :ph34r: and they still do it for us despite it's chinese new year for them. Cool!!


yes tsks has already released the seed for ppl to DL

anyone who can read chinese, go DL to enjoy ep 7^.^

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Guest lingling22

Wow!! episode 7 was such a fun episode..

i think Noona Jun Hee stole the show... hehehe

but man, the boys playing sports.. lots of testorone running... makes me really enjoy the episode..

also.. i kinda felt the Ji Hoo and jandi chemistry...

makes me wanna them together, becoz i want JUN PYO to myself.. hehehe..

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Guest wgmbaby

Ssorry for cutting your post! But I just had to say -- GIMME FIVE! HJ is totally working that brown leather jacket.. You're absolutely right, it's magic! It has to be!

He makes me lose my breath.. Ooo.. Hawt, I'm feeling very hawt.. Somebody cool me down with something before I reach supernova! :P


aahhh... damn it... that magical brown leather jacket... make me feel like i've been taking 6 shots of tequilla, i feel dizzy and drunk.. hehehe...

fact: there's only 1 half empty pepsi cola can , infront of my pc desk..

soo i guess, that leather jacket is really magic.. :blush:

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I love the whole scene leading to it actually... the conversation that they had at the horse stall while feeding it and then Jihoo introducing her to his horse...

I know that a lot of people might have a different sort of opinion again about Jihoo after watching this episode... but one must remember that the reason why he went against Jun Pyo is not for purely selfish reasons... He is actually protecting Jandi from getting expelled and since he might have had some guilty feelings over that kiss in Caledonia, he has taken responsibility for the plight that Jandi is in...

Dirty tricks or not, Jihoo only has one goal in mind right now and that is to protect Jandi at all costs even if it is against his best friend... He is playing up to JunPyo's weaknesses since it is the only way that he and Jandi can win...

If Jihoo has evil intentions, i don't think Joon Hee would have initiated this whole competition thing or even appear to be happy when Jihoo beats her brother... I think she wants Jun Pyo to realize the childishness of his ways too and to express himself towards Jandi the normal way... the kind where he really values her opinion and asks her about her feelings instead of just insisting on his way...

Since i've watched ALL versions of this series, i know that this incident is a turning point for both Jandi and Jun Pyo's relationship... this is the time when Jandi realizes that she does feel something for Jun Pyo already and that the Ji Hoo that she adores in her imagination is quite different from the REAL Ji hoo that she goes out with (he's quiet, they don't have a lot of things in common etc... and that she prefers Jun Pyo's ways over his...) Jun Pyo on the other hand will try to adjust to Jandi and change some of his ways and i guess this is just a vital step of their relationship that they had to go through to realize that they are meant to be together... (well at least until Jun Pyo's mom meddles... hehehe!)

I hope they put emphasis on that, because IMHO that's where things get really interesting and Rui (Jihoo) actually helps their relationship.

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The face that launched a thousand ships...er...I mean....an F4 face-off. Now, to all those who have been flooding this thread with page after page of their ridiculous, "holier than thou" pronouncements that GHS is ugly, old and not deserving to be JD, please tell me again why I have to believe you so that I can at least elevate my opinion of you.




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Guest toocutedoggy

Can't wait to watch BOF with Chinese sub is just few hours...^^

anyways ..... anyone know what's the rating for ep 7?


cre: as tagged

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The face that launched a thousand ships...er...I mean....an F4 face-off. Now, to all those who have been flooding this thread with page after page of their ridiculous, "holier than thou" pronouncements that GHS is ugly, old and not deserving to be JD, please tell me again why I have to believe you so that I can at least elevate my opinion of you.

While I may not be guilty of that, I just want to add my 2 cents.

In still pictures I think she looks the role, young etc. (Tsukushi-like)

But in motion her expressions do seem older.

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Guest nousasamechie

SPOILER with reviews:

Episode 7 was packed with lots of action and turmoil. Ji Hoo gets more and more chivalrous and Jun Pyo gets more and more emotionally tortured. I personally love the struggle between the two best friends. I like Jan Di but I felt that she was pretty useless until the 3rd test was revealed - then I was like, "Heck yeah!". I think that the Korean series extending the bet/challenge into three categories was pretty creative, and best thing about it was that it involved ALL the characters. I was really surprised that the other F4 members covered up for Jun Pyo making it 2 against 1 (correct me if I’m wrong), but given Jun Pyo’s past it makes sense. Fighting Jan Di!

For the first test I was SOOOOO disappointed in Jun Pyo! I think he totally cheated by going another (and more dangerous route) and then hurting his horse! That is so selfish. I lost a lot of respect for him when he did that. Poor horse. But Ji Hoo was totally a white knight and stayed true to the course. Then for the second test, he cheated (but didn’t hurt anyone) by manipulating Jun Pyo’s emotions. The hug and kiss on Jan Di’s head got him the win – now they are even.

Like I said, the third test will definitely be interesting to watch. It was unexpected and I like this twist in how they involved the other F4 members vs. Jan Di. I’m glad that she’s not going to sit by in the sidelines but will proactively participate. Overall, I think that the stronger chemistry is shifting towards Ji Hoo and Jan Di for me. Their friendship is stronger due to the desperation to win and their support for one another really shows.

I think Hyun Joong's acting is wonderful in this episode. Its nice to see a change in his character to be more comforting and open. He did that transition very well. Whereas Min Ho's character is always angry so I wasn't as receptive to his acting or his character. I kept feeling like he was throwing a tantrum verus being jealous (but I still love him!).

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Guest dare2move

i feel kinda bad for junpyo but honestly, he kind of deserves this.

i know everyone's hating on jandi and jihoo right now but before he met jandi, junpyo was an Chuck Norris. extra emphasis on Chuck Norris.

this is his retribution so he can actually deserve to be with his true love later.

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Guest XiahxTiffany

ahh!!! love the scene of JH and JD going on horse together

thats going to be on episode 8 rite? woot!!!

finally the long wait is over and we could watch again yeaaa!!

and i dont think GHS is ugly she fits perfectly for the character JD

and yea i agree with MYG and GL being together :)

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Guest jaejoongie <3

Although this was made into a korean drama, it still feels like a japanese drama.

Usually in Japanese dramas, it goes into one episode to the next. even if they don't really connect.

This is the short, quick, and fun aspect of japanese dramas. For those who don't like draggy stories. But truthfully japanese drama people accomplish this better than korean drama people.

first jandi's bullying > Jandi fall in love with jihoo> jandi's friend's story > junpyo likes jandi > now jandi & jihoo vs jyunpyo

Once the one event is over, you can totally forget about what just happened and it doesn't affect the plot that much.

where as in korean dramas although it goes episode by episode, it feels like one whole movie broken up into chunks. You can't forget anything and they make you go "ooh so that's what happend" or "I can't believe it turned out like that." etc.

It's interesting to see japanese drama style and korean drama directors style coming together.

I think the cast could've been better though. they REALLy couldn't find a better jandi? I kind of want jandi's best friend to be jandi instead. lol...

I feel she tries too hard to be comical and manga like. I think she should just act natural as if it was real life even though the circumstances are unrealistic.

jihoo is ok. he's not bad but not outstanding. I sort of wish someone like lee junki or someone played jihoo's role. Or someone more experienced with acting than just a face. That would have been more delicious XD. I guess hyunjoong just let me down a bit. But as the episode goes on his acting is getting better so I'm happy about that.

junpyo is really outstanding. But I still don't understand why he loves someone like jandi so much. Perhaps it's goohyesun's fault for not helping highlight when and how exactly junpyo fell in love. To me it feels like junpyo just suddenly fell into some kind of magic love spell. The development of the love story of junpyo and jandi was poor.

Jandi feels more human than the other students of the school and she's the first to rebel against him... but so what? does that really make you fall in love? Maybe it's the script writers fault.... plus you can't call this a love in first sight situation. Because no matter how pretty goohyesun is.... "jandi" just isn't that pretty.

The charm of jandi and junpyo is suppose to be... jandi no matter how poor she doesn't find charm in a man through money but for who they are. And junpyo is charmed by this. But this wasn't shown very well.

the other flower members are nicely chosen. I liked the recent "hey buddy" better than "yo yo yo". I want to know his past more. Right now, he's just the rich guy that goes "yo yo yo/ hey buddy!" all the time nothing more. f3 could've been cooler. But since hyd is f4 whatever ^^;;. If this last f4 was casted to help up the image of f4 they should've went with a really good looking dude.

overall... so far up until episode 7... I give this drama a B.

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her smiling face is adorable <3





haven't seen the full episode yet. errr, school interferes with my BOF spazzing. :lol:

but this one:







ohh you feel the pain. no matter how much he denies he does not want to get involved with jandi anymore, it must have been hard for him to act like this to her. jandi is not someone who is nothing to him no matter how much he thinks she betrayed him. soooooo..... ahhh~~~~ cant wait to go home.

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I quite like this episode even if it's not the best so far... the reason : there were lacking some Jun Pyo presence in this episode... Am I the only one who feels this way?

I love the scene where Ji Hoo taunted Jun Pyo, the kiss on the forehead was a smart move and the way Jun Pyo glared at him after that was priceless...ho ho

The only thing I don't like for the moment is the overuse of fur... yeah I know they are rich people but is it really necessary to wear fur with every piece of clothing just to prove they're wealthy people... we can wear brand and pretty clothes, no need to kill animals for that... just the sight of it disgusts me... *ranting of the day*lol

Now, I'm waiting for tomorrow episode and hope to see a little more Jun Pyo.

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Guest rOothx33

In the preview for episode 8 it shows 준표 (Joon Pyo) getting into an accident and ending up in the hospital and then 잔디 (Jan Di) running into the hospital and looking for him. Does this mean she's starting to like him? And can someone tell me (PM me or spoiler) what happens between her and 지후 (Ji Hoo) after this? Thanks!

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Guest Chianna

^They're messing with the manga a little here (YAY) Tsukasa didn't get into an accident but left for New York with his sister instead after kinda making up with Rui and giving them his blessing.

Vikii is on fire only a few hours and already up to part 6 has been subbed.

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